Taking dinner back to the store to eat with Dad, the two talked about the funeral again.

Chapter 1022 Chapter 1004 Encountering a strange situation on the road

"I was in the cemetery just now and heard about the aftermath of the Balrog incident from an acquaintance. The church has now found traces of the cult organization [Whip of the Dead]. They don't have many people in Nolan, but they hide it very well. , I think the encirclement and suppression plan should start before the end of this month.”

It is now the middle of March, which means that the encirclement and suppression plan will be carried out in the past two weeks.

"The tattoo on the Balrog's body has been determined to be part of the ability [Alien Frenzy]. We got some information from the black market. The Balrog only appeared in Nolan last winter, but no one knows the purpose of his coming here. . As for the cooperation between the Balrog and the Whip of the Dead, we haven’t discovered the reason yet. There must be something weird in it.”

This was all the information that Dad got during the funeral. To be able to investigate so many things in just one week, the church's intelligence system is indeed amazing.

In addition, Dad also heard that from Beldiran, all living members of the Quirk family have been arrested by the Sage Church. During the search, traces of some remarkable cult rituals were discovered beneath the old home of the Quirk family, which may have involved living sacrifices.

This is consistent with the information Jenkins received from the coachman, but it has not yet been discovered where Old Quick obtained the secret information.

Jenkins hopes that the church can find information about the alliance between the upper-class nobles and the [Tree House] from the Quirk family or the Antark family as soon as possible, so as to cleanse the nobles of the three kingdoms and find out all the evildoers inside. It's just that the [Tree House] is very well hidden. After Loen's seventh-level benefactor was defeated by Jenkins and Ciel's demigod was captured by Miss Bevanna and others, they never took any action again.

"Hopefully everything is peaceful."

Jenkins muttered quietly.

The father did not keep Jenkins for long before letting him go back. Jenkins did not go home directly, but met the professor in a carriage on the outskirts of the city in a tavern.

Mr. Corpse's monthly party is about to begin. Although he doesn't like abandoned hospitals, Jenkins will not give up this party.

"I thought the Skeleton Sword would be related to Mr. Corpse. You know, Mr. Corpse should be the strongest undead benefactor in the city."

On the way, the professor also said this to Jenkins.

"I have thought about this before, but Mr. Corpse is much better than that Scrooge Pompeii. If he is the one who controls the Skeleton Sword, then there is no need to hide the Skeleton Sword. Maybe Nolan's demigods combined can't defeat it. ”

Jenkins replied, trying hard to stuff the chocolate into the black robe used to hide his identity.

The cat feels that he has been left out today. Since going out in the morning, Jenkins has been busy with his social life and ignored him, which makes the cat feel sad.

It thought Jenkins would play with it for a while in the evening, but it didn't expect to go to a boring party.

Thinking of this, the cat that was fighting Jenkins' hand raised his head and glanced at the abandoned hospital in the distance. In the deep night, even Jenkins' eyesight could not observe those buildings from such a distance, but the small cat could.


It knew exactly what the hospital was like and what was in that hospital. But the cat doesn’t want to prompt Jenkins yet, because Jenkins is so disobedient sometimes.

Suddenly he thought of the last day of last month, when Jenkins was looking for a girl to invite to the family dinner. The little cat immediately felt that its interest was waning, and stopped playing with Jenkins' hand, and took the initiative to shrink into the robe.

"Huh? Why is Chocolate so obedient? Is it sick?"

This worried Jenkins.

There were no other buildings near the abandoned hospital. The hospital stood in the middle of a large wasteland, so there were no existing roads for partygoers to choose from.

Every time I go to the hospital, I have to push through the grass and walk through the woods. This is not easy outside of winter, and it is even more difficult in winter because of the snow.

It is early spring, but the weeds in the wasteland are already showing signs of growing wildly. Jenkins and the professor chatted while walking, and even sighed that the bright starry sky that could be seen in the countryside was really beautiful.

As he walked, his ears caught a strange sound, and Jenkins signaled the professor not to move forward. He squinted his eyes and looked at the small woods diagonally ahead. In the darkness, several figures were flickering in the woods.

"There are two benefactors, one is level 4 and the other is level 5."

Jenkins said, judging from the distance of those light spots, it seems that the fifth-level gifter is chasing another fourth-level gifter.

Their location was not in the direction that Jenkins and the professor were heading. After discussing it with the professor, they did not intend to meddle in this matter.

I thought I might be implicated next, but the man who was evading pursuit did not run towards the two people passing by. On the contrary, after a dull sound, the light spots of the two grantors disappeared at the same time.

"what's the situation?"

Jenkins and the professor looked at each other. They both heard the noise just now, but the professor couldn't see the light spot, so he didn't know that the two gifters had disappeared. Although Jenkins could see the light spots, he knew very well that the light spots at death should extinguish little by little, rather than disappearing so quickly.

In the end, the two of them couldn't restrain their curiosity. After making preparations, they headed towards the place where the sound had just come from.

Walking through the woods, the white light quickly attracted their attention. After getting closer, I discovered that it was a white circle of light standing in the forest, and endless white light was emanating from it.

Around the white light door, all the trees that should have existed disappeared. The trees a little further away seemed to have been bitten by invisible beasts. There was even a tree with only one side left, and the cross section was extremely smooth. There is no way to make such a mark.

Jenkins guessed that this was a spatial change when the entrance to the treacherous realm appeared, destroying nearby materials. In this way, the two disappeared people must have been unlucky enough to enter the enchanted realm.

"That's really unlucky."

The professor also said the same, and stretched out his hand to pull Jenkins:

"Let's leave quickly. After the party is over, we will report this place to the rendezvous. I found that in recent years, the frequency of Nolan's strange situations has become higher and higher."

Jenkins also feels this way. Since coming to this world, he has encountered strange situations almost twice a month. And most of the time when he encounters a strange situation, the light door will appear "just right" in a position where he can't avoid it, as if fate is playing a trick on him.

Chapter 1023 Chapter 1005 Umbilical Cord

Although the two moons tonight are not full moons, they can still illuminate the dark woods. In fact, the professor and Jenkins didn't need moonlight. After all, the light at the entrance to the treacherous realm was comparable to a high-power gas lamp.

"It's past seven o'clock now. I estimate that when we rush to the church after the party, it should be around eleven o'clock. I think no unlucky people will accidentally enter here during this time, so it should be okay to ignore it for the time being. However, we should find a better reason to explain why we are here so late.”

This was the professor's suggestion for dealing with the entrance to this strange place. Like Jenkins, he did not want to give up the party and return to the city immediately.

The entrance to the mysterious realm itself is a powerful source of mental pollution. This characteristic led to the near-total destruction of the apartment when the bill was collected. But the professor and Jenkins are both very determined people, and it is impossible to attract them to take the initiative.

Even though the two of them were so close to the entrance emitting bright white light, they had no urge to enter. Jenkins' soul and spirit are extremely powerful, and the professor has received sufficient enlightenment in his dreams.

While the two were talking, there were footsteps in the woods behind them again. They turned around and saw a fat man with a beard walking towards them with eyes wide open.

He was wearing a chef-like white uniform, which was particularly eye-catching in the dim forest. Before Jenkins and the professor could ask questions, he took the initiative to speak:

"Have you seen my friends?"

In other words, one of the pursuers and the pursued should be acquainted with him. And based on the composition of the strange magical light spot, he should be the pursuer's companion.

"We have just arrived here. Maybe your companion has strayed into a strange place."

The professor pointed at the white light door behind him. Those white lights reflected Jenkins and the professor's robes almost turning them white.

"It is indeed possible, thank you very much... But I'm sorry, now that you have seen my face..."

I thought he was a polite person at first, but I didn't expect that he suddenly became angry as he spoke. When he said the first word, his body suddenly grew taller and larger. When he said the word "maybe", he had become a giant of nearly 20 feet (about 6.09m).

He lunged at Jenkins and the professor very quickly. Although both of them were preparing to start fighting, they couldn't dodge in a hurry and had to fight hard.

Both Jenkins and the professor are very powerful. Even if the fat man dressed as a chef turns into a giant, he may not be able to compete with either of them alone in terms of strength. But Fatty's plan was not to suppress the two of them in terms of strength. He hit them like cannonballs, and then the professor and Jenkins fell into a strange situation like bottles knocked down by bowling balls.

Even if they were not inferior in strength, not many people could maintain their balance under such an impact.

"When I get out, that fat man will be dead!"

The space between reality and fantasy is filled with bizarre color patches. When he fell into fantasy, his first thought was his hatred for the fat man just now, who was still in a dizzy state. He tried hard to get up while holding on to the tiled floor, and then realized that the current clean and tidy environment was very different from the old and dilapidated environments in the past.

Still confused, I suddenly heard a strange sound behind me. When he turned his head, he happened to see two strange men fighting each other. The dagger in the squatting man's hand was facing upwards, and he stabbed the man who rushed towards him through the abdomen. The tip of the cane in the man's hand plunged directly into the chest of the squatting man.


They made such a sound at the same time. The person who was stabbed in the chest by the cane was killed instantly, while the person who was stabbed in the abdomen fell to the ground and was suppressed by the body of another person. Blood flowed from the wound, and the amount of bleeding was so large that people wondered whether the dagger had a "heavy bleeding" curse attached to it.

Jenkins wanted to treat him, but he didn't dare to act rashly considering the special rules of the treacherous environment.

The man raised his head with difficulty and saw the professor who was still a little far away, the young man and his wide-eyed cat at a close distance. His trembling hand reached into the pocket hanging on his waist and put a The dirty glass bottle filled with turbid liquid stretched hard towards Jenkins.

"Don't trust anyone, don't let anyone know it's here with you. It's desire, it's power, it's bridge, it's..."

He took his last breath before he finished speaking. Jenkins was stunned for a moment, and then quickly picked up the glass bottle before the chocolate escaped from his robe.

The bottle, which was less than the size of a palm, was filled with a turbid gray-yellow liquid, and blood-colored tapeworms could be seen swimming in it. But the most eye-catching thing is the dark thing in it. It's hard to describe what it is.

It floats in the liquid in a spiral shape. It does not seem to be solid, and the cross-sections at both ends are not flat. Dense knots that are almost invisible to the naked eye are distributed on the surface of the black belt, while what can be observed with the naked eye are small pits the size of a fingernail evenly distributed.

"Umbilical cord?"

Slight nausea and dizziness aggravated the headache of Jenkins, who had not yet recovered from the space transfer. He had never seen an umbilical cord, and now he subconsciously thought it was an umbilical cord, which was really strange. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed that his "instinct" was telling him what it was, just like the "omniscient" in the deified state.

Seeing that the professor who fell far away was about to recover, Jenkins hesitated and stuffed the small bottle into his robe. He didn't know what it was for the time being, but the bright golden, white, and black auras showed that there was definitely something wrong with this thing.

The dead man's reminder might have some value, so Jenkins decided to study the umbilical cord alone. This was not a decision made out of greed or arrogance. Jenkins believed that if this thing was dangerous to him, it was even more dangerous to others.

More importantly, he thought it was an umbilical cord at a glance, which showed that this thing directly affected Jenkins' divine essence. In this way, Jenkins became more certain that this umbilical cord was of great importance. Maybe he would hand it over to the church in the future, but at least not today.

The professor recovered quickly. He noticed the two corpses here, and Jenkins also whispered what happened. Although it was a pity that they lost two teammates just after entering the strange realm, the two people who died were strangers, so Jenkins and the professor didn't care much.

After a brief search of the bodies, tattoos of the cult organization [Whip of the Dead] were found on both of them, and there was nothing else on their bodies. Now they were even less worthy of sympathy.

Chapter 1024 Chapter 1006: Strange things are rampant (Part 1)

The current environment that Jenkins and the professor are in is like the living room of a high-end apartment. Different from the shabby, decayed, and dirty treacherous places in the past, this time the environment is quite "civilized" and it is impossible to tell that this is a treacherous place.

Because the curtains were tightly closed, the two of them didn't know what was going on outside. The lighting in the room relies on a gas lamp on the wall, but the shape of this gas lamp is different from any contemporary gas lamp, and it is also different from the lamp seen in "The Future" that seems to be composed of fine gears. The lamp here It's just that the level of mechanical technology is more advanced.

It was extremely quiet in the living room, with no sound at all except the ticking of the clock on the fireplace.

"Hello you two, welcome here."

As if the sound of fingernails scratching the glass sounded behind them, Jenkins and the professor immediately turned to look at the clock behind them. The time it displayed at this time was twelve o'clock, that is, the hour, minute, and second hands overlapped.

The dial is in the shape of a human face, with a concave and convex nose, eyes and mouth, but no ears. Naturally, it was also this clock that spoke just now.

"The end will come in 60 seconds, and you need to live in the basement for 24 hours. If you are still alive after 24 hours, you can leave here safely. In these 24 hours, you will face countless troubles and challenges, so In the 60 seconds before the end, please find enough things in the house to help you survive. Good luck~"

It suddenly chuckled, and the sound made Jenkins and the professor dizzy. When the professor recovered, he happened to see Jenkins rushing upstairs with the cat in his arms. He was stunned and turned to check the living room.

The seconds on the clock began to move, and the "click, click, click" sound could be heard from anywhere in the house. Jenkins, who rushed up to the second floor, saw a room layout similar to his own. He knew that sixty seconds wouldn't be enough to get much, not even enough for him to go back and forth twice, so he needed to get as much as possible at once. s things.

"But what works?"

Jenkins briefly glanced at the door styles on both sides of the corridor, and then said to his cat:

"Chocolate, you go to the basement first! I just saw that the entrance to the basement is behind the stairs!"

He put his cat on the ground and ran to the bedroom at the end of the corridor without looking back. The cat tilted his head and watched Jenkins disappear from the door of the room, then turned around and walked to the other side of the corridor.

"Oh, God~"

As soon as he rushed into the room, Jenkins was startled by the mummy lying on the bed. The mummy's head tilted towards the door, just in time to catch the eye of Jenkins who opened the door.

Jenkins was so frightened that his heart was pounding, but his legs carried his body into the room without stopping, and then the real eye saw the black aura in the room.

In fact, Jenkins had noticed that there were black auras in all corners of the spooky world, but the brightness was extremely low, so it was difficult for him to see at a low level. At this moment, the black aura came from most of the objects in the room, that is, most of the objects here were spooky.


Very rarely, Jenkins said a very dirty and obscene word. This was in the original owner's memory, when he heard it from a sailor who patronized William's store when he was a child. Little Jenkins later taught this word to Robert and Mary after dinner, and since then, Robert never took Jenkins and his brothers to the store to play.

"It was a trap from the beginning, this spooky world is too strange!"

Generally speaking, the beginning of a spooky world is an absolutely safe period, especially a spooky world with complex backgrounds and complex rules like this. And although there are indescribable terrible objects and creatures in the spooky world, Jenkins has never seen so many at once.

"Something must have gone wrong!"

He, the professor and Chocolate had all been to the strange place more than once, and the problem was definitely not with them. Therefore, the problem probably lay with the two dead people in the living room. Somehow, Jenkins thought of the bottle in his robe pocket.

"The appearance of this strange place is not related to the umbilical cord, right?"

He didn't have time to think about it. Seeing that the room was full of strange things, he made up his mind and rushed into the room.

Immediately, densely packed hands poked out from every corner of the house; two distorted human faces appeared in the light of the gas lamp; the corpse on the bed began to tremble; the wardrobe in the corner of the house creaked and opened a small gap; the two dead plants on the windowsill turned into snake-like vines and crawled to the floor; the distorted human figures in the children's chalk drawings on the wall shed tears of blood; dirty tentacles stretched out from the teacup on the desk; the title of "Book of the Dead" on the cover of the upside-down book turned black little by little; in the shadow under the bed, ugly flesh squeezed out; in the mattress under the body on the bed, the overlapping human skin gradually dispersed and floated up...

Jenkins didn't care so much, stepped out and turned into a fire element. Seeing that the only thing in this house that was not a weird thing was the pen on the desk, under the influence of the whisper in his ear and the shadow spreading to his body, he struggled to pick up the pen in his hand, and then jumped out of the room.

The weird things seemed to have a recovery process, and it didn't work immediately like in the real world. Therefore, under the influence of the two-digit weirdo, Jenkins still managed to escape from the room with difficulty. The moment he jumped out of the room, the door closed behind him with a bang, and the embarrassed man lay in the corridor and panted.


Chocolate came out of the room on the other side of the corridor, and the beautiful cat tilted its head to look at the man. The cat held a white feather in its mouth, and the feather was exactly the same as C-01-5-8222 [Angel's Resurrection Feather] owned by Jenkins.

"19 seconds, I can enter two more rooms!"

Jenkins struggled to get up, put his pocket watch and the pen back into his pocket, and then knocked open the door opposite.

It turned out to be a study room, the curtains were also closed, and only the candlestick on the magnificent table was still providing light. At the moment the door was pushed open, the books with black auras trembled at the same time.

Jenkins stared wide-eyed, searching for something that wasn't a ghost. Then, like before, he grabbed the statuette of a woman with a broken arm on the table and the black chess piece on the corner of the table, and then he fell out of the room again in a panic.

The moment the door closed automatically, he saw a terrifying human figure made up of countless book pages, reaching out to the outside of the door.

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