After there was a knock on the door, the familiar maid opened the door. She knew Jenkins and knew that he was the student of the owner here, so she immediately led the two of them in and called on the other maids to bring towels and prepare hot soup.

"Is Miss Audrey here?"

These are ordinary people hired by Miss Audrey. They may know that their employer is a weird fortune teller, but they may not know about the extraordinary power. Instead of using a flame to dry the clothes, Jenkins took a towel and helped Feeney wipe her hair.

"The master and Lady Bronyance went out two hours ago."

The maid replied, but they didn't know when the fortune tellers would be back. Calculating the time, two hours ago happened to be the time when Jenkins met A-01-1-3411 [Rain Man] at the door of the store. The diviners indeed discovered that something was wrong.

"He's not here either. Is it such a coincidence?"

He looked through the window at the increasingly clear huge black shadow on the horizon, and the ominous feeling almost overwhelmed all his senses. No matter what the problem is in the alley where Louise's family lives, the killing angel is the most pressing matter at the moment.

It's hard to say which one is worse, Jenkins' mood at the moment or the weather outside. But he swore that the guy who blocked Louise's alley would be killed by his own hands.

Chapter 1144 Chapter 1125 The Angel Comes

Since the diviners were gone, Jenkins wanted Feeney to stay here temporarily while he continued to think of ways to organize the rituals of the cultists. But before he could say anything, he noticed a carriage approaching in the wind and rain outside the house.

The carriage cut through the rain curtain like crazy and arrived outside the yard. The horse pulling the carriage seemed to be driven by invisible forces and ran desperately. When it stopped outside the house, it died immediately and fell straight into the rain. , almost bringing the carriage down.

"God, what's going on?"

Everyone in the living room was extremely surprised when they saw this scene. Then they saw Miss Audrey almost knocking open the door of the carriage, and helping Miss Bronyance, whose face was pale, to quickly approach the yard. Neither woman had an umbrella, and the rain wet their long hair, making the women look miserable.

The maid immediately ran over to open the door, holding the hem of her skirt, and Jenkins followed closely behind. Miss Audrey, whose hair was still dripping with water, saw Jenkins when she entered the door. She looked extremely weak and almost fell forward into Jenkins' arms, but fortunately Miss Bronyance was supported by the maid on the side. .

"what's going on?"

Jenkins didn't care about the embarrassment, pinched his teacher's wrist and activated the [Origin of Life]. The green light was burning like a flame. Jenkins felt that the vitality in Miss Audrey's body was obviously very low, and he didn't know what he had just done. But after treatment, the blood finally slowly returned to the face:

"Quick, teacher..."


A group of people helped the two weak women to the sofa in the living room. Miss Audrey could still sit, but Miss Bronyance had completely lost consciousness.

Jenkins took the two men's hands respectively and found that they were both in a state of great loss of vitality. It's just that Miss Audrey's situation is obviously better, while Miss Bronyance's situation is quite bad. What’s even clearer is that Jenkins can’t cure it.

"No, I can't heal the soul. What happened to you? Miss Bronyance's soul seems to have been severely damaged."

Jenkins asked anxiously. In his perception, the middle-aged woman's life had really reached the point where it was like a candle in the wind. Even if Jenkins blindly adds fuel to the Spirit of Life, he cannot save the fact that this bonfire of life is about to burn to the end.

Yes, this soothsayer demigod is dying.

The maid was already wiping the rainwater from Miss Audrey's hair, but she still couldn't stop the water droplets sliding down her hair and pale cheeks. Her almost bloodless lips moved, and the sadness in her eyes was something Jenkins had never seen before. For the first time, he discovered that this woman was so fragile.

"Jenkins, we met..."


His eyes went white, and then he realized it was lightning outside the window. Then a shocking thunder that almost shook the entire city exploded in the sky, interrupting Miss Audrey's words.

"Praise the Lord of Slaughter! Praise the slaughter, praise..."

For a moment, low prayers and ethereal singing completely suppressed the sound of rain. Everyone looking out the window couldn't help but stand up and gather around the window, their eyes widening uncontrollably.

Everyone's heartbeats were in unison, and in the excitement that made their bodies tremble, they stared uncontrollably at the horizon, witnessing the greatest miracle that mortals could witness with their eyes.

In the rain, four black smoke pillars were fixed in the four directions of Nolan like pillars of heaven; in the wind, the miserable wailing and the singing of the Holy Spirit mixed into a prelude to the killing.

The space in which Nolan City is located undergoes wonderful changes at this moment. Some basic laws are distorted in an instant but then corrected immediately. There is completely no light in this world. The mortals under the sky are unable to realize what has happened, and the extraordinary beings who are aware of what has happened are unwilling to accept the reality.

"It happened that six gods appeared at the same time. These are just four angels. Everything will pass."

Captain Binsi in front of the Gate of Everything raised his head and looked above his head, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the rock formations. Because he was injured, he did not need to participate in the mortal battle against the angels. He could only wait here for the next step.

"Angel, I didn't expect I could see this in my lifetime."

The old man, who stood in the church courtyard with dozens of secret keepers in the Sage Church in the rain, muttered to himself. The rain made him look older, and they had to call down the angel of the Sage as quickly as possible.

"Has the mythical era been restarted? I actually saw an angel?"

The dragon of the Evergreen Forest hovered under the black clouds above the forest, and its stunned look was extremely ridiculous.

"I knew that fate was coming, Jenkins, it's up to you."

The old elf Sienod stood in front of the window of his apartment with an ancient wooden bow in one hand, and the other hand holding the windowsill trembled constantly. Behind him, the elderly Harama Lainsam seemed to have aged ten years, with his head down and staring blankly at the floor under his feet.

The bells rang, the hymns played; the clouds came and went, and the strange intentions were rampant. Rain and wind, wind wrapped clouds, smoke columns in all directions seemed to support the collapsed sky, and above the sky, four majestic figures without appearance and form really appeared:

"Mercy - compassion like water, drown everything!"

A mournful call came from the huge smoke column in the south of the city, and the broken white feather wings spread out in the smoke column.

"Calm - calm like air, freeze everything!"

A cold declaration came from the huge smoke column in the west of the city, and the broken metal black wings spread out in the smoke column.

"Passion - passion like fire, burn everything!"

A violent shout came from the huge smoke column in the north of the city, and the complete bone gray wings spread out in the smoke column.

"Heavy - heavy like soil, suppress the world!"

A twisted prayer came from the huge smoke column in the east of the city, and the broken spiritual wings spread out in the smoke column.


Four voices simultaneously entered the ears of all the benefactors within the scope of Nolan:

[My Lord has ordered that killing ends everything, killing opens everything, and benefactor Nolan with the final killing disaster! ]

The golden spiritual light like a shock wave radiates outward from the four smoke columns, overlapping each other to divide Nolan into four parts: east, west, south, and north. As the killing angels flapped their wings to disperse the smoke columns, the bodies that mortals could not describe and the faces that could not be described were revealed.

On the ground, five light spots instantly rose into the air. In the chanting of the five demigods, with the five churches of the orthodox gods in Nolan as the nodes, the more dazzling divine magic array took shape instantly with every street, every house, and every living being in Nolan as the node. The four indestructible prisons were instantly formed. After the angels appeared briefly, they were immediately sealed up. .

Chapter 1145 Chapter 1126 The Story of the Diviners

The appearance and disappearance of the angels is not the end, but just the beginning. The seal of mortals can only trap them for a while. Whether they can call the angel of God to appear in this short time will be the biggest challenge to determine Nolan's safety.

"What happened just now?"

The maid standing next to Jenkins looked out the window blankly, ignoring the strange phenomenon in the sky and not remembering everything that the retina had captured just now. Ordinary people's spirits are not enough to accept all this, so they forget it.

"Nothing, the weather has changed."

Jenkins shook his head, and then ordered the maids who were trembling unconsciously to prepare bath water and change of clothes. He put his hand on Miss Audrey's shoulder, and the flames flowed along her body to evaporate the rain, but Miss Audrey still did not recover from the mental shock brought by the appearance of the angel.

"Can you tell me now? What exactly did you encounter?"

The black smoke column completely merged with the dark clouds in the sky with the arrival of the four angels, and as the dark clouds spread further away, the angel field in a practical sense covered the entire city.

With the arrival of the angel as the node, the dying Miss Bronion on the sofa was more seriously injured. She must rely on Jenkins to continuously input the spirit of life to maintain the integrity of her body, so as to affect her soul with her body and temporarily save her life.

But the consequence of doing so is that once Jenkins lets go, Miss Bronion will die in an instant.

Miss Audrey usually has a bad relationship with her teacher, at least that's how she shows it to Jenkins. But now, she is just a fragile woman on the verge of collapse, and Miss Bronion's current situation has given her a big blow.

With the sound of violent rain as the background, Jenkins slowly listened to Miss Audrey's story, and then he realized that this matter actually had something to do with himself.

The matter dates back to the beginning of this month, when he went deep into the mirror world and successfully returned. The impact of this incident is very broad. In addition to knowing the true identity of the female hunter and Miss Kate's dragon vein awakening, there are actually more details that Jenkins did not realize.

"You mentioned one thing. When you were moving in the underground pipes to avoid the monsters in the mirror world, you found a large number of fresh and stale human bones scattered in a certain area."

Miss Audrey's voice was very dull. Although she didn't cry, she still felt very bad because of the rain and her weak body.

Finny was sitting next to Jenkins. Miss Audrey didn't ask who this was, but seeing the expression on the girl's face was similar to hers, she knew that this was also one of the girls Jenkins helped.

"Some time ago, the local church speculated that the cultists of [Whip of the Dead] were trying to summon angels, and the key steps included blood sacrifices. My teacher and I conducted a large-scale divination in the basement to compare the location of the blood sacrifices with The information you provided was connected together, and the nest of [Whip of the Dead] was accurately found. They have connections with the people of the Craftsmen Guild, so they live underground now, so they searched the city for so long, but they still couldn't find it. to the target.”

What happened after that was as expected. The two women who found the key clues did not provide the information to the local church, but went to investigate alone. The reason for doing this is, on the one hand, because both of them are extremely high-level benefactors, and on the other hand, it is because of Miss Bronyance’s insistence on doing so.

"Before the action, we made predictions about whether the matter would go smoothly. The teacher's divination results showed that if we act alone, she will achieve extraordinary success, thus seeing her move from the eighth-level demigod to the ninth-level demigod. God's way; and my divination shows that if we act alone, one of us will die."

The results obtained by the two people's divination were very strange. On the one hand, they actually came to completely opposite conclusions. On the other hand, unlike ordinary divination, which is obscure and difficult to understand, the signs of these two divination were very clear and difficult to interpret. Effortless.

Therefore, Miss Audrey and Miss Broniance both insisted on their opinions. In the end, Miss Audrey, who was slightly weaker, was persuaded by her teacher, and that's what happened today.

"We successfully found the lair of the cultists. Because we were fully prepared, the operation went very smoothly at the beginning. The low-level Gifters on guard outside were almost wiped out by us. Just as we were about to find a way to the core area. When I opened the door, someone else broke in. "

"who is it?"

Jenkins asked, his right hand holding Miss Bronyance's wrist tightly, and green light appeared on their arms like flames. But even so, Miss Bronyance's face was still getting worse, and Jenkins knew that she didn't have much time left.

"They are not cultists from the [Whip of the Dead], but from the [Gear Craftsmen Guild]. They seem to be here to watch the ceremony."

The viewing ceremony naturally refers to the final completion of the ceremony, with the four angels killing the city of Nolan.

"He also brought a strange thing, which was as big as an ordinary steam furnace, and could automatically create some strange gear creations, and had the function of controlling machinery. We were temporarily stopped, and the teacher was worried that it would take too long I knew something else would happen, so I wanted to divine what it was and find the weakness... and then it became like this."

This is actually a very incredible thing. Although the world is full of dangers, even a glance at some things may kill a mortal. But Miss Bronyance can be regarded as a very powerful mortal. Even if she is forced to divination strange things, she will never end up like this all at once.

Diviners naturally understand the risks of fortune-telling unknown items, so they have special methods to ensure their own safety. In this case, there is only one possibility——

"She divined a very powerful thing with a powerful background."

Jenkins guessed in his mind and nodded silently.

Fortune tellers always say that they cannot completely trust their own divination, and they must never take the results of divination as fact. The first lesson for a fortune teller is to learn how ancient diviners were tricked by their own fortune-telling step by step.

Speaking of which, Miss Bronyance really died as a diviner. This is the fate of diviners, a fate that even demigods have to face.

While the two were talking, Miss Bronyance moved her fingers. Jenkins felt that she was about to wake up, and immediately stopped talking and looked at the woman on the sofa.

Chapter 1146 Chapter 1127 The Death of Miss Bronyance

Seeing that Miss Bronyance was awake, Fini, Miss Audrey and the cat also looked over. Her eyes moved, and then a shocking thunder exploded outside the window. At the same time, the wind was strong, and there seemed to be an explosion in the distance.

The gas lights in the house flickered a few times and went out. The strong wind broke the window bolts and poured into the house. In the dark room, as white lightning streaked across the sky, Jenkins saw Miss Bronyance's eyes open.

Her eyeballs were bulging, like an old witch in a horror story. The veins on his face were extremely obvious, and he seemed to have reached the last moment.

The maids screamed and walked into the living room, struggling to push the windows open in the face of the pouring rain outside. As soon as Jenkins took his hand, a short candle with a happy flame appeared in his hand, and he placed it on the coffee table nearby.

Although the living room shrouded in darkness and helplessness did not immediately become warm, at least everyone's hearts felt inexplicably settled. Miss Audrey directed the maids to lift up the things that had been blown down, and then quickly asked them to leave.

The wind and rain were shut out of the window, but the gas lights were still not restored. Jenkins guessed that the gas company had a problem during the heavy rain. Judging from the explosion just now, it was most likely that lightning struck the gas furnace and triggered a chain reaction.

Looking at the completely dark Nolan outside the window, the city's blackout began.


Miss Audrey knelt on the carpet and held Miss Bronyance's other hand that was hanging down from the sofa. She tried hard to look into her teacher's eyes, but sadly discovered that her awakening was not a sign of improvement. Reflection.


The eyes of the woman on the sofa were particularly bright, as if she wanted to project all the remaining energy in her life. She held Miss Audrey's hand tightly, and the joints on the back of her hand seemed to burst out from under the flesh.

"The future of the school will depend on you from now on."

The voice was hoarse and low, but coherent.

"Teacher, please don't say that."

Jenkins knew that Miss Audrey had finally cried. Her voice was ethereal and magnetic when she usually spoke, but at this time she no longer had that unpredictable sense of mystery.

"Audrey, I have been pursuing my whole life...but in the end, I ended up like this. You are right. Some things are not guaranteed to succeed if you work hard. If you don’t do it, you will definitely fail...Audrey, you will eventually surpass me, you will definitely..."

She began to gasp for air, and Jenkins immediately increased the intensity of the treatment, but it was only a drop in the bucket.

"Being tricked by my own divination and finally ending up dead is really the greatest irony for me."

At the last moment of her life, this woman who used to be very mean finally showed her gentlest side. She actually looks very good, but Jenkins had a bad first impression of her, so he always looked at her in a different light in the past.

"Teacher, you will be fine."

Miss Audrey said these words repeatedly, and Jenkins couldn't bear to see this scene. Although he had always hated Miss Bronyance, she should not have left the show with such a result.

"I have already seen my ending. You know, Audrey, when diviners like us die unnaturally, we can clearly see the ending we are about to face. I have seen it. This is irreversible. of."

Miss Audrey wanted to say something else, but Miss Bronyance shook her head hard to stop her.

The poor dying woman on the sofa looked at Jenkins again:

"Williamt, I want to apologize to you."

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