"Oh, that's it. Around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the church received a report that a strange thing appeared in the sky shrouded in thick fog outside the city. Later, after investigation, it was discovered that it was a rare thing that could stabilize in the material world. The subspace exists and has just been created..."

At this moment, Jenkins understood that this kind of space usually allows entry and exit, but the unicorn flew a little too fast when it returned to the city, and the fog was too heavy, so it carried Jenkins and the cat into the city. It's not impossible to get in.

"Because Miss Bevanna was dealing with the pirate king Devo, the ones who went to deal with this small subspace were the demigods of the Church of Death and the End of the World. Miss Bronyance, who happened to be nearby, also went to help. They didn't dare They entered there rashly, and during the observation process, they unexpectedly discovered that a spirit exceeding the upper limit broke out in the space. A crack was created directly from the inside of the subspace, and then they saw the believer of lies holding a sword and riding a unicorn. Fighting a monster... Judging from Binxi's report after waking up, the monster should be the evil god priest who smashed the bottle on his forehead, but what exactly is in that bottle? "

The old secret keeper fell into deep thought, and Jenkins carefully kept his mouth shut and did not express any opinions, and then made the same contemplative gesture as him.

"So, why do believers of lies appear?"

It took a while before Jenkins asked again.

"Of course it was for the contents of the bottle. After killing the cultist, she directly took away the contents of his mind. This is a very clear act."

The secret keeper said without thinking.


"Oh, that's it. Miss Broniance recognized that the believer of lies used an extremely rare ability [real phantom], and the appearance of this ability makes people think of Fab. This is a scam, combined with the unicorn... we might as well make a bold guess that the one riding the unicorn is the mysterious Miss Fabry. As for why she looks like a man, that's good. Explain, after all, followers of lies must be good at hiding themselves.”

If Jenkins was not a witness, maybe he would really believe the secret keeper's inference. But he knew very well that he had never been a believer in lies, and he was still alone until now.

Unlike what his father said, Jenkins waited for a full hour and a half before Miss Bevanna came out from behind the Gate of Everything empty-handed.

The woman looked calm and did not look like she was in trouble. It seemed that Divo's curse should not be difficult to solve.

Chapter 1116 Chapter 1097 Citywide Manhunt

"Jenkins, have you been waiting here for me?"

Miss Bevanna, who walked out of the Gate of All Things, immediately saw Jenkins, who was chatting with the secret keeper about the legend of angels. Jenkins immediately got up and walked over.

"I met dad just now. He asked me to wait for you here. You might need me later."

"No, I think you may not be able to deal with that strange curse, but I have found the information. It is not unsolvable."

Thief Devo uses the curse through the power of a voodoo doll. Something like this may be the medium of some kind of ritual, or it may just be a cover-up, hiding the true method of casting the spell.

But the extremely strong persistence shown by the curse cannot be faked, and there are only less than five fingers of curses that meet similar characteristics.

"First of all, it must be clear that the sage's gaze does easily remove the curse."

Jenkins and Miss Bevanna were walking and chatting, and their destination was the ward building.

"But the curse numbered A-04-2-5203 [Orphan's Resentment] can only depend on the existence of a doll, and a doll can only activate the curse once, but the target of the curse is not limited."

Miss Bevanna said, and Jenkins recalled that he had never heard or seen information about such a curse.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it, because the dolls attached to [Orphan Resentment] will only appear in the area under the jurisdiction of the ancient Orphan Kingdom. But since the beginning of this era, the ancient Orphan Kingdom sank into the ocean in a tsunami. The cursed doll has never appeared again. The one used by Divo should be the part that was exiled before the kingdom was destroyed. In short, the number A-04-2-5203 has only been used for less than three hundred years. [Orphan's Resentment] 】Because of the disappearance of the production area, it has been hidden in the mezzanine of history. If there were not an unknown number of cursed dolls wandering around, we would even want to give this number to other monsters. "

This can explain the rare reason for this curse, and the thief Divo has always been famous for collecting all kinds of strange things. It is normal for him to be able to take out the [Orphan's Resentment] doll.

"[Orphan's Resentment] is a rare permanent curse. Even if it is removed by the power of the sage, it will haunt the cursed person again until the cursed person dies. Therefore, although the sage's gaze removes the curse for them, but The curse will still appear. In this way, unless we use more sacrifices to directly ask the sage to destroy this troublesome curse from the root, we can only find a way to find the damaged doll in Divo's hands and remove it. After burning it to ashes, use the blessing ceremony to process the ashes, and then let the cursed person drink it, so that the curse can be completely resolved."

The method chosen by the church was, of course, to use sacrifice to ask for the help of the sage. After all, the church had no idea where the pirate king who was good at hiding was now.

There were 7 victims in total, so the sacrifice was set to 7 blood diamonds. It is a strange diamond unique to this world, usually only found in seabed veins at a depth of 3,000 feet in the western sea. The diamond looked as red as if it was dripping blood, but no one could ignore its charm at a glance.

Jenkins and his cat stared at the seven blood-red diamonds the size of fingernails for a long time. The former admired this treasure formed by the power of nature in his heart, while the latter swallowed secretly, but also knew that this was not for him to eat.

While Jenkins couldn't help much with the treatment, he could at least preside over the ritual of offering sacrifices to the gods. The ceremony went very smoothly. As seven golden light pillars fell from the void under the ceiling, the faces of the seven people shrouded in the light pillars immediately turned from pale to rosy.

This is a phenomenon that proves that the curse has been eliminated. This phenomenon also happened not long ago after praying for the attention of the sage. The key is that after his physical condition improved, the golden light pillar did not dissipate. As the light pillar illuminated, wisps of black energy overflowed from the bodies of the seven scribes, and gradually converged in the light pillar to look like dolls made of black energy.

It made vivid struggling movements and expressions, but it lasted less than two seconds before being completely wiped out in the golden beam of light.

The last ray of black air that escaped was contained by Miss Bevanna with an empty bottle. This is an important clue to continue tracking the pirate king Devo.

In this way, the troubles in the church were solved one by one, but the city-wide manhunt had just begun. The main target of this large-scale manhunt is the [Whip of the Dead] cult organization, alien species, and pirate forces hidden in Nolan City. All clues about these people's activities are provided by unknown good Samaritans on the black market. Jenkins, who does not want to be named He said he did not hire anyone to deliver the message.

He stayed in the church until ten o'clock in the evening, and he could heal most of the injuries suffered by the outgoing team. But in the end, his father drove him home to sleep, and told him not to go out again tonight.

"I don't want to hear that you've made another big news tomorrow morning."

Dad warned.

"Why did you say that again?"

Jenkins asked, then quickly grabbed the cat and left before he could answer.

There was no big explosion or anything like that at night, but the ground shook a little when I got up to make breakfast in the morning, but it was very weak, so I guess it was an earthquake.

The front page headline of the newspaper was indeed yesterday's city-wide manhunt. Although the results of the manhunt cannot be given now, this does not prevent the gentlemen of the city hall from trumpeting the importance of this search, which symbolizes Nolan's Public security will reach a new level.

Because he wanted to know what happened last night and whether the church had captured all the cultists who were preparing to summon angels, Jenkins trotted to Dad's Antique Shop with his lazy cat after breakfast.

When Jenkins asked what happened last night, Dad yawned and asked:

"Does it look like I've been in church all night? I don't know the details, but I'm going to church soon. Do you want to go with me?"

At least on the surface, the Sage Church today is no different from the past. But after entering the work area from the temple complex, the messy people and the monks trotting to carry documents all reflected that today was unusual.

Dad went to mind his own business, leaving Jenkins alone to ask what the hell was going on. As expected, the church accepted Jenkins's guess and fully believed that the cultists were summoning angels.

Chapter 1117 Chapter 1098 The whereabouts of Divo

"Yesterday, your speculation was very reasonable. We followed this line of investigation and found unusual traces. Combining the blood sacrifice ritual of the Quirk family to summon monsters with the blood sacrifice of the [Whip of the Dead], the latter is undoubtedly the same If you want to summon some kind of powerful existence, combined with the source of [Alien Frenzy], it is undoubtedly the angel of the evil god!"

Miss Bevanna said this as she and the secret keeper arranged the ceremony in a square underground. Only Jenkins did nothing. He even felt like he was in the way when he talked to her.

"So what is the church going to do? Are we going to summon angels too?"

"The process of summoning angels is complicated and long. Only after we have determined the specific time when the evil angel is summoned can we start the ritual, otherwise we are very likely to miss the best time. But there are some rituals that can be arranged in advance, and we are doing it now. .....”

She finally realized that Jenkins was no longer the level 0 benefactor six months ago, so she asked Jenkins to participate in the preparations for the ceremony.

Although it is rare for the Zhengshen Church to summon angels, the ritual itself is completely preserved in the library of every important parish, and the materials used are also prepared in the church, so there is no problem with the summoning ritual itself. Even if Jenkins operates it, he can quickly understand what needs to be done at each step, but a total of 5 parts of the ceremony that require at least 300 people to participate are indeed a bit too complicated.

"Now Nolan's Orthodox Church has all begun preparing for the ritual of summoning angels. Once we confirm the signs of the appearance of evil angels, we will stagger the time and conduct the rituals separately, so that the angels can meet with the highest probability."

This is a good note, at least Jenkins can't see the loophole. I felt in my heart that the evil angel would not cause much harm, so I finally felt relieved after worrying for a week.

There was a slight smile on his face, and he continued to lower his head and inject his spirit into the chalk in his hand, and then trace the magical runes on the ground. Around him, the apprentices of the Keeper are also doing this work, but only Jenkins is qualified to draw the core runes that symbolize [God], [Holy], and [Communication].

This was originally Miss Bevanna's job, but now that Jenkins can also help, she can take time off to solve things in the city.

Helping to prepare for the ceremony in advance was not a big deal. Since Chocolate had nothing to do since he was full, he stayed with Jenkins and watched him busy.


Suddenly, I heard the cat make a threatening sound, and then I felt a tiny force pulling on my sleeve.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw the little dream elf hiding in his sleeve fearfully, pulling on Jenkins' clothes while carefully observing the surroundings.

"She found Devo?"

Jenkins was overjoyed and bent down to calm down the cat with fierce eyes. Then he excused himself from having a stomachache and took a rest, bringing the cuffed elf and chocolate to the quiet public restroom.

Everyone was busy doing their own thing, and there was no one in the bathroom.

"How's it going? Have you found your target?"

He placed the elf on the sink, but found that the mirror on the sink could not reflect her back.

"Found it... Sir, could you restrain your cat? I'm a little scared."

Compared with the arrogance when he first appeared in Jenkins' dream, this little thing is now extremely polite.

"No problem. Actually, you don't have to worry. Although it looks fierce, it's actually just an ordinary cat."

While comforting his cat, the dream elf opened his mouth in surprise and wanted to say something, but immediately saw the meaningful look in his big chocolate amber eyes.

She raised her hand to cover her mouth, understanding what the cat meant.

"Sir, I have found the location of the target you need. He is very good at hiding. I connected most of the city's dreams the night before and couldn't find him. If he hadn't fallen into a deep sleep due to serious injuries and illness last night , it would have been impossible for me to enter the dream of a gifter of this level."

With that, he told Jenkins Devo's current location. The pirate king did not leave Nolan because of the city-wide manhunt, and was now hiding in the cabin of an idle freighter in the dock area. According to the dream elf, his current physical condition is almost collapsed due to his unrecovered illness and the injury he received yesterday. Even the dream elf can easily kill him in his dream.

"That's good, thanks for your help."

Jenkins nodded and thanked the elf, who shook his finger with a blushing face, saying that he didn't have to be so polite, and then moved to the left side of the sink again, farther away from the scary cat.

It can be seen that even though the atmosphere between the two was not very harmonious when they first met, the elf has a high impression of Jenkins. She seemed to have the idea of ​​staying with Jenkins, but she didn't say it out for unknown reasons.

He just told Jenkins before leaving that if he had anything to do with her in the future, he could call her by her real name directly in his dream. If she hears it, she will definitely come.

"Elves or monsters similar to elves seem to have outstanding looks. Why is this?"

After watching the dream elf disappear before his eyes, Jenkins murmured to himself. Although the treasure elves, festival elves and dream elves he had seen were all less than the size of a palm and wore very few clothes, they were indeed first-class beauties that humans could not match.


Chocolate was genuinely worried about Jenkins' orientation.

Now that Devo's location has been discovered, it is impossible for Jenkins to let him go. Devoo is the person who was asked to kill personally in the future prophecy. Although Jenkins still does not fully believe that prophecy, in the end he is just a pirate, so he will be killed.

In order to ensure the killing himself, Jenkins did not tell the church about the incident. Instead, after the preparations for the morning ceremony were almost completed, he left the church on the pretext of having something to do, then put on his black robe and headed to the dock area.

The complete arrival of spring means that prosperous land and sea trade has once again arrived in Nolan. Compared with the desolation in winter, the dock during the day in spring simply looks like a festival celebration place.

There are porters, sailors, brokers and other miscellaneous characters in an endless stream. In theory, anything that can be bought in the city can be bought here.

Divo really found a good place to hide. The cargo ship he chose was undergoing repairs due to some problems when it docked. The ship was lying on the dock with other cargo ships. He wanted to screen out suspicious characters like It is so difficult to find a silver needle in the sea.

Chapter 1118 Chapter 1099 The Seriously Sick Devo

Even an idle cargo ship would not be open to sneaky strangers like Jenkins, and Jenkins would not wield a sword or use [Twin Demons] in front of thousands of people.

He pretended to be an ordinary sailor on the dock, standing in front of a large cargo box and looking at the sea. In fact, he was observing the aura through the eyes of reality.

Fortunately, there was only one person in the ship, which meant that if the Dream Elf's information was correct, the unescorted target was in sight.

Jenkins wanted to know what DeVoe's mindset was that would lead him to infiltrate Nolan without any of his men, but he didn't need to know that.

After soothing the white cat on his shoulder and making sure no one was paying attention to this side, he walked towards the dock in the crowd.

Because the merchant ship docked nearby was unloading, no one in the dense and noisy crowd paid attention to the inconspicuous Jenkins. He approached the port of the ship with a spell in his palm, and waved it in front of the man standing there smoking lazily, and the other's eyes immediately became distracted.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a "hypnotic spell" in this world. If you want to control a person's mind and soul, you can't do it with spells alone. Jenkins used a spell that can paralyze the body by emitting electricity, making it impossible for a person to control his body, which is very useful in a duel.

Before the cursed person fell, Jenkins supported him, accumulated his emotions, and then asked loudly with panic on his face:

"Oh, sir, what's wrong with you?"

The man's companion on the ship immediately noticed the movement here, and then he and Jenkins hurriedly helped him to the cabin to rest.

After helping, Jenkins did not stay on the ship for long. After accepting the thanks from the rude boatswain, he got off the ship and walked towards the fish trade registration office in the distance under the gaze of everyone.

"Stay here and wait for me. I will be back soon."

He patted the cat gently, and then used the phantom left in the inconspicuous corner of the ship to return to the cargo ship again.

The ship waiting for repairs was originally short of manpower, and all of them were ordinary people. After successfully boarding the ship, with Jenkins's ability, he could easily control all the people without alarming the shore.

This process was so smooth that he was a little confused.

Diwo did not buy the ship, but simply hid here. The place he chose was the bottom cabin where the small steam boiler was placed. Although the ship was not powered by steam, in this era, as long as there was a small steam boiler, there were many sophisticated instruments that could be driven even on the ship.

Jenkins is now standing on the wooden ladder that goes deep into the lower cabin. He can see a dim corridor below. This corridor is very short and only slightly divides the lower cabin. Diwo is behind the door on the left.

"How can it be so smooth?"

Jenkins still can't believe that he is so lucky today, but he has no other choice now. He can only hold a candle in one hand and a cane in the other hand to push open the cabin door.

The temperature in this room is obviously higher than outside. When you open the door, you can feel the steam blowing on your face. The faint flame is a symbol of the operation of the steam boiler. At this time, the furnace door is closed, and only the sound of gears turning and bearings hitting can be heard. It seems that there are not many people on the ship, and the steam boiler here is still working.

He stood at the door and looked to the left. Lying on the simple folding bed was a thin man with a scruffy beard. This bed and all the daily necessities here should belong to the workers who manage the cabin, but the one lying on it now is undoubtedly Diwo.

"You are a little different from what I imagined. I thought you would be a fierce and strong man who could stand a man on your fist and run a horse on your shoulder. Could it be that this common cold really tortured you into this state?"

"Ahem... In your opinion, should I still wear an eye patch to cover my one eye? Ahem... Common cold? Ahem, this damn common cold. Ahem... Ha, I am also very curious. Although I expected that someone would be able to find me even if I hid here, how did you find this place so quickly? I think I hid well this time. Ahem..."

The speaker was naturally Diwo, who was lying on the hospital bed and his life was like a candle in the wind. His voice was hoarse and nasal, which was a typical symptom of influenza. In addition, Jenkins also smelled blood and a faint smell of herbs on him, which were probably used to treat trauma.

"Even if you hide at the end of the world, I can find you as long as you are still in the material world. So you are not surprised by my arrival?"

Jenkins tapped his cane on the wooden floor and took a step into the cabin. After a series of startling coughs, Devo let out a creepy laugh, which seemed to be the voice of the old witch living in the forest described in "The Stranger's Tales":

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