[Relic Appraisal] is also a yellow spell. It is the appraisal ability that Jenkins had been thinking about when he first came to this world. The origin of this ability was that when sailors collected the bodies of their companions who were buried at sea, they needed to leave suitable relics for their families. Later, it somehow became the ability to identify the value of the relics.

"Hmm...there must be something fishy about this."

Jenkins heard his father mention this ability. When using it, his eyes will see different intensities of light attached to different items. Usually the strength of the light determines the value, but special items cannot be distinguished from ordinary items.

It sounds like a necessary skill for those travelers in the modern city without demons in Jenkins' memory, but it is also a useless ability for Jenkins in the world of high demons (?).

The last [Wrath of the Storm] is the only divine spell among the three abilities. It is a high-level divine spell of the [Ocean and Exploration] Church. Jenkins had seen this ability more than once, and it took the form of throwing a trident in anger.

This is the best ability of the demigods of the Ocean Church stationed in Nolan. It has played a good role in dealing with Pompeii and the activated steam monster.

"Although they are all interesting, none of them seem to be of much value to me."

He thought in disappointment, and the cat lay aside and gave a "meow" as a comfort.

I thought in my mind that now I know that the real god can "create" the false god in the form of a clone, so I tried to find clues in the other scattered fragments of knowledge, and I really got some results.

[The ocean protects sailors, sailors connect the world, miracles are born from the first adventure, and islands are no longer lonely...]

On the surface, this is a message of unknown meaning, but the second half of this sentence is actually part of the declaration of the false god [Guardian of the Island].

Followers of this false god are extremely rare on the mainland and mostly found in coastal areas, but there are many overseas such as the Broken Isles. In addition to protecting the islanders, [Guardian of the Island] also has highly restrictive vocations such as [Island Trade] and [Chart Drawing], but it is indeed related to the [Ocean Priesthood] of [Lord of Storms].

"In other words, this false god is most likely to be a clone of the true god... How many false gods are there such a close connection with the true god? Could it be said that most of the false gods are the true god? Doppelgangers...are unlikely...and since each false god represents one day, what is the point of the gods creating false gods to add one day to a mortal's year?"

Jenkins didn't think about it until the train pulled into the station, so he could only put it aside for the time being, organize his clothes and prepare to see who was here to greet him.

As expected, there was only one carriage waiting outside the station. It was naturally the Sage Church's carriage, and there was no trace of Dolores's personnel.

This is what Jenkins expected. To be honest, if Her Royal Highness the Princess's motorcade also showed up, he would wonder if there was something wrong here. There was no need for the two to reveal their relationship.

As one of the capitals of the three kingdoms, Loen is naturally an archdiocese. Compared with the church in Hot Spring Town, which can only use the most traditional communication methods, Loen Church has the means to make long-distance real-time calls. It was a stone basin made of obsidian, and the edge of the basin was engraved with twelve azure runes that Jenkins could not recognize.

This is a Class B extraordinary item, numbered B-10-5-9336 and named [Pot of Delusion]. Its original function was not to communicate, but to allow people who dipped their heads in the basin of water to see any scene they imagined in their minds. It was a very boring entertainment special item.

It was just that during a monster containment incident thirty years ago, a group of low-risk, low-security Class B items, including the [Basin of Delusions], were affected by the power of the monster. When counting the losses afterwards, people discovered that the stone basin had lost the ability to see the scene it wanted, but it had the ability to see the person it wanted.

The information is unclear as to whether "people" includes "dead people", but this has nothing to do with Jenkins. All he wants to see are living people.

"So what image do I look like in front of you now?"

Jenkins asked his father. Although his whole head was immersed in the water, he was not hindered from speaking, but he always felt a sense of depression in his heart.

"It looks to us like your head has tripled in size and is floating in the air, surrounded by circles of swaying translucent water. Damn, I should have prepared a camera earlier, this doesn't happen often. "

Dad said jokingly that he was also happy to be able to find Jenkins so smoothly.

There is no doubt about the convenience of B-10-5-9336 [Base of Delusions], but this item places a huge mental burden on the user. Even if Jenkins didn't have the identity of [Holy Son] and [Level 4 Gifter] at the same time, the church would not even agree to let him try.

Although Jenkins did not feel anything unusual when using this item, it was impossible for him to move the [Base of Delusions] back to Nolan Parish. It’s not that the Diocese of Loen disagrees, it’s because this item is completely integrated with the stalactites in the cave.

To be more precise, when the largest special items storage area in Loen was established, B-10-5-9336 [Boat of Delusion] already existed here. The stone basin and the cave are integrated. People don't know what the consequences will be if the stone basin is removed from the top of the broken stalactite column. However, according to tests and predictions, there is a high probability that the specificity will be completely lost.

Chapter 1197 Chapter 1177 Loen Holiday

“Why doesn’t our diocese have something as convenient as [the Basin of Delusion]?”

Jenkins muttered quietly, but because he appeared with his head floating in Nolan Church's office, everyone in the office could actually hear him.

Dad rolled his eyes at Jenkins in disgust, but did not continue the topic. He reached out and took a piece of paper from Miss Bevanna who was smiling lightly at the side and showed it to Jenkins.

"The Holy See has dispatched a floating steam airship to pick you up. It's Monday now. The airship will arrive in Lun on Wednesday, stay in that city for two days for inspection and maintenance, and then take you south early Saturday morning. If everything goes well , you will probably arrive in Nolan on Sunday night or in the early morning of next Monday. Look carefully, this is the specific itinerary. If you forget, just ask the person in charge of the Loen Diocese at any time. There should be a reception specially prepared for you. team."

"I remember."

Jenkins looked at it for more than ten seconds before nodding, and then listened to his father continue:

"Also, I have sent your lost butterfly back to Old Jack. It is better not to leave this kind of thing in Nolan."

"Huh? That's it, okay then."

Jenkins forced a smile and nodded. That's good, at least the cat won't have bad ideas anymore:

"Then we will see you next Monday, dad. I will miss you in Loen during this period. Do you need to bring any specialties? There is an Ice and Snow Festival held here recently, and you should be able to buy some very good things."

"No need, as long as you can come back safely. Although you are no longer in Nolan, you must pay attention to safety and don't wander around. Of course, you should also go to see friends. I know that you have many friends in Loen. 'good friend'."

Dad winked at Jenkins. Because Jenkins brought Julia home at the end of February this year, the church now knew that he was connected to Rune. Dad was hinting that he could be generous with his friends. Never mind the church probing his secrets.

"Okay, okay, all of this is fine, so how is the church going to explain my 'disappearance'? Although I'm not a celebrity, there must be a reasonable reason for leaving Nolan so suddenly."

Jenkins thought for a moment and asked again.

"I arranged a business trip."

Dad answered straightforwardly, and then asked Jenkins with some confusion:

"The morning after you left Nolan, the girl from the Hesha family came to the antique store to look for you. I told her that you were on a business trip, but she seemed a little unconvinced and said that you would at least leave her a letter or something. …Honestly, Jenkins, what have you been doing lately?”

This time it was Jenkins' turn to laugh awkwardly, and what was even more amazing was that, perhaps because of the size of his face, Dad, Miss Bevanna and the secret keeper seemed to know what he meant at once. .

In short, although he was transported to the far north due to a naughty cat, Jenkins has not encountered danger so far except for encountering strange situations. Now I have successfully contacted the church and have a complete plan to return to Nolan.

He has a full week to enjoy the exotic scene before setting off on Saturday.

"Mr. Willamt, if you need a guide, the Church will provide you with the best."

Jenkins explained his plan to Father Dio Fernando, who was responsible for receiving him in the Diocese of Loon, and the latter was actively prepared to assist him in making sightseeing plans.

But Jenkins shook his head and refused. He told the young priest directly that he had friends in Loen, and he was going to stay with his friends recently, but he would come back to the church every day to tell everyone that he was still safe.

"Of course it's no problem. I think you don't need an escort. Nolan Parish has reminded you of this. But do you need a carriage? Although the weather is getting warmer now, April in Loon is still not suitable for hiking."

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Fernando, but I think my friend will help."

He still refused.

Jenkins didn't know how to contact Dolores, but this was Luen, and he had every reason to believe that there would be someone at the door of the Sage Church who would be responsible for recording his movements.

After discussing the itinerary for the past few days with Mr. Fernando, and receiving a sum of crowns sponsored by the church as Luen's expenses, Jenkins said goodbye to the people in the church and walked out of the church against the flow of people who came to worship. Stand under the marble pillars and observe the street scene in Loon on Monday.

Ten minutes later, a carriage stopped at the door of the church. The curtains of the carriage were opened, and Dolores smiled brightly at Jenkins. Jenkins also laughed. He took off his hat in greeting, then squatted down and called the cat basking on the side to come over, and then walked down the steps to the carriage.

Father Fernando, who was standing on the second floor of the temple and looking out, shrugged his shoulders. Unexpectedly, the Holy See's prediction was completely correct.

"So does the church want to intervene in the struggle for the throne? It may just be the emotional entanglement of young people. It's good to be young."

He shook his head and sighed. Now that Jenkins has left, the main task he was assigned has come to an end. As for the Holy Son in the next week, as long as there are no big problems, he does not need to be there.

"Big trouble? No, this is a peaceful city."

The middle-aged man sighed in his heart, and at the same time praised the sage in a low voice, thanking Him for blessing him with being assigned such an easy job during the festival.


After the carriage picked up Jenkins at the church gate, it drove into the busy streets with the passengers. Even though it was Monday, the city was bustling because the Ice and Snow Festival would open tomorrow.

Jenkins half-opened the window beside him to let the cool breeze of early spring blow in, and the warm sunlight could just shine on the cat on his lap, and the cat made a comfortable cry.

After leaving the church gate, the coachman hung the royal family emblem on the carriage, and no pedestrians or vehicles dared to appear in front of the carriage along the way. Jenkins was also surprised that Dolores was so bold to admit their friendship, but he did not stop her from doing so.

"Good morning, Dolores. Oh, although it's not the first time I've said this to you, it's still a bit strange to see you and talk to you 'in person'... Don't you have to go to class? I remember Miss Minnewick said that after March, every Monday morning will be your equestrian class time."

"Good morning, Mr. William, I'm also very happy to see the 'real' you. Yes, it should be my equestrian class time now, but my pony Peter has a stomachache, so I can be free today."

The girl showed a sly smile on her face. Jenkins understood what she meant and chuckled, and then saw an embarrassed expression on the face of Julia, the silent maid.

Chapter 1198 Chapter 1178 Tulip Field

Alexia didn't come to greet Jenkins because she was not in the city now. Dolores told Jenkins that Alexia left the city on Saturday and set off to the mountains in the south of Loon to find some special minerals. She would not be back until tomorrow, so Dolores would receive Jenkins throughout the day.

Jenkins was of course sorry that he could not see Alexia, but he would stay here for another week, and the two of them had plenty of time to be alone.

Her Royal Highness was dressed very beautifully today, which Jenkins noticed after getting in the car. She wore a very formal light blue fluffy long dress, as if she was going to a solemn ball. The waist was very slim, and for some reason, a crinoline was specially added below. Although the chest area was not exposed, it was woven with complex lace. These laces extended to the shoulders and connected to the small red cape she was wearing.

"Are you going to the ball?"

Jenkins still expressed his doubts.

"No, this is just my daily dress."

The young girl said with a blushing face. Before she mustered up the courage to ask "What do you think?", Jenkins took the initiative to praise the dress and her dress, and especially praised her hair for being soft and beautiful, which matched the small diamond-studded silver crown very well.

Dolores tried to maintain her solemn and elegant expression, but the smile on her face betrayed her inner feelings at the moment. Julia on the side couldn't help but want to cover her face. At the same time, she was also a little curious about how the young man sitting opposite her had grown from being as clumsy as a stone to his current level in half a year.

The morning was spent contacting Nolan. When he got on Dolores' carriage, it was already noon. The first step of the trip was to have lunch. Cat therefore had a premonition that this week's trip would be very interesting.

Dolores naturally would not take Jenkins to a restaurant in the city for dinner. She had her own manor in Loon, where there were specially hired chefs and elegant tableware.

Jenkins enjoyed a very pleasant lunch and determined the location of his accommodation in the manor for the next few days.

The head maid Julia chose a room with a great view for him, close to the stairs and the servants' lounge. Just from the location and area, this bedroom didn't look like a guest room, but should be the master bedroom.

After confirming that the servants put the luggage in the closet, Jenkins twitched his nose very indecently, sniffed twice in the room, squinted his eyes and thought for a while, but finally did not raise this question.

Even though he had been to Loen many times, this strange yet familiar northern kingdom should have many interesting places waiting for Jenkins to explore. After lunch and a short rest, the group set out for the outskirts of the city.

Dolores has amazing financial resources. She owns her own horse farm, manor, plantation and farm outside the city. Her brothers and sisters also have similar fixed assets, which are common for the royal family.

The destination this time is Dolores's plantation. She heard about the "greenhouse breeding technology" from Jenkins in winter. Although the latter has only heard of these technologies and can only tell the general principles with many loopholes, Her Royal Highness has sufficient manpower and resources to experiment with this idea.

She succeeded at least in part, and a small piece of flower field successfully survived the cold winter, so Dolores wanted to invite Jenkins to visit.

"Originally, I planned to invite you to the Byron Opera House. Train travel is very tiring, and our first stop should be a little easier. But the opera house was temporarily repaired in preparation for the first day of the Ice and Snow Festival tomorrow. When I received the news, it was too late..."

When the three of them got off the car and walked into the greenhouse of the plantation, Dolores apologized for her negligence. Jenkins didn't care about it. After all, he slept most of the time while listening to the opera, and he didn't feel tired.

"This arrangement is very good. Aren't we going to another opera house in the evening? In fact, I have always admired the traditional opera of Hampavo. This will definitely be very interesting."

The only successful greenhouse was filled with tulips. Although Loen is located in the southern part of the kingdom, this area is actually not suitable for planting this flower no matter what season it is. Therefore, it is indeed a small miracle that this flower field can be successfully grown in winter.

But Jenkins soon discovered how this miracle happened. After entering the greenhouse, he immediately felt that the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor was at least 10 degrees. Judging from the greenhouse wall materials, it is simply impossible to achieve such insulation. So Jenkins casually glanced with the [Eye of Truth], and then saw a large number of ritual formations on the walls and translucent tinted glass ceiling.

These rituals include incantation rituals and divine magic rituals. Although they are relatively basic, there are so many of them that they cannot be completed easily. Taking into account the cost of materials needed to arrange the ceremony, the design of the ceremony and the bearing capacity of the walls, I am afraid that the actual value of each living tulip in the greenhouse can exceed 10 pounds.

"It's nice to have money."

Jenkins confirmed this again.

Dolores grew these flowers out of curiosity and having nothing to do in the winter, not out of any desire to make a profit. Now that spring has arrived, as the weather warms up a little, the value of these flowers will continue to decrease.

But Her Royal Highness the Princess will not care about this. She plans to give these tulips as gifts to her friends during the Ice and Snow Festival.

"Yes, His Highness also has friends...although they are not many, and most of them may have other purposes. But with His Highness's status, it is unrealistic to find friends who have no purpose at all."

While Dolores was bending over to look at the flowers that were worth the price of gold, Julia explained to Jenkins in a low voice.

"Last time you came to rescue His Highness, some of the ladies trapped in the room were His Highness's friends. If not, His Highness would not have gone to that boring salon."

Julia hesitated for a moment, then continued after seeing Dolores had no objection:

"Some of them have been inquiring about your identity recently. Yes, your identity at that time..."

It goes without saying that some of the girls "rescued" by Jenkins must have been obsessed with reading palace novels, and they must have yearned for the "hero saving the beauty" plot in their hearts. This is not surprising, but Jenkins has no interest in those girls, and even if he is, nothing is likely to happen. After all, it is impossible for him to recreate what he looked like that day.

PS: The author doesn’t know much about tulip cultivation and greenhouse technology. If there are bugs in the description, it can be understood that Dolores relied on her extraordinary abilities to solve all the technical problems.

Chapter 1199 Chapter 1179 A Bold Topic

Before dinner that day, Jenkins did nothing else but stayed with Dolores to visit her property outside the city. It's good to be rich, but it's even better to be very rich.

After seeing the financial resources of the princess of the royal family, Jenkins' yearning for "getting rich" also surged a little bit in his heart. Of course, he was just thinking about it, but this did not prevent him from imagining that if he came to this world, he did not choose to fully enhance his power and concentrate his great power on himself, but chose to run an industry and accumulate wealth. Who knows what his current life would be like? What a scene.

Dolores seemed to have deliberately arranged that during the afternoon tour, Jenkins did not see anyone except the servants. Although it was all Dolores' private property, it was unusual that no outsiders were there.

Naturally, he could not guess how much preparation Dolores had made for this short afternoon of "aloneness." Her plans and plans covered almost every aspect, and nothing could interrupt this perfect afternoon.

Because we had arranged to watch a play in the city in the evening, we did not have dinner at the manor, but chose a restaurant in the city. The restaurant has also been booked. According to Jenkins' knowledge, the restaurant called [Mensaros Restaurant] is one of the most high-end high-end restaurants in Loen. Usually, you have to reserve a seat one month in advance.

Because Dolores did not choose to book the restaurant, the restaurant will be open as normal tonight. In order to eat here, Jenkins went back to the church and changed into formal clothes.

The church somehow fully understood the size of Jenkins' clothes. When Mr. Fernando opened the closet, there were enough changes of clothes in various styles for Jenkins to change in an hour this week.

The carriage stopped in front of the red carpet in front of the restaurant. Julia opened the door first and walked out. She arranged for the servants to move the wooden steps over. Then Jenkins, who was wearing a black formal suit, also walked out. His formal suit could be seen through the collar. The white shirt under the coat.

This was the rare occasion when Julia was able to see Jenkins in formal attire. After all, in the past, he had come to Tuesday's party in casual clothes, or put on a black robe to attend Luen's dinner.

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