"Who are you and what are you here for? I am a dying person, but I have no money, and no abilities or rituals worthy of my praise."

The old man coughed again. Although he remained alert, he also knew that he could not drive away this strange intruder.

"You are not human."

Jenkins said, then grabbed the old man's dodging arm.

"Yes, yes, I am indeed not a human being. Ahem, I am a dying old elf. Young man, what are you here to do? I have nothing here. If you want to rob, you have found the wrong person. "

He immediately admitted his identity and tried to pull his hand away from Jenkins, but couldn't.

"I want to ask you some questions, and I think you should be able to give me answers."

Jenkins was delighted when he heard that the old man called himself an elf. If you observe carefully, you can indeed see traces of disguise rituals on the old man. This disguise of human appearance is very clever, but it is not impossible to see through.

"Is it an elf? I see. I knew that the follow-up clues to finding the fruit plate so smoothly could not be such a coincidence. It turns out that it is really an elf. The fruit plate is also related to the elf. There is a high probability that this body is also related to the elf. This is the bloodline. Guidance? No matter what it is, it’s the right one this time!”

He thought in his mind and looked into the old elf's eyes again.

"what is the problem?"

The old man on the hospital bed asked. When he saw Jenkins looking at him, he took the initiative to remove his disguise. He was indeed an elf. Even though he had reached the end of his life, his wrinkled face was still so handsome and his wrinkled ears were pointed.

That face would have made him a charming old gentleman, and it would have been better if he wasn't wearing rumpled pajamas.

Jenkins once saw elves in the fake world of strange things and was very fond of these creatures. Seeing that the old man was still coughing, he grabbed the old man's hand and used the source of life to treat it.

The old elf has no disease, but his natural lifespan is coming to an end. Jenkins couldn't prevent his death, but there was nothing wrong with keeping him alive for a few more years.

PS: The reason why the fruit plate clues can be found in various coincidences - elves.

There is another update at noon.

Chapter 1067 Chapter 1049 The Secret of the Fruit Plate


In the old apartment room, he felt the familiar flow of the spirit of life, and the old elf on the bed breathed a sigh of relief. But he was suddenly stunned, as if he felt something incredible. The left hand that was not grasped by Jenkins raised up and rubbed his eyes, then stretched forward towards Jenkins, squinting his eyes to observe his face.

Jenkins is now in a disguised state of black robe, and the old elf should not have seen any truth. But he found that the elf's eyes were abnormally emerald green, like magic eyes. When Old Bruce finally saw Jenkins' face, he let out a cry of horror:

"Oh, World Tree~"

The elf shouted in horror. He didn't know if Jenkins' treatment had an effect. He actually broke away from Jenkins' arm and shrank towards the other side of the bed.

That exclamation was probably similar to what humans would shout "Oh my god~" when they are surprised, and Jenkins did not question it.

"Is there a problem?"

Jenkins looked at him and then at his hands, doubts about his own race reappearing in his heart.

"No problem, no problem at all!"

Old Bruce shook his head like a rattle, and he didn't look into Jenkins' eyes at all. Even without lying to the clerical judgment, Jenkins knew that this look was a lie.

"I've never met you before, and you wouldn't have known from the way I looked now that I meant that."

He raised his right hand, and the green energy swayed in the air like a flickering candle.

"You know this?"

"I do not recognize!"

After speaking, the old man covered his mouth. He also knew that it would be wrong to say more and not to say anything.

"It seems you know each other."

Jenkins pondered for a moment, gently stroking the cat with wide eyes and expectant expression.

This silent attitude made the old elf feel more pressure. He was just doubting at first, but now he felt the life spirit of the young man in front of him carefully, and he had completely confirmed his guess.

"Oh, Lord, this is..."

He originally thought that he would never be able to return to his hometown, and that dying alone in the material world would be his end. Unexpectedly, fate made a joke, but at this moment, old Bruce would rather die silently than get involved in such a thing. He had lived a long time, and he knew what Jenkins' appearance meant.

"Am I an elf?"

After the silence, Jenkins asked abruptly, but the old elf on the bed said nothing or even made any movement. He was quite cautious, more cautious than Jenkins thought.

"Since you don't answer, it means that I really have something to do with elves. Interesting, it really is true~"

Jenkins fell into deep thought again, thinking about all the things that had happened since he came to this world for more than half a year. The old elf's face turned pale with fright. He didn't want to be involved in any fate.

"What are you here for? Oh, young man, let me lie quietly in bed and wait for the messenger of death to take me away? I am just a poor elf who accidentally left his hometown and could only die in a foreign land. "

He desperately wanted to drive Jenkins away, but Jenkins didn't want to leave at all. He rarely had the opportunity to encounter this kind of alien that could communicate for a long time and was lawful and kind.

"Messenger of death? So who is responsible for the ownership of souls in the material world, is it the true god [End of Death] or the master [ancient god of death]?"

Jenkins asked a more sensitive question.

The old elf's face turned even paler, and he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, indicating to Jenkins that he would never speak again.

After that, Jenkins asked a few more questions, but the old elf was unwilling to answer. He looked terrified, as if there was a plague upon Jenkins, who could not understand the reason for this strange attitude.

"Even if I have the blood of elves, he shouldn't be afraid of me. We can barely be considered the same race. Do pure-blood elves discriminate against half-elves? But Mr. Salaimanda in the fake world of monsters treats me quite well. friendly."

After thinking for a while, and seeing the resolute attitude of the old elf Bruce, Jenkins thought about solving the original purpose of today first.

He put his hand into his pocket, took out the photo of the fruit plate and handed it to the old man on the bed, motioning for him to take a look:

"This originally belonged to you, right?"

"Yes. Oh! So that's why you found me!"

The old man's face was full of regret, "I should have moved after that robbery. Damn it."

"Your fruit plate was stolen, and it was bought by me after several twists and turns. If you want to take it back, I can return it to you, but I want to know what it is."

Jenkins said calmly.

"No, you don't have to give it back to me, just leave it with you... This was a long time ago, yes, before the elves exited the material world, they used the bark of the World Tree and some elemental essences and fruits of all things to It's made of cores ground into powder and other messy things. I wasn't born yet, but I also know that there are some unrepeatable processes involved in making this item. In short, it can produce any fruit that has ever appeared in the material world. I found it at a flea market 12 years ago and bought it because it was created by elves.”

"Any fruit? You mean, the fruits produced on this fruit plate are not limited to ordinary fruits?"

Jenkins asked, and Chocolate's ears twitched. Although it can forcefully activate additional functions of the fruit plate, it would be better if there is a more labor-saving method.

"There is no limit to ordinary fruits, but if you want to obtain fruits with extraordinary power, you need to choose the right time to arrange the ceremony according to the moon phase, weather and the nature of your spirit. Of course, if you are lucky enough, you can get it without being so complicated. Extraordinary fruit, but the odds are as if your cat could talk..."

The old elf pointed to the desk opposite the bed:

"On the left, in the second drawer from the top, there is a white-covered notebook. Turn to page 34. The next dozen pages are all descriptions of the fruit plate. I was going to burn it before I died. , since you are interested, take a look.”

Jenkins glanced back at the desk, then nodded, put the cat next to the bed, and then stood up to get the notebook.

While Jenkins turned around, the old elf shrank into the quilt again. His action of pulling the quilt moved the cat on the bed. It was a little unhappy, so it gave the old elf a rude "meow~".

Before the dim-eyed elf could observe the appearance of the bold cat, Jenkins had already returned with a notebook.

"Be good, don't bark, and respect the elderly."

He petted his cat and said, and the cat responded softly, then lay on Jenkins' lap obediently, staring at the notebook with its big amber eyes.

Chapter 1068 Chapter 1050 The Elf’s Friend

"Mr. Bruce..."

"My name is Bruce Lacrosse Siannodel (meaning "Moon Creek"), you can call me Mr. Siannodel."

The old elf finally said his name, but unfortunately Jenkins was not sensitive to the elves' last names, otherwise he would have been able to infer his identity from his last name.

"Well, Mr. Siam Nord, thank you very much for your help, but I still want to know my identity. My parents and brothers are all ordinary people. Apart from being healthier than ordinary people, there is nothing special about me. I I have been wondering about my family’s bloodline, so I want to get the answer from you.”

Jenkins was much more polite when he spoke, completely unlike the impoliteness he had when he broke in here just now. But as soon as the old elf heard this question, he immediately covered his mouth again, showing Jenkins his determination that he would never give an answer.

"I know that some things are not unknown but cannot be said. You just need to give me some hints..."

"Oh, damn, who is it?"

The sound insulation here is not good. Even in the bedroom, you can clearly hear the knock on the door downstairs again. Jenkins' words were interrupted, and then both of them heard the landlord's impatient voice:

"Looking for old Bruce again? Oh, God, how many people are still looking for him today?"

Having said this, she apparently let the visitor through the door, and Jenkins heard voices coming up the stairs.

"That's the friend who came to visit me today. We made an appointment for him to help execute my will. When you knocked on the door downstairs just now, the landlady thought you were him, so she let you come upstairs."

"Your friend?"

Jenkins looked back and realized that the person coming was the Giver. Moreover, this benefactor met him twice, once at Mr. Corpse's party, and once when he was visiting the store last night. The old man sold a ring in the antique store that looked exactly like the tomb-robber Miss Lark.

"Yes, I have known him for many years, and we are friends. For the sake of God, young man, my friend has nothing to do with our affairs, please don't involve him."

pleaded Bruce Sr.

"I understand, but when he opens the door dozens of seconds later, you must introduce my identity to him, the appropriate identity."

Jenkins answered, then walked out of the bedroom with the cat in his arms and opened the door. Sure enough, the person taking off his hat and preparing to knock on the door was the old man who came to the antique shop to sell rings that night last week.

He was surprised that it was a strange young man who opened the door. After entering the bedroom, he learned from old Bruce that this was the child of his old friend. He recently came to Nolan for business and wanted to come and see him.

"Look, it's such a coincidence that I'm about to die, and the children of my old friends come to see me."

The old elf said with a smile on his face.

"This is your luck, Siam Nord. I think fate is favoring you. How lucky you are!"

The old man said with a smile, and politely asked Jenkins if he could adapt to Nolan's weather.

The visitor's name is Harama Rainsam, who claims to be 65 years old. Despite his age, he looked healthy, at least healthier than the old elf.

The purpose of his coming today was to review the will with Siam Nord for the last time, which was something they had agreed on last week. Old Linesom was wary of Jenkins' presence, so after entering the bedroom he kept talking about boring topics such as the weather and the plague.

The old elf also realized that such a conversation was inappropriate, so he said to him:

"Harama, I think the matter of the will can be postponed for a while. I feel the power of my ancestors, and the ancestors don't want me to die like this, so I can still live for a while. The matter of the will can be discussed next year."

He gave random reasons.

"next year?"

The skinny Mr. Linesam looked at the old elf on the bed in surprise. Jenkins judged from his expression that he might be expecting the elf to tell him, "Ha, I was fooled. In fact, I will die tomorrow."

But the old elf just looked at him with a sad expression, until his back felt cold at the sight, and Mr. Lensam shook his head suddenly, as if he was shocked.

"Okay, okay, whatever you want, you're always weird like this."

He waved his hand in front of his face as if to shoo away flies, then stood up and prepared to leave:

"Siam Nord, your joke this time was a bit too much. I thought you were really going to die."

He said in a pretended vicious tone, then sighed and glanced at Jenkins, who was sitting next to him pretending to be confused, said goodbye softly, then turned and left the apartment.

"Does he know you're an elf?"

He pressed his body against the wall next to the window and used his fingers to open a gap in the curtains. After making sure that the old man had left, Jenkins asked.

"Of course we do. We all know each other's secrets. We are both strangers, but we are old friends. Let me warn you, he really has nothing to do with the elves."

Seeing Jenkins' skillful way of peeping out of the window, the old elf couldn't help but say.

"I know, I'm not interested in your friends."

Jenkins answered like this and sat down from the wall back to the bed again. Seeing that the old elf was still coughing, he poured a cup of hot water from the dirty teacup on the bedside and handed it to the old elf.

The moment he took the teacup, Jenkins' hand once again held the old elf's wrist. A steady stream of green liquid flows along the connection between the hand and the arm and enters the old elf's body. Jenkins cannot reverse the age, but considering the long life volume of the immortal species, even if he will die of old age sooner or later, this time Jenkins It also extended his life for at least 5 years.

For some reason, the vitality generated by [Life Origin] is quite adaptable to the elf's body. Jenkins has never felt that any benefactor can receive his treatment with such low loss and high efficiency.

"After all, I am an elf, a race that is naturally close to life and nature, and I am very likely to have elf blood. Maybe the emergence of [contact treatment] is related to the blood of this body."

When Jenkins thought about it this way, it didn't feel strange.

"I help you treat you, not because I want to repay a favor, but because I want you to give me answers. I just think you are valuable, so I help you."

To prevent being misunderstood, Jenkins said while using his ability.

The old elf didn't try to break free this time, but looked like he was wandering in a daze and didn't know what he was thinking.

Until the end of Jenkins' treatment, the old elf on the bed said nothing. He maintained a puzzling thinking expression, but at this moment it was difficult for Jenkins to think of any important issues that he could think about.

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