But it is easy to cause problems with the brain. Jenkins' ability can only maintain life or accelerate growth. For an organ with extremely delicate structure like the human brain, the treatment effect is of course there, but it is hard to say whether it can be restored to its original state.

"Since His Majesty is dying, the fight for the throne has entered a white-hot stage?"

Jenkins concluded.

"Yes, and it has suddenly entered a white-hot stage. Before this, Salsi II was very healthy, healthier than some young people, and no one thought that such a thing would happen suddenly. I think the Stuart children originally planned to prepare for a long war, and even planned to compete with their father to see who can live longer."

Dolores said.

Ordinary people have strange things in their heads, and in this era, they are basically hopeless. The many strange magic, spells and rituals of the gifters certainly have the possibility of curing various strange diseases, but Jenkins has never heard of them anyway, and no one dares to say that they can definitely cure parts like the brain.

Even if Salsi II can find similar rituals, he may not be able to pay enough. Most of the abilities or rituals of the gifters are not completely harmless, but for the extraordinary, those hazards can be almost ignored.

Especially when it comes to treating diseases, the most ideal method is to sacrifice to unknown beings, and then the alchemists' equivalent exchange, but no matter which method is used, it is very dangerous.

As for seeking help from the Orthodox Church, it is even more impossible. Don't think that Jenkins can apply for numbered items from the Sage Church at will and take them to areas outside the church for use, but in fact, the church takes any numbered items with a very cautious attitude. Even the lowest-level dangerous ones cannot be used at will.

Not to mention, according to the content of the Tower Agreement, the Orthodox Church will not provide any help to the royal family members that may increase their lifespan. Even if His Majesty asks the priest of the [Church of All Things and Nature] in a remote town to help treat a cold, he will never get the priest's consent.

Therefore, it is conceivable that the Kingdom of Hampavo will not be peaceful in the past six months. In addition, the two kingdoms of the same size have also encountered various troubles and internal and external troubles. It can be said that the entire material world is now in chaos.

"So it's not without reason that the Church of Sages hinted that you should approach Dolores in an open capacity. Although the Church of the True God will not interfere in the selection of the king and the succession to the throne, once unexpected troubles arise here because of the struggle for the throne - with the ruthlessness of the Stuart children, it's hard to say what will happen. At least the church can find a reasonable reason to intervene in the struggle for the throne."

Alexia continued, as for the unexpected troubles she mentioned, it should refer to the disasters caused by mortals who rashly contact the extraordinary because of greedy ambitions.

PS: For readers who see this for the second time, please refresh the catalog. I added more than 200 words in the second half. The added content is from "as for seeking help from the Church of the True God" to "the consent of the priest."

Section 1205 Chapter 1185 The Disaster of the Ice and Snow Festival (Beginning)

Mortals rashly contact the extraordinary because of greed and desire, causing disasters, which happened around Nolan and Jenkins. And now it involves the succession to the throne, anything is possible.

Thinking of this, Jenkins couldn't help but sigh, and then looked out the window. The carriage has entered the city now. Because the temperature has not risen to a high enough temperature, the snow that started yesterday has covered the ground, as if it was going to pull the city back to winter overnight.

But people's good mood of celebrating the festival was not ruined by this. On the contrary, the snow has further stimulated the citizens' love for the Ice and Snow Festival, and they think it is an excellent omen.

"I still don't know what the Ice and Snow Festival is celebrating?"

In order to dispel the bad mood, Jenkins changed the subject at the right time.

"Although there must be a reason for the emergence of the festival, the information I can find shows that this festival has existed in the local area since at least the 13th era. Although it was not called this at the time, the modern Ice and Snow Festival is undoubtedly a continuation of the traditional festival of the indigenous people in the northern part of the continent. No one can explain the origin of this festival, but this festival is quite old, older than the most authentic history recorded by the church."

"Oh? Is that so? The birth of most festivals in human civilization is related to gods or god-like natural phenomena. Since this is the Ice and Snow Festival, it may be related to the powerful ice and snow creatures in ancient times, or it may be that the ancient indigenous people believed in gods with [Ice and Snow] priesthood or supernatural or strange creatures with similar powers."

He paused, and then found that none of the pseudo-gods with [Ice and Snow] priesthoods were related to the Ice and Snow Festival. If such a major festival is really related to a certain god, Jenkins could not have not heard of it.

"The vast priesthood system of the True God [Spirit of Nature] includes [Four Seasons]. If we divide it in detail, the priesthood of [Winter] should also belong to this great man."

Alexia reminded, but [Ice and Snow Festival] cannot be a festival related to the True God [Spirit of Nature], otherwise Jenkins, as a member of the True God Church, would have no reason not to know.

"This is very interesting. A festival from the distant past without a clear reference can continue to this day and its core meaning remains unchanged (celebrating ice and snow). This is not normal in itself. There must be something strange about it."

"Don't think too much, Jenkins. In fact, festivals like the [Ice and Snow Festival] that cannot be traced back to their origins are not uncommon in human society, but the [Ice and Snow Festival] is the most famous. Don't think too much. Today we are celebrating, right? It's not easy for you to show up in Loen publicly, I don't think there's any need to waste time on strange places."

The short lady said this, Jenkins nodded immediately, stroked the sleepy cat on his knees, and put the matter aside for the time being.

After entering the city, he did not see Dolores at the agreed club. Later, he received a letter from Julia, knowing that Dolores was asked by her father to attend the opening ceremony of the Ice and Snow Festival with him, and could only get away this afternoon.

Jenkins naturally didn't care, but Alexia looked very happy.

According to convention, the king will give a public speech in front of the House Square at the opening of the festival. This is also one of the few times in a year when King Salsi II appears in public, except for the speech at the end of the year.

If Dolores was with him, Jenkins wouldn't mind attending the lecture, but since Dolores wasn't there, he had no reason to do such a boring thing.

"So, do you have time to go shopping for clothes with me? It's spring, and I was in a hurry when I came to Loen, but I didn't prepare enough clothes."

Alexia asked with a smile. Jenkins thought about it and felt that this would be more interesting than listening to the lecture, so he agreed.

It didn't take long to buy clothes. Alexia bought a scarf symbolically, and asked Jenkins to buy some pine cones of the cold pine unique to the Far North to bring to Nolan's friends, and then took Jenkins to walk around the city.

Jenkins was worried whether the pine cones could escape the claws of chocolate before they went home.

The sudden drop in temperature made people wear bloated winter clothes, which made the already crowded streets even more crowded.

The wax museum in the south of the city was open for free today. Jenkins and Alexia stopped there when lunch was approaching. Because Jenkins accidentally said "wax figures are much better than ice sculptures", the old curator with a beard longer than Bishop Palod warmly entertained them and opened the exhibition hall that was not open today.

"Look, the wax figures of cats here are really amazing, just like the real ones."

Jenkins stretched his head to appreciate it, and the chocolate on his shoulder showed a disdainful expression. Alexia chuckled on the side, of course she knew the complicated relationship between chocolate and Jenkins.

"I thought you would focus on the wax figure of the guo/woman next to the cat. You are worthy of it, Jenkins."

"What's there to pay attention to about such immoral things?"

Jenkins believed that most of the wax figures in this exhibition hall had no clothes, which was the reason why the exhibition hall was not often open. Alexia held the opposite opinion, because the curator just said that the wax figures here were all works of a master, and the artist's creative style was like this, not focusing on clothes but natural beauty.

Jenkins, who had little artistic attainments, wanted to refute this in his heart, but suddenly he was stunned and looked at the wall beside him. Alexia also turned her head in confusion and looked in that direction.

"Is it an illusion? I heard screams and chaotic footsteps? There was a riot outside?"

"I heard it too."

Alexia said hesitantly, then raised her hand to wipe her eyes, and her eyes lit up with blue light, as if she wanted to look further away.

"Something happened in the city, it seems to be in the city center. There... Is the speech of Salsi II over?"

Jenkins didn't know whether Salsi II's speech was over, but at least he could distinguish the sound of the steam cannon exploding. Compared with ordinary gunpowder shells, steam cannons use steam as the initial thrust, which greatly improves the range and accuracy, but because of this, the brass steam cannon with a strong mechanical beauty cannot be easily moved. Except for the locomotive driven by the most powerful steam engine, it must be fixed in one position even after assembly.

And it is well known that there is no railroad in the city center.

PS: The author added 193 more words to yesterday's chapter at around 7 o'clock last night. The specific additions were mentioned in the author's words in the previous chapter. It is not an important plot. If you want to read it, you can go back to the previous chapter and refresh the chapter.

Chapter 1206 Chapter 1186 Steam Cannon

Because they were close to the window, Jenkins and Alexia were able to quickly get outside from the wax museum. Just as they heard the doomsday-like sound, the people running hurriedly on the street and Jenkins looked up at the sky together. In the sky under the dark clouds in the north, two fireballs with flame tails tilted about 70 degrees and flew into the sky.

This is an era when the steam industry is extremely developed, and the development of steam power is even stronger than the world in Jenkins' memory. In his original world, the development of the steam industry came to an abrupt halt due to the emergence of electricity, but the steam power in this world has never stopped running forward along a road.

Some things that seem incredible to Jenkins, such as ultra-high-power steam furnaces, experimental portable steam rifles, and steam-cooled heavy machine guns, have already appeared. Therefore, with the blessing of this artistic steam industry, the destructive power of some weapons is far stronger than the steam-thrust weapons in Jenkins' memory world.

At this moment, the citizens who were alarmed by the loud noise of the cannonball being pushed out happened to raise their heads, and the gorgeous fireball was seen by most of the citizens and tourists in Loen.

Everyone recognized that this moment and this picture were so beautiful. There was a cloudy sky above the ancient city, and the snow-covered city still had the unique brassy reflection of the steam age. The fireballs stood still in the sky, like two suns at this gloomy noon, but the next moment, they fell.


Even though Jenkins was well prepared, he was startled by the huge heart-shaking sound and the mushroom-cloud-like aftertaste of the explosion in the city center (Note). The ground was shaking, and the snow on the rain eaves slid down due to the violent vibrations and fell on the cat's head, which made the cat let out a shrill scream.

Many people on the street were so frightened that they fell down. Even though it was far away from the center of the explosion, the loud noise of the explosion still caused cracks to appear on many inferior glass.

Jenkins subconsciously turned around and hugged Alexia just now, wanting to protect her. The short lady smiled happily in his arms, and didn't care whether the meowing cat was deliberately being mistreated or was really being killed. scared.

The explosion of the two steam cannons silenced the city for a few seconds before screams and commotion came from all directions. Everyone subconsciously wants to escape, but they don't know where to go. Someone wanted to rush to the window of the wax museum behind Jenkins and Alexia, but Alexia, who was holding Jenkins, glared at them and immediately turned around and fled in the opposite direction.

Just the casualties caused by the riot after the two shells were fired were enough to make today's incident one of the biggest news in the material world this year. The only thing comparable to it is Nolan's city-wide poisoning incident. But the difference is that what happened to Lu En is true, and the so-called poisoning of the whole city is to cover up other facts.

The direction of the impact of the shell was in the direction of House Square in the city center, where Dolores and Julia were. Although there were riots before the cannon exploded, indicating that people were not suddenly attacked, the situation was still dangerous.

There was no time to think about why the steam cannon appeared in the city. Jenkins pulled Alexia and ran directly over there.

The closer you get to the impact point of the shell, the more chaos and tragedy you can see. The explosion caused riots and minor earthquakes in the city, turning this beautiful holiday into a Good Friday for the citizens. The joy brought by the Ice and Snow Festival was wiped out by the running people and a few old and collapsed houses.

By the time Jenkins and Alexia turned onto Queen Mary Avenue, which is only one street away from the House of Representatives, there were almost no people on the street.

The snow was still falling, and snowflakes swirled into the ruins of the house. The second shell landed directly in the middle of the street, leaving half of the street in ruins. In the ruins, a man holding a broad sword stood looking at Jenkins and Alexia.

The wind blew his robe, and his sharp eyes seemed to ignite everything he saw:

"This place is closed to traffic. If you don't want to cause trouble, please turn around and leave immediately."

After speaking in a hoarse voice, he waved his right hand to signal the two of them to leave quickly. Jenkins took a step forward without saying a word, but was stopped by Alexia.

Holding her bare hands empty, silver-blue light surrounded the woman. Thousands of rays of light overflowed from her body, like neatly arranged silver needles shooting out from long snakes.


The man holding the sword turned his wrist from holding the sword to holding it. Slightly bending his legs and lowering his weight, he held the sword in both hands and struck out with a loud shout.

Dozens of sharp gray sword shadows broke through the ground and flew out, and thousands of silver-blue rays of light came from the front. The collision of energy once again shattered the ruins even more. After the smoke and snowflakes were stirred up, Jenkins, wearing a formal suit, jumped into the sky. A black shadow appeared behind him, with wild laughter and strange sounds of dripping~ , pulled out a black afterimage and crashed into the man who had just retreated.

"It's useless, no one can pass here!"

He held his heavy sword tightly and pointed it at the [Twin Demons] and swung his sword. The black flames of the twin demons that were detonated in advance exploded in all directions. After the flames, a young man appeared holding a white sword.


The heavy sword intersects with the rapier, and the rapier cuts the heavy sword and the man into two pieces. The man holding the rapier sheathed his sword and turned around to prevent the gushing black blood from splashing on his face.

"It's strange. He is actually a fifth-level benefactor, and all the bubbles are filled in. Which force has such a big hand?"

The corpse split into two pieces behind him, the blood dyed the snow red, and the snow reflected the white sky. In the smoke and dust of the explosion, Alexia walked up holding the blue cube, and the dense runes in her eyes flashed rapidly.

"The divination has been interfered with, and the exact information cannot be seen now. He was hired for a big price, and I cannot see the organization that hired him... Dolores and Julia are fine for the time being, we It’s time to speed up.”

"Okay, I want to see who is so bold."

Jenkins turned to look at the body behind him, and with a finger, a bunch of flames flew out. The burning corpse made Jenkins' face red. He looked up at the top of the House spire not far away. The sound of gunshots and shouts could be faintly heard along with the sound of the wind.

"Let's just disguise it. There's no need to let others know what kind of supporters Dolores has now."

Jenkins whispered, almost distorting into a mosaic like the cat on his shoulder in an instant. Hundreds of images flashed rapidly in an instant, and the virtual color blocks even distorted the light in the space where Jenkins and the cat stood.

PS: The mushroom cloud here is mainly steam, which is the water vapor evaporated due to overheating after the steam cannon is used, not the kind caused by the powerful power of the shell after the explosion.

Although the expansion packs (1) (2) (3) have not been updated for a long time, the author of (4) has been updating it all the time. I wonder if you have noticed it.

Chapter 1207 Chapter 1187 The Second Opponent

When Jenkins and the cat stabilized, the man who was also young but ordinary in appearance and the cat who was a circle bigger in size appeared in front of Alexia.

Alexia smiled, stretched out her right hand and touched her forehead. It was as if a transparent liquid covered her whole body. She quickly grew taller, her hair became shorter and changed color, and her face narrowed and elongated, becoming a young woman that no one could recognize.

The two nodded to each other, and Jenkins made a sword flower and took the lead to walk towards the smoke-filled city center. Alexia followed closely behind, and the blue magic cube flew upwards, printing a circle of flower runes on the edge of Jenkins' black robe.

The situation was more serious than Jenkins had imagined. After approaching the point where the two shells landed, no one could be seen standing. The remains of corpses and buildings were mixed together. Occasionally, lucky people were found unconscious, but that was only a very small number.

The city center was originally the most lively place for the Ice and Snow Festival. Before the shells landed, the number of tourists and citizens gathered in this area was probably more than four digits. Most of the police forces in Loen who maintained order were also here. After the two shells, everything was ruined.

Due to political influence and other reasons, cities like Nolan can place churches in the city center, but the capital of the kingdom will not be like this. Therefore, even in a short period of time, there will be no groups to maintain order in the city center. We can only hope that the garrisons outside the city or the churches on the edge of the city will respond as soon as possible and send reinforcements.

There is still a street away from the city hall. Looking around, Jenkins waved his hand to signal Alexia to stop. The sound of the wind wrapped in snowflakes and low and dense prayers came into his ears. The sound was orderly but unusually low. Hundreds of whispers mixed together, like a call from the abyss.

"Someone is organizing a large-scale ceremony!"

Alexia made the first judgment, but that was a matter a street away. Now the two of them looked up at the three-story building that was only half left not far away.

The quality of this house is quite good. Although the left half was crushed by the collapsed club opposite, the right side still stood there firmly.

A veiled woman stood on the roof of the dangerous building. Frost continued to spread from her feet to the entire building. The white lines of frost caused subtle changes in the temperature nearby.

"Is it the church or the kingdom? The reaction speed is really fast. I thought it would take at least twenty minutes to see the gifter coming to support. But it's good that way. I can't wait to wait here. I hope your strength can be worthy of the reward paid by those who hired me."

Her accent was even stranger than Jenkins, a foreigner. It was clear that Hampawo was not her native language. And this woman did have the capital to be proud. Jenkins saw that this was a level 6 gifter, one level higher than the one just now.


Alexia raised her fair right hand high, and when Jenkins observed the skin on the back of her hand, the unknown wind blew up the dust on the ground and the snow in the sky.

She held the silver-blue cube in her right hand, and slowly pushed it forward with the burst of spirit, and a ball of blue light flew out immediately.

With a bang, the woman on the roof raised her hand to block, condensing the snow into a shield. In an instant, snowflakes flew wildly, and the silver-blue light scattered in all directions like lightning. The woman had to raise her other hand to condense the shield again, but even so, her body could not help but retreat to stop the light ball that Alexia was retreating.

When she stopped, two long dents had been pulled out on the ice on the roof.

She retreated to the edge of the roof before she completely dissolved the ball of light that Alexia had pushed out. Realizing that the person coming was not friendly, she stopped talking nonsense. The wrists of the two hands intersected, the index and middle fingers extended, the other fingers shrank slightly, and the palms turned to make the appearance of blooming petals.


With a series of light sounds, the white frost flower bloomed under the feet, and the flower extended half of the rooftop ground, forming a huge frost flower in the space near the rooftop. The woman in the center of the flower raised her clasped hands, and as the petals of the huge frost flower rotated in the air, white beams of light carrying the power of ice shot from the leaves and petals to Jenkins and Alexia.

Jenkins took a step forward and swung his sword to knock down the first light, frowning slightly as he saw frost marks on the sword. With a turn of his right wrist, the sword light flashed, and while the fire of grace spread to the sword body, the whole person blocked in front of Alexia.

The sword light left afterimages in the air, and the dense beams like heavy machine gun bullets seemed to penetrate the two, but the waving sword always intercepted the beams. Part of the cold light hit by the white bone holy sword was annihilated by the flames, and part of it bounced in all directions.

When the first round of beams ended, Jenkins panted and stuck the sword in his hand into the ground. The two of them were surrounded by ice spikes and frost holes, which were caused by the cold light that was pushed aside by the sword.

This is Loen, and Jenkins is reluctant to use iconic abilities such as [Twin Demons] frequently.

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