This is a terrible corrosive agent, and many potholes appeared on the ground in an instant. But the good news is that the wardrobe itself is not affected by this pus, otherwise a nasty battle would inevitably begin.

Just as he was hesitating whether to kill it with the Holy Bone Sword, the professor who had been lying on the ground suddenly rose up and bounced off the ground as if he was stepping on a spring, hitting the cabinet directly.

He didn't intend a suicide attack, but simply hit the half-open cabinet door with his body. The corpse-stained hand stretched out from the cabinet to stop the professor, but the professor's strength was greater than that of the corpse. Even if the left arm had been corroded by pus, he was still able to move the cabinet bit by bit during the struggle. The door is closed.

Jenkins glanced at the alarm clock at the door. It looked at this scene with a smile and no intention of speaking. It seems that a trouble must be solved in order to get the chance to reduce time, but simply discovering the trouble will not work.

After the cabinet door was closed, for some unknown reason, the corpse inside did not actively push the door out. Jenkins quickly ran over to check on the professor. His left arm had been exposed to a large amount of pus and had been corroded to the point where the bones could almost be seen.

Along with the sound of squeaking, a foul smell came from the arms under the robe. Jenkins weighed it and chose not to preserve the precious opportunity for treatment. He did not treat it directly, but first used the blessed silver knife to treat the areas that were still corroded, and then used the purification candle to burn the flame of the purification candle, and then activated the [Source of Life] to help the professor's arm return to its original appearance.

The professor seemed to be in a very bad state of mind. According to his description, he tried to search for useful things in the room on the first floor, and then was frightened by a large number of strange things. In the end, he only took the poker and left, but due to mental trauma, he collapsed in the living room on the first floor.

When he regained consciousness, Jenkins had opened the closet door. The confused professor realized the seriousness of the matter, so he sacrificed his arm and closed the closet without hesitation.

"Actually, you don't have to do this. I can deal with that horrible corpse."

Jenkins thought in his mind, but did not say it out loud. After all, the professor sincerely wanted to help him.

Although he was rescued, the professor has not yet regained his fighting ability. His condition was still not good, he seemed to be on the edge of coma and consciousness, and he might pass out again at any time.

Jenkins whispered to the professor his speculation about this strange situation, and the professor just nodded but did not express an opinion.

Trouble will never give Jenkins another chance to rest. Just when he was thinking about how to deal with the current trouble, there was a knock on the door. But this time it was not the corpse that knocked on the closet door again, but the basement door that was knocked, and the alarm clock once again issued those malicious words:

[In this terrible doomsday, you are not the only ones who can survive. Besides the survivors, some weird and twisted things are also spying on the bodies and souls of mortals. Something knocks on the basement door. It may be good or bad, but of course, you can choose to ignore it. 】

Opting to ignore is the safest thing to do, but now Jenkins is eager to find events that can shorten the time. There will definitely be dangers in encountering those events, and how to balance the dangers and opportunities becomes crucial.

Chapter 1028 Chapter 1010 Fragments of the Past

The knocking on the door continued, and this was a strange place, and ordinary divination methods were difficult to be effective. Of course, even if divination is effective in a strange environment, Jenkins has no hope in his divination ability. He wanted to ask the professor for his opinion, but the professor fainted again, so he could only shout loudly:

"who is it?"

But no one responded.

After thinking for a long time, the knocking on the door became weaker and weaker, as if he wanted to leave. Jenkins glanced at the closet in the corner, then at the alarm clock with a disgusted expression, and finally walked up the steps to the basement, took a breath and opened the door a crack.

The scene outside the door was terrifying. Half an hour ago, it was an ordinary home apartment. Now the walls and floors were covered with a thick pink flesh carpet, and black tentacles grew out from all directions, swaying in the air.

Black auras were everywhere, and even the person who knocked on the door had a black aura. It was a slightly fat middle-aged man who looked like a businessman, but it was his hat with a human face that spoke instead of the expressionless human face underneath his head.

"Hello, I am a businessman who purchases water. Do you want to trade?"

He spoke in a thick accent, and Jenkins had a hard time understanding what he was saying.

"What water do you want?"

If it's just ordinary water, Jenkins can use [Reading and Writing] once to create a large amount of water.

"I just want water with supernatural powers or the blood of a living person."

A long and slender tongue protruded from the mouth of the human face on the hat, seemingly wanting to lick Jenkins' face, but the flames shooting out of Jenkins' pores prevented this action.

"Whatever, your blood or your companion's blood will do."

Hat said, and then added in a seductive tone:

"Any amount is fine. You can provide me with blood that can keep you fighting strength. No matter how much blood you trade with me, the alarm clock will decrease..."

"You know what we're doing?"

Jenkins asked abruptly.


Hat's tone became inexplicably high.

"I want to know what happened this time."

The weird feeling is getting stronger and stronger, something is definitely wrong this time.

"Okay, but you have to make a deal with me."

The hat didn't refuse, which surprised Jenkins.

He hesitated for a moment, then took out the pen he had brought down from the second floor, unscrewed the back cover, and motioned Hat's attention to the sac containing the ink.

"Do these liquids meet your requirements?"

The aura of this pen comes from these inks. Jenkins originally planned to try to fuse it with his [Creation Pencil] if he could take it out, but now it seems impossible.


The hat on the man's head outside the door showed a disdainful expression, which was obviously different from what it imagined. But no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh. Hat thought about it, controlled his body, took out his hand from his pocket and took away the pen.

That's not a hand at all, but a claw-like structure.

Perhaps the door was opened for too long, but Jenkins noticed that the meat blanket outside the door was trying to attack into the basement. The flames from the candle Jenkins was holding onto spread around the door frame and should have no problem incinerating any flesh that attempted to enter within a short period of time.

Just staring at the environment outside the door for too long, Jenkins felt the same nausea and discomfort again. He wanted to close the deal as quickly as possible, and the man outside the door wanted the same thing.

"You are really stingy, okay then."

He seemed to have suddenly lost interest in Jenkins, "This is the end..."

"I know, but I want to know is this a fictional apocalypse, or is it something that happened in the past?"

Even though we knew that the treacherous realm was a small fragment separated from the dominant space, this treacherous realm was somewhat unexpected. Jenkins firmly believes that this so-called "doomsday" is not that simple. Another evidence is that he has never encountered such a complicated situation before.

"This is an interesting question, but unfortunately I can't answer you."

The person outside the door shook his head and expressed regret, but Jenkins believed that his inability to answer had already indicated to a certain extent that this strange situation was most likely a fragment of the past.

"But how could the Lord's world preserve a complete fragment of the past?"

Thinking in his mind, the man who still didn't leave outside the door continued to speak:

"But since I took your things, I naturally have to give you some hints... If you really want to peek into the truth of this strange situation, then you might as well think about what is guiding you... ....”

After saying that, he turned around and left. The tentacles on the pink meat carpet desperately wanted to get closer to the man wearing the hat, but were immediately cut by an invisible knife and broke into two pieces.

"Guide me..."

When I closed the door with difficulty, I heard the alarm clock announcing that the time was shortened again. Only then did Jenkins realize that it was this alarm clock that guided everyone after entering the strange place.

"Alarm clock...time...could this strange situation come from a master who controls the time domain?"

This is not impossible, and in this way, it completely explains the cause of the mysterious fragments this time.

"The world distorts time, so it can preserve fragments of the past. This strange situation is a fragment of a certain catastrophe in the past, but I don't know whether it is an ordinary disaster in the era or a catastrophe at the end of the era."

Although there was no evidence, Jenkins believed his suspicion. He sniffed, picked up the cat guarding the miner's lamp, and then prepared to face the next test.

In fact, the difficulty of this treacherous environment was a little lower than Jenkins expected, especially since he and the cat brought a large number of items from the second floor. In the following time, Jenkins discovered that every item can actually be used to solve a certain incident. As long as the corresponding item is in hand, the danger is not very great.

The male corpse in the cabinet in the corner needed a small statue of a woman with a broken arm. That was what Jenkins figured out after he discovered that there was an eye behind a hole in the wall, and he put a poker into the hole and blinded the eye.

And once you have this idea, things will be easy to deal with later on. Even if Jenkins and the cat can't bring down all the useful things upstairs, his force can barely solve some unmanageable accidents.

In the blink of an eye, I stayed in the basement for three hours, and due to repeated reductions, there was only the last half hour left in the mysterious realm.

He lay on the ground panting heavily, a little afraid of how he would have dealt with the chess-playing devil who had come in from the sewers if he hadn't had the extra black chess piece to cheat.

Chapter 1029 Chapter 1011 Familiar Strange Things

Jenkins' rest time was not long. In fact, less than half a minute after the chess devil retreated, the damn clock announced the arrival of the incident again.

There was another knock on the door, and Jenkins didn't want to pay attention to it because he was in urgent need of rest. But he immediately noticed that the foul-smelling black sewage seeped in through the crack in the basement door.

This indicates that the person at the door cannot say no, and the problem could be serious if the door is not opened. And if the door is opened, according to the usual characteristics of the treacherous realm, the strongest danger will appear whenever the end of the enchanted realm is approached.

"I want to see who it is..."

He told the worried cat to stay away from the door, then staggered over to it. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door again.

Outside the door was a monster with green skin, which seemed to be made of bronze urns. It looked like a demon in ancient myths and stories, and also like a monster in stories passed down from generation to generation. It was short and fat, with frighteningly large ears and eyes. Twelve thick fingers wore gemstone rings of different colors, and black water with a foul smell kept oozing out from the waist.

Jenkins's flames immediately surrounded the door frame as before, but it was obviously not easy to resist the meat blanket and sewage at the same time.

"Oh, long time no see."

The monster said in a sweet voice, and its two big eyes that almost occupied one-third of the face area narrowed into a slit.

"A-05-1-4490, lucky bad luck."

Jenkins also recognized the thing in front of him. It was it that caused the extermination of Finnie's cousin's family. When Jenkins and Finnie escaped from the house, they even lost a precious Class C gift that could store water.

He looked at the dirty water flowing out of the monster's waist. The last time they met, he didn't have such water control ability until he took away Jenkins's gift.

"Sorry, I don't want to exchange my family for luck with you."

He wanted to close the door, but immediately heard the alarm clock behind him giggling, and the door didn't move.

"No, no, no, I don't want to exchange luck with you either. Last time I bet on dice, it was the first time I lost since this era."

The big-headed monster outside the door said with a smile, and then put his hands together. When he opened it again, a golden scale appeared in the middle of Jenkins and the monster.

The scale slowly spun horizontally, and finally one end went deep into the door and stopped in front of Jenkins, and the other end continued to stay outside the door and stopped in front of the monster.

"Since you can live till now, I think you probably know something about things like us. To be honest, I didn't expect that I finally escaped from the strange world and entered the material world, but I was sucked back in after several epochs... I don't want to embarrass you. I bet three rounds. If you win two rounds, I'll leave."

"What bet? How to bet?"

In fact, Jenkins had no right to refuse at all, because he really couldn't close the door, and the alarm clock behind him must be playing tricks.

"We take turns to put items in the scale first, and the one who puts it later needs to put other items of the same type. Whoever puts the heaviest one wins. The winner takes all, and all six items belong to him. This scale, in your human terms, is a Class B item I got by accident, which can measure the value of any item of the same type. I think you should know that in terms of rules, the strange world does not allow lying, so I won't lie to you."

It squinted at Jenkins, and before he asked, it added:

"I don't want to embarrass you, so you put it first."

If Jenkins starts the first round, it means that he can also start the third round. Considering that the same type of items must be put in every time, the person who starts will definitely have an advantage.

"What does it want to do?"

Jenkins would not believe in nonsense like "I don't want to embarrass you."

"Could it be..."

After thinking it over again and again, Jenkins summoned his holy sword and placed it on the side of the scale. The sword was even bigger than the scale, but the scale held the sword steadily and began to tilt towards Jenkins.

"Oh, I didn't bring any weapons. You won the first round."

The monster on the opposite side didn't even think about it and said so directly, so Jenkins' sword automatically returned.

"You see, I really won't embarrass you."

It continued to use that sweet and greasy voice, which made Jenkins, who already had a headache, even more uncomfortable. The world in his eyes had some double images, and there was a slight buzzing sound in his ears. This was not a good sign.

"But I have to win at least one round, right? I am also a decent person."

As it said this, its thick fingers shook lightly, and all twelve rings fell on the tray of the scale. It was originally a ring, but when it fell into the scale, it turned into a shining coin. The shape and size of the coin made Jenkins feel very familiar.

"Twelve sin coins - doom rings. It's your turn."

It seemed very sure that Jenkins could never take out so many sin coins. In fact, this was true. The last time Jenkins had 12 sin coins was on the last day of last year.

"Okay, you win."

Jenkins said this, and then reached into his robe to touch the last thing. The monster outside the door immediately said:

"I must remind you that although I won't embarrass you, I also want to win. Oh, yes, who doesn't want to win? Everyone wants to win, and I am no exception, so please take out your most valuable thing."

The twelve doom rings returned to its fingers. Due to the uncoordinated body proportions, the monster's fingers could only tap its waist, but it still made a dongdongdong sound:

"You have to be careful, sir. If I win, I can go directly to the basement. This is one of the rules of this strange world."

At the same time, the alarm clock behind him giggled again. Jenkins was sure that the alarm clock and the thing outside the door were in cahoots, and the appearance of this strange place was no accident.

"So you must bet with the most valuable thing. I think you should have something you don't know the use of..."

It was still trying to conceal its little purpose, but it was obviously not doing well enough.

"You mean this?"

All the things brought from the second floor, including the resurrection feather brought down by the cat, have been used up, and now only the empty water cup from the bathroom is left.

"Oh, no, no, no, I can win this one, I have a better water storage tool. In fact, I have accumulated countless special items over the long years, and I just happen to carry them with me..."

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