Dolores's hands were small, at least smaller than Hathaway and Britney's, but the soft touch was very nice:

"The ice archer summoned by this chess piece is related to the user's own power. I think you also saw the scene when I used it just now, which shows that it can actually be seen as increasing with the increase of the master's power to a certain extent."


Dolores' face was very red, not because of the night wind, nor because Jenkins was holding her hand, but because she just mistakenly thought that Jenkins and she were really related.

Seeing that she couldn't refuse, the girl finally accepted the chess piece that belonged to her. The two talked for a while, and Dolores approached Jenkins many times until her arm was almost touching his arm, and then she showed a happy smile.

She seemed to remember something and suddenly asked:

"Mr. William, why are you here tonight?"


Jenkins then remembered the cat and unicorn that he had left next to the forest fire.

He briefly described what he had encountered, and before asking Dolores to go and help, the girl took the initiative to hand the chess piece to Jenkins again.

"Oh, yes, in this way, Dolores doesn't have to go to Nolan, and I can use this chess piece!"

Thinking of this, Jenkins took the chess piece and immediately returned to Nolan. As soon as he sat up from the prone position, he was hit in the face by the cat that pounced on him.

"I know I was wrong, I shouldn't have left you here for an hour!"

He apologized loudly. The unicorn had a very good temper and didn't care, but the willful black and white chocolate was not a generous cat.

It took a lot of effort to calm the cat down, and then it took off again. At the edge of the sea of ​​fire, I looked at the fiery red forest under the moon from a distance.

Forest fires are actually not uncommon near Nolan, but they are rare in this season. If left alone, the Nolan officials or Yutian will solve the problem here, but since Jenkins has encountered it, he can't ignore it.

He controlled the spirit in his body to flow into the ice-blue chess piece, and then the young female archer in armor appeared beside him.

She was not sitting on the unicorn, but standing directly in the air. Apparently, this archer also had the ability to fly.

"Will there be any problem in putting out the fire here?"

Jenkins asked, and then the young archer knelt on one knee in the air towards Jenkins as if he was standing on an invisible platform, with his head slightly lowered, and his right hand, which was wearing a thin ice-colored glove as light as cicada silk, rested on his left shoulder.

"It seems to be possible."

Jenkins thought in his heart, letting the unicorn fly a distance away from the fire, and then mobilized the spirit of the whole body to rush towards the chess piece in his body.

The young archer stood in the air, holding up the longbow made of gears, vines and bone pieces with one hand, and condensing an ice-blue arrow with the other hand.

She tilted the arrow and bow in her hand 75 degrees to aim at the moon, and then pulled the bow to the full with a sound that made people's teeth ache.

The next moment, the blue light arrow drew a dazzling light blue arc in the air. Due to gravity, it began to fall above the fire. Then the single light arrow turned into a falling arc, falling like raindrops into the sea of ​​fire below. Jenkins felt the air getting colder.

At the moment when the thousands of blue arcs fell into the sea of ​​fire, the cold air like a shock wave spread from the center of the fire to the surroundings. The swaying flames seemed to be frozen in an instant, and then the flames were suppressed and reduced. In two breaths, the visible flames were swept away, leaving only the charred tree shape and the ground covered with frost.

"It seems that the force is a bit too strong..."

Jenkins, who was frozen and shrank his neck, thought so, summoned a monocle and looked down, wanting to make sure there was no dark fire before leaving.

But he didn't expect that just when he squinted his eyes, he saw a dazzling blue human-shaped aura lying in the center of the fire. It didn't look like it had just appeared, but the color of the aura was fading rapidly.

"Hmm? Why didn't I see it just now?"

Then he thought of the fire here just now, which was even comparable to the sun at noon. Although the blue aura below was very strong, it was still difficult for Jenkins to see it in the sea of ​​fire.

"Another alien?"

Jenkins guessed in his heart, and did not let the archer beside him disappear, but descended with her to the cool scorched earth.

The monocle gave Jenkins a similar ability to [Dark Vision], and the position of the blue aura below was indeed a humanoid creature. It was not dead yet, lying on the ground and trembling.

There were dozens of transparent small holes on his body. If it was not unexpected, it was probably accidentally injured by the light arrow used to extinguish the fire just now.

He looked no different from a human, like a boy in his teens, and he was wearing ordinary clothes. Those clothes were already tattered due to the fire and the attack of the light arrow, exposing most of his back, so Jenkins could see those strange tattoos.

"What is this?"

Jenkins grabbed the hair on the back of the unicorn with one hand, and then leaned over to look at the tattoo. It took him a long time to remember that this tattoo was very similar to the style of the one-fifth [Alien Frenzy] on the Balrog.


Jenkins touched his chin, thought for a while, and asked the cat and the unicorn to wait here for a while, and he returned to Loen again.

At this time, Dolores and Julia were already on their way back. They couldn't live in the manor outside the city with corpses everywhere.

Jenkins returned the chess piece to Dolores, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he asked:

"Do you have a map of the area near Nolan? The more detailed the better."

Then things were simple. Jenkins, who got the map, let the unicorn fly to the nearest town. After identifying the name and location of the town, he followed the signs on the map to the river ruins.

With a map, there was no need to worry about getting lost. When Jenkins saw the manor on the grassland from afar, it was almost midnight, which meant that the 17th day of the third month of this year was coming.

"I remember that I seemed to know from the whispers at the end of the month that on the 17th day of the month of earth and flowers every year, when day and night meet, the unnamed thing will briefly incarnate in human form and descend to the earth to inspect the spring plowing situation."

He thought about this in his heart, wondering whether this was his fantasy in a trance or knowledge that really existed.

PS: As for why the chess piece is so powerful, one is that it actually embodies part of the essence of the user, and the other is that there are many restrictions on its use (except Jenkins).

Chapter 1060 Chapter 1042 Pendulum Divination

Thinking about the whispers at the end of the moon, he was still wondering whether it was his fantasy in a trance or real knowledge.

His eyes unconsciously looked forward, and then he saw the aura representing the gifter flickering. Now the location is still far away, Jenkins can only see a faint light, which means that at least Miss Befanna and her group are fine.

To be honest, he was still worried that when he looked far away, he would find that he could not see the aura at all.

In order to prevent being discovered by the demigod with sensitive senses, Jenkins let the unicorn land far away from the river.

Let the unicorn go back first, and then take the cat to sneak through the grassland, climb the low hill next to the river and look far in the direction of Miss Befanna.

She only brought two combat teams this time, more than a dozen scribes were holding torches, and in the middle of them was a dark altar, and traces of soil being turned up could be seen around the altar.

The material of this altar looks like unpolished obsidian, and the surface is uneven like salt grains. The black aura shows that this is a strange thing, but Jenkins did not find the corresponding number in his memory.

He held his breath and poked his head with the cat, watching a group of people gathered around the altar and did not know what they were doing. A few minutes later, Miss Befanna threw a black object onto the altar, and then the altar seemed to be activated, spewing black smoke from the center of the upper surface.

After the black smoke rose up, it turned into dozens of streams and rushed towards everyone present. Although only Jenkins could see the smoke in the church, Miss Befanna looked up at the smoke rushing towards her, and then opened the big book that rarely left her body, and the flying black smoke was instantly sucked in.

Although not all the smoke was absorbed, a small amount of black smoke could be completely dispelled by the divine spell.

"It looks okay, the church can solve the problem here."

He thought to himself, and then pinched the cat's soft neck.

It reluctantly moved in Jenkins' arms, but still understood Jenkins' intention and made a lazy call:


"Who's there?"

Miss Befanna, who was next to the altar, really noticed the unusual sound at once, and when she turned around, she saw a figure riding a unicorn flying into the night sky.

After telling others to temporarily guard the altar, the woman chased after him. The two flew in the air for a long time before the mysterious man riding a unicorn got rid of the woman's pursuit.

Miss Befanna looked at the white spot that had disappeared, and wanted to return to the original route to deal with the altar, but she found that there was something wrong with the forest on the left.

After flying over, she found that half of the area on the top of the mountain was burned to scorched earth, and the scorched earth was actually covered with a layer of white frost.

After a careful inspection, she found a black thing lying in the center of the scorched earth. After lowering the altitude, she saw the tattoo on the body that seemed to be deliberately exposed in the moonlight.


The woman frowned, not knowing what the believers of the God of Lies were up to.

(Chocolate is running...)

"Sorry, I'm really too sleepy."

Jenkins yawned and sat on the sofa at Miss Audrey's house. It was Sunday morning, and the tired look on his face matched the gloomy weather outside.

It was 7:30 in the morning. Because Miss Audrey said in advance that she would prepare breakfast, Jenkins and the cat came on an empty stomach.

"Good morning, Miss Bronion."

The middle-aged woman came down from the second floor at this time. During her stay in Nolan, she lived in Miss Audrey's house. Although the teacher and the student had different ideas, Miss Audrey still respected her teacher very much.

"Good morning, William, didn't you sleep well last night?"

The woman asked, looking in the direction of the kitchen, and heard the sound of the maid cooking. She sat opposite Jenkins and picked up the teacup that Miss Audrey had just used.

"Did you spend last night with a beautiful lady?"

Miss Bronion teased, and Jenkins lowered his head and touched the cat, pretending not to hear. Even though he went to bed very late like Jenkins, Chocolate didn't feel sleepy at all.

It is now looking forward to tasting a different breakfast. Although the breakfast made by Jenkins is also very delicious, the cat is happy to taste different crafts.

"I heard from my father that Jenkins is a very old-fashioned person who is not good at social life."

Miss Audrey said something, and then suddenly said:

"Since this matter has been mentioned, why don't we use divination to see how Jenkins' love is before breakfast starts. This should be very interesting. Although divination for emotional problems is usually difficult to achieve an accurate level, we are just trying it casually."

She said this with a smile, which reminded Jenkins of last fall, when Miss Audrey made a divination that Britney might encounter an unexpected event. That time, she clearly stated that [Jenkins' future lover will encounter an accident before the God of War leaves, a very terrible accident]. Later, thinking about it, it seems to refer to being kidnapped by the twin demons.

"About the divination of feelings..."

Jenkins didn't want to do the divination, not because he didn't believe in the divination skills of Miss Audrey and Miss Bronion, but because he thought their divination level was so high that he didn't want to do it.

"Then let's get started. It won't take a long time."

Miss Bronion was also quite interested in this proposal and interrupted Jenkins's refusal.

The two women sang the same tune, making Jenkins suspect that they had planned it in advance. But he immediately thought that it was impossible for someone to plan such a boring thing. Although Miss Audrey and Miss Bronion looked idle, they should have things to do on weekdays.

In this way, Jenkins half-heartedly began his own divination of feelings. The three discussed the divination method and finally decided to use the more traditional pendulum divination.

Jenkins had never formally come into contact with this kind of divination method in the past. He only knew that it was generally to hold a crystal or other thing tied with a string, dangle it above the pendulum table, and then get the answer through the direction of the pendulum.

He was able to know this because of Jenkins' shallow knowledge. As for the original owner Jenkins, he had never been interested in such things.

Miss Audrey's pendulum was not made of naturally formed crystals, but crystals that were generated by ritual processing and chemical methods.

Section 1061 Chapter 1043 Three Questions

In Miss Audrey's home, Jenkins and the cat curiously poked their heads out to look at the purple crystal.

It looked quite beautiful, exuding a luxurious luster under the light of the gas lamp. The crystal was properly stored in a brand new wooden box. After the crystal was made, it went through a complex process of demagnetization, blessing, enchantment, etc., and now it is not even allowed to be touched directly by hand.

While preparing the ceremony with her teacher, Miss Audrey whispered to Jenkins about the precautions of pendulum divination, but in fact Jenkins was more curious about the production process of this beautiful crystal.

"I don't know if Hathaway or Britney like this kind of thing... Britney should forget it. It's better for her not to touch these weird items."

Pendulum divination is simpler than card divination, which requires frequent shuffling and cutting of cards. Jenkins thought Miss Audrey would preside over the ceremony and only let Jenkins participate in the key steps. But she didn't expect that she and Miss Bronion would draw a complicated pendulum table on the surface of the round table with ritual chalk, and then push the box containing the pendulum to him.

The pendulum table was completely drawn with blue ritual chalk, occupying most of the area of ​​the round table, leaving only a small edge on the outermost edge. The interior of the perfect circular pendulum table is divided into different areas with straight lines, curved lines like water ripples, and various symbols. Some symbols are even incomprehensible to Jenkins.

But this did not prevent him from appreciating the mysterious beauty of this pendulum table. It is indeed beautiful.

"Will you let me do it? But I haven't even started with the simplest inspiration divination."

The so-called inspiration divination is to close your eyes to feel the future. In Jenkins' understanding, it is actually to guess with your eyes closed, without any additional rituals or items to assist.

"That's why you have to make more attempts, otherwise your divination will never improve."

Miss Audrey half-forced Jenkins to lift the string hanging the pendulum, and then the three of them sat at the round table at an angle of 120 degrees. Chocolate was of course on Jenkins' legs, but it was quite dishonest. It stood up and grabbed the edge of the table with its front paws, stretching its cat head to look at the situation on the table.

"Relax your mind now and breathe slowly."

Miss Audrey snapped her fingers, and the gas lamp in the living room went out immediately. Miss Bronion waved to the window, and the curtains rustled to isolate the morning light and thick fog outside the window.

Jenkins didn't get enough sleep last night, so he was a little groggy now. He looked around at the dark environment and felt that the air in the room had become cold.

"Lift the pendulum and pay attention to the technique I just mentioned. Move slowly, as slowly as possible. It will probably take another 20 minutes for breakfast to be ready. We have plenty of time."

Miss Audrey spread her palms while speaking, and the [Vanity Card-Arsonist] appeared, followed by seven or eight burning flames around the edge of the round table, turning the faces of the three people and the cat red.

"Try to be as slow as possible, as slow as possible..."

Jenkins said in his heart, and stretched his right hand forward, letting the pendulum hang in the center of the pendulum table.

He tried to relax his mind and meditate on the impermanence of fate according to Miss Audrey's instructions. This is not easy, because no one knows what fate is like.

The preparation before the pendulum divination is not complicated. When Miss Audrey signaled Jenkins to start, he asked the first question according to the prompt on the paper at hand:

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