He couldn't go far in half an hour, so Mr. Butler no longer insisted on letting the servants follow him. But in fact, Jenkins didn't walk, but flew. After leaving the confines of the manor, he summoned his unicorn.

The pure white little beast was also very happy to be able to come to the grassland. It flew Jenkins and the annoying cat across the grassland to feel the warm sunshine and warm wind in early spring. They finally landed on a higher hill. Jenkins stood on the highest position, with his hands in his pockets and looking at the snow-capped mountains in the distance. The unicorn lay quietly beside the man's legs, and the sun shone on its soft legs. The white fur makes the unicorn seem to glow.

Jenkins stood on the top of the hill and took deep breaths. He clearly felt that the spirit in his body was boiling and jumping for joy. After leaving the oppressive and gloomy city, his soul and body seemed to have broken free from the shackles. He had never felt that his condition was so good. Visitors from a foreign land like this place and this new world.

"Did you enjoy your stay?"

Hathaway's voice came from behind, and he turned around to see the girl flying from a distance. This is the new power she gained from the otherworldly songs brought by Jenkins last time. The idealistic world is so absurd and interesting, and any perception can become power.

"I love it here."

He said softly: "Thank you for inviting me to participate in this outing. It is really beautiful here."

Reaching out and holding Hathaway's hand, which was still in the air, the red-haired girl slowly landed. First the toe of his right foot touched the grass, then his whole foot landed on the ground, followed by his left foot.

Jenkins let go of his hand naturally, and Hathaway didn't care. She walked up to Jenkins and looked down at the docile unicorn.

She knelt down and wanted to stroke the hair on the unicorn's neck. The little beast subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but for the sake of its owner, it still didn't move.

"Since this place is so beautiful, what do you think is the most beautiful?"

The red-haired girl asked curiously.

"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen."

Jenkins said this, and then lowered his head, just in time to see the eyes of Hathaway who was about to stand up. Her face immediately turned red and she turned her head away from looking at Jenkins.

The two chatted for a while and then went back to meet their friends. The afternoon trip was to play in the orchards near the manor. It is not the season for fruit trees to bear fruit, so there is actually nothing to visit in the orchard.

Everyone quickly grew tired of the woods, so they asked the old housekeeper who knew the local area about interesting places nearby. The old man thought for a long time before telling the young people that there was an ancient ruin not far south from the manor.

"Although it is an ancient ruin, there are only a few pillars standing there, which were exposed from the bottom of the water when the river course was changed a few years ago. Nolan's professors came to see it that fall, and they said that there were too few remaining traces. It was of no value, and I never paid attention to it again..."

"Ancient ruins?"

Jenkins was particularly sensitive to such words. He hesitated for a moment, then looked far away in the direction pointed by the old butler. But it was too far away and he couldn't see anything yet.

In the end, the people who came for the outing decided to visit the ruins. Even if it was more boring than the orchard, the scenery on the road was still very interesting.

The group did not take a carriage, but walked directly. The girls walked together and talked about this year's fashionable clothes or what's new in the city. Jenkins was originally walking behind them with his cat in his arms, but for some reason, when he arrived at his destination, he was surrounded by young ladies.

Just like what the old butler said, when the grass becomes sparse, what is revealed to everyone is a few bare pillars. Erosion from running water and sandstorms has made them mottled, which is more boring than imagined.

But the scenery on the road was interesting enough, so no one was disappointed. After walking around a bit, they prepared to go back along the original path under the guidance of their guide. At this time, a group of people came from the other direction. Everyone was wearing mountain climbing clothes with full pockets and carrying standard tool boxes. As for the leaders, they were several elderly gentlemen.

"Professor Burns?"

Jenkins immediately saw the professor wearing a khaki jacket and a bowler hat. He also looked dusty and carried a small suitcase in his hand.


The professor's senses were very sensitive, and he also noticed that someone was watching him. When he saw it was Jenkins, he waved excitedly, broke away from the team and walked towards him.

PS: Help people recommend books: "I Reincarnated Ten Thousand Times"

Introduction: What is it like to wake up and become a bento NPC hero, and then be reincarnated ten thousand times?

Natural disasters, undead, and the void strike, and heroes fall.

After tens of thousands of trials, Xie Ruian, who had become numb, finally found an opportunity, that is... the player appeared.

When people thought that the knight representing justice had reached the top, the real crisis had just arrived! !

"Actually, I don't care what the world is like. I just want them, them, them to remember me."

Xie Ruian stood on Mount Targon and said seriously.

Chapter 1052 Chapter 1034 The Professor’s Experience

Seeing Professor Burns coming over to say hello, waving his hand, Jenkins hesitated, turned around and asked his friends to go first, and promised to catch up soon.

"The road here is not difficult, and I have a compass with me."

He said this to everyone. Bryony seemed to think that she should wait for Jenkins, but Jenkins refused. So the young people set off first, probably walking very slowly, waiting for Jenkins to catch up.

"Oh, Jenkins, what a blessing to have you here."

The professor had already crossed the slope in front and walked over. There is no road here, so the group of them seemed to have walked all the way along the old river channel.

"Good afternoon, Professor, why are you here?"

Jenkins asked, taking off his hat. He was also very happy to meet Professor Burns here.

"I participated in the excavation of ruins organized by the school. Oh, it's not this one, it's the one to the west."

He pointed behind him and continued:

"The work was completed ahead of schedule. We heard from the locals that there was another ruin here, so we came over to take a look. Look, it's worse than I thought. It's obviously worthless."

The two chatted excitedly for a few words, and the professor also asked Jenkins about wanting to explore the secrets of Death. But Jenkins has not dealt with this matter recently. He plans to find a good excuse next week to let the church lend the [Fragments of Death's Cloak] from the [Death and End of the World] Church. He thinks there will be gains in the future.

After chatting with the professor for a few words, they left. The team had not gone far, and it was obvious that everyone was deliberately slowing down.

The rest of the afternoon was spent by a group of people in the flower field behind the manor. Hathaway and Bryony were wearing sun hats and looking at the flower field in front of the sun. They looked very beautiful, so when they returned to the city, Jenkins took advantage of the opportunity. Britney fell asleep and quietly handed Hathaway the color photo she had drawn by reading and writing.

"This is a memorial!"

The writer opened his mouth but did not make any sound. Hathaway can read lips and naturally understand what he said.

A smile brighter than the sunshine in the day appeared on the red-haired girl's face. The carriage jolted, but Brienne did not wake up. Hathaway narrowed her eyes, looked out the window again, and then quietly moved her head closer to Jenkins.

There was a horrified expression on the man's face, and he pointed at the blond girl, but Hathaway remained unmoved and hugged his face.


There was a silent protest from Chocolate, which had just been napping on Jenkins' lap and was now awakened by the hateful human woman.

A Saturday day outing was fun enough, but it was also a pretty tiring activity. After returning to Nolan, Jenkins sent Hathaway and Britney back home one after another, and promised that they would ask them out to play next week.

Then I thought about going to Dad's Antique Shop to say hello, and to find out how the Gifters who were caught by the Church in the dock area last night were doing.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of Dad's antique shop. Jenkins jumped out of the car and handed over the banknotes. When he reached out to open the door of the antique store, the door was pushed open from the inside, and then he saw his father and Captain Binsi.

"please wait a while!"

Dad said to the coachman who wanted to drive away, and then he and Captain Binsi took Jenkins' arm on one side and lifted him to the car.

"Go to the Church of the Sages!"

Captain Binsey said to the coachman as he jumped onto the carriage, and the father who followed him and boarded the carriage added:

"As fast as we can, we can add money."

It was only on the way to the church that Jenkins realized what had happened. He had not been in the city all day, and indeed nothing major happened in the city. In the evening, half an hour ago, a rushing carriage pulled a group of comatose patients from outside the city. The carriage went straight to the Sage Church instead of the hospital.

The person who hired the carriage was Professor Burns, and when he arrived at the church, he was already at the end of his game. They only came in time to tell the guards at the church door who were hurriedly checking the situation that they had encountered an attack, and they passed out like the people in the carriage.

"Professor Burns?"

Jenkins repeated with wide eyes.

"Don't interrupt!"

Dad patted Jenkins on the arm. He had been in the antique shop all day, so he didn't know what happened. Captain Binsi came to see Jenkins just now. Dad originally planned to go directly to his house with Captain Binsi to wait for him.

"Yes, that's the professor. Including him, a total of five unconscious people came back. But they couldn't be awakened. The secret keeper and Miss Bevanna both checked the situation, but they couldn't solve it, so they wanted to You give it a try.”

Captain Binsi wiped the sweat from his forehead as he spoke. The church's carriage had other uses today and has not returned yet, and because it was approaching evening, he didn't find a carriage on the way here, so he ran all the way here.


"Don't interrupt, Binsy. What did Burns say before he fell unconscious?"

Dad asked again, not giving Jenkins a chance to interrupt.

"He said that a group of them encountered a terrible thing in the ruins. The moment the thing was unearthed, most of the people around him died. The survivors were brought back by him, but everyone was unconscious. He said Let us come to Jenkins because we probably know that our injuries cannot be treated by ordinary methods."

Captain Bincy let out a long breath, and Jenkins noticed that the collar of his brown hunting jacket was darker than other parts, which was probably stained by sweat.

"Bishop Parrod has sent people to the school to inquire about the professor's whereabouts today. I think there will be feedback in an hour or two."

"There's no point in going to school..."

Jenkins only spoke a short paragraph, then stopped and waited for his father to interrupt him. But his father did not mean to interrupt, but motioned him to continue:

"I think the professor asked you to come to me before he fell into a coma because I met him today..."


This was the voice of the father. He knew the destination of Jenkins and his party today, which was a grassland far away from the city of Nolan. It was not known whether Jenkins or the professor was lucky to meet the professor in such a far place.

"Yes, in the afternoon, um... about two o'clock, yes, that time. I met the professor at the river ruins south of the grassland manor. There were dozens of people who saw them at the time, and I even talked to the professor for a while. I can confirm that it was indeed him."

He nodded and said.

"In other words, Burns was in danger after meeting you."

The original intention of the father's words was just to confirm the time when the professor and his party were in danger, but Jenkins always felt that he was implying that the professor's danger was related to meeting him.

Section 1053 Chapter 1035 Rescue

"What happened to the professor has nothing to do with me. I will not bring bad luck to others. I only have the priesthood of lies."

In the galloping carriage, Jenkins muttered in his heart, and then used his elbow to lift up the cat that was about to slide from his chest to his stomach.

"But it seems that when meeting with the professor outside the church, accidents really happen in most cases."

A small corner of his heart said this again.

Because the old man promised to add money, the carriage carrying three people and one cat arrived at the Sage Church at the fastest speed. The old man was responsible for paying, and Captain Binsi took Jenkins up the stone steps at the door of the church and walked inside. Now the sunset was about to disappear on the horizon, and there were not many believers in the church, so when they saw Jenkins walking quickly from outside, the nuns, priests and even the old priests bowed slightly to Jenkins.

The two quickly passed through the main building of the temple in front and met the keeper Smith in the courtyard. After a brief conversation, they learned that the church used special methods to keep the five people in distress alive, but could not wake them up.

When they arrived at the ward, there were actually quite a few people inside. Seeing that it was Jenkins, Miss Bevanna asked most people to leave, leaving only her, Mr. Coppola Bellini and Mr. Pierre Rodney.

The former was the director of the Special Items Handling Office, holding an elegant four-legged enamel hook incense burner in his hand, and the latter was the director of the Theological Research Office, checking things like medical records.

Miss Bevanna motioned to Jenkins to check the people on the bed. Jenkins nodded and asked Captain Binsey behind him to tell him the information he had just provided about his encounter with the professor in the carriage.

This building is a building in the church that is specially used to handle emergency patients, so the room has similar decorative features to the hospital's inpatient department. It's just that the religious atmosphere is more intense, after all, this is a church.

On the wall of the room are gas lamps in the shape of angel trumpets, and the iron bed made of the same material as the steam pipe is particularly strong. The professor was lying on the bed closest to the door, and his clothes were still the same as when they met in the afternoon.

There was just some dirt and blood on the clothes, and there were traces of burning on the left cuff. It was unknown what the professor and his party had encountered.

There was a brass-colored receiver hanging on the wall just above the head of each bed. As long as the receiver was pulled, the doctors in the central office on each floor could receive the information.

It was said that the Church of Creation and Machinery was improving this crude means of communication, and wanted to use steam and gas pipelines to create a short-range communication network that could accurately transmit numbers and even letters...

Thinking of this, Jenkins suddenly recalled the scene he saw in the "future" not long ago. When he "crossed" for the first time, the uniformed policeman across the street seemed to be using something similar.

He shook his head, temporarily put aside his messy thoughts, and then threw aside the cat on his shoulder. The index and middle fingers of his right hand were put together and placed on the professor's neck. Of course, he didn't want to test the pulse, but it was a way to check his vitality.

Even in the [Healing Breath] stage, Jenkins could already vaguely feel the vitality of living things when in direct contact, and after the Healing Breath evolved because of the wooden dagger, he could directly feel the existence of vitality when in skin contact.

With his fingers on the professor's neck, the professor's surging vitality was immediately felt. Jenkins had treated four scribes with broken arms last week, but none of those four scribes in their prime had such amazing vitality as the professor.

He closed his eyes and relaxed his five senses, trying his best to feel whether there was a problem with the vitality circulating in the professor's old body. But no matter how he felt, the green airflow flowed perfectly in the professor's body and soul, and Jenkins did not find anything wrong.

"It's not an injury, it has nothing to do with the body."

He came to this conclusion, hesitated for a moment, and put his fingers on the professor's forehead again.

This was obviously not an injury that [Life Origin] could heal, and Jenkins guessed that there was probably something wrong with the soul. Since Miss Bevana and the keepers of the secrets have no solution for the time being, Jenkins believes that he must do something. Otherwise, if they do not receive treatment for a long time, even if the church uses special means to help these people prolong their lives, there will definitely be problems.

Putting his finger on the professor's forehead, Jenkins relied on his powerful soul to feel the professor's soul directly. He had never done this before, but his instinct told him that it was possible.

After following his instinct, he vaguely felt the existence of the soul, but it was not very real. Opening his eyes, only the cat could see that there seemed to be a flash of purple light in Jenkins' eyes at that moment.

"I see..."

After feeling the fluctuation of the soul, he opened his eyes and saw with his true eyes that a wisp of black smoke like a snake was wrapped around the professor's body and passed through the temple and heart. This was probably the main reason why the professor and others were unconscious.

Even if Jenkins did not find them, Miss Befanna and the keepers would have a way to gradually detect this strange breath soon.

"Can you wake them up?"

Seeing Jenkins retract his fingers, Miss Befanna asked.

"There is nothing wrong with the body, and my ability seems to be useless. But I feel an evil breath, and I think the power of the magic should be able to wake them up."

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