“What is the gender of my spouse?”

You don't need divination to know this question. If the future dares to joke with Jenkins, then he swears that he will blow up the future. But pendulum divination always begins with simple questions, and Jenkins had to ask them.

As he asked, the spirit in his body slowly flowed to his fingertips. As soon as he finished speaking, Jenkins' hand did not move at all, but the pendulum began to rotate automatically.

The two women and the cat subconsciously stretched out their heads to look at the table. The cat's eyes seemed to be glowing, and the pendulum pointed at the ancient writing at 3 o'clock on Jenkins without stopping.

Jenkins recognized it. This character represents the meaning of [feminine] [negative] [female] lamp. In short, this shows that the first divination was successful.

But this does not mean that his divination has started, because if any gifter injects spirit into the pendulum, it will swing. A true soothsayer can let the direction of the pendulum indicate signs of the future, but what the false soothsayer can point out with the pendulum depends entirely on God's will.

"Then start the second time..."

No one spoke, Jenkins thought, because unnecessary sounds and movements would destroy the spirituality of the divination venue.

"Is my love going well?"

This is a very broad question, and the second question is to determine whether Jenkins' divination actually works. In the hands of a skilled diviner like Miss Audrey or Miss Bronyance, such a broad question can point to a fairly precise answer, while a failed fortune-telling can point to a completely irrelevant answer.

As soon as Jenkins finished speaking, the pendulum in his hand automatically started to rotate again. The purple crystal seemed to flicker at that moment, but only the cat observed this scene.

This time the pendulum rotated very fast. Jenkins thought it would stop exactly above a certain symbol or rune on the pendulum watch just like before, but he didn't expect that after it rotated 360 degrees, it would go straight. Pointed in the direction of Jenkins.

The cat's eyes were wider than usual, anticipating where the pendulum was going to point. But it didn't point to anything. It just completed a 300-degree rotation and then returned to its natural drooping state.

"I knew it was a failure."

Jenkins complained a little in his heart, and then with Miss Audrey's eyes signaling, he started the third attempt that was destined to be unsuccessful:

"When will I get married?"

This is a very realistic question, and it is very directional, and the answer you want is just numbers. Pendulum divination inherited from the school of Miss Audrey and Miss Brognyance usually performs three divination in each ceremony. The first time is asking the simplest questions so that the fortune teller can adjust the state to grasp the inspiration; the second time is asking broad questions. It is used to confirm the status of the diviner; the third time is the most critical question, and the answer to this question usually depends on the result of the second time to deduce whether it is valid.

And now it is obvious that no matter what the results are shown for the third time, it will not be effective.

PS: The second question, rotating three hundred and sixty degrees means: I want them all. (laugh)

Chapter 1062 Chapter 1044 Alien Species (2)

The tense and interesting pendulum divination continues, but Jenkins has given up hope. His tense spirit subconsciously relaxed a little as he thought about giving up. But this relaxation actually allowed him to grasp a wonderful feeling, which was the feeling he had when he witnessed his fate.

This feeling is like when using a key to open a broken lock, you need to pull it out and twist it slowly to get it just right; it also seems to confirm the saying "take a step back and the sky will be brighter".

The heart moves at will, and the spirit flows smoothly in the body to the fingertips, and then flows into the beautiful purple crystal. This time, the purple light of the crystal was visible to all three people and the cat.

"It works this time!"

This feeling of certainty appeared in Jenkins' heart, and he was 100% convinced that the result this time must be the result of correct divination.


The three people and the cat were looking forward to the result. What they were waiting for was the result of the amethyst explosion. The moment the crystal exploded, the cat with the fastest reaction immediately shrank his head and hid under the surface of the table, and the demigod diviner with the second fastest reaction generated a shield to protect the other two.

The fragments of the crystal explosion flew in all directions, and some were even deeply embedded in the wooden tabletop. Jenkins is startled, then realizes that he has damaged Miss Audrey's divination tool.

"I will compensate."

he said immediately.

"Oh, no, it's been a bad morning."

The woman covered her forehead and said, her neatly combed long hair was messed up by her, and she looked very troubled.

Even if an accident occurs during the morning "game", it will not affect the normal breakfast time. Jenkins was still suspicious of the cause of the explosion just now. He thought that he had finally reached the threshold of divination and was sure that he would be able to succeed. However, he did not expect that such a thing would happen in the end.

"Is it because the quality of Miss Audrey's pendulum is not good enough to withstand such accurate divination?"

This is Jenkins' current guess. He decided to find time to find suitable pendulum materials and try again. If he can get started with the divination ability, it will be beneficial to his future work and life.

The cat happily ate its breakfast. After comparing, it thought Jenkins's cooking was better, and then decided not to eat breakfast outside anymore. Jenkins flipped through the newspaper casually. Miss Audrey subscribed to many different morning newspapers, so everyone had something to read.

"I received a letter from the Sage Church. Something seemed to have happened last night."

Only Miss Bronion did not eat or read the newspaper. She was checking the letters sent to her. Jenkins just saw the familiar church office paper.

"What happened?"

Jenkins hid his face behind the newspaper. He firmly believed that he knew nothing about what happened last night.

"Bevanna led the team out to recover the strange things last night. It seems to be the A-04-2-7245 Greed Altar, a strange thing that almost receives all the tributes and attacks all the living people present after receiving the tributes. When they were recovering the altar, they met the believers of the new great man, and then under her deliberate guidance, they found clues related to [Alien Frenzy]..."

When describing the believers of the God of Lies, Miss Bronion used female pronouns because the mysterious person last night flew on a unicorn.

"Oh, the believers of the God of Lies~ Those people appeared again, so what is the purpose this time?"

Jenkins sighed softly, trying his best to show the proper curiosity, but he couldn't show that this matter had anything to do with him.

"The Church of Sages doesn't know either. They just invited me to divine the body and find out how he died."

Because it was the business of the Church of Sages and Jenkins was not an outsider, Miss Bronion did not hide the content of the letter:

"The letter said that the body with one-fifth of the [Alien Frenzy] tattoo died on the scorched earth after the forest fire was extinguished, but the scorched earth was covered with a layer of frost. Until this morning, the frost had not completely melted. Bevanna said that she suspected that the people of [Whip of the Dead] had a conflict with the believers of lies. After killing the enemy, the latter found the troublesome tattoo but did not want to deal with it themselves, so they led Bevanna over. The dead alien was [Fire Eater], a strange creature that looks like a human child when it is an adult. They enjoy starting fires and can gain power from them. This seems to be the first time they have been discovered in this era..."

After Miss Bronion said this, she handed the letter to Jenkins for him to read. Jenkins shook his head and refused, holding the newspaper with both hands and refused to take the letter:

"Since the church sent it to you, I won't read it. It's neither polite nor against the rules."

He didn't want to get involved with this matter. No matter how he thought about it, he knew that the matter of [Alien Frenzy] was a nuisance, and he had three things to deal with at hand, "the umbilical cord of the Son of God", "the origin of the fruit plate", and "the hint of the future prophecy". He had no time to deal with other things.

But even if it was busy, it was still a peaceful and tranquil day. Although there were many things on hand, they were not very urgent, and there was no danger like the skeleton sword. Jenkins had to take a good rest for a while. Since the Son of God at the end of last year, he had been very busy in the past two months.

Although he was not very happy to eat chocolate, at least this meal was fooled. It knew that Jenkins would stay here all day, so lunch was probably the responsibility of the maid with poor cooking skills. Thinking of this, the cat couldn't help but feel frustrated about today's bad luck.

After breakfast, Miss Bronion left for the Sage Church to divine the origin of the body pierced by the arrow of light.

Miss Audrey then went to the study on the second floor with Jenkins, and spent the whole morning reading and exchanging experiences.

She probably finally realized that divination learning cannot be forced, and Jenkins's foundation was too poor, so the two did not practice any divination rituals in the morning.

Jenkins is quite experienced in reading. In this world with very few leisure methods, reading is a rare pleasure. When sitting at the dining table at noon, Jenkins was still discussing with Miss Audrey whether the legend mentioned in the appendix of the book "After the Mist" was true, and then talked about the fog in the city.

Lunch was indeed an ordinary dish as Chocolate guessed. Although the maid knew in advance that cats eat the same food as humans, the maid with experience in raising cats finally made the cat's food a little lighter.

This made Chocolate very dissatisfied, but he couldn't show it in front of Jenkins, so he was sulking all afternoon.

PS: Alien (1) In the middle of the last 10 chapters, Chapter 961, it is not that there is no 1 but only 2.

Chapter 1063 Chapter 1045 Chocolate's Midnight Snack

Jenkins did not notice that Chocolate was angry because of lunch. He spent the afternoon in the basement with Miss Audrey studying the somewhat weird "bone divination".

This is a divination method handed down from the most ancient times. In addition to divination, it also has the meaning of blessing, blood sacrifice, etc. But in modern times, most of the bloody content has been deleted and modified, so in the afternoon Jenkins and Miss Audrey just used fire pokers to hold the bone pieces, burned them on the firewood pile and observed the cracks.

This is a rather boring divination method, and it is quite time-consuming. At five o'clock in the afternoon, Jenkins only burned out three qualified bone pieces, and he did not interpret the meaning of the cracks on them.

The cracks on a burnt bone fragment could barely be interpreted according to the instructions in the book, but the content after interpretation was quite bizarre. Anyway, Jenkins would not believe that there was an invisible female creature living in his house besides himself.

He had to attend a party at his neighbor's house at 7 o'clock, so he left after dinner at Miss Audrey's house. Before leaving, Miss Audrey handed him a folded note in the hallway mysteriously and whispered:

"The [Epic of Years] shows new content, which shows the possible identity of the next savior. The nine saviors will meet one day, which may bring you some help."

She asked Jenkins to open it after leaving the street, which seemed to be related to the loophole in the confidentiality agreement. Jenkins was quite obedient. He unfolded the note when the carriage was about to reach St. George Street. Inside was Miss Audrey's handwriting, and the content was quite simple:

[Guests from afar, stay forever in the world;

The race of ancient legends, appear again in the mortal world;

The messenger of the great god, fell from the sky;

The curse of killing blessing, an inevitable ending. ]

"Is the first half talking about those alien species? What do the last two sentences mean?"

Jenkins frowned and thought, then shook his fingers and burned the note to ashes. In fact, he had noticed that since he obtained the first [Twin Demon], the Savior Emblem has appeared beside him almost non-stop.

And according to this rule, after obtaining [Stage of Destiny], the new emblem clue should have appeared in Nolan.

"Is it really [Alien Frenzy]? But that ability..."

He thought for a while, unable to accept that such an evil ability would become the Savior Emblem.

"Besides, I haven't heard that [Alien Frenzy] is unique, which is different from the rules of the Savior Emblem."

This doesn't make sense, so Jenkins thought about it and excluded [Alien Frenzy] from the Savior Emblem. He carefully thought about what happened recently, but still couldn't find any clues.

Later, he remembered that the Savior Emblem couldn't actively pursue the request, so he put this matter aside for the time being and seriously prepared for the evening party.

Jenkins didn't know everyone who lived on this street. In addition to the more familiar neighbors on both sides, he only knew a few people such as Lawyer Bell and Dr. Coulson.

He usually met his neighbors when he went to work and got off work, but it was difficult for him to connect everyone's faces and names. So in order to avoid the embarrassment of not being able to say hello, Jenkins knocked on Mr. Goodman's door at 6:30 and planned to go to Lawyer Bell's house with him.

The party would not last long, and not everyone could spend the whole night at their neighbor's house. Because it was on this street, Jenkins asked Chocolate to stay at home alone. The cat was not going to agree at first, until Jenkins promised to leave all the doors open and let it walk around the house, the cat reluctantly agreed.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jenkins took the red wine and left. The cat went out from the small door under the door, stood on the steps in front of the door and watched Jenkins push open the fence and walk to Goodman's house next door.

When his figure was blocked by the house, the cat immediately rushed back to the house, ran through the living room to the study with four short legs, and then stood on the windowsill of the study and watched Jenkins enter Goodman's house.

The little cat's eyes were big, and the amber eyes sparkled with excitement and joy. After confirming that Jenkins would not come back because he took less things, it jumped off the windowsill and ran into the basement.

Ignoring the mess in the basement, it went directly into Jenkins' pharmaceutical workshop through the secret door.

There were all kinds of bottles and jars on the operating table, and in the suitcase behind the door was the box of potions that Old Jack gave to Jenkins when he came back from the Shire.

Various materials were placed on the shelf on the left hand side in different categories, and at the bottom of the shelf was an iron box that exuded a chill.

This iron box was a thickened version with interlayers that Jenkins ordered from the blacksmith. He placed ice plates in the interlayers, making the iron box a simple small refrigerator for storing some materials and potions that needed to be refrigerated.

But these were not the cat's targets. The cat's target was the fruit plate on the top shelf.

After it rushed into the basement, it stopped under the shelf, raised its head and stared at the fruit plate on it with wide eyes. The shadow in the corner of the wall was swaying like ripples, and a pair of black big hands stretched out from the shadows, took the fruit plate off and placed it on the operating table.

The cat also jumped onto the operating table, stretched out its right front paw and touched the fruit plate:


It said so.

The black light spread from the cat's paw to the entire fruit plate, and the blue light immediately emerged from the fruit plate and merged with the black. When the light disappeared, a blood-red fruit that looked like a heart appeared in front of him, with capillaries-like bright red veins wrapped around the fruit, making it look particularly weird.


The cat couldn't wait to step on the fruit plate and gently patted the heart-like fruit with its paw.

The basement was filled with an alluring fragrance, and the blood-red fruit also trembled with the cat's patting, which made it look more like a heart.

The cat squinted happily, took a small step back, and then sat down obediently, with all four paws on the ground at the same time.

It opened its mouth wide, wide, wide, wide, wide, and then swallowed the fruit that was taller than it in one gulp.


The cat's tail was shaking, which was one of the manifestations of its extremely good mood.

Then it returned the fruit plate to its original place, and then returned to the sofa to lie down, with its two big eyes looking towards the direction of No. 1 St. George Street with a piercing look. The cat was staring at Jenkins through multiple walls.

PS: I also feel a little watery, so I will add an update at noon.

Chapter 1064 Chapter 1046 Neighbors' Gathering


At the Bell lawyer's house on St. George Street, Jenkins, who was sitting on a chair and chatting with Mr. Goodman, suddenly frowned when the cat looked over here. For a while, he felt that he was being spied on, but that feeling soon disappeared.

"Mr. William, what's wrong?"

Mr. Goodman, who was dressed slightly more formally, asked, and Jenkins shook his head, thinking it was his illusion.

St. George Street is not very long, and all the houses have their own owners. Only two-thirds of the residents live on this street all year round, and most of them come to the party.

Mr. Goodman is an old resident of St. George Street. He introduced the neighbors to Jenkins. Although Jenkins didn't know them, they all knew Jenkins and were even a little reserved when greeting him. This was probably not just because they were not familiar with Jenkins.

Lawyer Bell was the organizer of the party and the initiator of the St. George Street Residents' Autonomous Committee. According to Mr. Goodman, Lawyer Bell is the most prestigious and responsible person on this street, and everyone trusts this lawyer.

Lawyer Bell's image fits Jenkins's imagination of a successful middle-aged wealthy person. He is tall but thin, and the whole person is very capable. When he appeared in front of everyone, he was wearing a neatly arranged formal suit. Although his face was a little serious, he didn't look like a difficult person to get along with.

He was able to greet everyone in the common language with a standard accent of the royal capital, and even spoke to Jenkins in a normal tone, without any feelings of awe or awe because of Jenkins' identity.

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