"I am a junior member of the Quill Club, a life member of the Norland Yorktown Gun Enthusiasts Association, a silver card holder of Kimberley Auctioneers, a deputy at Edward's Dry Cleaners..."

"What sect do you belong to?"

Jenkins changed the question to prevent him from continuing to talk about boring things.

"I belong to the [Whip of the Dead] and believe in the great [Lord of Slaughter]."

This answer is not surprising, after all, few people are bored enough to imprint the emblem of a cult organization on their skin.

"What did you come for?"

"It's to find Bruce Siamold. The chief priest hopes to find him."

"Why should we find him?"

"I don't know. The chief priest just hopes that if I can find him, I can give him the letter."


Jenkins asked, and then he and the old elf looked at the pile of things belonging to Justin Colander Adworth on the desk. In order to prevent an accident, Jenkins confiscated all his belongings, and there was indeed a letter among them.

After blinking and confirming that it was just an ordinary letter, Jenkins stood up, picked up the letter and handed it to the old elf. The elf lowered his head and read it quickly, then returned the letter to Jenkins:

"It's a bit surprising that they actually want me to carry a tattoo of [Alien Mania]. I didn't expect that anyone would remember me, an old man who is about to die."

This is indeed what was written in the letter. Although the tone was very polite, there were also some words with a commanding tone. In the end, the chief priest who did not want to be named cordially greeted the old elf's health and reminded him that if [Whip of the Dead] is willing, he can find his next address at any time.

"Looks like we're moving."

The elf said with a grimace, propped up the bed with one hand and sat up. While Jenkins was reading the letter, he leaned forward slightly and asked the prisoner again:

"Do you know anything related to [Alien Craze]?"

"The church hopes to gain great abilities and then create real killers, using the power of killing to prove to the world the greatness of our Lord and our strength."

"Is that all?"

If you are just doing this kind of thing, there is no need to come to Nolan City, which is so dangerous. It would be wisest to hold the ceremony quietly in the countryside where the church and kingdom were weak.

“This is what the chief priests told us.”

The prisoner answered honestly.

"Do you have any other guesses?"

The old elf asked that long age did not just bring him closer to death.

"The chief priest has concealed something very important. I noticed that the church has been collecting materials for blood sacrifices in recent months, and earlier last week, a monster broke into the church's secret sacrificial site. That monster made The chaos caused the church to rebel, and the betrayers stole the core materials of the blood sacrifice ceremony. The monster became furious because he did not find what he wanted, causing the church to suffer heavy losses. "

The old elf did not understand this information. Although he was well-informed, he did not know everything. But Jenkins caught the key point. He raised his head and confirmed:

"Does that weird thing have bronze skin, is short and fat, looks like two large vats stacked on top of each other, and has twelve fingers?"

"Yes, I didn't see it with my own eyes, but your description is consistent with the survivors' descriptions."

The prisoner replied, and Jenkins showed a true expression.

"It's A-05-1-4490 [lucky misfortune]. I knew it had been planning to rob the umbilical cord for a long time. The strange situation that time was indeed premeditated. It found the Evil God Church and took away the umbilical cord. It betrayed Or, it’s just that for some reason, they can’t directly contact the umbilical cord in the material world, so they take great pains to use the magic realm in violation of regulations.”

This explanation is much more reasonable, and it connects everything that happened some time ago. After the birth of the Evil God Son, its umbilical cord was divided into several parts and remained in the material world. After the organization planning the Son of God incident failed, the four umbilical cords fell into the hands of the [Whip of the Dead].

Since Feini's cousin's family was wiped out, A-05-1-4490, who lost the gambling, has not left Nolan. He sensed the umbilical cord with the power of the Son of God and attempted to obtain it, so he raided the cult's sacrificial site, but did not get what he was looking for. It then took the risk to use the power of the treacherous realm, and then met Jenkins again, which led to the incident of the enchanted realm last time.

"Umbilical cord, what umbilical cord?"

The old elf really didn't know about this. He asked blankly, but his face froze and he realized that by asking, he was simply actively participating in the trouble. But it was too late, Jenkins quickly told what happened about the umbilical cord last week.

Chapter 1072 Chapter 1054 The Moving Elf

"The umbilical cord of the Son of God, you should know what happened at the end of last year."

At the old elf's home, Jenkins explained what happened last week in an understated manner. Looking up from the letter, he didn't see a shocked expression on the old elf's face, but a deep regret.

"The umbilical cord of the Son of God? Oh, the flowers...Mortals nowadays are really becoming more and more bold."

He looked remorseful while scolding, and he didn't know what kind of emotion was dominant.

But the two captives did not know anything related to the umbilical cord, and they only guessed that the stolen things should be related to blood sacrifices.

In other words, [Alien Frenzy], [Child of God's Umbilical Cord] and [Blood Sacrifice Ritual] are now connected. Although I don't know what the Whip of the Dead is going to do, I think it's definitely not a good thing.

After that, Jenkins asked whether [Whip of the Dead] had any secret operations on Friday night last week, and then received the news that Priest Ke Lan and Captain O'Rourke acted without permission, causing heavy losses to the organization.

That's what happened last week during a night at the store when Jenkins got his second umbilical cord cut.

"It's still unclear where the two remaining umbilical cords are, but there is a high probability that the Whip of the Dead knows something... What exactly are they going to do with the umbilical cord? Oh, it's really confusing."

There was only so much the prisoner knew, and after asking the questions, Jenkins thought about getting rid of him. After learning that he had killed many innocent people, Jenkins set him on fire without hesitation, and the middle-aged man was silently reduced to ashes in the flames.

"I thought you would stop me from doing this now, after all this is the bedroom you live in."

Jenkins said to the old elf.

"I plan to move soon. We can't live here anymore. I don't mind if you hold a random party here."

The old elf said nonchalantly.

The location here has been known to [Whip of the Dead]. After burning the captives, Jenkins helped the old elf move. He has a lot of stuff, even the furniture here has to be taken away. But the two of them didn't need a moving company. After changing clothes, the old elf took out a bag of seeds from the drawer and threw them around the house. The seeds sprouted quickly and grew into a lush tree in a very short period of time.

These small trees took up almost all the space in the room, and Jenkins and the cat had to stand in the corner, but fortunately the small trees did not squeeze the last space they had.

The roots of the small tree were planted on all the furniture and items to be taken away. After the tree had grown, the old elf stood in the center of the bedroom and softly recited a short spell in Elvish language. While chanting, he made movements in the four directions of east, west, north, and south. Different gestures.

His fingers are very flexible and can be bent to form the pattern of elven runes. With the appearance of hand gestures and the chanting of mantras, the surface of the small tree emits dots of light green fluorescence. The fluorescence grew stronger and stronger, until eventually Jenkins had to close his eyes to avoid the flash.

After the light disappeared, only two people standing and dust on the ground were left in the empty room. The cat curiously climbed onto Jenkins' shoulder and saw a maple leaf-shaped tattoo on the back of the old elf's hand.

"How's it going? It looks good, right?"

He showed off the tattoo on the back of his hand to Jenkins:

"This is the yellow spell ability [Void Tree Space]. As far as I know, there is no inheritance of this ability in the material world. Do you want to learn it? I can teach you."

"Oh, thank you very much, but I don't want to learn yet. I'm still planning my own ability system."

This ability is indeed very useful, but Jenkins only has two bubbles left. He appreciates this ability, but has no plans to own it for the time being.

After tidying up the house, the old elf Bruce Siamold claimed that the rent deposit he left here was enough to pay this month's rent, so he did not bother the grumpy and grumpy landlady anymore, but took Jenkins from the kitchen The window jumped directly into the alley behind the house.

The elf's movements are very agile. Even if he is on the third floor now, he can easily land on the ground. It is impossible to tell that half an hour ago this was an old man lying in bed waiting for death.

The old elf has a backup place to stay. Although it is also a rental apartment, it is at least much better than the environment just now. The rental apartment this time is located in the city center, even only two streets away from the Sage Church.

"This is the safest place. I don't think anyone would dare to attack me in this place unless they are crazy."

He said while wiping the rain from his hair with a towel. It was still raining outside. The two of them had just run here in the rain.

While moving the furniture out of the leaves on the back of his hand, he explained to Jenkins the safety here. Jenkins nodded and listened absently. He stood at the window and looked out at the deserted and rainy street, but he happened to see Miss Capet walking eastward along the street holding a paper bag filled with bread.

The high-end hotel she lives in is also in the city center. From the current window, she can even see the fourth, fifth and top floors of the hotel in the distance. The woman below was keenly aware that someone was observing her, but when she turned around, she only saw a strange young man holding a tabby cat looking at the street view from the kitchen window. Jenkins is still disguised in a black robe, so Miss Capet only thinks he is an ordinary person.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing Jenkins standing there motionless, the old elf also came to the window, and happened to see Miss Capet leaving the street in the background.

"It's nothing, I met an acquaintance."

Jenkins didn't want to explain more and walked away from the window after saying this. The old elf stood there motionless, squinting at the woman's disappearing back.


He uttered an exclamation that represented doubt, turned around and looked at Jenkins who was wiping his head with a towel, rolled his eyes but said nothing.

After confirming the old elf's new address, Jenkins planned to leave. The elf's attitude was very firm and he would definitely not answer questions about bloodline. Jenkins thought that he would not be able to change his mind today, so he thought of coming another day.

Before leaving, the elf promised him in the name of the World Tree that they would not move, and even if they moved, they would leave him a new address. This was one of the reasons why he could leave with peace of mind.

Before saying goodbye, Jenkins wanted to give him his correspondence address in the Black Market Bar so that the two could contact each other. But after thinking about it, he turned around and pulled the curtains, retracted the black robe, and revealed the face of Jenkins William.

Chapter 1073 Chapter 1055 Hesha Mansion

"My name is Jenkins William, and the address is written on the paper. If someone from the [Whip of the Dead] comes again, you can contact me through this address and I will help you."

Jenkins said in front of the window with a serious face, and the handsome face and slightly pointed ears were directly reflected in the eyes of the old elf. In the eyes of elves, the facial features of noble blood are very obvious. Although humans cannot see it, in the eyes of elves, Jenkins' face and the face of ordinary elves are as different as the sun and the moon.

The moment he saw Jenkins' face, the old elf subconsciously took a step back, and his heart beat. But he finally mustered up the courage to stay calm, pretending that nothing had happened, and shook hands with Jenkins at the door to say goodbye.

In fact, his left hand behind his back was shaking all the time.

After Jenkins left, the old elf quickly returned to his room on the second floor, and watched Jenkins disappear in the rain from the kitchen window, with a myriad of emotions in his heart that he didn't know how to express.

Maybe it was an illusion, he felt that the cat on the man's back was a bit like the disaster that appeared in the legend.

"Oh, flowers~ May you bless me and let me understand the role I play in my destiny."

He could only say this in the end, and sincerely hoped that Jenkins would come to him as little as possible.

Although he wasted some time at the old elf's house, it was actually not even eleven o'clock when he left the apartment. Jenkins finally boldly revealed his true identity because he trusted the old elf extremely.

This trust was quite unfounded, but Jenkins just felt this way.

Before lunch, Jenkins went to the black market and checked Mr. Black Cat's reply first. He had actually investigated the manor owned by Mr. Corpse in Turin. The current owner was a well-known local old nobleman, who seemed to be a viscount. He and his family moved in earlier this year and lived normally until now.

Mr. Black Cat did not find out anything related to supernatural powers from them, but the transaction time of the house was indeed a week after Nolan's transaction.

"Mr. Black Cat has just arrived in Turin after all, so it's good to be able to investigate this clearly."

Thinking of this, he asked the owner of the bar for paper and pen to write a thank-you letter and planned to send it to Mr. Black Cat later. At the same time, he thought about going to the post office to remit him some money and then entrust him to help investigate Miss Stiver, the apprentice of his father.

Jenkins also told Nolan about what happened recently in the letter. Although Mr. Black Cat left Nolan because he was afraid of the turmoil here, he actually cared about everything that happened here.

After writing the letter, he found the female hunter through the middleman Joker. Now Jenkins already knew her true identity was Miss Warfield, a believer of the righteous god [Lord of the God of War].

Since the end of the adventure in the Mirror World, Jenkins has not seen her for the second time, but the female hunter seems to be doing well. At least she did not face the indescribable evil in the Mirror World like Jenkins and Miss Cape.

This time the commission is to pass on the news that there are more than 5 tattoos of [Alien Frenzy] to the Orthodox Church, whichever church in Nolan is fine.

When Jenkins told the content of the commission, the female hunter thought he was crazy for a while. But for the sake of the gold pound, she did not refuse the commission.

"It's very simple, I'll do it in the evening."

"I hope it will be as soon as possible, this is a very urgent matter."

As he said that, he wanted to get up from the sofa and leave, but he remembered the things in the Mirror World, so he asked tentatively:

"Oh, I also want to find some information about the Mirror World. I heard that there was news related to it in Nolan."

Since Miss Knight showed signs of blood awakening, Miss Warfield, the female hunter who left the team early in the Mirror World with her, should also have some extraordinary gains. Jenkins just wanted to test it out briefly. He didn't expect the female hunter to sell such information.

"I am only responsible for taking the task. If you want to buy information, please go to the middleman clown."

Sure enough, this was the result. Although disappointed, it was not unexpected.

Then he went to the post office and remitted the money to Mr. Black Cat as a thank you. When he left the post office, it was time for lunch. Jenkins solved the lunch problem at the nearest restaurant and chocolate. When he left the restaurant, the drizzle that lasted for a whole morning finally stopped.

But the sky was still gloomy, and it was likely to continue to rain in the afternoon.

Jenkins found a carriage at the corner of the street and took him back to St. George's Street. He took the box of magic potions that Old Jack sent when he left the Shire City, and then asked the coachman to take him to the mansion of Count Hesha.

After ringing the bell outside the fence gate, the servant quickly came to open the door. After learning that it was Jenkins who was visiting, Count Hesha, who happened to be at home, personally received him.

"I just want to ask Hathaway out for afternoon tea."

Jenkins felt strange about the Earl's enthusiastic attitude, but since he was entertained, he would not leave immediately or do something impolite.

Because of the bad weather today, Hathaway was also at home. After hearing that Jenkins was visiting, she immediately came out of her room to meet him. Jenkins was nervous inside, but he explained his purpose generously. Hathaway's face flashed with joy, but she still looked at her father reluctantly, and the latter nodded slightly.

"Okay, I have time in the afternoon. Can you wait for me? I'm going to change a set of clothes."

"Of course, that's no problem at all."

The process of preparing for ladies to go out is always long, even if they don't realize it themselves. In order to prevent boredom, the Earl invited Jenkins to sit in his study. Jenkins certainly knew that he had something to talk about.

The last time the two talked in the study was last year, when Jenkins threatened the Earl with a stack of sensitive letters seized from the illegal organization [Witch House]. Since then, the two have never had a formal conversation again.

Jenkins thought today's conversation would be awkward, but everything was natural. When Jenkins picked up his teacup and squinted his eyes to recall what happened in this study last time, the earl had already sat on the magnificent leather chair behind the desk.

"Long time no see, Baron Williamite."

"Long time no see, Earl Hesa, good afternoon."

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