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Chapter 1069 Chapter 1051 More Tattoos

Realizing that Jenkins had released his hand after treatment, the old elf Siam Nord finally came to his senses. He opened his mouth to say something, but immediately closed it again.

After doing this three times, he said:

"Young man, I cannot answer your question, but I am happy to provide you with other help. If you are still curious about your family, why not ask your elders? Even if they have no clues, the ancient race The involvement of extraordinary bloodline always has a destiny-like connection. As long as you are willing to search, you will be able to find the answer yourself one day...just like you can find me."

"But I want answers now."

"I won't tell you until I die."

Siam Nord spoke slowly, shook his head, and covered his mouth again to show his firm attitude.

Jenkins sighed and shook his head, wanting to get up and leave, and visit again when he had time. He knew that he was destined to not be able to ask questions today, but the old elf's attitude was very gentle, and there might be a change next time.

But suddenly something came to mind, so I continued to sit without moving:

"Okay then, I'll leave with just one question, and I'll visit you again next week: Do you know [Alien Craze]?"

"Yes, I also know that the cult organization [Whip of the Dead] is currently planning to obtain this ability in Nolan. They are really a bunch of lunatics."

The old elf took away his hand covering his mouth and replied quickly. It seemed that as long as Jenkins didn't ask about the elf's affairs, he would tell him everything.

"Then do you know where those five tattoos are? I mean, the learning ritual of [Alien Frenzy] requires five different aliens to carry the tattoos for a period of time. Now I know that the Church of the Sage has obtained two of them. You Do you know where the other three pieces are?"

This is also one of the factors threatening the city. It would be great if we could get news from the old elf.

"Five dollars?"

The old man Siam Nord frowned as expected. Jenkins originally thought that he did not understand the content of the ceremony. When he was about to stand up and say goodbye, the old elf suddenly asked:

"How do you know that only five tattoos were dispersed by [Whip of the Dead]?"

"Because the ritual content stipulates that the runes must be divided into five parts."

This was the news from Miss Cape, which Jenkins had read in the letter to his father.

"The rules of the ritual are indeed like this. According to the information I know, the lunatics of [Whip of the Dead] also do this, but... who told you that they only prepared a set of rituals?"

The old elf asked, frowning. But because of Jenkins' treatment just now, the wrinkles on his face have been significantly reduced, so even if he frowns, he won't show that ugly old look.

"More than one set?"

"Of course there is more than one set. You must know that [Alien Frenzy] is not a unique ability. Although making ritual rune tattoos is complicated, it is not something that can only be done once. Although they have gone crazy because of their ambitions, at least they still have it. Normal intelligence."

The old elf looked at Jenkins seriously:

"Where did you learn that they only prepared one set of rituals? This is not right. According to the information I got, there are at least 5 sets of rituals being prepared at the same time. There are at least 25 tattoo bearers scattered across Nolan. . Oh, since you said that the Sage Church has obtained two tattoos, there are still 23 left!"

He marked the number two with one hand and the number three with the other, and then added:

"Of course, although I claim to be well-informed, I don't rule out that there are rituals that I don't know about. So the real number of tattoos is greater than or equal to 23. I think you can understand what I mean."

"Are you sure this is the right news?"

Jenkins was slightly surprised, but he thought the old elf's words were okay. Indeed, no one stipulated that only one group could be prepared for that ritual at the same time. If it weren't for the ritual that stipulated that the tattoos couldn't be too close together, Jenkins believed that the group of aliens would all gather in the same secret location instead of being scattered throughout the city.

"Of course I am sure. You must know that I have been living in Nolan since I accidentally came to the material world from my hometown 129 years ago. I know this place very well~"

He couldn't help but feel a little proud of what he said, and then he saw Jenkins looking at the bedroom decoration.

"So you have lived in Nolan for 129 years and have never saved enough gold pounds to buy a house by yourself?"

"Things like gold pounds... have nothing to do with connections, ahem."

The old elf deliberately coughed loudly to stop Jenkins from continuing to ask, and then quickly moved on to the next topic:

"If you want to find those who carry tattoos, I can provide some clues. Because [Alien Craze] stipulates that only aliens can carry those tattoos, and the more powerful the person with the tattoos, the more powerful the ability created by the final ceremony, so Those chosen to bear tattoos must be powerful alien creatures. I have lived here for so many years and know some of the strange people living in this city. I can give you a list if you want to track it down. , this can be used as a clue.”

As he spoke, he asked Jenkins for a piece of paper, and then wrote down information such as his name, race, and address on the paper. He wrote in great detail. It took him half an hour to write 12 items.

"These are all aliens who meet the requirements and may agree to cooperate with [The Whip of the Dead]. Some of them have very bad tempers. If you go to investigate by yourself, be careful that they may suddenly attack you."

"I don't plan to go by myself."

Jenkins will find a way to report this paper and the speculation about the 25 tattoos to the church in a while. This is not a very troublesome thing.

"It's good that you don't plan to go."

Handing the paper and pen to Jenkins, the old elf retreated back into the quilt and leaned against the head of the bed.

"Speaking of which, didn't they look for you?"

Jenkins asked while looking at the list.

"I'm just an old elf... and they can't find me."

He said smugly, reaching out to get the teacup on the bedside table, and then there was another knock on the door downstairs.

"Who is it?"

The landlord's tone was full of irritability, and when the man downstairs answered that he wanted to find the head of Room 2 on the third floor, the mean and thin woman's anger completely erupted:

"Oh, damn old Bruce, several people have come in this hour! Are you going to have a party in the house? Oh, I really shouldn't have agreed to let you stay!"

This sentence was obviously shouted to the upstairs, and Jenkins and Siamnod understood it.

Chapter 1070 Chapter 1052 Intruder

In Room 2 on the third floor, as the voice of the landlord downstairs fell, the old elf smiled awkwardly at Jenkins, but then said puzzledly:

"Huh? I don't remember that I made an appointment with a second person today, and it seems that only old Harama knows that I live here. Who is coming this time?"

"Let me see."

Jenkins said, looking down at the floor, actually using the Eye of Truth to directly observe the aura. As expected, the visitor was a gifter, and the number of divine abilities was very large.

Although Jenkins didn't know all the gift givers of the Orthodox Church in this city, he instinctively thought that the person below was definitely not a believer of the Orthodox Church.

"I think you may be in trouble. The person who is going upstairs may not be a good person."

He warned.

"Is that so? Damn, what happened today?"

The old elf struggled to get out of bed. Although he had been treated by Jenkins, his body was still not very good. After all, the exhaustion of life was not only affected by the spirit of life, but also by the imprint of time, which Jenkins could not reverse.

"You don't have to move, I'll take care of it. It's just a third-level gift giver, not a big deal."

He said so that the old elf returned to the bed, then put the somewhat excited cat on the desk beside him, and walked out of the bedroom calmly.

Although the landlady was very irritable, she still let the visitor go upstairs. The footsteps of the visitor were very light. Even if Jenkins was already standing at the door of the house, it was still difficult for him to judge the figure of the person going up the stairs from the footsteps.

He hesitated and didn't stand at the door but opened the door and walked out directly. At that time, the person going upstairs did not reach the third floor. When the two met, it was only on the stairs from the second floor to the third floor.

Jenkins stood above and looked down at the man in a black windbreaker who was holding the handrail of the stairs. He raised his head with a black round hat and looked at Jenkins, and then stopped with Jenkins.

Neither of them spoke, and silently stared at their opponents. Jenkins, who was at the top of the stairs, stood on the same step with both feet, while the man at the bottom of the stairs had his right foot on top and his left foot on the bottom, maintaining the posture of climbing up.

After three breaths, the man below couldn't hold back first, and his lowered left hand quickly swung, and a silver light hit Jenkins' face. It was a palm knife enchanted by a ritual. When the blade flew past Jenkins, Jenkins even observed the runes imprinted on it.

He tilted his head to dodge the flying knife, and then realized that the person below had jumped up directly. Jenkins stood in the distance without moving, stretched out his right hand to push his fist to the side, and then kicked the man who had just jumped over back down.

"He's stronger than me/not as strong as me!"

The two thought at the same time, and Jenkins tilted his head again, letting the flying knife that flew back from behind like a boomerang brush his hair and fly towards the man's hand. Jenkins squinted his eyes and recalled the runes imprinted on the knife, and suddenly realized:

"It's not a common elemental enchantment. You used a ritual to increase the magnetism of the knife. The ability you use is to control magnetism!"

As he spoke, he took the initiative to pounce down. The man below stretched out his hand to hit Jenkins' chest, but was hit on the wrist by Jenkins.


Jenkins landed steadily on the steps and fought with the man at close range. Both of them had good martial arts skills, but Jenkins was stronger. He had the upper hand with just two punches, and at this time, the strange sound on the stairs had attracted the attention of the landlord downstairs.

He grabbed the escalator beside him with his left hand, and his right shoulder suddenly rushed forward to receive a punch. Then he used his left hand to support himself and jumped up, controlling the strength of his hand in the air to change direction, and then kicked out with a sudden kick:


The extremely strong force kicked the man's chest with a sound of breaking through the air, and he was kicked out with almost no resistance. This caused more noise, but before the landlady went upstairs, Jenkins had subdued the man and brought him to the old elf's room.

Even in the bedroom, the woman's cursing voice could be heard on the stairs.

"She's always like this."

The old elf shrugged, not angry at his landlord's behavior.

Considering that there might be an interrogation, Jenkins did not use [Profane Production] to make the intruder permanently unconscious after kicking him unconscious. He just broke the bones of the man's limbs and tied him with wires for safety. He also deliberately placed a charm that could be remotely activated at a very short distance with his thoughts in his breast pocket.

The old elf didn't say anything about this. He didn't know this man, but during the process of binding Jenkins, they all saw the emblem of the evil god on the shoulder blade, which meant that he was a member of [Whip of the Dead].

"Since such a tattoo can reveal your identity, why do you still have it on your body?"

Jenkins asked as he twisted the wire.

"Because it's faith."

The old elf gave an irrefutable reason, and Jenkins thought about it and felt that he was right.

Breaking the bones of his hands and feet had already woken him up from the pain. Jenkins' kick just now was very heavy. There must have been something wrong with his internal organs, so it was quite difficult to speak.

Before he died, Jenkins wanted to use some cruel methods to extract the information he wanted, but the old elf Siam Nord stopped him, not because of his kindness:

"If we make any weird noises again, the landlord might really kick me out of the apartment."

He complained and asked Jenkins to take a dark green potion from the flat box on the foot of the desk. That box had been used to cushion the table legs. It must have been there for a long time. The iron box was pressed out and dented downwards.

The box was covered with rust and had a thick layer of dust on the surface. Jenkins wanted to blow it to make it cleaner, but the old elf warned that he didn't want his bedroom to become a place full of ash.

Inside the box were more than a dozen small hoses of different colors, only one of which was dark green. Because he briefly learned potions from Old Jack, Jenkins was able to determine that these potions were within the shelf life.

Judging from the intensity of the aura, these potions should be very powerful. At least all the potions that Jenkins has successfully configured cannot compare with these.

"The potion you took that can temporarily hypnotize intelligent creatures was made from the dust of the [Emerald Dream] I brought from my hometown. You can think that people who drink these potions can only tell the truth. Over the years, I have used A lot has been removed, but this is the only one left. Don’t spill it.”

said the old elf, then coughed again. But the coughing sound has become very healthy, more like clearing the phlegm in the throat.

Chapter 1071 Chapter 1053 Tattoos, Blood Sacrifice and Umbilical Cord

"Spill it? No, my hands are very steady. Even my cat can't escape from my hands... However, Mr. Siam Nord, judging from the degree of rust of this box, The shelf life of these magic potions is really long~"

Jenkins sighed as he went to feed the captives medicine. He had learned basic knowledge of potions from Old Jack, so he naturally knew that the shelf life of potions was generally very short, and the iron box had not been opened for at least a year.

"Hmph~ The shelf life of potions can be extended by some special means, but humans don't know it. The method I use is unique to elves. Although the steps are a bit complicated, it is quite easy to use. If you want to know, there is a fish tank in the living room outside. There is a notebook below, the one with a faded cover. Starting from page 12, it’s all about the preservation of potions. Be careful not to break the fish tank when you take it.”

Regarding issues other than elves and bloodline, the old elf satisfied Jenkins without reservation. Even if it was an undisclosed secret like the elves' techniques for preserving potions, he was willing to share it with Jenkins without any problem.

Jenkins was a little moved, but at the same time he was even more curious about the bloodline of the Williamt family.

The effect of the old elf's hypnotic potion was immediate. The man who originally pretended to be comatose immediately became comatose and submissive after being forced to take the dark green potion.

"I wonder if this potion will work on cats."

A corner of Jenkins' heart thought this way. The cat lying on his lap looked up at Jenkins and made a very disdainful expression.

"what your name?"

Although he had little experience interrogating prisoners, Jenkins knew the process.

"Justin Curland Adworth."

The man bound by the wire said in a very calm tone. His eyes were dull and his eyes changed from the usual brown to dark green. This is one of the few side effects of this medicine.


"36 years old."

The answers to two consecutive questions were acceptable. Jenkins looked at the old elf, who nodded to indicate that he could start asking about the key content.

"Are you a member of the [Gear Craftsmen Guild]?"

"No, I am not."

"Then what organization do you belong to?"

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