The girl looked very depressed, holding a notebook and looking down at her shoes.

"No, no, no, I just think you are too tired now, you can have a good rest at night... Of course you can come, I welcome you, Finnie. Of course, if you have any questions, you can come to me at any time. Even if you can't find me, you can write to Dad's antique shop. I usually have plenty of time..."

Before Finnie left, she also asked about her friend, the flower girl Louise. Finnie didn't know that the alley where Louise's house was located was completely blocked, let alone the plague there.

After hesitating for a while, Jenkins didn't tell Finnie the truth, but just said that Louise was in good condition.

He planned to go see Louise again in a few days to make sure she didn't show symptoms of infection with the plague before telling Finnie the truth.

After the evening class, it was Miss Befanna's fighting class. Because of the "extraordinary" kick that Jenkins had when facing the female corpse yesterday, she decided to increase Jenkins' practical training in the near future.

This is a very difficult process, because Jenkins basically couldn't find a chance to fight back. Of course, he also thought that he had made progress, which at least proved that time was not wasted.

Before leaving the church, Miss Bevanna also told Jenkins not to forget about the plague. He claimed in the morning that he had indeed found an effective way to treat the plague, but he could not sort it out for the time being because of the messy information.

"No problem, I will send the sorted information tomorrow morning."

He promised, and then walked into the vast night with his cat in his arms.

Miss Bevanna stood on the stone steps at the door of the church and watched Jenkins leave. The drooping right index finger subconsciously tapped her leg, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

I arrived at the alley an hour earlier than the time agreed with Miss Magic, but I didn't expect that the woman had already arrived.

Chapter 1097 Chapter 1079 Meeting at night

Miss Magic stood at the entrance of the alley covered by shadows in the dark, with her arms folded and leaning against the wall. This is a good position, with a wide field of vision to see the street outside, and because the street light is at the entrance of the alley, it is difficult for eyes that have adapted to the bright light to distinguish what is in the shadow at the first time.

"Good evening, Miss Magic."

Jenkins took the initiative to greet.

The woman glanced at the white cat on his shoulder and responded, "Good evening, Mr. Candle. To be honest, I'm surprised that you would come to me on your own initiative. Is it about those tattoos? Sorry, there are some problems with my research. Now I can indeed rely on the part of the tattoo you provided to find the rest, but the number of the remaining tattoos seems to be close to three digits. I think I must have made a mistake."

Jenkins' mouth twitched, and he almost forgot about it.

"Some accidents happened with the [Alien Frenzy]. You did a good job, Miss Magic. It's not that you are wrong, but there is something wrong with the information I provided."

He repeated the news that he had received more than one tattoo from the old elf, and while talking, the two walked into the depths of the alley. The next conversation was not suitable for standing on the street.

"Prepared more than one ceremony? What do those crazy people want to do?"

Miss Magic said in surprise, but Jenkins didn't know the answer either. He just knew that the cultists wanted to use [Alien Frenzy], the Son of God's umbilical cord and the ritual of living sacrifice to do something bad.

He couldn't take the initiative to reveal the matter of the Son of God's umbilical cord, so he could only vaguely talk about the general guess. Unfortunately, Miss Magic couldn't draw a conclusion from this information, but only speculated that they wanted to summon a terrifying thing.

"Angel of the evil god? It coincides with Alexia's news, which is very likely."

Jenkins guessed in his heart, and vaguely revealed the matter of the angel.

Miss Magic looked at the man in front of her suspiciously:

"You don't know everything, so you called me out to joke?"

"Of course not, if I knew the conspiracy of those cultists, how could I stand here safely?"

Jenkins denied it, but still revealed more ideas, wanting to ask Miss Magic's opinion, but unfortunately she didn't know about the advent of the angel of God.

"After all, it is related to the power of the great ones. You shouldn't ask me about the ceremony of the angel's advent, but ask the gifters of the Orthodox Church."

She reminded Jenkins like this, but Jenkins knew that at least the Level 4 gifter with extremely high authority, who was also a part-time son of God, didn't know the details of the angel's advent.

【Alien Frenzy】There are so many tattoos that it is not possible to solve this problem with Jenkins alone. So he tactfully told Miss Magic that he wanted to cancel the commission to study that tattoo and wanted to spend some gold pounds to hire Miss Magic to reveal the method of tracking the remaining tattoos to the Orthodox Church.

"How much are you going to pay me to hire me?"

The woman asked.

"20 pounds."

Jenkins said this number cautiously. He didn't know whether this was easy for Miss Magic, so he conservatively said a higher price.

"If you hire those brokers related to the Orthodox Church on the black market to do this, not only will you not spend money, but you can also make a fortune."

Miss Magic thought without expression, and then decisively agreed to Jenkins' new commission.

Because the last commission was terminated, Pompeii's ability beads that were deposited with Miss Magic should also be returned to Jenkins. It was a special item obtained by relying on Mr. Hood's magical tag paper. Unfortunately, the sticky note could not tell Jenkins what ability the bead represented.

"I have only researched this ability related to death. To be honest, Mr. Candle, the formation of that bead is not replicable, and my research has completely failed."

Miss Magic felt a little depressed when she talked about that thing. In my mind, this seemed to be the first time she announced that she had completely failed in doing something.

The orb was not carried by Miss Magic, so she invited Jenkins to get it from her temporary research room. Jenkins took a curious look at Miss Magic's expression and agreed. This was probably a way for her to express her trust in Mr. Hood.

Miss Magic's research laboratory is not in the city, so the two of them have to go out of the city together. Because none of them were wearing strange clothing such as cloaks, they could walk on the streets with confidence.

On the way, the two talked about angels again, and Miss Magic showed great curiosity about the ritual of summoning angels to come.

"Speaking of which, in the letter you wrote to me, it seemed that you had discovered a clue to the Pirate King."

Halfway through the road, the conversation about Femixiu came up again for some reason, and then Miss Magic remembered the real reason for the night meeting.

"Oh, yes, yes, the main purpose of tonight is not [Alien Craze]."

Jenkins raised his hand and patted his forehead. The cat saw his action with confusion, so it also twisted its body and slapped his face with its tail.

"Don't make trouble."

As soon as the man grabbed Chocolate's tail, the cat immediately let out a threatening meow and kept moving around on Jenkins' shoulder, almost falling off his shoulder.

"I did get a clue about the Pirate King. Do you remember the last time we went to raid the pirate stronghold? That time there was a mysterious benefactor who was not in the room. I only found out today that the benefactor who was not in the room was Pirate King-Stealer Divo!"

"But the news I heard is that the Thieves are participating in the battle with the Nolan Navy in the Broken Islands."

Miss Magic frowned and said, and when she saw a flickering light appearing at the intersection in front of her, she immediately changed her words:

"...Battle, that's what the newspapers say. I really hope the brave navy soldiers can completely defeat those bandits."

"Yes, yes, the navy will win."

Jenkins said the same thing as the two passed by the patrolman who turned from the intersection in front. The two patrolmen walking together were carrying new-style portable gas lamps. There was an external gas tank on the outside of the lampshade to output fuel.

This is a technology that has only appeared in the past two years, and people must prevent people who use this gas lamp from being blown to death by the gas tank.

"So it's uncertain how many pirate kings have appeared in the outer sea. Maybe Femixiu and Devo are not the only ones who have infiltrated Nolan."

It wasn't until she was sure that the patrol officers were gone that Miss Magic continued:

"Devot must be doing it for [Heart of the Ocean]. All pirate kings need this item. That's right, that's why he took advantage of the naval battle to enter Nolan. Now is indeed the best opportunity!"

Chapter 1098 Chapter 1080 Visitors at Night

Speaking of [Heart of the Ocean], Miss Magic's eyes seemed to light up, and she concluded to herself:

"It doesn't matter if I can't find Femi Xiu now, as long as I find someone who can find him. Mr. Candle, you have done me a big favor!"

She said excitedly, as if the pirate king who was good at hiding was right in front of her.

In order to avoid attracting attention, Miss Magic's research laboratory is located in the open mountains in the south of Nolan. She did not know what means she used to dig out a square space inside the slightly raised hills. Miss Magic will be here when experimenting with dangerous rituals and items.

Enter from behind the imaginary crocheted artificial tree, and then follow the passage diagonally downwards. After walking along the simple stone steps for less than a hundred feet, you will see a slight light.

When you get closer, there is a large iron gate blocking the road ahead, and there is a woman wearing a black cloak standing in front of the iron gate.

"Miss Bai Ling?"

This sentence was not spoken by Jenkins who could see the aura, but by Miss Magic. Hathaway had already heard the footsteps and conversations, so the appearance of the two men was not surprising:

"Miss Magic, I have something to ask you."

"How did you know I would be here tonight?"

Miss Magic asked doubtfully.

"Just trying my luck. The communication channel you gave me is temporarily unavailable due to the plague. If I want to contact you, I can only wait for you here. This is..."

She saw the white cat on the man's shoulder:

"Mr. Candle? Good evening."

"Good evening."

Jenkins said the same thing, and then looked at Miss Magic suspiciously:

"Now you've exposed your face to Miss Bai Ling."

"Oh, Mr. Candle, I have known Miss Magic longer than you think."

Hathaway said this, turning sideways so that Miss Magic could come over and open the rusty iron door.

To be honest, Jenkins wouldn't be surprised if there was a gloomy tomb behind the iron door. But behind the rusty iron door is a laboratory-like space decorated with expensive ceramic tiles.

Jenkins was really surprised, and he and the cat, who was also "unworldly", kept looking around. He saw the blood-red bead representing Pompeii's ability at a glance. It was quietly suspended in a glass cylinder, and the base of the cylinder was a whole piece of obsidian.

"I found that the spirit of this bead is leaking, but the speed of loss is very low. This device can reduce the already low speed by an order of magnitude. I suggest that you use it or sell it within a year, otherwise the ability represented by it will definitely be discounted."

Seeing Jenkins looking at the strange device inquiringly, Miss Magic explained. She walked over and stretched out her palm to the front of the glass cylinder. The spirit light flashed, and the glass cylinder automatically melted. She made way for the seat in front of the table and motioned Jenkins to take it himself.

"If I find the guy who escaped, I will contact you immediately. But I'm afraid it won't be soon. After all, I have a lot of things to do recently."

The woman said, as if she wanted to drive Jenkins away. Although Jenkins was very curious about what Hathaway, who was silent on the side, was doing so late at night, he couldn't find a reason to stay here, so he had to say goodbye and leave.

He casually drew a bamboo tube, put the beads in it and hid it in his pocket to prevent chocolate from being eaten by mistake. It was almost one o'clock in the morning. After entering the city, Jenkins walked towards his home.

The weather tonight was good, but the fog was thick. Jenkins even felt that the fog circle around the city extended a little further inward.

He was not sure whether this was an illusion, but at least he knew that the pollution in the city was getting worse.

St. George Street was quiet and peaceful late at night. At a glance, only the street lights were still on, and the lights in the neighbors' homes were all off. But Jenkins could see that his neighbor Miss Silver Flute was in the basement, and he didn't know whether she was preparing for a ceremony that could only be held late at night.

Unexpectedly, someone was standing at the fence of Jenkins' yard. I saw the familiar aura from a distance, and when I got closer, it was indeed the old elf Bruce Sienold.

The last time I left the old elf's new residence, Jenkins revealed his true appearance to him and also explained his home address. I just didn't expect the elves to come to my door so soon. The last time we met was just the day before yesterday.

"Good evening, Mr. Sienod."

Jenkins greeted politely, startling the old elf who was bending over to check the flowers sticking out of the gap in the fence.

Although spring has just begun, the flowers, plants and trees in Jenkins' yard have grown to the appearance of midsummer at an exaggerated speed. This is definitely not normal, but Jenkins did not associate this phenomenon with his [Origin of Life], and only thought that it was the essence of God that was affecting the environment. After all, it is easy to accept that the flowers around the residence of God are blooming all year round like spring.

"Good evening Jenkins, sorry to bother you, I have something to say."

He used Jenkins' first name instead of his last name to address the young writer, but the relationship between the two did not seem to be that good.

"Come in, you must have been waiting for a long time, right? Sorry, I have a lot of things to do tonight."

As he said that, he took out the key to open the fence door and let the old elf in. He obviously hesitated at the door before raising his leg to go in.

The elf's complexion has recovered well after not seeing him for two days. You know, when I first saw him on Monday morning, he was lying in bed and was not far from meeting the messenger of the god of death.

But now the old elf is full of energy. Even though it is already early in the morning, he still looks rosy-cheeked, even more energetic than the somewhat tired Jenkins.

Jenkins's house does not have coffee or anything like that, but there are some tea leaves that have not expired. He used [Life Origin] to make the tea leaves that have been stored for a long time a little fresher, and then poured them out for use.

After putting the teacup and teapot on the coffee table, Jenkins also sat down. Chocolate has fallen asleep with even breathing at this time. In fact, it fell asleep in Jenkins' arms on the way home.

But no matter how late he sleeps, Jenkins believes that the cat will wake up on time at six o'clock tomorrow morning and wake him up.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Jenkins has great kindness and closeness to the old elf, not only because the old elf is willing to share the knowledge of the elves for free, but also because he has a kind of tolerance and warm temperament like trees and grasslands.

"On Monday, you mentioned the [Alien Frenzy], and I was really worried, so I asked my friend Harama Reinsam to help me investigate. Oh, you have also met him. I originally planned to ask him to help with the will. His situation is similar to mine. He is also a stranger in this city, but he is good at making friends and knows a little about various secret information."

Chapter 1099 Chapter 1081 About the Arrival of Angels

Mr. Harama Reinsam is the old man that the old elf originally planned to entrust to execute the will. He met Jenkins on Monday this week. In fact, old man Harama Reinsam and Jenkins met more than once. He is not only a frequent visitor to Mr. Corpse's gatherings, but also sold things in Dad's Antique Shop last week.

"You said Mr. Reinsam is a stranger like you? No, I think Mr. Reinsam is a human. Do you mean he is from another city?" (Note)


The old elf held the teacup and wanted to take a sip, but when he heard this question, he looked at Jenkins suspiciously:

"He is human? Are you sure? I knew him a long time ago, about a hundred years ago, and he looked like this. I am sure that he is not a normal human like me, and is a foreigner like me."

"He is definitely human."

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