This sentence contradicts "I don't have any weapons on me", Jenkins has already guessed why this thing came to the door.

Chapter 1030 Chapter 1012 Increase the stakes

"That's it, I'm 'rich', so you must bet with something unusual, unusual."

The monster outside the door kept muttering softly, and the sewage flowing out of its body and the pink meat blanket outside the door were also constantly invading the door. It squinted its eyes and looked at Jenkins. The eyes of the weird creatures are always easy to perceive, so Jenkins knew it was looking at his pocket with the umbilical cord bottle, which was the purpose.

"I understand, this weird place looks just like I thought, it is indeed very irregular. The reason for the weird place is that this monster joined the alarm clock to seize the umbilical cord. Originally, the two dead people were unlucky, and the professor and I were accidentally implicated."

The appearance of this thing in front of him initially confirmed Jenkins's guess when he first entered this weird place. The cause of this strange world is most likely due to the incomplete umbilical cord. Although this view is somewhat shocking, Jenkins has never heard that the strange world can be manipulated by some strange things, but the fact seems to be so.

"Maybe the guy who gambled with me is in the same group with the alarm clock behind me..."

If you think along this line of thought, A-05-1-4490 outside the door is near Nolan in the material world, so it is not surprising that it detects the existence of the umbilical cord. If it really has the ability to contact the alarm clock in the strange world, then it is possible that this strange world appeared so coincidentally.


Jenkins gave such an evaluation, with his hands still in his robe.

"I do have something unusual on me. In fact, I just got it a few hours ago. I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling that you are here for it, right?"


The guy outside the door laughed like this and continued to speak in a sweet voice:

"I don't want to embarrass you. Since you have found it, I can tell you frankly. No matter what you put on it, I will win. The number of items on me is beyond your imagination. Now put the umbilical cord on the scale obediently. I can guarantee that you can still return to the material world smoothly after I leave, otherwise..."

This already has a certain threat. At the same time, the sewage flowing from its waist attempts to invade the basement with a stronger momentum.

Jenkins certainly didn't believe it would let him go, but after thinking for a while, he endured the headache and nausea and asked:

"Life is of course more important than anything else. In this case, as long as you answer me a question, I can naturally give you this thing."

"What do you want to know?"

"Whose umbilical cord is this? What is its use?"

"Mortal, knowing too much is not good for you."

It spoke slowly, but it didn't sound like a rejection, just a warning.

"But I really want to know."

"This is a certain incomparable existence, a certain existence that is almost impossible to appear, a relic of a certain secret existence... As for its function, I don't think you need to know."

Although such a description is vague, based on what happened in Nolan in the past six months, there is only one that fits the description:

"The umbilical cord of the Son of God..."

Jenkins just thought so in his heart, but didn't say it out loud. He got a satisfactory answer, so he didn't want to get entangled with the thing in front of him any more.

Instead of taking the bottle of umbilical cord in his pocket, he reached into the collar of his robe and took out an extremely simple ring and placed it on the scale.

The scales almost instantly tipped towards Jenkins, as if he had placed a 100,000-ton iron ball on it.


The monster outside the door squinted at Jenkins. It looked very well-mannered, at least it didn't curse or threaten immediately.

"Mortal, greed is your original sin."

"Greed is the original sin of all intelligent life, including you."

Jenkins immediately responded.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

This sentence should be considered a threat.

"Do you know what you are doing? Humans can enter the strange land, but I haven't heard of things like you being allowed to enter the strange land. Speaking of it..."

Jenkins deliberately paused:

"Aren't you afraid that the master will discover your behavior?"

For a moment, Jenkins saw extreme fear on the face of the thing outside the door. Jenkins completely believed his guess that it entered the strange land by irregular means just for the umbilical cord.

"As long as I win, I can still take your life!"

Changed from the sweet voice just now, the voice now sounds like a synthesized sound composed of more than a dozen different male tones.

He reached into the void beside him, and then a dark black head with mud on it was pulled out. The head had been rotten, and only a thin layer of red blood remained on the skull.

Through the eye sockets, a rune emitting black light was floating in the center of the skull. From Jenkins's point of view, the skull was just a container, and the rune inside the skull was important.

"I remember that this scale can only weigh similar items, but I didn't put a human head in it."

Jenkins reminded.

"The judgment of the scale is much wider than you think."

The monster outside the door said, reaching out and placing the skull on the side that belonged to it, but the expected situation of the scale moving immediately did not appear, and it did not move at all.

"It looks like I won."

As he said, he wanted to take back the ring, but the monster took out another bone stick at a very fast speed and added it to the scale.

"I haven't put it all in yet!"

"Can you tell me how many times I can add it!"

It seems that what the monster just said about the effect of the scale was not complete. But it doesn't matter, because after the bone stick was added, the scale still did not move at all.

Jenkins blinked at it, actually wanting to relax his somewhat dazed spirit:

"Do you want to put it in again?"

"You cheated again!"

It accused.

"No, I never cheat."

The guy outside the door certainly would not give up easily. It was like crazy, constantly taking out various items with black aura from the space around it. But no matter what was put on the tray, it could accommodate them all, so Jenkins, who was ready to add the Holy Sword of Bones to the scale, did not need to add more weight immediately.

The scale tilted towards Jenkins motionlessly, even though the monster's side was already stacked like a hill, the scale remained motionless.

"Is it my win now?"

Jenkins asked.

The bronze-skinned monster stopped adding weight to the scale and looked directly at Jenkins. The mouth that had always been a decoration and looked like a line opened, and the black water line spurted out like a sharp sword, crossing the door frame and hitting Jenkins' face.

Chapter 1031 Chapter 1013 The End of the Greedy

"Oh~ You broke the rules, you outside the door can't attack me!"

The attack outside the door stopped in an instant. Although Jenkins screamed, he was prepared. With his left hand, the empty cup hidden in his sleeve was lifted up.

It turns out that Jenkins's dynamic vision and reaction speed are still very good. The water arrow was actually caught straight by the cup, and then a steady stream of water gushed out of the monster's mouth and was all collected in the water cup.

When the water stopped, the water cup was not full of black liquid, but a black water droplet suspended in the center of the water cup. This was originally a gift that belonged to Jenkins to be able to hold a huge amount of liquid, but now it has become a weird object.

"Return the property to its original owner."

Jenkins said this, reaching out to take back his ring and was about to close the door. But unexpectedly, the monster outside the door reached out to stop Jenkins from closing the door. At the same time, the alarm clock behind him started laughing again. The door seemed to be welded to the ground, and the two of them were deadlocked for a while.

"Hand over the umbilical cord!"

"Are you crazy? This is against the rules of the weird world!"

"Hand over the umbilical cord, otherwise no one will think of leaving the weird world today!"

Jenkins thought that it was excessive greed that made the guy outside the door lose his mind, but he suddenly noticed that part of the meat blanket on the ground was actually attached to the pillar-like legs of the monster. It was not just a simple clinging, some of the blood had already melted deep into its skin.

When confronting Jenkins, it finally opened its eyes. Looking directly into those eyes, in addition to making Jenkins feel the pain of being hit by a hammer on his brain again, he also found that there were pink flesh silks in those eyes that were similar to the outside environment.

"Greed is the original sin!"

Jenkins vaguely understood that except for the bronze-skinned monster, the other knockers from the outside world were the natives of the strange world, and they appeared here "legally", so they were not afraid of the meat blanket outside. But this monster entered from the material world, it did not belong here, and the strange world would naturally not be polite to it.

"Hand over the umbilical cord!"

The monster threatened again.


As he said that, he wanted to summon the holy bone sword and then cut at the hand that blocked the door.

Clang clang~

But before the sword was summoned, a strange sound came from his ears. The sound seemed to be produced by the collision and rotation of the thrown dice. With the sound that seemed to ring in his ears, black and white instantly covered the whole world.

It was just like a color photo turned into an old black-and-white photo, and the world also stopped.

It was not a simple stagnation of time, but everything including fate, concept, time, and space stopped. In this black-and-white world, Jenkins unexpectedly found that although he could not move, he could still observe and think.

Three dice of unknown origin appeared next to the monster, each as big as a fist, with the results of 3, 2, and 6.

It seemed to represent a certain result, and it seemed to be a certain judgment. A giant hand stretched out from the void shattered the space and held A-05-1-4490, which was as static as the black-and-white world.

Jenkins could barely see the world behind the giant hand, but he fainted for a few seconds after just observing it for a moment. But fortunately, this was a completely static world, and the static body was not hurt.

Behind those giant hands was a prosperous world of decadence and extravagance. Jenkins swore that he saw a gambling table, various strange-looking aliens and humans, and banknotes from all ages flying in the sky...

Clang clang~

Another three dice fell from the sky, and this time the results were 2, 5, and 1.

The nameless fire rose and ignited A-05-1-4490, which was held by the giant hand. The black and white flames burned the bronze-skinned monster crazily and caused substantial damage to it. But because the monster could not move, it now looked like a burning sculpture. An inexplicable sense of panic made Jenkins want to tremble, but he couldn't do it.

"Doomsday Casino?"

This was Jenkins' first reaction when he saw the world on the other side. After the word appeared, he realized that this was another world controlled by the master.

He vaguely guessed that this was a punishment, and at this time the third round of dice was thrown.

Clang clang~

Three ivory dice rolled down in the air, and then showed the result this time: 6, 6, 6.

There was a tide of cheers from an unknown source, and then thousands of hands stretched out from the space hole stretched out by the giant hand, dragging the static monster and the scales and the strange things like a hill on the scales towards the hole.

This process was extremely fast, and when it was all over, the black and white world was mixed with each other, and everything turned into chaos. Even Jenkins inevitably fell into confusion and coma.

"A-05-1-4490 violated the rules to enter the strange world and violated the rules to attack me. Now he is punished, but where is the alarm clock?"

The moment the world blurred, Jenkins found that he could control his body. Before he completely fainted, he turned his head and saw the same arm grabbing the alarm clock. Behind the arm was a casino full of luxury, and the alarm clock's face was still with a surprised expression.

"Sure enough, the same punishment..."

When consciousness was restored, the cunning double moon shone on Jenkins and the professor. The two stood in the wasteland. The professor was still walking forward. When he noticed that Jenkins had stopped, he turned his head and looked at Jenkins in surprise:

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong around here?"

"Oh, sorry, now... It's okay, there is no accident."

The current position is the position of him and the professor when Jenkins found a figure chasing in the forest. He was stunned for a long time, and the professor did not interrupt.

He looked at the innocent cat on his shoulder, which looked like it had missed out on delicious food. He touched his body again, and the bottle with the umbilical cord in his pocket proved that everything just now was not an illusion, but all the gains other than that were gone.

"What is this...? Did the master rewind the time of the material world?"

He thought uncertainly, then took out his pocket watch and took a look. At this time, half an hour had passed since Jenkins and the professor entered the strange world. This was not a rewind of time, but the mighty force threw the two out of the strange world and erased the professor's memory at the same time.

"I'm afraid the end of A-05-1-4490 and the alarm clock will be miserable?"

Thinking like this, he couldn't help but feel a little gloating, and they deserved it, and this ending was the right one.

Chapter 1032 Chapter 1014 Lively Party

After experiencing such a dangerous thing just now, although the greedy deserved it, Jenkins still felt a little sorry to be driven out of the strange world, so he didn't get the spirit or the gift.

If you count carefully, because the ring that sealed the black stone of disaster was taken back before the strange world stopped, he did not lose anything. Instead, he got an umbilical cord of unknown origin, some information about the end of the world, and unexpectedly got news about a new world.

"It can be considered a gain, not a waste of time."

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