Jenkins nodded, and in fact, all five churches in Nolan had similar methods. But except for Jenkins to use his ability to heal, other methods require the consumption of precious ritual items or numbered items.

Jenkins never worried that his friends would be unfortunately infected with the plague, anyway, as long as they didn't die, he could cure them. Even if they died, he had the resurrection feather to use. From this point of view, it was completely fine for Jenkins to call himself the God of the World.

In fact, he really was the God of the World.

The carriage carrying the girls and Jenkins went out of the city, and the girls' maids and guards had been waiting outside the city.

They set off at the right time, so when they arrived at the meeting point outside the city, they were ten minutes earlier than the scheduled time. This is the intersection leading to the countryside of Nolan. Going to the left is the town, and going to the right is the goal of everyone's outing, Helen's Great Meadow.

The meadow belongs to a great nobleman in Beldiran, and Miss Wanda, the organizer of the outing, is his relative, so she was allowed to use it.

As for the young people who participated in the outing, there were more than 20 people in total. If the guards and servants were included, the upright team would have more than 100 people. There were a large number of carriages parked at the intersection. When Jenkins looked out of the window, he also saw the familiar Miss Lindsay and Miss Lawrence.

The former was the organizer of the psychic game last year. After being punished by the church, she was confined to her home by her parents until recently. She was able to meet her friends; the latter was a friend she met during the snow mountain vacation and one of the survivors of the mountain villa murder case.

Jenkins also knew the others more or less. He had also participated in some salons, gatherings and dances in the past six months. Although Nolan City is large, there are only a few young people of similar age and status. If you know one person, you may know others through this person.

After the carriage stopped, the girls and Jenkins got off the car and greeted everyone. No one was surprised that two women and one man came in a carriage.

Everyone knew about the duel on the night of the opera performance, so they also knew the relationship between Britney and the young writer. As for the relationship between Hathaway and Britney, it was a secret that everyone knew.

Everyone was very enthusiastic about Jenkins' appearance. In fact, some people were even a little too enthusiastic. The first thing most people said was to congratulate Jenkins on his upcoming promotion to the nobility, and a few invited Jenkins to ride in the same carriage with them.

Section 1049 Chapter 1031 Sunshine and Song

"Miss Michael's carriage is too small. I think it's a bit too crowded for three people. Mr. William, why don't you come to my place."

This was an invitation from a noble girl whose name Jenkins couldn't remember. Judging from the family emblem on her carriage, her family had at least one duke.

Jenkins didn't need to look back at Britney's face, he knew she must be angry, so he smiled and shook his head to refuse. The strange girl was not angry either, but blushed and laughed, then turned around and chattered with her companions.

Today's itinerary was very simple. Everyone arrived around 9 o'clock, and the convoy composed of many carriages marched towards Helen's Meadow.

The pasture is located in the east of Nolan City. It is a rare area near Nolan that is suitable for the development of animal husbandry. It is also a place that supplies raw materials to textile factories around the city. It took more than an hour to arrive by carriage. After getting off the carriage, Jenkins and the cat looked up at the clear sky and the white clouds, facing the breeze to feel the flow of air. There was no choking fog or gloomy sky here. Jenkins rarely felt the beauty of nature.

He took a deep breath, and even felt that the spirit in his body was agitated with his big breath. Looking at the mountains in the distance, the endless grassland and the girls nearby, a smile naturally appeared on his face.

"It's rare to see you smile so happily."

Hathaway said, she walked down the carriage with her skirt, and Jenkins immediately turned around to take her hand.

Then Britney also walked down the carriage, wearing a beautiful beige wide-brimmed soft hat on her head. The girls were all dressed very beautifully today, whether it was the floral dress, the beautiful and complex white lace or the hair accessories on their hair, they all suited Jenkins' taste very well.

"Don't I smile often?"

Jenkins asked back.

"Of course, you always look expressionless and rigid."

Hathaway said in a low voice, and then turned around and took Britney's hand like Jenkins just did, and led her down from the carriage. After Britney got off the carriage, she lifted the hem of her skirt and bowed to thank him, which made Hathaway cover her mouth and chuckle.

It's called an outing, but in fact no one is willing to walk for a whole day. The area of ​​the grassland is amazing, and everyone just climbed up a small hill facing the sun with laughter, and then stopped to prepare for lunch.

At least the scenery here is very good. From a distance, the mountains stand at the end of the field of vision like a sky curtain, and in the near distance are wild grasses grown in early spring, dancing neatly in the wind.

Away from the industrial city like Nolan, looking at the natural scenery, Jenkins felt a different side of the world.

The servants spread the tablecloth, and he sat down with Hathaway and Britney. As for the cat, it was naturally on Jenkins' shoulder.

It has been following Jenkins and rarely has the opportunity to come out and play like this, but it still looks unwilling to move.

Hathaway also seemed to enjoy this time. She looked at Jenkins and then at Britney, with an inexplicable satisfied expression on her face.

As for Britney, she blushed and told the other two that part of the lunch she brought was made by herself. But this did not bring any response from others except for the cat's disgusted expression.

Jenkins looked up at the grasslands and mountains in the distance. The tops of the mountains were shrouded in clouds and mist, and the small piece of white seemed to be snow on the top of the mountain.

Except for the state of deification, he had never felt that his mental state was so good. [The Origin of Life] was stirring, and Jenkins even thought that he could revive an entire forest effortlessly now.

Other people who came to the outing also sat around in groups of three or two and talked. Britney refused the invitations of others, and also refused the invitations of others on behalf of Jenkins, insisting that there were only three of them on the tablecloth.

The sun was bright, and Jenkins noticed the girls' slender legs. Noticing Jenkins's eyes, Hathaway immediately pulled her clothes:

"That's not polite, young gentleman."

Britney also noticed his gaze and immediately pulled her skirt.

"Hmm? Sorry, what did you say?"

He was actually thinking about whether the price of stockings would be cheap under the productivity of this era. Both Britney and Hathaway have beautiful legs, and Jenkins knows this.

Mr. Writer's answer naturally couldn't satisfy the girls, but now there are so many people, they don't want to continue this topic.

After talking about the good weather today for a while, somehow the topic turned to music. Hathaway hummed a light tune for the two of them to cheer them up. Although Jenkins didn't feel it was particularly good, he still imitated Britney and praised it softly.

It's lunch time now, but except for Chocolate who was scratching the portion Jenkins prepared for it with his claws, everyone else was chatting. Perhaps Hathaway's singing touched Britney a little, and then she also hummed a song softly.

It was a very traditional lullaby. Although the tune was simple, it was a very classic piece. In the original owner's memory, Mary also coaxed the three brothers in this way when they were young. Jenkins couldn't tell the good from the bad as usual, but he still smiled and praised the girls for their beautiful voices.

"Jenkins, I know you are also good at music."

The red-haired girl winked at Jenkins, referring to the incident at the opera rehearsal last month. At that time, Jenkins used [Knowledge Granting] to share a classic piece in his memory with Hathaway, and she was more convinced that Jenkins was not as ignorant of music as he said.

"Since we all performed, you should also perform one."

The red-haired girl encouraged, and Britney also smiled at Jenkins. The sun was very good, and the bright light shone on the girls' faces, making them more beautiful and moving.

Jenkins wanted to refuse, but the relaxing environment around him made him make a rare different decision. After thinking about it, the only things related to songs in the original owner's memory were childhood lullabies and obscene songs he learned on the street.

So if you really want to find the right music, you still have to rely on Jenkins' own memory.

The girls' enthusiasm is hard to refuse. Jenkins hesitated and nodded, coughed lightly to clear his throat, and then sat upright, letting the familiar melody echo in his mind.

He first sang the brisk prelude with a nasal voice. The tune was brisk and pleasant, and inexplicably matched the endless grassland behind him, the blue sky in the distance, and the mountains surrounded by clouds.

Hathaway heard some different feelings and subconsciously moved closer to Jenkins.

PS: Guess the song, add one more chapter if it's right.

Section 1050 Chapter 1032 The Sound of Music

Under the warm spring sunshine, as the brisk tune came to an end, Jenkins began to sing the lyrics softly with his own voice:

"Doe, a deer, a female deer;

Ray, a drop of golden sun;

Me, a name I call myself;

Far, a long, long way to run;

Sew, a needle pulling thread;

La, a note to follow Sew;

Tea, a drink with jam and bread;

That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh);


Jenkins frowned in the sunshine and tried his best to control his voice. This body has a good voice, but the soul is not very good at controlling the voice. He tried to recall the expression of the tune in his memory, and at this moment, the girls around who noticed this side were stunned. Even the cat who was trying to eat bad food did not notice that he used his little claws to dig the bacon onto the grass outside the tablecloth.

The wind was very gentle and the sun was just right. From Jenkins' point of view, he was just trying his best to control his voice and not run away and make a fool of himself; but from Hathaway's point of view, at this moment Jenkins seemed to have merged with the world, and that somewhat childish man's voice covered up all the sounds in the world.

The grass was dancing with the wind, and the wind was cheering with the singing. Hathaway seemed to see in a trance that the person sitting in Jenkins' position was not an ordinary person, but a real god who was with the world. The god just sat cross-legged next to her, and that shuddering song seemed to take away everything from Hathaway.

This illusion lasted for an unknown amount of time. When he regained consciousness, Jenkins had stopped. Fortunately, this world is also written in letters. Although translation is a bit difficult, Jenkins believes that he has restored part of the charm of this song.

He thought that after singing, Hathaway and Britney would give him very polite praise and encouragement like they just did, but after waiting for a long time, he only saw them staring at him. After cautiously recalling his preparations before going out this morning, Jenkins was sure that there was nothing strange on his face.

With a thought in his mind, his eyes stared into the void. A large number of ability points appeared immediately.

In the duel at the opera house that night not long ago, six abilities including [Musician] and [Performer] formed a new savior emblem [Stage of Destiny]. When this powerful passive sustainable chain is activated, except for [Observer], which is also a passive ability at the end, all other five abilities become ineffective.

But at this moment, the [Song Player] actually flashed a faint light in front of his eyes, and at the same time, the subtle spirit merged into the body as the song ended. This is the characteristic of [Player]. When engaging in music-related activities, you will gain strength.

"How is this going?"

Jenkins was lost in thought, and in silence, Hathaway's eyes seemed to have crossed the barriers of time and space, and she saw her first musical Q\u0026A with Jenkins that night. Perhaps because of her actions in the Evergreen Forest last month, she received a gift from God. The red-haired girl truly felt that the man in front of her was the [Player].

She once again recalled the huge golden figure that had just replaced Jenkins in the hallucination. Her mind was confused and she subconsciously regarded it as an illusion. Her hand unconsciously touched Jenkins's, but fortunately, Britney was still affected by the supernatural power of her singing voice and did not notice it.

Although Jenkins' song ended, the song lingering on the grassland did not. Only Jenkins, Cat and Hathaway could hear it. The melodious tunes danced with the sound of wind on this grassland. In the distance were the smoky snow-capped mountains. The sun was shining just above the head, and the breeze was blowing on them, gently smelling the fragrance of the grassland.

After a long time, the people who came back to their senses realized what they had heard, and then they started to applaud scatteredly.

Of course, a considerable part of this applause is flattering Jenkins. There are very few people who can fully appreciate this piece of music. As for the one who can gain something from it, I'm afraid the only one is the red-haired girl next to Jenkins.

She stared at Jenkins' face blankly, and she didn't come back to her senses until Jenkins blushed a little and lowered his head to peel the banana for the chocolate. Hathaway suddenly had the urge to hug Jenkins, but Britney was beside her and she couldn't do so.

The girl's left hand withdrew from the back of Jenkins' hand and turned to caress the green grass around the tablecloth. She picked up a piece of grass and let it float away in the breeze.

"That's really nice, Jenkins. Did you write this?"

The blonde girl asked with a smile. She squinted her eyes slightly to avoid the dazzling glare, which made her blonde hair faintly shine.

"No, I heard this from somewhere else."

Jenkins told the truth, but unfortunately no one believed him. He carefully pinched out a small piece of the peeled banana in his hand and handed it to the cat. Chocolate stretched his head and sniffed with his little nose, then opened his mouth and swallowed the food in Jenkins' hand. It also looked up at Jenkins, its small cat head tilted slightly to one side, and there was a curious look in the cat's amber eyes.

The man smiled and felt that today's trip was really great. He raised his head and saw a thin blade of grass flying behind Hathaway, like a butterfly flying around a flower. This is definitely not a natural phenomenon, it can only be Hathaway's ability.


He coughed to signal Hathaway not to use his extraordinary powers in a place with so many people. The red-haired girl was stunned, and then realized that she couldn't control her power.

The improvement of a gifted person is usually an extremely slow process, because between seeking the next step of improvement, there is enough time to master and digest the newly acquired power. The last time Hathaway unexpectedly upgraded was because of Jenkins' song. Listening to it again this time, she gained something new. Although he won't be able to advance to another level immediately, the inexplicable insight just now is extremely valuable.

She had gained great strength in a short period of time, but she had not yet adapted to mastering this power. The grass blades flying around her just now were a sign that the spirit in her body was out of control.

After being reminded by Jenkins, she tried her best to contain the spirit that was boiling like boiling water in her body. At the same time, she looked at Jenkins with some envy. She had never heard of a gifter who could improve so quickly, and after being promoted, he could completely master all his abilities immediately.

Chocolate was originally very interested in the flying blades of grass, but after seeing the blades of grass falling to the ground, he used his paws to pick at Jenkins again. Jenkins scratched its chin, and the cat immediately squinted its eyes and meowed softly.

"Heard it somewhere else? Oh, Jenkins, how come I've never heard of such a beautiful tune?"

Bryony remains interested in the origins of "Do-Re-Mi."

"Okay, okay, this is actually Hathaway's work."

The man was talking nonsense while winking at the red-haired girl.

PS: The lyrics are more than 100 words, so this chapter is 2,200 words, which is still 2,000 words of text.

No matter if anyone guesses correctly or not, I will add an update.

Chapter 1051 Chapter 1033 River Ruins

"Did I write this to Britney?"

Hathaway asked in surprise.

"Yes, you said you planned to wait until Britney's birthday to give it to her, so you asked me to keep it a secret. You revealed this to me when we were composing the opera."

The blonde girl immediately turned to look at Hathaway. Of course, the latter could not refute Jenkins and could only make up lies to explain the matter. Of course, everyone knows that this is definitely not Hathaway's work.

Lunch time lasted for a long time, and the scenery here was really great. Even sitting on the grass without doing anything was enough to kill an entire afternoon.

After Jenkins finished singing that song, he had some unusual feelings about this grassland. He didn't know what that feeling was, but he thought that when he stood on this land, he would have a steady stream of spiritual energy flowing into his body.

It's an illusion, but it feels pretty good.

Maybe it was because of that song, but beautiful girls kept coming up to talk to Jenkins after that. There were even bold ladies who generously invited Jenkins to come to their place tonight to study the score together.

This made Hathaway and Britney quite unhappy, but Jenkins was indeed unmarried now. Even if they were rude to the woman who came to talk, the other party had no psychological burden at all.

Jenkins politely declined everyone's invitations, which was not what Cat expected.

Chocolate fell asleep after eating and Jenkins put it in his pocket. The companions were not sleepy, but after eating, everyone thought it was not suitable for exercise, so they went to a small manor in the east of the grassland, which was the residence of the owner when he occasionally came here for vacation.

The time had just reached 1:30 in the afternoon. Jenkins didn't want to spend time in the house, so he excused himself to go out for a walk and left the manor alone for the grassland.

It is early spring, and there are no large carnivores on the grassland. Before leaving, the manor’s butler simply asked Jenkins if he wanted a servant to follow him, but Jenkins waved his hand and refused:

"I'll be back soon, um... half an hour or so. Didn't everyone say we're going to see the orchard in half an hour? I'll be back before then."

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