Looking at Viscount Augustus with gratitude, the Viscount smiled kindly at him, as if he knew the meaning of his words to Jenkins.

"You can leave at any time."

The Viscount waved the sickle with his right hand, and with the harsh sound like a mirror shattering, a crack appeared in the space that the sickle had cut. The crack gradually widens to a width that a normal adult man can pass through, which is the door through which Jenkins returns.

"But I want to ask you again, are you really sure that you will reject our Lord's gift?"

As the parting approached, Viscount Augustus asked again with a serious face.

"Sorry, I still have some worries in the material world, and I have found my own way."

He said apologetically, but he did not expect that Viscount Augustus actually smiled:

"Sure enough, it is exactly what I thought. If I were you, I would make the same decision. But Viscount Williamt, what I want to ask is, are you willing to accept the stronger power that death gives you? Are you truly For those who are close to death and embrace death, if you look at the entire material world and the kingdoms of the great ones, it will be difficult to find someone as strange as you... There is no need to worry about the impact on the soul, and there is no need to worry about the great ones. There is a conspiracy, and those favored by death should continue on this path. Since you have such a talent, death will certainly bless you. "

This almost said "I have a power that is safe and harmless and does not owe you any favors". But instead of being happy, Jenkins felt panic in his heart:

"I'm sorry, Viscount Augustus. I'd like to take the liberty to ask, what you just said...was it what you meant, or..."

He did not dare to call the Lord by his name, but pointed to the sky.

Viscount Augustus smiled slightly, raised his right hand and put his index finger in front of his mouth and shook his head gently.

"Of course you understand."

"No, no, no, I haven't done any merit, so I can't get gifts that don't belong to me."

Jenkins shook his head again. He had always believed that all gifts given by fate had a price secretly marked on them. And he didn't want to be associated with the masters at all. Jenkins was not a greedy person, and the power of life had already benefited him endlessly.

"This is not a gift with ulterior motives, Mr. Willamt. I think you are a little too nervous. But since you don't want to have it, I won't force it. But you have to remember that you are closely connected with death. It is doubtful that the power of death will appear in your hands sooner or later, it is already destined, just as you have the power of life."

He took a step back, opened the door for his return, and made a gesture of invitation.

Jenkins looked at him for a long time, whispered a moment, turned around and walked back. The battle between the vines and the undead was basically over. As the black-robed man in the broken house was completely absorbed, the whole world was once again plunged into silence by the resurrected undead.

Stepping over the dead bones scattered on the ground and stepping on the sticky liquid mixed with dried blood and tree sap, Jenkins walked into the house, bent down and picked up the two round coins placed on the tree stump.

Unfortunately, the black robe also disappeared. Jenkins originally wanted to test whether his robe could swallow it.

He walked out of the house and said goodbye to Viscount Augustus. The Viscount politely bowed to say goodbye to Jenkins. Before leaving, Jenkins gave him a [Desecrated Seed] in his hand.

Viscount Augustus wanted to refuse, which was evident from the way he waved his hand. But for some reason, he finally accepted the coin and whispered as Jenkins walked past him:

"For you, the line between life and death is actually not clear."

Judging from his attitude, this sentence should be of considerable significance. But unfortunately, Jenkins didn't understand it at all, so he could only wait mentally to find the answer later.

Entering the gap opened by the sickle, his vision went dark. When it became bright again, he was already back in the church room. Chocolate, who was sniffing around the altar in search of Jenkins, was startled, and then jumped directly onto the altar from the ground as if flying, and then used it as a springboard to pounce on Jenkins.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, don't be so excited."

He whispered to comfort his cat, realizing that he seemed to have been missing for a while.

He did disappear into this room just now, but it was only for a few dozen seconds, which was not even enough for everyone to go to the altar to observe what happened.

And as Jenkins reappeared, the cold wind blowing as the [Death's Cloak Fragments] were revealed in the air suddenly stopped.

Jenkins seemed to be aware of it and looked at the box on the altar again. The neatly stacked black rags inside seemed to have been destroyed by the power of long time, and turned into a small pile of black dust, covering the bottom of the box.

It no longer had aura, and the spirit that entered Jenkins' body also showed that he had indeed eliminated a strange object again.

Of course, everyone was curious about his whereabouts just now, but Miss Bevanna insisted that Jenkins complete a physical examination before reporting what happened.

This gave Jenkins enough time to weave lies. He didn't want to tell anything related to the Lord and Mr. Augustus, so he had to hide part of what happened just now.

Although it was a good thing to destroy the strange creature, it was not a strange creature taken in by the Church of the Sage after all. Therefore, when Jenkins reported what happened just now, the captain of the gravekeeper team who was responsible for the escort was also present. When Jenkins mentioned the black-robed man in the cloak in the cemetery, he immediately frowned, and he didn't know what he noticed.

Jenkins's brief disappearance and the sudden failure of the strange creature did cause a lot of confusion this morning. Even though this incident did not cause any loss or harm, everyone in the church still took it very seriously.

Section 1095 Chapter 1077 Tracking Flu

For a period of time, the keeper asked Jenkins tirelessly whether he had accepted the power from death. Jenkins repeatedly assured that he was not greedy, and even swore in the name of the sage.

But even so, the keeper and Miss Befanna were still worried, and repeatedly checked whether Jenkins had the mark of death through rituals, potions and even strange numbered items.

"Why are you so nervous? Even if I accept the gift from the black-robed man, there shouldn't be any problem, right? I've felt it, and the power he wants to give me should not be malicious."

Jenkins concealed the fact that he was invited to enter the world of [Ancient Death God] when reporting, and put some of Mr. Augustus' words on the black-robed man in the broken house.

"That's not the problem."

Miss Bevan explained, but she didn't look at Jenkins' eyes:

"Your soul source ability is the category of life, which means that the power of death is very likely to affect you. Even the power of death without malice may pollute your pure life source, which is quite possible."

The priest of lies did not suggest that this was a lie, but Jenkins always felt that she was hiding something, so he thought in his heart that he would ask the old elf when he had time.

In this way, I spent the whole morning in a daze. I had lunch with Chocolate in the church, and chatted with Miss Bevan for a while. Just when I was about to go to the library to read a book and write down the method of curing the plague, I ran into my father head-on.

"You didn't accept the power of death?"

He looked nervous and asked the first sentence like this.

"Of course not, I'm very rational and never believe in gifts that come out of nowhere."

Jenkins assured again, and then looked at his father with a suspicious look.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

The father asked doubtfully.

"Your reactions today...are all a little strange."

"What's strange about it? I feel that it's really strange that you always encounter these strange things."

The father didn't let Jenkins go back to the store in the afternoon, and obviously acquiesced that he could stay in the church all day today.

In the afternoon, for some reason, Miss Audrey also came to the church with a panicked look on her face, and then asked a question that Jenkins had heard many times:

"You didn't accept the power of death, did you?"

"Of course not."

He answered again, and then he was really a little skeptical. Everyone was really worried that the power of death would conflict with his soul's original ability.

I spent the whole afternoon sitting in the library reading books. Today is Wednesday, so there are not many people who have leisure and elegance like him. Therefore, Jenkins and Chocolate can occupy a long table in the library alone, with books on the table, tea cups on the left side of the books, and cats on the right side.

Jenkins was reading a book while stroking Chocolate with his hands, while the cat squinted his eyes and took a nap on the table. Jenkins sat in a place where he could receive sunlight. Even if the fog in the sky blocked part of the sunlight, the sunlight could still find a foot of the long table.

The cat fell asleep quickly in the warm sunlight, which was like a beam of light, shining only on Chocolate. The library was very quiet, and only the tiny particles floating in the sunlight beam showed that everything was not static.

But the cat was not sleeping soundly, because when Jenkins stopped the movement of his hand, it would close its eyes and stretch out its claws to scratch Jenkins' hand.

"Don't go too far."

Jenkins warned.


The cat couldn't care so much.

Because today was Wednesday, Jenkins originally planned to sit in the library until lunch time, and then go directly to the night class. But at four o'clock in the afternoon, he saw Captain Binsey walk into the library and walk straight towards him.

"Good afternoon, Jenkins, I have something to tell you."


Jenkins stood up and picked up the cat that had woken up but didn't want to move on the table.

It was very impolite to talk in the library, so Jenkins wanted to talk to Captain Binsey outside.

"There was progress on what happened yesterday afternoon."

"There was progress? Is it about the plague in that alley? Or has the [Evil Plague] appeared again?"

Jenkins asked doubtfully. He has not yet sorted out a complete method to treat the plague. Logically, what happened last night should not have any results.

"No, no, no, it's not the plague, it's another disease. You remember, the poor woman who died didn't suffer from just one disease. Miss Bevanna suspected that the other suspicious flu was the cause of the appearance of the strange creature. We tracked the textile factory where the dead woman worked, and we really got a clue!"

Captain Binsey frowned and said.

"Are you going to leave now? Do you want to invite me to go with you? Oh, if you can convince Dad, I think I..."

He answered eagerly, feeling that Captain Binsi wanted to invite him to go with him, otherwise he would not tell him about it.

"No, the investigation was completed in the morning. When I reported it to Miss Bevanna just now, she said that you seemed to be very interested in this matter, so let me tell you the whole story."

Jenkins was greatly disappointed when he heard this. After all, the "future" seemed to imply that he would personally kill the man. Being caught by the church or escaping were not the results he wanted. But now that there is a result, I naturally want to hear it, but I don’t know if they really caught the man cursed by Jenkins.

What happened is quite simple. In order to prevent others from alerting others, before this morning's operation, the church began to secretly investigate whether any strange people had appeared in the textile factory where all female workers were working recently.

One night's investigation actually yielded results. The textile factory where the female corpse worked was not that big, it could only be regarded as a small workshop, and there had been no large-scale personnel changes recently. Many people could point out who was the first female worker to show signs of influenza, which saved a lot of time for the investigation.

"That's Coris Ebowa, a 29-year-old female textile factory worker who lives in the west of the city. She suffered from influenza a week ago, but because she was unwilling to spend money to see a doctor, she did not receive any treatment. But she contracted Apart from making people cough, runny nose and mild fever, the flu doesn't have much other effects, so neither she nor the female worker she infected paid much attention to it."

"The symptoms are mild and the infection rate is extremely high. It's really similar to the winter flu."

Jenkins added, nodding, as if neither of those things had anything to do with him.

"No, it just has nothing to do with me."

He said to himself in his mind.

Chapter 1096 Chapter 1078 Confirming the Target

Captain Binxi naturally didn't know about Jenkins' complex psychological activities. He said to himself:

"Earlier today, we used some special means to investigate the daily activity route of the first patient, Corliss Ebois, and finally determined that she contracted the strange flu at the farmer's market near her residence. Divination found the target for us, and the guy who infected her is resting at home this morning. "

"So you caught him?"

Jenkins asked in mock anticipation.

"The operation had a huge harvest. We discovered that the farmer's market turned out to be the stronghold of the Pirate King-Stealer Divo in Nolan. We caught almost everyone, but only Divo escaped. I don't know if Dad told you He was the most shameless of the seven pirate kings. He was good at stealing, sneaking and other assassin skills. He was already a level 6 benefactor five years ago. I feel weak due to a bad cold, but my strength is extraordinary!”

Captain Binsi said with a frown, seemingly still immersed in this morning's actions. Jenkins' brows furrowed deeper than he did:

"I'm sorry, you mean the one who gets the flu is..."

"Yes, the one who is suffering from the flu is the eccentric pirate king-the thief Devo! We have not received any news of him coming to Nolan, and you know, even if he is seriously ill, he still comes to Nolan. Hiding his identity to his men and living in the same accommodation as ordinary pirates! I highly doubt that anyone but himself knew about his secret infiltration into Nolan. What a cunning guy. I thought he was participating in the battle with the Nolan Navy in the Broken Islands!"

Captain Binsi muttered in a low voice, and then saw Jenkins' face was very ugly:

"What's wrong, Jenkins?"

"No, no problem."

Jenkins shook his head. He originally thought that the person who was prompted to kill in the future was a small person, but he did not expect that it was the Pirate King who was famous in the material world before his body was born. Although Divo's strength is definitely not that of a demigod, Jenkins doesn't have to worry about being unable to defeat him, but there is no way to find someone who likes to hide like a mouse.

"No, we still have to rely on Miss Magic. She may be interested in this news!"

Jenkins was thinking in his mind and heard Captain Binsi saying goodbye to him:

"The specific situation is this. Miss Bevanna is worried that you will be too curious about this matter, so she specially arranged the operation to be carried out in the morning. If you want to know more information, you can come to me at any time, But I am going to write a report now. The second pirate king appeared in Nolan, which is of great significance to the battle of the Broken Sea. The church wants to negotiate with the kingdom..."

Although Jenkins heard the rest, he didn't pay much attention to it because it wasn't something he should care about.

The target to be killed in the future was the Pirate King, which was indeed beyond Jenkins' imagination. Even though he still has doubts about whether that "future" is a trap, he has decided to find the target before the final date is reached, at least to determine the reason for killing him.

Of course, he was inclined to believe in that "future reminder".

He took out his pocket watch and took a look. It was still some time before dinner. The last time they worked together to rescue Mr. Hood, Jenkins and Miss Magic exchanged mailing addresses. So he immediately left the church, left a message to Miss Magic through the communication channel, and asked her to meet at midnight tonight.

The future prompt requires Jenkins to kill the target task before the end of this month, and it is already the 20th day of this month. Jenkins does not have much time, so he must solve this matter as soon as possible.

Finny was a little late for the evening class. The girl trotted to the door of the classroom. Jenkins nodded to her and signaled her to come in directly.

Finny was very short, and even if she didn't bend down, she wouldn't block the people in the seats from looking forward. Of course, there were not many people who were actually looking at the blackboard.

After the evening class, Finny apologized to Jenkins for being late. Her recent schoolwork was very heavy. After dinner, she wanted to rest for a while before coming back, but she fell asleep accidentally.

"In fact, judging from your learning progress, it's okay not to attend such classes."

Jenkins pointed to Finny's notebook:

"You have already written down most of what I said, so it doesn't make much sense to repeat the same content. I suggest you find some textbooks from regular schools now, after all, what I'm saying now is not very coherent."

Since winter, Finny has been attending Jenkins' arithmetic class early, and it has been two or three rounds. Jenkins has seen Finny's handwriting. Although there are many misspelled words, the content she wrote down is indeed very detailed.

"You won't let me attend your class?"

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