The ticking sounds inside the shadow became denser and denser, and the speed of the black shadow became faster and faster. After realizing that they could no longer dodge, the fire crows quickly gathered together and formed a real fireball.

Then the fireball and the black shadow collided head-on in the rainy sky. Due to the high altitude and the cover of the rain, the amazing explosion sound and wanton black afterglow were not noticed by more people.

And when the people who noticed the strange noise raised their heads, apart from the rain, there were only traces of black air flowing in the sky. And when he tried to see clearly, even the black air flow was gone.

Jenkins observed the scene most closely. After the explosion, what fell from the sky was not a large number of fire crow corpses, but a slightly fat middle-aged woman.

Jenkins quickly brought the cat down from the clock tower, and based on his memory, he found the female body hanging on a tree with buds in a remote alley.

She is obviously dead, and the aura that has not completely disappeared means that she is the group of fire crows just now.

"Alien? This is interesting."

Jenkins said in his heart, raising his hand to poke the clothes on the back of the female corpse. When the clothes were opened, he saw the familiar style of [Alien Frenzy] tattoo.

"Sure enough, it's another alien species with tattoos, but I don't know what race she belongs to. The power of turning into a fire crow is very similar to the bat swarm of vampires."

In order not to get into trouble, I turned around to leave this sensitive place, but then I thought of a more interesting question:

"Why do the tattooed aliens we encountered these three times have the power of fire?"


Chocolate was happy that Jenkins finally noticed something was wrong.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. When I took the replies from the girls in the mailbox and looked for the key to open the door, the rain in the sky was already like someone holding a basin and pouring rainwater onto the ground.

Chocolate had probably never seen such a terrifying natural phenomenon. He was so frightened that he hid in Jenkins' arms and refused to come out.

After Jenkins entered the house, he immediately jumped out of his clothes and stood on the back of the sofa, looking at him from a distance.

"Don't be afraid, I won't give you a bath today."

Jenkins reassured, knowing exactly what his cat was worried about.


But the cat still doesn't get close to Jenkins. After all, it knows how good Jenkins is at telling lies.

While wiping her hair with a towel, she read the replies from the girls. As expected, they all agreed to go to the opera house with Jenkins in the evening.

The joy of Hathaway and Britney can be seen between the lines. Jenkins was sincerely happy. When he invited, he had already informed them that he had invited another person.

"I'm going to the opera with my friends tonight. Do you want to go with me?"

He asked his cat, and the cat who was gently sniffing the apple on the coffee table certainly refused to be left alone at home.

The maid was responsible for dinner. After dinner, Jenkins changed his clothes and waited for the girls to arrive.

He stood in front of the living room window holding the cat, looking at the particularly gloomy sky and the street lights that had started working. The rain doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon, but it's a good sign. It's spring plowing season, and a few more rains will be good for the seeds buried in the soil.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Hathaway and Britney arrived together. They rode in the same carriage. It was not clear whether they met by chance or agreed to come together.

When Jenkins stood at the window and saw the carriage approaching in the pouring rain, he turned and headed to the hall. But he didn't go out immediately. Instead, he locked the door and stood under the eaves at the door. After confirming that the carriage had stopped and opening the door, he quickly rushed out with an umbrella in one hand and a cat in the other.

The short distance from the door to the fence gate. Making Jenkins' pants wet. When he climbed into the car in embarrassment, the chocolate with water on his fur kept swinging in front of him, and the rain splashing everywhere hit Jenkins in the face.

The girls all laughed, and it was Britney who finally got the towel.

"I'm sorry to invite you out to watch a show in this weather."

Jenkins sat down as he spoke, and instead of wiping himself with a towel, he wiped the cat first.

"It's okay. It's really boring when it rains. We can't go anywhere. If you can invite us to watch a play, we don't have to spend a boring and lonely night at home."

The blonde girl said pointedly, and then saw the red-haired girl's scrutinizing gaze.

Jenkins has already prepared the tickets. In fact, even if he doesn't buy tickets in advance in this weather, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to buy cash tickets.

Just as he had guessed, he found that there were very few carriages at the entrance of the opera house. After entering the opera house, not even one-third of the hall was full.

Tonight's play is the representative work of the Silver Jasmine Opera Company - "The Lonely Traveler". If it weren't for the bad weather, the place would have been full of spectators.

As before, Jenkins sat in the middle, with the girls on either side and the cat on his lap.

After the opera begins, the bright lights go out, leaving only the light on the stage. The dim environment made Jenkins a little drowsy, but in order to maintain his good image, he resisted the urge to fall asleep.

The soft hand on the left suddenly grabbed Jenkins' hand. He turned his head and saw Hathaway's smiling eyes. Before he could do anything else, the hand on the right also reached out and grabbed him. Jenkins knew it was Britney without thinking.

Section 1105 Chapter 1087 Dream Fairy

"Do they think this is funny?"

Jenkins couldn't move because both of his hands were grabbed. He complained in his heart, and at the same time, a part of his heart was cursing his sins, but in fact he just sat up and looked at the stage in front of him, without breaking free of any hand.

It turned out that he really didn't like opera very much. Before the first section was over, Jenkins finally fell asleep with the dramatic singing of the gorgeously dressed noble girl.

He rarely dreams now. Except for the dream of the black giant cat, most of his other dreams are problematic dreams.

And this time, when Jenkins saw the gallery corridor beside him, he immediately realized that he was dreaming about the "future". The corridor now was the corridor where he kept seeing the "future".

There was no mastermind waiting for him at the end of the corridor. This seemed to be a dream caused by "thinking about something every day", and it didn't even seem like a precognitive dream. Everything around him was clear, as clear as if it really existed, but Jenkins, who had [Dream Soul Out of Body], knew the nature of dreams very well, and he could feel the reality and illusion of everything around him.


It looked normal, but Jenkins could feel a strange force affecting this dream. This was his dream, there was no doubt about it, but he was feeling that more and more dreams belonging to other people were connecting with this dream, which was obviously abnormal.

Looking around, a faint aura clung to every corner of the dream.

"Someone connected my dream with other people's dreams."

He got the answer at once, but he didn't understand the meaning of doing so. After all, the power seemed to be just a simple connection and didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Will it be a numbered item? Is it B-09-2-7210 [Dream of All Beings] or A-01-3-6882 [Personality Melting] or B-11-05-3829 [Dream Weaver]?"

He guessed the answer, then stood up and walked to the window at the end of the corridor. Outside the window was the bustling future Nolan City, and everything in front of him seemed like that future. No, it was exactly the same as that future, but it was a pity that this was really just a dream, not a prediction, otherwise he was really looking forward to seeing the girl who called him "Uncle Jenkins" again.


Jenkins' fist smashed through the glass directly, and when he took it back, there was a little man with transparent wings like cicada wings in his hand.

She looked very beautiful, but she was wearing a little less clothes. In her right hand, she held a toothpick-sized object and kept poking Jenkins' hand, while her left hand waved in the air to protest to Jenkins:

"Let me go, let me go!"

She shouted in the common language of the Kingdom of Fidictli, but she couldn't get out of Jenkins' hand at all.

"Why is it an elf again?"

Jenkins whispered, and then raised his clenched right hand to his eyes so that he could better observe what it was.

"Ah, don't eat me, I'm not delicious at all."

Perhaps misunderstanding Jenkins's action, the elf he held made a more miserable cry.

"You are lucky that I am not my cat, otherwise you might have been eaten directly."

Jenkins said this, and then saw that the "toothpick" was actually a short stick, and the elf had even less clothes on his body than he thought. But the iconic cicada wings reminded him of the information he had seen in the past, so he asked uncertainly:

"Are you B-3-05-8122 [Dream Elf]?"

"Yes, yes, let me go!"

She kept struggling. Originally, this creature in the dream could be considered invincible, but after being held by Jenkins' hand, the ability to control dreams seemed to be suppressed by a more terrifying force.

Dream elves, like festival elves, are not real species, but "curses" or "blessings" that have gained power from legends and myths.

The danger level of the dream elf in front of him is "5", because the minimum safety level can only be 5. The only power of this creature is to make people within a certain range fall into a coma, and then connect their dreams together. The huge dream spliced ​​together will produce more complicated dreams, and the dream elf can gain power from the huge dream.

The dream elf inherited the instinct of the elf population to like pranks, and often messed up everyone's dreams. This is her only unfriendly point. Especially after connecting multiple people's dreams on a large scale, dream elves like to play pranks on dreamers.

Doing so will quickly consume the dreamer's mental energy, but the consequence is nothing more than a headache after waking up, just sleep a few more days.

Dream elves are not rare, at least more common than [Treasure Elves] and [Festival Elves]. It's just that because she doesn't have a physical entity in reality and can only be seen occasionally in dreams, the specific image of the dream elf is not as well known as the former two.

"I hate pranks."

After confirming her identity, Jenkins realized that it was not an enemy attack and relaxed. He deliberately pretended to be vicious and said this.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have done this."

The little girl he held immediately said this, lowering her head and mumbling with her small mouth, like a child who had made a mistake. She raised her head pitifully, letting Jenkins look at her beautiful face that was not like an ordinary person. She looked only a teenager, and then begged Jenkins to let her go again.

"Have you just come to Nolan recently?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Yes, I just came to Nolan yesterday following a caravan's dream, and I wanted to have some fun... I'm sorry, I know I was wrong."

The elf lowered her head, and her wings drooped down limply.

If you don't consider the size of the little guy in his hand and the pair of wings, then she is indeed a very cute human girl.

But Jenkins knows that these elves are "naughty children" who cannot be disciplined. Now they admit their mistakes pitifully, just because they were caught by Jenkins. If he fails to catch her, Jenkins may face a dream maze of extremely bad taste.

"Let go of those who you dragged into the dream."

Jenkins ordered again.

"Okay sir, let them go now?"

The elf asked cautiously.

"But... wait a minute."

He suddenly became curious about Britney and Hathaway's dreams, and the speed of time in the dream and the real world is very different. Even if a long time has passed, people who wake up will only think that they have just slept.

Section 1106 Chapter 1088 Commissioned to Find Dreams

In the real and illusory dream, Jenkins lowered his head and looked at his captive.

"Since you can't let me go, can you let me go temporarily? I promise not to run away. I really know I was wrong and I won't dare to run away again."

The elf asked pitifully again, which reminded Jenkins of his cat who would act like a spoiled child by rubbing his hand or walking around his feet every time he made a mistake.

Others did not want to embarrass the elf too much. Although she was a Class B supernatural being, she did not have much malice towards humans or the world.

This may be because of the nature of the elf itself, or because she had so few sin coins in her hand that those sins did not affect her character. But in short, Jenkins had no grudge against her.

"Of course I can let you go, but I want to know, can you pull anyone into a dream?"

"I can only pull ordinary people below level 6 into a dream, but I can enter the dreams of most creatures and use this as a starting point to connect the dreams of more people."

She raised her head, her big watery eyes and a sad expression looked at Jenkins:

"I really know I was wrong."

As she said that, she symbolically struggled in Jenkins's hand:

"Can you let me go? I will never dare to do it again."

She asked again, her voice became sweeter and more moving. It was just because the voice was too immature that such "temptation" was not only not tempting, but a little ridiculous.

"I can let you go, but you have to do me a favor... Help me find someone, find him in the dream, and then tell me his location."

"Of course, can you let me go first?"

"Wait a minute, I want to make it clear that I never threaten others to do anything. Since I ask you to help, I can naturally reward you."

He spread his empty left hand flat, and created a [Profane Seed] with the power of dreams and memories.

"I have a coin like this outside of dreams, I think you will like it."

"Oh, it's [Profane Seed]! I can, I can find the person you are looking for in the dream! Even if he is not an ordinary person or does not dream at all, I can find him in other people's dreams~"

The elf nodded quickly, his eyes fixed on the sin coin.

"Is the sin coin that the dream elf is looking for the Profane Seed?"

Jenkins thought to himself, then let go of the elf. Just as he thought, the elf did not escape, but flapped its wings and flew closer to Jenkins.

She wanted to stop at Jenkins' shoulder, but somehow the chill made her give up there subconsciously, and finally she could only fly around Jenkins.

Although it was not worth using sin coins to trade with the elves, only transactions established with sin coins could be trusted. Once she agreed to the deal, it was equivalent to the two parties signing a highly coercive contract.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for Jenkins to trust this little creature with a mind that jumped and liked to play pranks. It's just that the pirate king-thief Diwo is good at hiding, and the church still has no real photo of him. Entrusting the elves to find him can only let her start from Captain Binsi's dream, after all, Captain Binsi has fought with that pirate.

Originally, I wanted her to find the pirate king-destroyer Fermixiu, but then I thought that he was a fierce man who could live alone underwater for half a year. Instead of wasting time looking for Fermixiu who might not be found, it is better to let the dream elf find Diwo. Anyway, there is no rush for Fermixiu. On the contrary, it would be great if he could fight with the craftsman who holds the [Mechanical Heart].

But before asking the elf to leave to look for pirates, Jenkins still wanted to explore this strange dream world. Although this was a habit of prying into other people's privacy, he promised to just take a look and never tell anyone about it.

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