When we arrived at Yorktown, it was already half past three in the afternoon. Rejecting the coachman's idea of ​​waiting here to take him back to Nolan, Jenkins paid the fare and walked into the town.

There's really nothing to see here, it's basically the least developed area in Nolan City. Because the town was small, Jenkins found his destination immediately, which was a bar at the end of the street. Just because of the time, the bar looked deserted.

After pushing open the door and entering, Jenkins almost coughed due to the overwhelming smell. The smell of low-quality tobacco, alcohol, and food mixed together, it was like swill that had been left in the kitchen for a week.

Although Jenkins was tall, perhaps because he looked too pushy and had a kitten with him, a strong man with a beard walked towards him before he had taken a few steps. .

The moment the two passed each other, Jenkins reached out and grabbed the hand that was reaching for his pocket, and then broke it hard. As the man screamed, Jenkins raised his leg and kicked him toward the wall.

Not paying attention to the surprised looks from the few guests in the bar, Jenkins walked directly to the bar and said to the bartender holding a book:

"I'm here to deliver the letter. Father Oliver asked me to come."

He noticed that the book the bartender was reading was "The Legend of Detective Knight" and it was a pirated copy.

"Willamt, right?"

The bartender with a big rosacea raised his head and glanced at Jenkins, and then asked firmly. He reached out to take the letter, took out the letter paper and picked up the wine glass next to him and poured it on it. The handwriting on it immediately changed.

"I see."

The bartender nodded, neatly picked up the matchbox next to him, struck the match gently on the counter, and then lit the letter stained with wine under Jenkins' gaze.

My father must have made the letter paper from special materials, otherwise there would be no reason why it would burn so quickly if it were so large and wet.

Dad didn't just ask Jenkins to deliver the letter, because after that the bartender asked Jenkins to wait for a while, walked out of the bar and walked towards the backyard of the bar.

He came back after a while and handed Jenkins a simple jewelry box made of wood.

"Check the goods, otherwise I won't be able to tell if dad comes to see you."

he said.

Jenkins nodded. Although he didn't know what his father asked him to pick up, he opened it with confidence after confirming that the box and the contents inside were not magical.

Inside was a ring, a very familiar ring.

He raised his head and looked at the bartender. The bartender who just picked up the novel again asked in surprise:

"What's wrong, is there something wrong with the goods?"

There is nothing wrong with the ring itself, it is indeed genuine. But its shape has been seen by Jenkins. When he was looking at the store last week, Miss Silver Flute, Mrs. Mistalla Forlant, and the old elf’s friend, Old Man Halama Rainsam, both came to the antique store. Similar rings were peddled.

Miss Silver Flute was dissatisfied with Jenkins' bid, so she did not agree to sell it to him, and the old man's piece from Lensam was accepted by the antique shop.

"Is there really something wrong with this ring? Did Dad see a problem that I didn't?"

He thought doubtfully, reaching into his pocket to find his own banknotes. After testing the thickness, I picked out one with a face value of 10 shillings, took it out and pushed it to the bartender.

"I want to know the origin of this ring."

The bartender pushed the banknotes back again:

"There are rules when doing business with dad. Since this has been sold to him, I can't reveal any more information. Young man, you can ask dad directly. I won't say anything anyway."

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued reading. Jenkins asked for trouble, left the banknotes on the bar, turned around and left.

You can't use a unicorn when you arrive, because you are worried that the next time the recipient and Dad meet, they will talk about Jenkins' arrival time. But he doesn't have to worry so much when he returns to Nolan. He doesn't have to return to his father's antique shop for a while. He can just give the ring to his father tomorrow. So as long as his father doesn't find him in the city before six o'clock in the afternoon, then it's okay. You can use [Real Phantom] to teleport back.

The reason he didn't do this was because he had the cat with him. He could rely on the phantom to get back, but the cat couldn't. Even if he trusted the cat's pathfinding abilities, Jenkins wouldn't leave it so far away.

Compared to the boredom of traveling to Yorktown, flying back on a unicorn was much more fun. Looking down at the villages, farmlands and rivers at your feet from a high altitude can make you more energetic than being drowsy in a carriage.

Chapter 1110 Chapter 1092 Weird Villa

It's just that it's still a bit cold when flying at high altitudes. I think only when summer comes, you won't feel like you're about to catch a cold when flying in the sky.

It took over two hours to get to Yorktown, and it was much easier to fly directly from Yorktown back to Nolan. There were no turns or stops along the way. Except for deliberately avoiding the village where the angel was, Jenkins didn't waste any time on his way.

After entering the city, the sunset has not even appeared yet. Although the sky has become darker, there is no doubt that it is still afternoon and not evening.

"Sure enough, flying can save time and energy the most."

Jenkins patted his mount and praised, and the unicorn let out a low cry. Since it was still flying, it regretted that it could not poke Jenkins' arm with its golden and luxurious horn.

From a distance, we can see the "fog wall" on the horizon, which is part of the thick fog that surrounds the city. After a brief period of sunny days, this layer of fog came out again, and sunny days were few and far between.

Flying into the thick fog, the surrounding visibility immediately decreased a lot. The fog coming from all directions surrounded the unicorn and the two passengers on the unicorn, but Jenkins was not worried that the unicorn would get lost. Its pathfinding skills were as good as the magical cat.

But this time the journey home was not smooth. After flying in the fog for a long time, I still didn't fly out of the fog circle.

It stands to reason that the thick fog has not invaded the center of the city yet, but is just lingering on the periphery of the city. It is unlikely that it will still be here after flying for a long time.

The unicorn also realized that something was wrong. It purred again, and Jenkins and the cat immediately began to put on their respective disguises.

When it was confirmed that both the good man and the cat had changed their appearance, the pure white little beast raised its head. As the cry became louder and louder, the golden horn began to bloom in the air with a dazzling golden light, and golden ripples were visible to the naked eye. Spread in all directions.

Pure silver armor appeared on the unicorn's body, and thin threads woven into strange rune chains connected the various parts of the armor. This is the true face of this little beast. It absorbed a small amount of Jenkins' divinity and completed the jump in life levels, while the cat absorbed a small amount of divinity but only condensed three life-saving hairs.

"That's the difference between a regular house cat and a unicorn."

The man on the unicorn thought to himself, and the cat on the unicorn showed an unhappy expression.

The light of the Holy Unicorn's horn is the nemesis of darkness, and can even theoretically dispel most curses. But at this time, as the light bloomed, only a small amount of fog dissipated, and the vision was temporarily restored in the circular space.

Jenkins realized something was wrong and immediately lowered the unicorn to prepare for landing. But there was something wrong with the descent. Judging from the count on the lady's pocket watch, they descended for at least 10 minutes before Jenkins could vaguely see the land below.

Directly below is a black hill, standing alone on the land hardened by drought. The soil was so black that it seemed like it could bury all living things.

There are no tall trees on the hills, only lush low shrubs can be seen everywhere. The leaves of the bushes are serrated, but they don't look like ordinary blades of grass, but rather like daggers used for killing people. The roots of the bush were blood-stained black, a color that was easily distinguishable from the terrifying pure black next to it.

In addition to the bushes, an old manor stood on the highest point of the hills. The manor is hidden in the fog. It looks like it has gone through the baptism of time. The yellowed and peeling walls, the roof with scattered holes, and the snake-like vines clinging to the walls all indicate that this place is uninhabited.

But no matter where this was, there was absolutely no way it was Nolan. The original owner, who grew up in Nolan, had never heard of such a terrifying place in the local area, and it had just rained two days ago. The endless dry plains below the hills and the piles of bones could not be Nolan. Things that will appear around Lan.

"Someone wants to harm me again!"

Jenkins reacted immediately. Instead of letting the unicorn touch the terrifying black soil, he ordered it to float in mid-air.

Opening your eyes and looking around, thin golden and black auras intertwined throughout the space. The strange manor among them showed a strong aura, and there were some familiar people inside the manor.

"I can probably guess what's going on."

Jenkins made an understatement and let the unicorn slowly descend. After descending to a certain height, he hugged his cat and jumped directly from above to the ground. Two clear footprints were immediately printed on the soft soil surface.

"You go back first, it's very dangerous here."

He said to his unicorn, but the little beast was a little reluctant and fell down, gently rubbing the side of its face against Jenkins' sleeve, which was a bit like the cat acting coquettishly.

"Well, you can follow me this time, but you must be careful. If something goes wrong, leave immediately, you know?"

He hesitated slightly, thinking that the unicorn itself was also a powerful extraordinary creature, so he did not insist on driving it away.

The little beast immediately let out a cry of joy, and at the same time retracted its golden horns and silver armor, and returned to its normal state. The cat on Jenkins' shoulder took the opportunity to jump on the unicorn's back, grabbed the unicorn's soft white hair with its claws, and stayed there refusing to come down.

The black soil under my feet was softer than I expected. I poked the soil twice with my boots and found that the black soil was only the surface layer, and underneath was a strange pink substance that seemed to be bound by bloodshot threads.

That thing reminded Jenkins of the pink skin of a newborn baby, which further confirmed his suspicion.

The closer you get to that weird manor, the more you feel an indescribable sense of cold oppression. This sense of oppression is different from the sense of oppression in the abandoned hospital where Mr. Corpse is located. Here is a twisted and evil feeling, while the latter is a cold and empty feeling.

The area of ​​the manor is not large, and the main building is a four-story villa. Jenkins quickly came nearby. When he looked up, there happened to be a man with a vague face on the top of the building looking down. His face was completely unrecognizable, but his eyes could look straight at Jenkins. The moment they looked at each other, the man jumped directly from the roof of the building, and his body fell to pieces in front of Jenkins and the unicorn.

Red blood and other disgusting things of other colors splashed in all directions, not only contaminating the door of the building, the mottled walls and the withered plants on the walls, but also contaminating Jenkins' shoes with a few drops.

Unicorn and Jenkins both subconsciously took a step back, not knowing what was going on.

Section 1111 Chapter 1093 Revitalizing the Villa

"Even if you jump from the fourth floor, it won't break so much, right?"

In front of the strange villa on the black hill, Jenkins, whose shoes were splashed with dirt, complained and waved his hand to raise a flame to burn the disgusting thing. Immediately, the stench choked the people and the unicorn and subconsciously retreated, and he quickly retracted the flame.

"What on earth is this?"

I couldn't help but look up again, and I actually saw an unidentified person at the same position on the roof.

Seeing Jenkins looking down, he jumped up and jumped down from the sky again. But the landing point was not the previous position, but closer to the outside of the villa, where Jenkins and the unicorn were standing.

In the next few minutes, even if Jenkins didn't look up, people kept jumping from the roof and falling in front of the villa.

Jenkins and the unicorn were forced to retreat again and again, and the flesh paste extending from the entrance of the villa seemed to be pieced together into a complete blood carpet.

Jenkins didn't understand the meaning of doing this at first, but as the carpet became more and more complete, the flesh and blood of different jumpers mixed together, and it actually had biological activity.

The numbing granulation stretched out from the surface of the blood carpet, but it did not change into the shape of tentacles, but differentiated into red and black meat lumps.

At the same time, some turbid milky white liquid flowed out from the crack of the villa's door, dyeing the blood carpet white.

These liquids quickly dried up, and finally only a thin layer of white and blue things covered the blood carpet and those meat lumps.

Jenkins was disgusted and didn't want to do it, and the unicorn hid behind the man with the cat on his back. It regretted staying.

"This is..."

As the meat blanket extending from the doorway completely connected and flew in the air, Jenkins had an absurd idea:

"Is this a tongue?"


The slowly swaying huge tongue suddenly shot towards Jenkins, and Jenkins subconsciously raised his arm to block it, and then was directly shot out like a cannonball.

The force was so great that he flew directly to the bottom of the hill. When he wanted to get up, he felt dizzy. On the one hand, he was hit really hard, and on the other hand, after leaving the hill, the dry and hardened plain kept pulling Jenkins' soul.

"What is it?"

He staggered forward two steps, then reached out and grabbed the left front hoof of the flying unicorn, and followed it back to the front of the villa again.

At this time, in front of all the windows of the four-story building, there were pale-faced people standing. Some of them were dead, and a few were still alive. Among them, many were acquaintances that Jenkins judged through the light spots, but regardless of life or death, they all stood in front of the window and looked at Jenkins expressionlessly.

Their faces seemed to have been uniformly made up, as if they had stuck their heads into a dough bowl and then used a black oil paint pen to draw an exaggerated arc near their eyelids. Their cheeks were deliberately painted with blush, and not only Jenkins, but even Chocolate was furious.

"Huh? The left window on the second floor is really Captain Binsi. This is the first time I have seen him in such an ugly appearance. I wonder what he will think of this dress after he wakes up."

Jenkins said in his heart, hugging the unicorn's neck tightly, because it had to turn at a large angle to avoid the tongue.

The sound of the wind whistled in his ears, and the stench of the flesh tongue seemed to permeate the entire space.

Squinting his eyes and looking at the root of the tongue below, which is the gate of the villa, he whispered "Twin Demons" in his heart, and the black figure wrapped in thick black smoke appeared in the air out of thin air.

It laughed wildly and rushed down, pulling out a black afterimage to bypass the tongue that wanted to block it, and with the strange sound of "drip drip drip", it caused an amazing explosion at the gate of the villa.

The slightly different [Twin Demons] from the past caused a different effect. The root of the tongue broke directly and fell into the black soil like a dead snake, and was quickly dissolved and absorbed by the soil.

At the same time, the hills trembled violently. As the vines on the surface of the house peeled off, the wall skin was scattered around like dandruff, and the house actually jumped up a foot out of thin air.


Jenkins was stunned, then showed a horrified expression, and commanded the unicorn to fly up quickly.

The unicorn with its wings spread quickly flew to a high enough height, and from this angle, it was clear that the house was uprooted, revealing the black skinny legs underneath.

The huge arms with pustules broke through the walls on both sides of the villa and stretched out. The two windows on the second floor of the front flashed and turned into two huge eyes.


The door made an amazing roar like a mouth, and then the meat-like tongue popped out directly from the door, like the tongue of a frog catching flies, and rolled towards the sky.


The pure white beast also made a soft sound. It stepped on the air and waved its wings. The luxurious gold and pure white formed a spherical energy wall around its body.

The tongue collided head-on with the platinum sphere, and the unicorn could not help but retreat several feet upwards, and half of its tongue was burned to the color of charcoal.


The earth-shaking doomsday scene occurred on this small hill. The villa was completely uprooted and turned into a huge and terrifying head. Those windows where the dead stood, the tentacles with tentacles shot up to the sky, and the windows where the living stood, everyone looked at Jenkins and let out a terrifying wail.

The head of the villa screamed madly, and the tentacles surrounded the unicorn in the sky from all directions.

Jenkins stroked its mane slightly to comfort the uneasy little beast, and then shook his right hand, and a long sword with a skull-like sword guard appeared in his hand.

"I want to see what you are!"

He roared and raised the sword, and the spirit in his body was madly injected into it. The sword body seemed to light up at that moment, and the sky-high light column shot into the sky. This light penetrated the space and penetrated everything.

At the moment when the fleeting light dissipated, the Holy Sword of Bones was chopped down by Jenkins. The huge curved blade cut through the whistling wind and the rolling clouds. The huge wind pressure even made the living villa on the hills two points shorter.

Finally, the blade of light with huge power directly chopped a huge crack in the villa. Green blood gushed out from the wound, and then the black figure with wild laughter followed the blade and flew to the wound, and exploded again at the deepest part of the sword scar. The fragments of the building and the living walls were blown away, and the power of life, death and machinery attached to the twin demons scattered with the explosion.

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