The heavy rain was enough to drown all the power. The rain that lasted for half a day had caused some problems with the municipal drainage. Deep water could be seen everywhere on Fifth Queen's Avenue.

People living in this city were still worried about the impact of this rain on their lives, but they were unaware that a greater danger was quietly approaching.

[Whip of the Dead] had really taken great pains to plan for this day, and even commissioned the weird to hold back the strongest person in the city before the ceremony began. Although Jenkins had never seen an angel and didn't know how powerful an angel was, it was obvious that a mortal demigod was definitely not an angel's opponent.

"Four angels..."

The summoning ceremony was still going on. Even on Fifth Queen's Avenue, far away from the city center, Jenkins could hear the distorted and sacred singing mixed with the sound of wind and rain.

There were whispers and prayers in the singing, and as the rain grew louder, the sound was barely suppressed.

Even if he retreated under the eaves, Jenkins was already soaked. His divinity could be used at any time, but a drop of divinity might not be able to support four battles. If possible, the best option would be to gather the angels together for a direct decisive battle, but this is obviously unlikely.

There are five demigods stationed in this city, and even if Miss Bronion, who is not very powerful, is included, there are only six. These six mortals can barely hold back an angel, Jenkins can face one, but the remaining two really can't find an opponent...


He looked towards Yorktown again, calculating today's date in his mind, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. But this is still not enough, there is still a strong man who can fight the angel alone. Although he can go to Alexia at any time, Jenkins doesn't think that Alexia, who just opened the door of demigod, will be the opponent of the angel.

"I can deal with the strongest angel summoned by the umbilical cord of the Son of God, but what should I do next? Mortals are just mortals after all."

He sighed in his heart and stretched out his hand to catch the rain falling from the eaves. This action scared the rain man, and it suddenly stepped back, and half of its body turned into water. But he soon realized that it was just an ordinary action, so he stopped retreating.

If he hadn't had facial features, Jenkins guessed that he must have a look of shame on his face.

"You are very powerful, I can feel that your status is even higher than mine. Why do you still care about these mortals? I am only here to trap you, not to kill you. It is better to wait for all this to end with peace of mind. Although the city will suffer a heavy blow, the plan of those evil god's believers to sublimate the world by killing is impossible to achieve."

Rain Man said, but Jenkins still maintained the action of reaching out to catch the rain and ignored him.

In the distant sky, the black spiritual light almost formed a barrier to the sky, with heavy rain falling down and spiritual light rising from the ground. The two continued together, blurring the world more and more.

The ethereal singing voice enveloped the entire city with the sound of wind and rain. In addition to the gifter, some mortals with slightly higher inspiration could also perceive this extraordinary sound. The black shadow on the horizon became taller and taller, and the huge figure had split into four heads. Jenkins had a feeling that when the shadows were completely separated, the Angels of Death would really come.

"I didn't expect that the cultists were so fast. The church was not ready at all."

Jenkins groaned in his heart, and heard the familiar cat's cry above his head through the sound of rain, and then his face was happy.

"It seems that I won."

He retracted his right hand to receive the water and stepped into the rain again.

"I'm leaving."

He shouted to the rain man, and then walked south along St. George Street in the rain. The faceless man on the roof frowned, and then turned into water with a splash and disappeared on the roof.

When it appeared again, it was standing 30 feet (about 9.1m) away from Jenkins. This was just outside the range of [Profane Production], and the rain man seemed to be very familiar with this ability.

"Sorry, you can't leave now."

"Oh, really?"

Jenkins stretched out his right hand again to catch the rain, "Do you still want to force me back by controlling the rain like you did just now?"

"If there is no other way, I have to do this."

Rain Man replied.

A black shadow appeared behind Jenkins, accompanied by wild laughter and strange sounds of dripping, the twin demons turned into a black line and rushed in the rain, and then blew the body of Rain Man to pieces.

But it was useless, it was immortal within the range of the rain.

The explosion rolled up the accumulated water on the ground, and Rain Man appeared again in the same position in the sound of the rain. When it looked at Jenkins, it just saw the young man's right hand stretched out to catch the glass bottle pushed down from the roof next to it by the cat.

The small glass bottle was caught by Jenkins and thrown directly over. Out of inexplicable confidence, Rain Man did not dodge but stood still like he had just resisted the twin demons.

Before being thrown out by Jenkins, the glass bottle had already been crushed by his hand, and as it flew rapidly in the air, the glass bottle completely disintegrated in the air. In the end, only some glass fragments affected by inertia and the poor lost butterfly were left touching Yu Nan's body.

"Goodbye... No, never again."

Jenkins sighed and spoke into the clearing. In front of him was a street with heavy rain. There was only a beautiful butterfly flying helplessly in the rain, trying to find a place to hide from the rain.

Jenkins shook his head, turned around, opened the store door, let the stray butterfly fly in, and then locked the store door.

He stepped into the rain from under the eaves, and the cat jumped neatly onto the man's shoulder. Stepping out with his left leg, orange flames enveloped Jenkins and his cat. The right hand was raised and held in a virtual grip. As the simple black lines spread upward from the palm of the hand, the umbrella was cast in the void.

As the umbrella was completely formed, Jenkins' other leg also stepped into the rain. The flames dried the man and his cat at this moment, and the man walked completely into the rain holding an umbrella.

With one hand in his pocket and the other holding an umbrella, he disappeared along the street into the distance shrouded in darkness against the background of the torrential rain.

Chapter 1142 Chapter 1123 Fini’s Dream

The original plan this afternoon was to go to the old elf and ask his friends about those rings. But now that something like this has happened and the situation has developed to this point, Jenkins can only break the appointment.

After sending Yu Man away with the Lost Butterfly, he headed directly in the direction of the Sage Church in the rain. He originally wanted to interrupt the ceremony before the angel had completely arrived, but he discovered the light pillar after approaching the nearest light pillar along the way. It can't be interrupted at all. Even destroying the corpse under the light beam is still of no use.

This means that the arrival of angels is unstoppable. For now, we still need to find someone who can stop or drive away angels.

While rushing on the road in the rain, he kept putting his right hand into his arms, holding the metal block that sealed the divinity. But Jenkins will only use it at the most critical moments. He has no confidence to deal with any angel in his normal or Son state, so once he becomes deified, he must deal with all enemies at the same time.

Although Yu Man was teleported to who knows where, Nolan's rain showed no intention of stopping. Jenkins originally thought about sending Yu Man away. Perhaps among the four summoning rituals, only the one using the umbilical cord of the Son of God could still succeed, but this hope disappeared as the black shadow on the horizon split into eight arms.

He ran wildly in the rain and soon arrived at the church. The main door of the church was closed, and no one opened the door after Jenkins knocked for a while.

In desperation, she could only go around to the back door. As soon as she turned into the alley, she saw Fini walking out of the wall soaked to the skin. She was holding a small package, shivering all over because of the cold, and her eyes were red as if she had just cried.


He shouted loudly, and the girl subconsciously shrank her neck. When she saw that it was Jenkins, she came over dripping with water.

"Sir, the church is closed. You can only go out but not enter. Where are you going?"

"It's really closed? It seems that the church is already aware of the current situation... Where are you going?"

He originally wanted to pick up Feini to keep her away from the cold, but considering the girl's age, he didn't make such a misleading move. He took two steps forward to cover her under the umbrella, then stretched out his hand and put it on Feini's shoulders, letting the flames dry her clothes.

"Sir, I had a strange dream. Louise died."

A hoarse and childish voice came, and the girl suddenly started crying as she spoke, and then she hugged Jenkins' arm.

"I told the nun about it, but she just said it was a nightmare and told me to be strong. But I really saw it. It was not a dream. It really wasn't a dream."

She sobbed, trying to make herself understand what she said, and then pointed behind her:

"The church was closed an hour ago and no one is allowed to come or go at will. I know something big must have happened, but I am really worried about Louise. She is a good child and she should not die."

At this point, he started sobbing again, and Jenkins couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears.

"Is it a precognitive dream?"

Jenkins thought in surprise, but did not doubt Feini's words. She is a very sensible child. If she didn't really feel that something was wrong, she would definitely not go out without permission when the church was declared closed.

"But hasn't she just started to be exposed to spiritual training? Is Fini's talent so high?"

He blinked at Feini, and then saw a slight white and golden aura spreading around the girl's body. These weak spirits are obviously not enough to condense into the original soul ability, allowing her to completely break through the shackles of the extraordinary, but the appearance of such signs actually indicates that Feini has stepped into the realm of the benefactor.

"I thought my talent was high enough... Damn, is now the time to think about this?"

Now that he met Feini and knew that the church had made preparations to deal with it, there was no need to enter the church. Although the church was closed, Jenkins was confident he could open the door. But there was no point in doing so, since once inside the church he might run into trouble if he wanted to be ready for deification at all times.

"I'll take you to find Louise, Feeney, but you must obey me in everything, and no matter what you see, you can't tell anyone."

Jenkins has no target for the time being. Perhaps following clues that something is wrong can lead to some enlightenment.

"Okay sir, I swear I won't reveal any of your secrets. Even if someone wants to kill me, I won't tell them."

The girl sobbed and wiped her tears, and finally said something that made Jenkins' scalp tingle:

"Even if the sage asks me, I won't tell you, sir. You are the person who loves me the most in this world. I swear to keep your secret forever. May your glory protect me forever."

Jenkins felt goose bumps on his right hand holding the umbrella. These words were obviously learned by Finnie from the church. There was nothing wrong with this, but these words were not meant for him.

He wanted to correct Finnie's statement immediately, but now the situation was urgent and these unimportant things could be discussed later.

"Well, let's go find Louise first. Don't worry, Finnie, I won't let her die."

He touched Finnie's head, and then picked her up with one hand amid the girl's exclamation, like picking up a doll.

"Everything will be fine."

As he said this, he summoned a black robe to change his body shape, and at the same time used the camouflage spell to change Finnie's appearance a little. First, he left the possible radiation range of the church's power, and then summoned the unicorn without hesitation, letting the pure white beast carry the two people and the cat to fly to the east.

The black light column that reached the sky had now turned into a column of smoke, and as the strange and huge black shadow on the horizon gradually differentiated into a creature with four human faces, the column of smoke merged with the dark clouds above, adding some inexplicable things to the rainstorm that fell from the sky.

The unicorn flew almost in the rain and close to the roof. After reaching the destination, it quickly left the increasingly weird city under Jenkins' instructions.

Jenkins and Finney had now arrived near the alley where Louise's house was, but when the two saw the clinic across the alley and looked across, they found that the opposite side was a partition wall between a private club and a tobacco monopoly store.

Jenkins, holding an umbrella, pulled Finney to stop her. He remembered that there were these two shops on both sides of the entrance to the alley. And obviously, the alley disappeared, perfectly disappearing in the middle of the street.


Finney, who had recovered from her sadness, said uneasily, and her voice disappeared in the rain as soon as she spoke.

Chapter 1143 Chapter 1124 Haze and Heavy Rain

The sound of the raindrops hitting the ground and the roof hurt their ears. Jenkins and Finney, who were talking in the rain, had to shout to make each other hear their voices.

"It's okay. Although the entrance to the alley is gone, I don't think it's a big problem."

Jenkins replied loudly. His first reaction was that there was something wrong with this alley itself. It was a strange place like A-12-03-2933 [Non-Existent Street], and everyone in it might not be human.

But this weird idea was immediately denied. Not only him, but also the demigod Miss Befanna, Mr. Davis, etc., did not find the alley strange. Therefore, instead of suspecting that there was something wrong with the alley itself, it is better to suspect that there is some force interfering with Jenkins and Finney's discovery of the alley.

"So what's going on? Do you need certain conditions to see the hidden alley?"

He thought about it and asked Finney about the details of her dream just now, but the girl could not recall much. This is actually a common problem of precognitive dreams. Once you wake up, your memory will disappear quickly. But this dream means that Finnie's soul source ability is likely to be the same as Jenkins', both of which belong to the purple destiny type.

"But why do you want to attack this alley? It doesn't make sense. The people living here are ordinary people. Even the female corpse and her husband have been moved away by the church. Who has such a motive to do such a thing?"

He asked Finnie to hide under the rain eaves of the clinic across the street, pulled out Chocolate to protect her, and then walked alone to the opposite wall in the rain.

According to his observation, the length of this street has not changed, and the area occupied by each store has not changed, but the total width of an alley is missing. This means that the alley is at least not stripped from this space. It is still there, but it is not visible or touchable.

He stretched out his right hand from the umbrella's shelter, and his wet hand was pressed against the wall that looked like a waterfall. He closed his eyes and blocked his vision, and the thunderous rain sound perceived by his hearing was immediately amplified to make his ears hurt.

But what he needed was not hearing, but the sixth sense or the feeling of the spirit. When the sound of rain in his hearing was barely ignored, the wall in front of him was clearly perceived.

Jenkins could see a thin line hidden in the space of the wall, which represented the alley, but when he reached out to touch it, he was immediately bounced back by the yellow aura.

"Is it the power of a Class B supernatural? But what is the number?"

He opened his eyes and took a step back, his eyes full of doubt. It was unusual for him to encounter two numbered items in a row in one day, but Jenkins absolutely did not believe that the thing in front of him appeared here by chance.

"Is it a Class B supernatural used by someone? Who is it?"

The best way to crack such items is to use targeted items that can break through space. Such items are not rare, and even some rituals can do it. Even if you can't destroy the space trick in front of you, at least you can temporarily open a gap for Jenkins to enter.

But Jenkins didn't have such items or rituals in his hands. His bone holy sword could destroy space in the subspace opened up by the umbilical cord of the Son of God, because the space barrier there was originally fragile. But this is the material world. Even if Jenkins swung his sword ten thousand times, it would be impossible for the swords with the attributes of [Death] and [Life] to have additional space attributes.

"This is troublesome, but who is eyeing this alley? Is it to collect A-03-1-0027 [Evil Plague] that may leave traces?"

He retreated to Finnie and shook his head in the girl's worried eyes:

"I'm afraid we can't go in for the time being. I think someone deliberately closed the inside."

"That dream..."

Finnie asked uneasily.

"I'm afraid it's true."

Jenkins answered in his heart. He opened his mouth to say the answer, but he was worried that the result would be too cruel for the little girl in front of him.

But even if he didn't say anything, Finnie had already seen the answer. She bit her lip and lowered her head, but she was very strong and didn't cry again. The rain blurred her face, and even if there were tears, Jenkins couldn't see it.

But Jenkins still has a resurrection feather. If he decides to use that resurrection feather, he must enter the alley before midnight tonight to confirm Louise's life and death and find the body. And it is obvious that the four killing angels will definitely come before dusk. Jenkins even guessed that the time will not be later than four o'clock in the afternoon.

In other words, Louise's death is not the most important thing now. Jenkins was very reluctant to admit this, but this is the fact.

"I will save her."

He looked at the horizon, listened to the sound of wind and rain in his ears, and felt calmer than ever before. After thinking about the current predicament, he summoned the unicorn again without hesitation and flew to the suburbs with Finny and the cat.

There were no pedestrians on the street along the way, as if the heavy rain killed all the people in the city. There were some strange noises in the city center, but it was not on Jenkins' route, so he didn't know what happened there.

In the heavy rain, he rang the bell outside Miss Audrey's house, but the sound of the rain completely covered the sound of the bell.


Out of helplessness, Jenkins could only apologize softly, then directly pushed open the fence gate that was not locked at all, and quickly took the girl to the door.

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