It's a very direct question. Since you can't guess it, it's better to ask directly. Anyway, Jenkins can judge whether it is a lie.

"I can't answer this question. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, [Daybreak] prohibits us from revealing our origins. This is the agreement signed when purchasing the tickets. Even this time, because there is a noble person among the travelers, we ordinary people Passengers also have special permissions, but I can't break the most basic rules, so you can choose another question."

Although disappointed, the reply was not very unexpected. Jenkins nodded to accept the answer. Of course, he was also curious about who the "noble person" she referred to was. Now is not a good time to consider this issue, so I mentally plan to find a breakthrough in another direction.

"Then let me change the question... Why did you come here on the [Dawn]?"

"For travel."

The woman smiled and replied, damn it, it was actually true.


Jenkins repeated in surprise, but in his mind he was biased toward women coming from the future. After all, only people from the future would do such boring things.

"Yes, traveling. I paid a lot of money for this trip."

The woman twirled her fingers at Jenkins, then thought for a while and continued:

"Now it's my turn, let me think about it... Actually, I know almost everything I want to know, but it seems like you want to continue asking, so okay, I'm also interested in continuing to play. This kind of question-and-answer game should always be fun while traveling... My next question is the same as yours, please answer me, what are you traveling on that train outside? "

This is a peek into Jenkins' privacy, maybe a conspiracy, maybe a really bored traveler curious about the private affairs of his fellow travelers.

Jenkins chose to answer this question because it wasn’t a secret that needed to be kept:

"I'm going to Loen City to meet my friends, yes, pen pals. It's my turn again. My question is, are you from the material world?"

Jenkins asked without stopping.

The woman's "travel" answer just now made Jenkins aware of a small possibility other than "past and future", so he wanted to confirm it.

"Of course, I have never left the material world. From this aspect, I am indeed a person in the material world."

The woman said, picking up the equally green water glass on the desk. Because the liquid was also green, she drank from it as if she were drinking dangerous poison.

"Do you need water? That's not my question, I just wanted to ask you."

"No, no need."

Jenkins still chose to be cautious. Although the woman had been kind so far, no one knew what kind of trap this evil steam train would have.

"Okay, my next question. Actually, I really don't have any questions..."

She said with some trouble, then looked at Jenkins, stayed on his face for a moment and then looked at his squirming chest:

"What is that? That's my question."

"This is my cat and I was worried about him running around here, so I put him in my jacket pocket. My question is, if you can't tell me specific information about where you are at, then please tell me, Do you know the names of the more famous people at my time?”

"I can't get any specific clues, so do you want to know information that can help you?"

The woman asked Jenkins. Of course, this was not his question, just an exclamation.

"It's useless, you won't remember anything when you leave this train, that's the rule. But I can answer you and satisfy your temporary curiosity. Yes, I know the names of famous people of this era, and I don't know few."

She didn't name the names because Jenkins didn't ask. But the answer itself explains all the doubts: she comes from the future.

It is impossible to observe the future in detail enough to know many names in the past, and it is very possible that even if history is lost in the future, some names are retained and their deeds are spread into distorted or even completely opposite myths.

"So, [Daybreak] is actually a tourist train carrying future 'tourists' to visit the past time!"

Jenkins came to this conclusion.

"Oh, it's my turn again. To be honest, young gentleman, I really like this kind of game. The annoying train journey should be so interesting. And this trip can encounter such a small probability, Enough to make me happy for many years. Then let me ask another interesting question, young gentleman, please allow me to continue to peek into your privacy. So, do you think I am beautiful?”

"Beautiful. From what I've seen, you could be called a very pretty young lady."


Miss Schweiger looked very happy, at least that smile from the heart could not be faked:

"That is a pleasant answer. Then it is your turn, young sir. It was a pleasure to talk to you."

"No, that's enough. Thank you for wasting your precious time to talk to me, Miss Schweiger."

Jenkins said something surprising quickly, then quickly opened the door and took a step outside before the woman could react, and then quickly turned back:

"Although I think your face is beautiful, I am also curious whether the faces we see now are our real faces or the faces that [Dawnbreaker] disguised for us. But it doesn't matter anymore..."

Chapter 1194 Chapter 1174 Trains that travel through time

After saying this, Jenkins smiled at the door. The woman inside was obviously stunned, and then suddenly realized:

"Yes, we are not allowed to affect the past, and the past cannot affect us, so the appearance cannot be real... Since you can think of this, it means that you are testing whether I know you~ Wait, who are you?"

Jenkins did not answer her, but quickly left the room and closed the door.

The questioning just now started by him, and it must be ended by the woman to be fair. So if he directly asked [Dawnbreaker] whether it would disguise the faces of "passengers" and "intruders" for "historical correctness", it means that he must answer the woman's question "Who are you", and the other party will realize that Jenkins' identity is not ordinary.

But now he did not choose to ask, but used a way that was almost cheating to get the answer, so he was not obliged to answer the woman's questions.

"She was so surprised, so she must be from the future, and it should be the near future, otherwise even if you know her name, you won't know her appearance. It's really interesting that I actually encountered the information carrier of the 'future' again. But it doesn't matter, I will never pay attention to the so-called future again, Miss Bronion is the best example."

The door didn't open for a long time, and the woman didn't chase out for some reason. Seeing this, Jenkins didn't stop, but went forward, and the conductor was still waiting for him in front.

Just as the lady said just now, most of the carriages on this train are divided into compartments. According to the answer just now, Jenkins came to the compartment door of the "Train Conductor's Old Lover", and this time he remembered to knock on the door.

After the knocking ended, no strange sound came from the compartment. But Jenkins waited for two minutes, and the middle-aged man in green uniform opened the door. He was slightly fat, with two small mustaches, and looked amiable. It's just that his clothes were a little messy, and the buttons were not fully buttoned.

Jenkins therefore guessed that the sound insulation of the compartment here was very good.

"Dear are not a passenger."

Unlike the passengers, the slightly plump conductor can distinguish which ones are outsiders. He was alert at first, but then laughed and shook his head slightly:

"So, the Dawnbreaker took the initiative to appear in the material world before reaching the destination?"

"Yes, I am a passenger on the train next to you. Because of your appearance, I have to come to see you and sign some documents to prevent you from taking some lives. This is what I saw in the information."

Jenkins answered honestly, and he deliberately slowed down his speech so that he could observe the other party while speaking.

"No, no, no, sir."

The conductor walked out of the room completely and quickly closed the door to prevent Jenkins from seeing what was inside. He waved his hand to Jenkins:

"I will not take anyone's life. That was done by the Dawnbreaker. I am just a poor soul trapped here."

Jenkins didn't care what was in the room. Seeing the conductor start to walk forward, he followed him. According to this slightly plump middle-aged man, signing the "document" must be done at the front of the train.

He was very talkative, and kept talking to Jenkins about things related to Dawnbreaker. Unlike the passengers, he seemed not to be restricted by the confidentiality of Dawnbreaker, which made Jenkins feel that he was wasting time in the woman's room just now.

"You already know? Yes, this is indeed a tourist train, carrying people from different times relative to the present, traveling to different time points. This train was built in the future relative to you, and its function can only take passengers to visit the past time points. As for the crew members like us, we are the souls that Dawnbreaker picked up casually and wandered in the material world."

He took a puff of the cigar, and then blew a thick green smoke from his nostrils, looking very skilled. Jenkins subconsciously held his breath, but then realized that it had no taste at all.

"You know, people are not only interested in the future, but also in the lost past. The passengers of Dawnbreaker paid for tickets for various reasons. Even if they cannot interfere with the past, they can gain a lot by just observing."

"Does Dawnbreaker depart frequently?"

Jenkins asked again. Of course, he was just curious because he had asked just now. Since the manufacturing time of Dawnbreaker was in the future, Jenkins at this time was not eligible to buy a ticket to become a passenger.

"Based on a certain time point in the future, the frequency of departure is quite high. Even if the ticket is expensive, ordinary people can always find a way to pay. This has to be said to be a miracle. As for you intruders from the past time point, you are a channel for Dawnbreaker to collect energy and anchor points. Although the ticket money is enough for it to travel the entire travel route, the rules determine that its existence must be agreed to by the 'past'."

The conductor explained patiently.

"So the document I want to sign is the so-called 'consent letter'?"

"Yes, otherwise it can only collect enough souls at this point in time as pledges and anchoring coordinates. So, [Dawn] is actually very evil. If it were not detained in the car, I would not even think about it for a moment. Would love to stay here.”

The fat man said casually, raised his hand to hold his hat, and then pointed to the closed box doors:

"In fact, every time the train departs, there are only 10 passengers at most who can board the Daybreak. After all, fares are a big issue. You can bump into passengers as soon as you push the door. You don't know whether it's your luck or the other person's luck. Okay. What, are you interested in this place? Although you will forget everything that happened here after you leave here, if you are willing, I can promise that I will find you as long as you live until the time when I become the train conductor. And invite you to get on board so your memory can be restored."

"Do you say that to every intruder?"

Jenkins asked with a smile. He would not be fooled. The other party never mentioned what the "ticket" needed to be purchased from the beginning.

"Yeah, I said that to everyone. Because it's fun, isn't it? I'm stuck here and only you interlopers can give me some fun, and as for the passengers on the ride, except for the occasional A few knowledgeable scholars, such as the noble lady in Car No. 3, directly treated me as a dangerous creature. Forget about that, if you need any drinks, I can arrange for the servants to prepare them first. We can have a good chat later."

Chapter 1195 Chapter 1175 End of the month

Jenkins discovered that the train conductor, who did not reveal his name, was a talkative person who could not stop talking. Moreover, his articulation was very clear and his ideas were very clear. As soon as he spoke, Jenkins couldn't help but listen.

"It's rare that I find an opportunity to talk to people outside the car."

This is the train conductor's explanation, so he will show great enthusiasm every time an intruder appears.

He could answer almost all of Jenkins' questions, but he could not tell Jenkins what kind of historical moment the Dawn was taking the passengers to visit this time. According to the conductor, this is the privacy of the passengers. As a crew member of the "Daybreak", he cannot disclose it.

And if Jenkins is really interested, he can ask those passengers, and I believe the passengers will not refuse to talk to a sensible "person from the past."

"Then forget it, I don't have much time."

I glanced at the stars outside the window and saw that dawn was very close. Jenkins turned over the documents that had been checked repeatedly in his hand to the signature area, and wrote the name "Jenkins Willamt" one by one. It took a lot of time to check the contents of these documents, and read every dense clause to make sure there was no devil's contract or anything like that.

But after confirming that it was safe, Jenkins was worried that the name "Jenkins Willamt" was not his real name, and he didn't know if it would work.

Later, he realized that he himself had personally admitted that "Jenkins Willamt is me, and I am not Jenkins Willamt." So in a sense, although it is not a real name, it should be able to exert the effect of a real name to a certain extent.

Half an hour before dawn, Jenkins returned to the train from Daybreak. Watching the dark green train sliding into the shadows little by little, I wondered if I would have another chance to encounter it in the future.

Of course, Jenkins has not lost any memory. He remembers every detail on the train. But he did not intend to tell the church about the train in any form. After all, it was a Class B transcendent related to [time]. If he was not careful, he would cause big trouble.

The 31st day of the cycle is still fresh in Jenkins' memory. There is no need for him to have anything to do with time. If a more troublesome butterfly effect or space-time paradox occurs, it will be a disaster for everyone.

The appearance of [Dawn] was the only exception in this journey, but there was one more thing that needed to be dealt with before the train arrived in Loen, and that was the whisper at the end of the month. It’s Sunday, and today also happens to be the last day of March.

The expected arrival time of the train was three o'clock in the morning. Before that, Jenkins told the servants not to disturb him and lay in bed waiting for midnight.

Because this was not the first time he had come into contact with Moon-end Whispering, when the illusion of his soul rising appeared, he did not make a fuss, but quietly let go of his soul and accepted everything he "saw and heard".

March belongs to the righteous god [Mother Earth], while April belongs to [Lord of Storms]. Every year on the first day of this month, seaside cities like Nolan will hold lively celebrations, which are similar to the Sage's [Reading Festival], but this year Jenkins will definitely not be able to catch up.

He vaguely heard the sound of the waves, and then saw two blurry figures standing together in the white clouds.

This time, there was no problem in observing the meeting of the righteous gods. Except for some nosebleeds when I woke up, there was no abnormality in the body. This shows that not only the soul is growing, but the body has also grown compared to half a year ago. Quite a few.

After getting up from the bed, he covered his forehead and kept quiet for a while. He waited for the whistle to come from the front of the car, then reached for his pocket watch and looked at it. It was half past one. He still had time to sort it out before the train arrived in Lun. own harvest.

Perhaps because of his calmness this time, apart from a large number of scattered knowledge fragments, a total of five complete rituals and abilities were acquired.

There are two ceremonies in total. The first one is called [Fishing Cultivation]. This is an extremely rare large-scale ceremony held in units of years.

There are many ways to divide the so-called large-scale ceremonies. The ceremony [Fishing Cultivation] meets the standards in terms of scale and time span.

This ceremony has only one function, which is to accelerate the reproduction rate of fish in a certain sea area in that year.

The ceremony itself must cover the entire sea area. Just the arrangement of the base array requires at least thirty fishing boats that are more than 10 years old. The subsequent sacrifices, prayers, regular changes of the base array, and relying on the stars to find the center of the sea area are even more troublesome. The entire ceremony must last for a whole year before it can have an effect on the next year.

It can be said that this is the most complex ceremony that Jenkins has mastered so far.

This ceremony is not a divine ritual taught to humans by the righteous god [Storm Lord], but a method invented by ancient humans who lived by the sea, relying on the accumulation of wisdom and experience, using special bait to feed back to the ocean at the right time. After the test of time and years, this empirical ordinary behavior, with legends and stories adding mystery to it, finally led to the birth of a complete ceremony.

If Jenkins wants to start a fishing company in the future, he can completely rely on this ritual to create a family that can be passed down for hundreds of years. Maybe there will be no "Holy Williamite Family" in the future, but there will be an extra "Williamite Fishery Group".

Such large-scale rituals can already permanently change the weather or some special rules of a certain area. Similar rituals are not rare or useless. On the contrary, there are many in use. The most famous of them is the sealing ceremony held by the environment, such as sealing monsters in mountain caves, underground cavities, and deep sea cracks.

It is a ritual that lasts longer and has a more complicated process, and it is usually related to astrology and topography. It is the greatest miracle that humans can communicate with heaven and earth through rituals.

The second ritual is [Soil Perception], which is one of the most basic divine rituals of the believers of [Mother Earth], similar to the [Book Identification] of the sage believers. Although low-level, it is widely used. In addition to being able to perceive soil fertility, high-level gifters can even communicate with the earth with a similar "psychic" result by perceiving the history of the soil, and learn about what has happened within a certain range.

Of course, grave robbers and corpse snatchers also like this kind of ritual, but there are few bold guys who use divine rituals to do this kind of thing.

The three abilities all come from [Storm Lord], namely [Call Thunder], [Relic Appraisal], and [Storm Fury].

PS: Regarding the Dawnbreaker, it will appear again soon. Regarding some people saying that these chapters are relatively watery... How to say it, the story can't always have a climax///, I try my best to write each chapter more interesting (covering my face).

Section 1196 Chapter 1176 Basin of Delusion

[Call Thunder] is a yellow spell-type ability, the effect is to snap your fingers and summon thunder to attack the enemy. This, together with [Call Fire], [Call Water], and [Call Wind] in the same series that require snapping fingers, are jokingly called "snap abilities" by the gifters. In addition to learning to snap your fingers and a short spell, this type of ability is one of the few abilities that requires additional spellcasting materials.

For example, [Call Thunder] requires a small piece of wood, [Call Fire] requires any combustible material, [Call Water] requires a container of water, and [Call Wind] requires any object that can be blown.

The materials for casting will not be consumed, but must be carried on the body. This means that as long as you find a dry wooden container of water that can be blown, basically all four abilities can be used.

Jenkins imagined the scene of himself calling thunder, and felt that it was very fashionable and tangible. If it was at a low level, he would not mind trying it, but now both [Mechanical Light] and [Profane Production] can kill with one blow, and there is [Twin Demons] for large-scale destruction, so he does not need [Call Thunder] at all.

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