While Jenkins was thinking, the flesh ball under the counter was still squirming, and the appearance of the baby in the flesh membrane became clearer and clearer. He took a step back and stretched out his hand to summon the light band representing [Knowledge Granting], but he was worried that this would cause the unformed baby soul under the counter to change.

He hesitated for a moment and flicked the flame that appeared on his fingertips. The unformed flesh ball was immediately ignited by the eternal fire, and with a miserable howl, the flesh ball turned into a fireball. But it was not completely burned. When the flame was taken back by Jenkins, there was still a small section of the umbilical cord left on the ground.


Jenkins stared at the thing and retreated little by little until he retreated to the door of the store. The street outside the door looked like winter, and the accumulated snow turned the whole street into silver-white.

Jenkins' hand had already touched the door of the room. He pushed the door open without hesitation and jumped outside, and then found that he had jumped into his father's antique shop again.

This antique shop is still slightly different from the real antique shop, and the more obvious thing is that there is a layer of gray snow on the ground, and there are vein-like mold spots on the walls and ceiling.

It is winter outside the window, but it looks more decayed and lifeless.

When Jenkins stepped on the gray snow on the ground and came to the back of the counter again and looked under the counter, he saw a baby who had already revealed a complete baby, a baby with a cat face.

It curled up in the snow, holding a small piece of earthworm-like umbilical cord in its hand, and it had been put into its mouth. Noticing Jenkins who was looking down at it, the little monster swallowed the umbilical cord into its mouth with a slurp, and then made the cat cry that made people's backs cold again:


It landed on its hands and feet, as if it wanted to get out from under the counter. But Jenkins had already flicked out a piece of silver that represented forbidden knowledge. The silver drew a beautiful arc in the air and drilled into the head of the cat-faced baby, and then it exploded completely.

Red, white, and green liquids were everywhere in the counter, on the walls, and on the floor. The gray snow was dyed into strange things, and even Jenkins' pants and shoes were unfortunately damaged.

Chocolate probably heard the cat's cry, so he stretched out his cat head from Jenkins' chest, staring around with his beautiful cat eyes wide open, but was quickly pressed back by Jenkins.

The exploded baby left some remains of bones in the snow. In addition to the broken bones and sticky blood stuck in the snow, the only intact thing was an incomplete umbilical cord. It was half buried in the small hole, and it looked more complete than the small section just now, but it was still very short.

"So the key lies in this umbilical cord?"

Jenkins asked in a low voice, but no one would answer him at this moment. This time Jenkins did not choose to leave here, but stepped on the bones, internal organs, and blood on the ground after the baby exploded, put on gloves and reached out to take the umbilical cord.

When the hand touched the umbilical cord, it seemed as if a layer of water film was actively passed through the body. The surrounding scenery began to change for the third time, and then the antique shop appeared in front of him again.

This time, the antique shop seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, and all the furniture in the room had a tendency to rot and deform. In addition to the gray snow on the ground and the mold on the wall, dense red blood veins covered the snow layer, like dense capillaries. If Jenkins hadn't kicked the snow away with his feet, he might not have been able to find these strange patterns.

The miserable cat cry came from under the counter again. Jenkins hesitated for a moment, but still walked over.

Bending down, a little boy without clothes was curled up in the corner under the counter. Its body was covered with uneven hair, and its face was still like a wild cat.

The umbilical cord in his hand was the one Jenkins had seen just now. When Jenkins bent down, it had swallowed the umbilical cord and only the last section was left.


The sound was particularly shrill and harsh. Jenkins touched his left ear and then felt blood. He snorted, and the tinnitus made him unable to hear his own voice, but it didn't matter. When he stepped back and summoned the twin demons, the little monster was dead.

The black demon blew up half of the antique shop in a second.

After the explosion, Jenkins was covered with gray snow, dirt and dust. He walked quickly through the smoke that was still flying around and saw a hole blown out at the counter.

Now Jenkins was more certain that this was not the old man's antique shop at any time, because there should be a secret room under the counter, but it was solid at this time.

In the wreckage of the counter that was still burning with black flames, a slightly longer umbilical cord floated quietly about one foot above the ground. Dots of black and golden ripples spread around, and as the umbilical cord gradually became complete, the power it contained became stronger and stronger.

With the lessons learned from the previous two times, Jenkins did not choose to leave the antique shop or take the initiative to touch the umbilical cord this time. He retreated to the door of the store, and then summoned the twin demons again to rush towards the umbilical cord. After an even more shocking explosion than before, Jenkins felt himself in a trance, and then appeared in the fake Daddy Antique Shop for the fourth time.

The bombed shop returned to its original appearance, but the gray snow on the ground and the mold on the walls became more conspicuous. At the same time, a not very thick layer of meat blanket appeared on the walls, floors and ceilings. This thing was alive, and Jenkins could see blood, or something similar flowing in it.

This was a bit like the scene outside the door he saw in the doomsday world, but it was much more dangerous than the current situation.

Returning to the counter again, he lowered his head and looked down. A boy of about ten years old was curled up there holding his legs. When Jenkins lowered his head, he heard a sucking sound. It seemed that he had swallowed the umbilical cord.

"You can't help him."

The voice came from the door. This was the first time Jenkins heard a human voice after entering this strange state.

Turning around and looking back, a man wearing a black windbreaker and a top hat opened the door and walked in. The windbreaker was extraordinarily long, and the hem almost hung down to the edge of the boots, gently stroking the gray snow on the ground.

He didn't look very old, probably between 30 and 35 years old.

"Who am I helping?"

Jenkins asked rhetorically.

"That thing under the counter."

The stranger said that after entering the antique store, he stood directly at the door and seemed not to want to go deep.

Chapter 1044 Chapter 1026 The Second Cut

"Help him? No, I don't want to help him. On the contrary, this monster with a cat face has really insulted the cat. What I want to do now is to kill it."

Jenkins straightened up from behind the counter and said in a sarcastic tone.

The person who appeared at the door of the antique shop was the Gifter, who had many magical abilities. He was probably the initiator of this strange incident.

"Kill it? Oh, young people today are always so arrogant. You don't know what this is? I know you are wary of me. To you, I am just a suspicious person, but you don't Know that I'm doing something great - I'm saving the world."


"The illusion you saw was all arranged by me. As for finding you, it was because of the umbilical cord you were carrying. I think you still don't know what it is, so I arranged this trial to let you You realize how powerful that umbilical cord is.”

"Yes, it is indeed very powerful."

Jenkins echoed, but he knew the stranger didn't mean a word of truth when he came through the door.

"The complete umbilical cord is divided into four parts. When the four parts of the umbilical cord come together, a powerful and strange evil thing from outer space will come and bring disaster like the end of the material world. In order to save this world, I am determined to collect four umbilical cords and bring them to the seal of Silver Moon Lake blessed by the moonlight."

The stranger held out his hand to Jenkins, motioning for him to give the object to him. But Jenkins didn't move. He looked at the man with a cold face. Only the sentence "the complete umbilical cord was divided into four parts" in his words did not trigger the reminder of the Lie Priesthood.

"If I don't hand it over to you, you will use this illusion to kill me, right?"

After being quiet for a while, Jenkins asked in a low voice.

"In order to maintain peace in the material world, sacrifices are always necessary, are you right?"

The stranger asked with a smile, he snapped his fingers, and then the flesh carpet attached to the wall immediately started to squirm.

"When I came to see you tonight, I encountered something interesting. The power of the umbilical cord I possessed allowed me to temporarily control it. The content of the illusion now is the book you read and your memory. You can't beat me in this environment."

"It turns out it's really part of that weird thing. My luck is really bad..."

Jenkins complained in his heart, and then looked at the counter behind him:

"Do you really know what that umbilical cord is? Do you really trust it if it is not your own power?"

"Although the umbilical cord of the Son of God is not my Lord's Son of God, being able to find it is a gift from God."

The stranger gave the answer easily and then continued:

"The people who delivered the Son of God failed, and the Righteous God Church punished them. But [Whip of the Dead] is an organization blessed by the gods, and our Lord, the Almighty, allowed us to obtain the umbilical cord when the Son of God was born. If there hadn't been a traitor, If it weren't for that scary thing, the plan should have started smoothly by now, but it doesn't matter, we can find the hiding place of the three stolen umbilical cords, and lo and behold, you were found. I didn't tell anyone about this. Just bring the umbilical cord in your hand back, and I can... Now, bring the umbilical cord to me!"

This statement is true, and his act of revealing his identity also made Jenkins think of another thing:

"The umbilical cord is going to be used in the [Alien Craze] ritual? What exactly are you going to do?"

For a moment, a panicked look appeared on the other party's face. Before he could say any threatening words, Jenkins continued to ask:

"If you really have the confidence to kill me, why are you talking to me here so much? The power to control the part of the monster should have completely occupied the power of the umbilical cord in your hand, and you yourself should not be strong. "

After saying this, Jenkins stretched out a hand/gestured towards him:

"Hand over the umbilical cord in your hand and I will spare your life."

The sound of breaking through the air sounded from behind, and Jenkins immediately lowered his head and rolled sideways. I saw a meat ball made of meat blankets gathered on the wall behind me. A human figure was looming in the meat ball.

"I will take what I want from you after you die and enjoy it."

The stranger tipped his hat to Jenkins, then turned, opened the door, and left the antique store.

Jenkins had no time to pay attention to him now. He felt that the thing in the meat ball was extraordinary. The whole antique shop was shaking, and the meat ball made of blood and flesh seemed to give birth to the human figure inside.

Some red disgusting tentacles grew on the surface of the meat ball, and then flew towards Jenkins densely. Jenkins endured the nausea and grabbed one of them, then let out a low sigh and jumped towards the meat ball.

He directly knocked away the tentacles with his own strength and physical fitness. His left hand was cold and his right hand was burning with fire. Both hands inserted into the chest of the human figure deep in the meat ball at the same time, and then dug out the umbilical cord in the turbid liquid.

This was not the part in Jenkins' pocket, but obviously another part. Although everything around was an illusion, this part was obviously real.

After the umbilical cord was dug out, the illusion collapsed immediately, and Jenkins still kept pushing the door open to chase Captain Binsi.

His eyes swept around to confirm that this was the real world, and then looked at the extra black sticky thing in his hand.

"It's not that difficult."

Thinking this, he took the cat out of his chest with one hand and put it on the ground, then walked back to the store and found an empty bottle to put the new umbilical cord in:

"Help me watch the store for a while, I'll be back soon."

He asked the cat following behind him, and pushed the door open and walked out before the cat objected. This time he finally succeeded in reaching the street.

The night in the city was obviously not peaceful. Although no one could be seen standing on the street, noise and noise could be vaguely heard in the distance.

Jenkins looked at the book that was self-igniting in the store through the window, then put his hands in his pockets and walked into the alley on the side. When he reappeared, he had become a different person.

He climbed up the three-story building opposite the old man's antique shop, holding the lightning rod on the pointed roof, and looked at the city from a very high altitude. In the dark night, Jenkins's unusual eyes seemed to be radiating light, and he quickly found his target.

He jumped directly from the roof, and after a beautiful landing, he walked silently in the direction where Captain Binsi and his group left.

He did not leave Fifth Queen's Avenue, but kept chasing forward. Ten minutes later, a group of people were seen blocking the road ahead. They were Captain Binsi and the night watchmen, and their opponents were a group of humanoid creatures that looked strange.

Section 1045 Chapter 1027 Assault

As an important commercial street in the west of Nolan, Fifth Queen's Road naturally had street lights installed long ago. Under the dim yellow light of the gas lamps, two teams of the Orthodox Church and a group of strange-looking creatures were confronting each other.

Jenkins thought that they were aliens that the cult organization [Whip of the Dead] had asked for help, but soon discovered that the auras on those monsters were not very strong.

"Is it something like a synthetic beast or an alchemical creature?"

He guessed, but did not rush forward. Instead, he circled around and found a rooftop with a high position and a wide field to squat. This position was very good, and Jenkins could just hide in the shadows, and even if he could observe this direction, he might not be able to see him.

Among the group of monsters confronting the Orthodox Church, only two looked human. One of them was completely hidden under a cloak, and his face could not be seen at all; the other was the one who threatened Jenkins in the illusion just now. He did not look as cool as before. His face was pale and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. The area of ​​his shirt was stained red and black with blood. Jenkins guessed that this was related to his breaking through the illusion.

"Why is there bleeding in the abdomen? The way he used the umbilical cord, could it be..."

In order to prevent being discovered, Jenkins hid far away and could not hear what the two sides were saying. But he could see that on the street between the two sides of the confrontation, the bodies of some killed strange creatures were still lying there.

These strange things should be consumable cannon fodder, because Jenkins found that the scribes and the night watchmen were not injured.

His purpose of coming here was to kill the man who knew that he had an umbilical cord, so it would be best if he could do it without showing his face.

He took a look at the situation on the Fifth Queen's Avenue. The distance was too far now, and [Knowledge Granting] and [Profane Production] could not determine the target. The movement of the twin demons was too loud, and Jenkins was unwilling to add another crime of destroying the city streets to himself.

After hesitating for a while, he summoned the Holy Sword of Bones. He held the hilt with both hands and raised it, put his forehead against the sword, and then tried to feel the power in the sword.

The power of life can be felt even without concentration, but the power of death is more obscure for Jenkins. Fortunately, the existence of [Contact with Death] allows him to better experience death, and in two minutes he grasped the unique power of the sword.


He whispered, using the pronunciation in the ancient language, and tried to use the power of the sword with his own spirit. As the command was issued, the circular magic circle representing the meaning of death flashed at the bottom of Jenkins' feet, and then a dim and decaying light emanated from his body.

This was the first time Jenkins tried to use the power of the undead, but it seemed that the result was not bad. The corpses between the two sides of the confrontation were controlled by the Holy Sword of Bones, and they actually trembled on the ground like crazy. When the people above didn't understand what was happening, the corpses all climbed up.

Feeling the vague connection, Jenkins held the bone sword and tried to control the corpse. It went smoothly. The revived undead immediately pounced on their original masters.

Although the church members didn't know what happened, they still took advantage of the victory and attacked the opposite side with the revived undead.

Jenkins took advantage of the chaos to move directly from the roof of the block and soon came to the left side of the heads of the two warring parties. He noticed that the strange man who had just talked to him in the illusion was at the end of the monsters, and looked like he was going to escape if the situation was not right.

He stretched out his hand to let the silver belt representing the gift of knowledge wrap around his hand, but after thinking about it, he dispersed the light belt. His figure changed rapidly, from tall and mighty to thin and slender, and then moved from the roof of the second floor to the awning of the candy store on the street.

The awning is not as strong as the roof. If you stand on it directly, it may break the awning. But lying down can effectively increase the force surface, and it is difficult to observe that there are people here from below.

In the eyes of Captain Binxi, what happened tonight is quite puzzling. Although it is not uncommon for containment to go out of control, it is always suspicious when it happens without any signs. Later, the church received news that strange creatures appeared in the city. After all the combat troops were dispatched, they found that these creatures looked scary, but in fact they were not very threatening.

On the way back, clues were finally found near St. George Street. After tracking the bloodstains on the ground, these monsters and the masterminds were found.

The subsequent resurrection of the undead was even more unexpected, but the current situation is obviously more favorable to the church. Captain Binxi is currently most worried about being escaped by those people. He has been staring at the only man who showed his face, and that man has now retreated to the door of the candy store at the intersection.

Waving his hand to hold up the golden divine barrier, he stopped a bottle of black liquid flying from the opposite side. Captain Binxi lowered his voice and recited a short spell, and a layer of tattoos composed of divine spells immediately appeared on his exposed skin.

"Follow me!"

He shouted loudly, and then the scribes who could free their hands raised their left hands together. Under the leadership of Captain Binxi, a round golden seal of exorcism bloomed in the air, and the golden light was even brighter than the street lights.

In those lights, Captain Binxi saw the middle-aged man with his face exposed turned and ran to another street. But from the dark sky, a pair of hands reached down silently.

No one noticed how the hands appeared. It hugged the head below very skillfully and twisted it hard. The middle-aged man who was running away didn't even have time to resist. The whole person was lifted up and turned 180 degrees in the air.

He felt that his neck must have been sprained, and tried to resist, but the next second his whole head was wrapped in orange flames.

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