In short, when the 8*8 audience members with Jenkins as the center woke up one by one, Jenkins' face was already a little red. He saw some quite adult things in his dream. When he covered the elf's eyes with his fingers, she said a little rudely:

"Hey, I've been in the dream world of humans all year round. What haven't I seen? Speaking of which, why are you blushing? Could it be..."

Then the dream elf was thrown away by Jenkins and ordered her to find the whereabouts of the Pirate King-Stealer Devo as soon as possible. After all, the end of the month is getting closer and closer, and Jenkins is already inclined to kill him personally as shown in the future prompts. Anyway, this is not a good person.

The two ladies holding Jenkins' hands also gradually woke up. Hathaway noticed something was wrong, while Britney just thought that she had taken a nap and had a short rose-colored dream.

Only Chocolate, which was excluded from the dream, was sulking alone. It was not a human being, so the elf did not weave it into the huge dream just now.


Cats hate elves, those flying things like mosquitoes are very annoying to cats.

Even the dream elves couldn't find two guys who were good at hiding in one night, so when Jenkins woke up on the bed in his bedroom on Friday morning, he was not surprised that he still hadn't received a reply from the elf.

After watching the show last night, he personally sent Hathaway and Britney home. Therefore, it was already past midnight when I fell asleep, but since I slept for almost the entire show while watching a play at the opera house, I didn't feel very sleepy even though I was woken up by the cat at six o'clock.

Before going out, I picked up the book report on the desk. This is what I will show to my dad today as evidence that he has not been running around recently.

After I went out, I realized that although the ground was wet, it was no longer raining. It's just because the temperature is a little low, but it's already spring after all, and being blown by the cool breeze mixed with the smell of earth can also make your head clearer in the morning.

Yesterday's heavy rain suppressed the dense fog in the city, and this morning it was rare to see the rising sun and its nascent sun.

"Today is Friday, and I have to attend a dinner party with Alexia on Saturday. Don't forget this. Chocolate, are you going to attend?"


The cat wouldn't leave Jenkins, and on occasions like banquets, interesting things were sure to happen.

This morning seemed a little different. It was only half past seven in the morning, but there were surprisingly many pedestrians on the street. Everyone's face was beaming, and some people even came to the street in their pajamas.

Jenkins originally thought that today was some major holiday that he had forgotten, but when he saw the newsboys selling newspapers quickly on the street, he realized that although he didn't care about the big news at breakfast, it was indeed good news that could affect the entire city. information:

[The church has obtained effective means to treat the plague. Citizens, please go for treatment in time after confirming that you are sick! 】

Chapter 1107 Chapter 1089 Celebration and Message Delivery

The haze of plague that had been hanging over the city since two months ago was finally broken with the news of plague treatments.

Maybe Jenkins doesn't care about this, but for ordinary people living in such a city, a plague with extremely high fatality rate and extremely terrifying symptoms is a disaster that makes everyone breathless.

Even though the times are progressing and the steam industry is developing, the fear of disease inherited from ancient times is still unbearable for mortals.

A carnival-like scene appeared on the street in the early morning after the rain. People spontaneously appeared on the street to celebrate having once again overcome a disaster. Even those who were still asleep or who did not receive the good news immediately learned the news amidst the gradually rising cheers and joined the growing celebration team.

Because there were so many people on the street, Jenkins had no choice but to stand on the corner and dodge. There was a faint smile on his face. Although he could not change the times, he could ultimately make some insignificant contributions by relying on his own strength.

He originally did not belong here, but his constant stay in life still made Jenkin as an individual tainted with the atmosphere of the city.

Looking at the city celebrating in the morning light, Jenkins felt a huge sense of satisfaction.

"I am not serious about the enjoyment of material life. I pay more attention to the satisfaction of spiritual life... I am indeed a noble person."

He praised himself in his heart, and at the same time reminded himself not to be too arrogant, and walked back to the street full of cheers, joy and sunshine.

Even though he had seen cheering scenes on the road early in the morning, Jenkins underestimated the impact.

When it was nearly nine o'clock, he was chatting with his father about yesterday's church search for tattoo carriers based on the clues of the mysterious man. Aunt Sally from the store next door suddenly opened the door and walked in with joy. I gave a bunch of decorative latte art to an antique shop.

"Hurry up and decorate. There will be a celebration parade passing through St. George Street at noon."

The fat Aunt Sally squinted her eyes and said with a smile, and handed the bunch of latte art to Jenkins.

"I said Oliver, on a day worth celebrating like today, why do you still let little Jenkins study so hard? You should relax occasionally, after all, today is really a special day."

She left in an excited mood. Jenkins looked at the decorations in his hand with some confusion:

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated? A celebration parade? Is this really necessary?"

"Of course there is. Anyone who knew about the great plague 30 years ago will understand the horror of that disease. Now that the church has clearly announced that it has effective treatment methods, this means that the disaster that swept half the continent 30 years ago will never happen. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if someone declared today a holiday...well, it's unlikely, after all, legal holidays mean a lot of trouble... "Jenkins, what are you still doing? Go and hang up the decorations. The parade will come soon. We can't be the only store without any decorations. I don't want to embarrass myself among the neighbors."

Dad said and asked Jenkins to put down the book in his hand and go decorate the store. Although Jenkins was still confused about such a grand celebration, he still did it. Of course, he quickly understood the impact of this highly lethal plague on ordinary people in this era, and the loneliness in his heart became stronger again.

Gradually sublimating himself, he has a slightly different perspective on things from ordinary people. At least in this matter, Jenkins has never regarded the plague as a disaster. Compared with this, the two missing umbilical cords of the Son of God and the possible coming ceremony of angels are the real disasters.

Nolan was very lively today. The celebrations started in the morning but were not over yet in the afternoon. It seemed like the entire city was out in the streets, smiles on everyone's faces. Jenkins had never seen so many people during the day on a weekday.

Even the business of the antique store was affected by this festive atmosphere. From ten o'clock in the morning to lunch time, two big businesses were actually made. Dad was in a better mood now, and he even rarely asked Jenkins about his recent affairs with the girls during lunch.

The good weather and lively celebrations made Jenkins happy too. When the parade passed by here at noon, he even climbed up to the roof with his cat to watch the parade.

Although it was impossible to prepare good props in a hurry, the costumes that the parade team managed to scrape together were enough to be called perfect. The procession will start from the pier and go all the way through the city to the mining areas where the plague caused heavy casualties.

"Do you want to watch the parade with Chocolate?"

Dad asked after coming down from the roof.

Jenkins twisted up the small pieces of colored paper stuck to his clothes with his hands, which were stained when he sprinkled them down. Although he was happy, he still shook his head:

"I've already seen the parade, there's no need to join in the fun again."

"Since you don't plan to go out in the afternoon, why not deliver a letter for me?"

As the father spoke, he took out the sealed envelope and handed it to Jenkins, and added:

"The address is Ruth Wade Street, Yorktown, in the countryside. In order to get back to the city before dinner after delivering the letter and picking up the things, you'd better go by carriage."

"I want to go on a tour..."

"You have already said that you don't want to go. Young people, you have to be straightforward and decisive in doing things. You can't hesitate."

Dad said with a smile and put the money for the carriage ride on the envelope.

"It will probably be seven o'clock in the evening when you get back after delivering the letter. You can just go home and be careful on the road."

He handed him Jenkins' coat and hat without any explanation, and took the cane leaning against the wall.

"Do you really want to go?"

Jenkins never minded hard work, but it was too far to deliver a letter to a small rural town.

"This is a very important letter. You must deliver it in person to the address I mentioned, and then bring back the box given by the recipient. Jenkins, the only person I can trust is you."

He patted Jenkins on the shoulder, then turned around and gave him a brand new umbrella:

"It depends on the weather. It will rain in the evening. To reward you for your hard work, you can use this brand new umbrella."


Jenkins could only leave the antique store at noon on this sunny day when the whole city was celebrating.

Chapter 1108 Chapter 1090 Farming and Villages

Although today is like a holiday with extra celebrations, at least the carriage does not have a price increase like other major holidays.

After getting on the bus, the driver kept talking to Jenkins about the plague. If Jenkins hadn't stopped him, the cat who wanted to take a nap would have gone crazy.

March has entered the second half of March, and spring has completely arrived in the city. The most direct manifestation is not in the city but in the countryside.

After leaving Nolan City, the path under the horseshoes gradually became pitted and difficult to walk, and the surrounding areas became desolate.

But looking towards the wilderness, the weeds that just grew in early spring have been pulled out, and farmers on the flat land are beginning to prepare for the start of the new year.

According to Nolan's climate and this year's precipitation, now is the right season for planting. The revival of all things is not only reflected in the wonderful changes in the appetite for chocolate, but also in the fact that the farmland that has been idle for the whole winter is finally beginning to breed in the new year.

Neither Jenkins nor Jenkins had ever been exposed to farm work, so looking out of the car window, it all seemed a bit new.

Nolan's superior natural environment is not only reflected in its rich mineral resources and convenient transportation. To the northeast of the city is the Seebek Mountain System that stretches across the center of the continent, while to the south of the city is the beginning of the southwestern plain of the continent.

This is one of the most suitable areas for farming on the west coast of the mainland. In order to supply food for the huge population of Nolan and surrounding cities, the city hall even issued a special decree to prohibit the livestock pastures in eastern Nolan from spreading to the south.

"Nolan is really a good place..."

Jenkins couldn't help but said, not realizing that his cat showed a complex and very human expression.

Yorktown is one of the towns under Norland and has no unique characteristics. The only time Jenkins heard about this town was on Monday of this week at the old elf's house. The man sent by [Whip of the Dead] claimed to be a life-long member of the Yorktown Gun Aficionados Association.

Dad's task is not complicated, but it is quite time-consuming. From the perspective of Nolan's administrative plan, Yorktown is the town furthest from the city. Thirty years ago, it belonged to Markwell City, Andalu County. Later, due to the great plague, the nearby villages were almost wiped out. Only the direction close to Noland was still populated. Therefore, when the administrative plan was adjusted 27 years ago, York The town was assigned to Nolan for management.

The carriage journey from Nolan to Yorktown lasted two and a half hours, a rather tedious and boring process. This period of time is even enough for the cat to take a nap. After his nap, he gets bored and scratches Jenkins' sleeves with his paws. Feeling even more bored, he lies down and falls asleep again. The only happy person on the carriage is the coachman, who picked up the boy after such a long trip. Even if there is no more business today, he has already earned enough.

The two-and-a-half-hour journey couldn't go on forever, even if the humans could stand it but the horses couldn't.

When traveling two-thirds of the way, there was a small village dimly visible on the right side of the road. After consulting Jenkins, the coachman deviated from the main road and went there to rest.

This is a common village in the countryside. When you get closer, you can see the dilapidated houses and smell the stench of the animals raised by the villagers.

Of course, it may be more than just the stink of animals. Although the residents of Nolan City are accustomed to activities such as bathing, according to Jenkins' understanding, because bathing carries the risk of catching a cold, country people resist bathing and chocolate resists bathing. Not too bad.

The carriage did not enter the village, but stopped under a big tree at the entrance of the village. The driver walked toward the village with the bucket, and in a short time he brought back a full amount of water.

This is certainly not for Jenkins, this is for horses. It looked quite comfortable. It stood in the shade of a tree and stepped on the soil under its feet a few times. Then it put its mouth into the bucket and immediately made a rhythmic sound.

"Do you drink water too?"

Jenkins had brought his own kettle, but it certainly wasn't for Chocolate. When he saw the horse drinking water, he asked his cat. The cat raised its head and looked at him seriously. After confirming that he was not joking, it shook its head.

"Is chocolate getting smarter?"

Jenkins muttered quietly.

The plan was to rest for ten minutes before continuing. While the coachman was sitting under a big tree to rest, Jenkins also came out of the carriage to take a breath.

Although there is some peculiar smell in the air, the air in the countryside is still quite fresh compared to the city, and after being stuck in the car for more than an hour, any kind of air he breathes will make Jenkins feel happy.

Jenkins and his party were not the only travelers who came here to rest. After getting off the car, he discovered that there was an old man carrying a shabby yellow luggage under the tree. It was said to be a luggage, but it was actually a piece of baggage with black patches. The old man should have arrived earlier than Jenkins and others, and was chatting with the coachman about the ride.

Jenkins didn't pay attention to what they were saying, but carefully stepped on the dirt road under his feet to the edge of the farmland opposite the tree. I lowered my head and glanced at the moist soil, subconsciously feeling that there would be a good harvest here this fall.

"I don't know what I planted."

Although Jenkins is not indistinguishable from grain to grain, it is still quite difficult to distinguish seeds buried in the soil.

Of course, the cat won't know the answer to this question. It is actually more concerned about whether the food grown here is delicious.

Soon the driver called Jenkins to continue setting off. When he turned around, Jenkins saw from the window a group of people coming out of the village and flocking to the big tree to talk to the old man under the tree.

The crowd quickly surrounded the tree, and Jenkins couldn't see what was going on there.

"The old gentleman seems to be a very experienced farmer. We just talked. He seems to be a scholar. He is currently traveling around to collect soil from farmland in various places. He is currently staying in the village for a week and helping people here. The villagers sow better, so everyone respects him."

The coachman explained, and seeing Jenkins' interest, he added:

"This should be the missionaries of [Earth and Harvest Church]. They do something like this every spring, but I have to admit that it is very effective and very useful."

"A missionary from [Earth and Harvest Church]? Proficient in planting techniques, inspecting farmland..."

Jenkins chewed these words in his heart, and suddenly felt something in his heart. He quickly put the cat on the cushion beside him, then pushed open the car window and held the window frame with one hand, leaning half of his body out of the window and back. Look.

Chapter 1109 Chapter 1091 Angel and Ring

Jenkins tried his best to stretch his body out of the window. The speeding carriage did not bring much coolness. Behind him, the villagers were still gathered under the big tree, but the old man who was supposed to be in the center of the crowd stood outside the crowd.

He looked at Jenkins, smiled at the young writer, and then bent down and bowed deeply.

The pure white wings and the bright golden aura appeared naturally behind the old man, almost making Jenkins shed tears. Before the coachman could warn him that this was a dangerous move, Jenkins pulled his body back and sat down in the carriage again.

There was a shocked expression on his face:

"It turns out that what I heard half a month ago was not an auditory hallucination at all. An envoy from the [Mother Goddess of the Earth] really came to the world in March to inspect the spring plowing... It turns out that the inspection was not just for one day, but it has been almost a week. ”

He picked up the cat and tapped its little head with his fingers. The cat immediately let out a dissatisfied "Woo~" sound.

"But what I just saw seems to be..."

He tried hard to recall the moment when he opened the Eyes of Reality, the golden aura that seemed to flood the entire world, and the huge pure white wings he saw in a trance.

"That can't be an angel from [Mother Goddess Earth], right? Angels are originally messengers of God, so that's right..."

Jenkins nodded secretly, and then called out [All Things Are Impermanent - Angel] from his spirit. The angel on the card quietly stared at Jenkins outside the card in two-dimensional space, but Jenkins still didn't understand the meaning of the card.

He had no idea of ​​talking to the being who was suspected of being an angel. After all, Jenkins knew that his identity was somewhat sensitive. If he rashly approached a creature related to the True God, he might cause unexpected trouble.

I was just a little excited that I had been in this world for so long and finally saw a creature like an angel for the first time. Although the frail and ugly image of the old man was a bit different from the beautiful angel Jenkins imagined, he was still very happy to see a new extraordinary life again.

"I don't know how angels were born. Maybe they were transformed by gods from the souls of devout believers."

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