The hands holding the head burned together with the head, and as the man screamed, the five senses and seven orifices spurted out flames at the same time. The process was very quick and he didn't suffer for long.

No one could stop the movements of those strange hands. The middle-aged man's companions fled in another direction as soon as those hands appeared. So when the intact body and the charred head fell on the stone slab of Fifth Queen's Avenue, things inexplicably turned into a group of people from the Zhengshen Church fighting against the monsters without anyone's command, and on the other side of the monsters A mysterious person who is unknown whether he is friend or foe.

Jenkins noticed that his actions were seen by Captain Binxi, so he jumped down from the awning gracefully.

He looked at the scribes and night watchers through the rioting monster group and the burst of aura, and everyone in the Zhengshen Church also saw him. "

Chapter 1046 Chapter 1028 Two-in-one Umbilical Cord

"Follower of the God of Lies!"

Under the moonlight, Captain Binsi saw the mysterious man jumping down from the awning, and then told the answer in one breath.

Obviously, Jenkins didn't reveal anything, but Captain Binsi recognized this identity just by his indescribable and terrifying temperament and his neat and cruel methods.

Jenkins' divine nature became more and more complete as he used divinity again and again. He was fine as an ordinary person, but once he assumed a false identity without any restraints, his aura of independence from the world could not be concealed at all.

"what are you up to?"

Captain Binsi asked from a distance. Seeing that he had already spoken, the captain of the Night Watch team acquiesced in letting him have contact with the weird man.

Jenkins did not speak. He was too familiar with Captain Binsi. The more contact he had, the greater the possibility of exposure. But after all, he wanted to find a good excuse to come here, so he bent down to check the body at his feet, and then took out a page of withered paper.

The paper was very brittle, and even though Jenkins had been very careful, when the page with the faint black aura remaining was taken out, it still shattered into pieces.

Jenkins only had time to catch a glimpse of the content of the novel he read tonight, and then he immediately understood that it was on this scrapped page of paper and the small piece of umbilical cord that he was plotted.

He shook his head in disappointment and turned left towards the street without street lights. And by the time Captain Binsi and his gang had eliminated the monster, the mysterious believer of the God of Lies had long since disappeared.

Afterwards, the scribes immediately returned and found Jenkins in the antique shop. It's not that I doubt him, but that I seek treatment from him.

The place where the battle took place was not far from Dad's Antique Shop. Since Jenkins was nearby, there was no need to wait until he returned to the church to find a "bad" doctor for treatment.

In short, the chaotic battle ended like this. Jenkins killed the person who had plotted against him and successfully obtained the second umbilical cord. According to Captain Binsi, the person killed by the followers of the God of Lies was one of the members of the currently investigated cult organization [Whip of the Dead].

The church now knows that they are in Nolan and wants to hold a ceremony to learn [Alien Frenzy]. But the church didn't seem to know about the umbilical cord of the Evil God's Son. At least Captain Binsi didn't show any expression of doubt that something was missing from the body.

"But this is the first time we know that the followers of the God of Lies are also proficient in undead spells...and other unnatural creatures that look like alien species..."

Captain Binsi had many things to consider, but it definitely had nothing to do with Jenkins, so he didn't ask any more questions.

After the scribes left, Jenkins took out two small bottles containing the umbilical cords while the cat watched. Jenkins found the second bottle from the store. The liquid inside was also ordinary water. However, within half an hour, the color of the liquid in the bottle turned turbid gray-yellow, and blood threads like tapeworms could be seen swimming in it. It's the same fluid that held the first umbilical cord.

Cats have never been interested in ugly-looking meat, so they naturally have no appetite for these two small pieces of umbilical cord. Jenkins thought for a long time under the gas light before opening the two bottles. He first burned the tweezers with a flame to sterilize them, then used them to take out one of the parts and put it into the other bottle.

The strange phenomenon occurred at the moment when the two umbilical cords met in the turbid liquid. The black flesh strips originally suspended in the liquid showed a living nature for the first time. The two umbilical cords turned over in the jar on their own, causing the sediment deposited at the bottom of the jar to completely turn the liquid even more turbid.

Jenkins couldn't see what was going on inside, but he at least found that most of the tweezers that came into contact with the liquid were corroded.

He summoned a flame to incinerate the tweezers, then used his mind writing to draw a new one and put it back to its original place.

He touched the curious cat to stop it from panicking, and then opened its slightly purple eyes to look at the jar. Jenkins has not noticed that his eyes have glowed since he was promoted to level 4 benefactor. However, after he was recently promoted to level 5, the vision in his eyes has become more obvious. This is a process of gradual sublimation of the Eye of Reality. Jenkins never looks in the mirror when using the Eye of Reality, so he has not discovered this yet.

The scene in the Real Eye's field of vision was different from reality. What Jenkins saw at the moment was two identical mini babies in the jar, fighting and devouring each other. That was not a normal baby. In addition to being completely black, the compound eyes all over the body were really eye-catching.

The cruel and disgusting battle ended with one side winning. When the water in the jar swirled and calmed down again, no matter which field of vision, only a slightly long black umbilical cord was left floating in it.

An urge to swallow it immediately surged into Jenkins' heart, but this urge was not very strong, and he knew what it was, so he did not move at all.

After a while of careful experience, this urge did not come from the instinct of the body, but the umbilical cord calling him. So he covered the jar again, shook it hard twice, and then put it back into the upper pocket on the inside of his shirt.

"You can't eat this kind of thing."

He was worried that his greedy cat would be tempted, so he warned like this.

Chocolate didn't even pay attention to Jenkins.

Jenkins had long expected that the two umbilical cords could be combined into one. He was more concerned about whether the complete umbilical cord contained the secret of God. According to the news just received, the complete umbilical cord was divided into four pieces, and he only got half of it now.

"【Whip of the Dead】..."

He whispered the name of the cult, wondering if he could buy their information on the black market. Even if according to the information from the man just now, the other two umbilical cords might not be in the hands of this group of people because of "betrayal", but they must have relevant clues.

"I hope the price is not too expensive. I don't have much cash now..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help yawning and glanced at the clock in the corner. It was only half past eight.

"Oh, why didn't I feel that the night would be so long before?"

Leaning forward and half lying on the counter, he wondered if he should find some other fun for himself in the next three hours.

Although Dad's book was burned, it was not an important book. As long as he told Dad that the book was destroyed under the excuse of the cat's mischief, he would not blame him too much. Returning to the study on the second floor again, Jenkins took out the fifth volume of "Detective Knight Biography" and planned to review the novel with his own eyes instead of memory.

PS: I saw someone questioning the ability represented by the Savior Emblem in the book review area, and the problem of its power being too weak. To explain, only natural saviors (such as [Unknown Road Ahead]) can exert the strongest power, and although other emblems are also suitable for Jenkins, they are not originally his, so naturally they will not be as powerful as natural saviors.

For example, if someone's soul source ability is [Twin Demons], then the effect he uses is not to summon a demon phantom that will explode, but to transform all creatures he sees into demon phantoms and cause an explosion.

Twin Demons, Twin All Things, Everything in Sight is Under Control.

Asking for votes.

Section 1047 Chapter 1029 Explosion at the Pier

Returning from the study to the first floor, sitting in front of the counter, putting down the book and reading quietly, Chocolate lay on the side and squinted his eyes to peek. Although Jenkins always thought that his cat was illiterate, Chocolate actually understood more words than Jenkins.

It just didn't understand the knowledge that Jenkins brought from his hometown, but as a cat, there was actually no need to understand that.

Started reading at 8:30, and at 9 o'clock someone actually pushed open the door of the store. Now Jenkins is completely sure that the antique shop at night must be busier than during the day. He has been working here for half a year, and there have never been so many things happening during the day.

"Is Daddy here?"

The man who came in was an unknown man, wrapped tightly in a black coat, and the hat on his head completely covered the upper half of his face.

"Dad is out on business, I'm his apprentice."

"Oh, yes, there is a ship coming tonight."

The stranger muttered like this, then turned around and walked out, not giving Jenkins a chance to continue talking.

The young apprentice shook his head and continued to lower his head to read.

In the two hours before eleven o'clock, a total of four waves of people pushed open the door of the antique shop, and without exception, they were all strangers who were suspicious at first glance.

No one wanted to make a deal with Jenkins, and they left without saying a word after hearing that Daddy was not there. The guest Jenkins was waiting for did not appear until eleven twenty. Just as Daddy said, it was a middle-aged woman with a fake smile, wearing a black silk dress with very poor taste.

This is a third-level gifter, slightly fat, but with the temperament of a noble lady. Jenkins' eyes can see that her appearance at this time is a disguise, but the deposit receipt signed by her father is indeed real.

"No problem."

He checked the receipt under the light and put it on the table, then told his cat to look after the store, and went up the stairs to the second floor to pick up the goods.

The woman looked at the cat on the counter curiously. The cat yawned beside Jenkins' book and was not interested in strangers.

Soon Jenkins came back with a suitcase. He opened the suitcase in front of the woman. It was filled with inferior sponge, so there was an unpleasant smell. A short knife in a scabbard was embedded in the foam, and a huge ruby ​​was inlaid on the handle.

"Please check the goods."

The apprentice pushed the suitcase to the woman.

The woman nodded, took the high-power gas lamp brought by Jenkins, put on the white gloves prepared on the side, and picked up the knife.

"Dad always has a way to get rare antiques like this. This is incredible~"

The woman only thought that the old man was an antique dealer and didn't know his church background. According to the old man's guess, the woman bought this 200-year-old antique knife with a large area of ​​rust in order to hold a rare ceremony [Blade Ghost Enchanting].

This is a ceremony that integrates the soul and the weapon, so that ordinary weapons can have extraordinary power within a dozen years. Of course, it involves blasphemy of the soul, which is of course illegal.

The old man has reported the woman's identity to the church. If she takes the knife tonight, she will be arrested tomorrow morning.

"Very good, I think it's okay. This is the balance, please count it."

She took out a roll of banknotes, which were all 1-pound non-consecutive cash. The money was quite new, so it was not difficult to count.

After the money and goods were settled, the woman left. Jenkins cleaned up the counter. Seeing that the old man had not returned yet, he turned off all the lights as he instructed, and then walked out of the store with his cat and locked the door.

It was close to midnight, and the whole city had quieted down. As Jenkins started walking towards home, he was thinking about resting when he got home. After all, there would be an outing tomorrow, and he had to get up early to prepare some things for the trip.

But tonight was destined to be restless. Before Jenkins was halfway home, he heard a rumbling sound coming from the west, and then the shocking explosion woke up half of the city's sleepers.

Jenkins and his cat stared blankly at the fire rising from the direction of the dock area. The fire illuminated the young and handsome face, and also illuminated the cat's eyes that were watching the excitement.

"This time... it really has nothing to do with me."

He raised his head and muttered to himself, then suddenly laughed, patted the cat to let it pay attention to the change of fur color, then climbed up the house next to it and whistled, riding the unicorn to the coast illuminated by the fire.

(Chocolate running...)

Even the early morning sun is difficult to shine on Nolan City. The spring morning mist and haze cover Nolan together. The morning light at eight o'clock in the morning is very dim.

But at least today is a good day for an outing, with sunny weather and a suitable temperature. In the carriage traveling in the morning mist and light, even though the wheels just rolled over a stone and shook the carriage, the young writer was still drowsy while holding his cat. On the side, the blonde and red-haired girls were talking about the explosion in the dock area last night.

"It was probably close to midnight, and it really scared me at the time."

While talking, Britney secretly looked at Jenkins' reaction, but unfortunately Jenkins was on the verge of waking up and coma, and his five senses could only feel touch, and hearing, vision, smell and taste were useless.

The blonde girl showed a little confusion, Hathaway noticed this and asked softly:

"Jenkins, didn't you sleep well last night? If you need to rest, you don't have to go today."

"Huh? Oh, no, no, I just couldn't sleep last night. You know, the explosion site is very close to St. George Street. The glass of the second-floor guest room of my neighbor Mr. Goodman's house was shattered. I heard them complaining in the morning."

He answered like this, raised his head and smiled at the girls. Although Jenkins himself didn't realize it, his appearance and the extraordinary nature that gradually revealed had given him a constant talent like [Charming Humans].

Hathaway and Britney blushed immediately when they saw the smile, and in order to prevent their female companions from seeing it, they moved their faces to the window very tacitly.

The explosion last night was related to Dad. The smuggled goods attracted some gifters from other places. This group of people had just arrived in Nolan and didn't realize how terrible this place was. This laid the groundwork for what happened last night, but after understanding what happened, Jenkins was very sure that it had nothing to do with him.

Chapter 1048 Chapter 1030 Outing

After the smuggling cargo ship arrived in Nolan last night, many people besides Dad received the news. For some reason, those foreign gift-givers fought for a bottle of trident spinal cord grinding that was not very precious, and no one expected that the cargo used for ballast on the smuggling ship was actually a cabin of military steam bombs.

It was always unknown who ignited the cabin, and then caused the amazing explosion last night. When Jenkins arrived at the scene on his unicorn, he just saw Dad dragging two seriously injured unlucky guys out of the cabin through the sea of ​​fire.

Dad's clothes were blown to pieces, and his hair had some scorch marks. It looked like he had escaped from the center of the explosion, but Dad was fine.

Uneasy Jenkins also changed back to his original appearance and pretended to be attracted by the explosion and came to the dock area. He wanted to treat his father, but there was no wound on his body.

In the end, he could only follow his father's instructions to rescue the foreign gift-givers who were almost killed by the explosion, and then wait for the team of the Ocean and Exploration Church to arrive and hand over the unlucky guys to them.

This is the truth of last night, and the truth has not been covered up. Today's morning newspaper reported this incident in a large space, and directly named the "cargo ship smuggling arms" that caused the explosion.

As for the source of this batch of arms, all newspapers unanimously attributed it to the Kingdom of Cheslan. It is almost 100% certain that the two countries will go to war, and no one will feel wrong or guilty even if the disaster is pushed to them.

"Are your windows okay?"

Blaine asked.

"It's okay. My house was just renovated when we traveled in winter. The glass used is of the best quality. Oh, I'm so sleepy, sorry."

He yawned, and then Chocolate yawned as if he was infected. The cat was not sleepy at all. On the contrary, it looked very excited and seemed to be eager to go out to play.

"I just heard that the dock was in trouble. I saw from the newspaper that the dock where the ship was docked was completely blown up, and the houses and piers nearby were also damaged to varying degrees. But I didn't see the number of casualties. May the sage bless them..."

The man drew the holy emblem on his chest. He felt that this action made him sober up a lot, so he changed from leaning to sitting up.

Looking out the window, he hadn't left the city yet. Because it was early Saturday morning, there were no pedestrians on the road, and even most of the shops on the street were still closed.

"Have you heard that there is also a plague in the mines in the east of Nolan."

This is a new topic brought up by Hathaway.

Nolan City is located on the west coast of the continent. The northeastern part of the city is close to the Sebek Mountains, which stretch across the west of the continent and hinder north-south transportation. The hilly area near the mountains is a rich mining area for the entire Nolan and even the entire continent. It not only produces coal, iron ore and copper ore, but also most of the minerals that humans can use can be found here.

In addition to convenient water and land transportation and suitable climate, Nolan can become a well-known industrial city on the continent, which is also largely related to its rich mineral resources.

"I heard about it, too."

Brianne echoed, "I heard that it was a miner who went home on holiday, who was infected with the plague in the city and then brought it back to the mining area. The living conditions there were very poor, so it was transmitted to hundreds of people at once. When the city's epidemic prevention department discovered it, the epidemic was already very serious."

"Later, the Sage Church solved this matter. The church's priests held a blessing event in the mining area for a week, and most of the people infected with the plague later recovered without treatment."

In fact, three drops of [universal potion] diluted a thousand times were added to the miners' water tanks. Although the corpse plague was powerful, it was no match for this panacea that appeared because of Jenkins.

"Does the Sage Church really know how to control the plague? I heard from my family that as long as the patient is still alive, the Sage Church can cure all plague infected people."

"Yes, that's true, but this method cannot be promoted."

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