He looked back at Alexia, who nodded wordlessly. He swung a palm and slapped Jenkins on the back. The man received a push and flew up smoothly.

He danced a sword flower in the air, recovered the holy sword into his body, and flew towards the frost flower blooming on the roof with Alexia's power.

He clenched his right fist and bent his right arm backwards, and the flames wrapped around his body, helping Jenkins melt the petal defense of the frost flower, and then flew up to the roof like a cannonball.

The woman on the top of the building did not expect that her opponent would fly up directly. She did not care to control the frost flowers to emit cold light again. She retracted her crossed hands above her head. The frost immediately spread to her whole body, and the white clouds and mist instantly condensed into water droplets and gathered around her. .

Seeing that there was no way to escape, the woman also clenched her fists and arms.


The fiery red figure and the white figure meet in front of the roof, fire and ice, flame and frost intersect head-on. Jenkins stepped on the ground and punched out, and the swaying flames on his arms splashed around; the woman punched steadily, and the cold air rushed around like clouds.

The flames swayed behind Jenkins, and the cold air made the woman feel like she was in a cloud. The two fists collided with ice and fire, and fire and ice escaped in all directions at the same time.

The cold air and steam blocked the realization. After a moment, Jenkins frowned and took two steps back with his fists. He looked at the frost that spread from his arms to his body with some confusion; the woman spurted out a mouthful of blood, but the blood had already solidified before it hit the ground. Turning into ice cubes, she clutched her chest and looked at her burned arms in disbelief. Due to the effect of [Stranger], even if Jenkins cannot use his unique abilities, he can still gain the upper hand in a confrontation of evenly matched forces.

Chapter 1208 Chapter 1188 Stuart’s Past

The power of the woman's own frost could not eliminate the fire of grace, and [Stranger]'s special effects on different races even made it impossible for her to trap the remaining flames in her charred arms.

Finally, with the strange sound of squeaking, extremely cold air came out from every pore of the woman. The woman's ice-blue eyes stared at Jenkins with disbelief. But soon his eyes fell out of their sockets, and except for the burnt arm, his body quickly melted into ice.

When the two ice balls slid to Jenkins' feet, the woman's body had completely turned into an ice sculpture and made no sound at all.

"I see, I know what's going on."

Alexia's voice came from behind. Jenkins, who was still mobilizing the fire of grace to drive away the frost on his arms, turned his head and saw the short lady flying up from the ground as if stepping on the air, and arrived at the top of the building. the edge of.

"What's going on? I don't remember my ability to turn the enemy's corpse into ice. And the ice is weird, and my fire can't dispel it."

"It's not your problem. I was originally wondering why she was able to block my blow when she was only at level six, and the subsequent attacks were so sharp. Now I understand that her power is not her own. This kind of power is not her own. I've seen this happen once, but it wasn't ice but thunder, and that was many years ago... ahem."

She coughed violently, and seeing that Jenkins didn't pay attention to her age, she continued:

"She should have signed A-01-1-0007 [Frost Victory Contract]. It is a special contract with the soul as collateral. After signing, you can borrow the power of the element [Frost]. But once you use it If this power is defeated in any form, it will be equivalent to a 'victory' that violates the requirements of the contract. The soul will be absorbed by the parchment attached to the contract and the body will be transformed into the corresponding element."

After saying this, Alexia walked up to the ice sculpture and stretched out her hand. The ice sculpture fell to pieces on the roof with a bang and was quickly covered by the falling snow from the sky.

"But a complete set of seven chapters of the [Elemental Oath Contract] has been sealed everywhere in the material world by the [Church of All Things and Nature]. On the one hand, it is conducive to containment, and on the other hand, it can assist the church in stabilizing the tide of elemental spirits in the material world. Balance. In recent years, the elemental balance in the material world has been undergoing subtle changes. I even suspected that the riot of the [Snowman Corps] last winter was related to the imbalance of the [Frost] element.

Although the [Frost Victory Contract] is indeed in the north of the continent, no one should be able to access it. That's a very important containment item, and most people shouldn't even have heard of it. "

Obviously, Jenkins is the so-called "average person". However, he believed that his father must know this thing, and when Jenkins asked, he would probably be surprised and asked, "You didn't ask me, why should I tell you proactively?"

"So who is responsible for guarding that contract? I mean, who else besides the Zhengshen Church? The current situation is definitely not that the church has abused the power of the contract."

Since he couldn't expel the inexplicable cold air, Jenkins tried to absorb it. After all, his [Frost Fist] itself was absorbed. The attempt went very smoothly. When I tried to use [Frost Fist] with my frozen hand, the evil cold air was immediately integrated into the Frost Fist.

But the name and essence of the ability have not changed, and it seems like nothing happened just now. However, Jenkins inexplicably felt that this cold air was very similar to the cold air when [Simple Boxing] evolved into [Frost Fist].

But the power of the Frost Fist comes from the "Frost Messenger" of the [Light Chaser Club]. He relied on putting the gift [Frozen Archer Chess] into his head to forcibly advance to Demigod. The chess piece is now in Dolores's hands, and Dolores is obviously not the culprit of today's accident.

"I know that the local church and the Stuart family guard the contract together. In fact, the Stuart family is responsible for guarding many strange things in the northern part of the continent. They have been responsible for guarding the contract since the time of the ancient Hikali Empire. Therefore, after the fall of the empire, the church acquiesced to the Stuart family occupying this place and establishing a kingdom.

In some ways, the Stuart family is equivalent to the 'Keepers of Secrets' in the far north of the continent, except that the family's beliefs are not strictly required, and their responsibilities are actually very relaxed. "

These are what Dolores told Alexia. Although sometimes Her Royal Highness thinks that her teacher is robbing her of things, she absolutely trusts her math teacher, so naturally she will not deliberately hide these boring secrets.

"So, if there is not a traitor in the church, there is something wrong within the Stuart royal family."

Jenkins concluded. At this point, he suddenly felt something and turned to look back. The hazy sky was blowing with wind and snow, and it looked no different from the last moment. But once you open the Eye of Reality, you can see three sky-like barriers that separate the city layer by layer.

The location where Jenkins and Alexia are now is not at the core level. They are separated from the outside by the innermost canopy.

"It seems that they are really well prepared. As a result, the support from the Zhengshen Church may be delayed for a while. Today's events have been planned for a long time. Alexia, can you think of anything?"

As he spoke, he took off his coat and put it on Alexia's body. I don't know whether it was because of the strength of the woman just now or the snow. The temperature was dropping rapidly, and Alexia was wearing what she wore today. Although the clothes are beautiful, they are not warm enough.

Alexia tugged on the collar of Jenkins’ coat:

"Clue? The people in the tree house are supporting some of Dolores' brothers. Since last winter, the Snowman Legion has been rioting. Only members of the royal family can know all the security arrangements today. The containment measures for the [Frost Victory Contract] are normal. Unable to open but does not mean inaccessible, steam cannon appeared in the center of Loen..."

While pacing on the roof, she whispered the current clues, some of which Jenkins didn't even know about. For example, the king's critical illness meant that the responsibility of the Stuart family would be passed down along with the power.

Soon the two of them arrived at the other end of the roof, looking at the House of Representatives not far away. The second cannonball landed very accurately on the square of the House of Representatives. Although the citizens had already begun to take refuge before the cannonball fell, because the density of people was too high... Jenkins still had to use "Everyone is rotten" to describe the tragedy in the square.

Chapter 1209 Chapter 1189 Broken Underground Passage

At this moment, hundreds of people in various costumes were prostrate on the ground surrounding the square, chanting maddening whispers in low voices. They look like ordinary citizens, like police officers maintaining order, like tourists traveling to Loen... In short, these are people who have a reason to be here today.

Beside the prostrate people, a dozen serious-looking men in black looked for corpses or made corpses from outside the square and threw them into the square.

Blood, bones and flesh are mixed together in the square, and the horrific scenes are reminiscent of the hell in the story. A few people in white robes walked inside the square stepping on the corpses. Each person held a small bag in their hands and sprinkled the crystal powder inside on the bones according to a certain pattern.

"The prostrate man seems to be under mental control... The man in black is an ordinary mercenary hired, and the man in white is a member of the mastermind gang... We can only speculate so far. "Jenkins, can you find Dolores?"

Alexia asked calmly as she watched this scene.

Jenkins took a deep breath and stopped looking at the square. Instead, he blinked his eyes again, looking for familiar light spots from left to right:

"Under the House of Representatives, there are... 8 benefactors there. Are they bodyguards hired by the royal family? When the accident happened, some of them should have reacted in time and fled underground."

"Are any demigods present?"

she asked again, fully trusting Jenkins' intelligence abilities.

"There isn't one underground in the House, but there are two around the square. But it's strange. Although they look like demigods, they are not strong enough. Could it be that they were forcibly promoted by relying on the power of the contract? Oh, one of them stood there On the stone steps in front of the House of Representatives, he is directing the overall situation, and another man is standing on the highest spire of the side tower of the House of Representatives, looking at us. "

On the spire of the side tower of the House opposite the roof is a man wearing a turban and a hooked nose. His face is quite three-dimensional, which is a characteristic of the main ethnic group of the southern Chesland Kingdom. The whole person is tall and thin. He also saw Jenkins and Alexia here, but did nothing. He glanced at them and then looked elsewhere.

"It seems like that barrier gives them a lot of confidence."

Jenkins whispered, raised his foot and stamped on the ground, and precise power control caused the broken ice to shatter and splash. He scooped it up casually, holding a piece of splashing ice of a suitable size in his hand, and then flicked his wrist to throw the ice towards the barrier in the distance.

The flying ice made a sizzling sound in the air, but disappeared out of thin air after touching the barrier. This is not a space transfer, but is crushed into powder by extremely strong energy.

"You can't rush in."

Jenkins understood this, so he and Alexia temporarily retreated to the ruins downstairs. Alexia can analyze the principle of that barrier, but cracking it will not take a few minutes.

"Before I left Loen to search for ores in the mountains, I left the spiritual magnet with Dolores so that I could contact you. There is a high probability that the magnet is still on her body. Now you can project it there immediately and use your shadow. The ability can pull the real body over."

"how about you?"

"I'm here to find a way to break through the barrier. We must enter the innermost layer. You first go to make sure Dolores and Julia are okay."

said the short lady.

Jenkins nodded and was about to agree, but suddenly thought that he also carried the magnet that the chocolate usually transferred to Runen, so he said again:

"Why don't we do it together..."

"Then who will watch over my body and your cat?"

Alexia made the point immediately.

This is indeed the case. If they all project over, Alexia's unconscious body and the cat that cannot be transferred will inevitably be left behind. This is a very dangerous behavior.

"I understand, then I will go and help Dolores and Julia first, waiting for an opportunity to find a way to contact the barrier. Help me take care of the chocolate..."

As he spoke, he took out the cat that had been hiding in his arms. It didn't want to stand on Alexia's shoulders or head, so it jumped to the ground and was very dissatisfied because the snow on the ground was too cold.

Because he didn't know what was going on on Dolores' side, Jenkins was fully prepared before using a spiritual magnet to move there.

It turned out that his preparation was necessary. As soon as he appeared in the dim corridor, a bright fireball flew directly over. Jenkins was hit by the fireball before he could even react, as if he appeared in front of the fireball on purpose.

The underground building could not withstand the huge explosion that followed, and the falling masonry almost completely covered Jenkins.

A long time after the rumbling collapse ended, he struggled out of the ruins with his face covered in blood, and found that the corridor in the direction of the fireball had been completely blown up. Even if he had just seen the initiator of the fireball, and even if he now confirmed through the Eye of Truth that it was a level 3 benefactor and was leaving in the opposite direction, he could not catch up and take revenge.

That person didn't come specifically to attack him, but came specifically to destroy the passage, but Jenkins happened to appear in an inappropriate place.

"Damn it!"

He spit out a mouthful of blood on the ground and wiped his face with both hands. The bloody face immediately began to recover. Fortunately, it is in the projection state now, otherwise it would be more troublesome to restore it.

After doing all this, he summoned the monocle to gain dark vision, but did not find Dolores in the corridor behind him. In fact, there was no one there, and Jenkins spent a long time digging through the rubble before finding Dolores's handbag.

The expensive little bag has been destroyed by stones and explosions so that its original appearance cannot be seen clearly, but the sapphire inlaid on the lock is still intact. In addition to the spiritual magnet, there are also some personal items such as handkerchiefs, private seals, and perfumes in the bag. Jenkins is very worried about the reason why this bag appears here.

After packing up everything, he returned to Alexia and told the lady what happened underground. Alexia thought about it and insisted that Jenkins go find Dolores instead of staying here:

"While Dolores has always had good luck, we're all worried about her, aren't we?"

"I understand. Without further ado, I will now use my real body to go directly to the underground chamber of the House. Alexia, you must be careful here as well."

He lowered his head and kissed the short lady's forehead.

"You should be careful too, I will take good care of your cat."

The cat squatted on the front end of a broken pillar in the ruins, and said "meow~" to indicate that he was safe. It knew that there would be no danger during Jenkins' trip because the trip to the northern city had only just begun.

Chapter 1210 Chapter 1190 Freeze

One end of the House's underground passage had been blown up by the fireball, and Jenkins could only go through the other end.

He could see Dolores's position through his spiritual light. If it were on the ground, the two would meet in a few minutes. But this is a maze-like complex underground. Jenkins originally thought this was an emergency shelter for the House of Representatives, but the area seemed a bit too big.

After walking less than ten steps along the corridor, he encountered a fork in the road, and it was also cross-shaped, which meant that Jenkins had three different options. He hesitated and took out the coin from his pocket, but before throwing it out, he heard a series of exaggerated footsteps coming from the corridor on the left.

Turning to look to the left, in the darkness of the corridor, a pale young man appeared in the area that Jenkins could see. The opponent did not have a magical monocle, so it was not until he came to the corner that he discovered Jenkins standing there.

"Behind, behind, run quickly..."

The stranger was startled, but when he saw that it was a young, normal man, he was immediately relieved. He gasped for air and shouted a warning, and then ran into the corridor where Jenkins came from without looking back.

Jenkins stood still, squinting his eyes at the deep corridor. On the corridor wall beside him, white frost spread out from the darkness, the temperature was dropping rapidly, and a low roar like a beast came from the darkness.

Jenkins saw that a strange humanoid creature ran out from the depths of the corridor at a very fast speed. It was at least three feet tall, tall and with white hair, and looked like a white-haired gorilla. And with its appearance, the white frost spread towards the three-way intersection at a faster speed.


The monster should also have dark vision, and found Jenkins from a distance, so it lowered its head and rushed over.


Jenkins thought doubtfully, stretched out his hand and easily held the monster's head, making it stop in place. Then the flame flowed out from his wrist, and the creature in front of him roared and wanted to retreat, but the flame had already entangled it.

In a few seconds, it melted into a pool of snow water, and the temperature around it also stopped falling.

At this moment, the man who ran into the dead end quickly ran out in panic, holding a stone as a weapon in his hand. He walked along the wall on tiptoe, and only dared to walk out of the corner after making sure there were no monsters.

He was afraid of Jenkins, because the flames were still spinning in Jenkins' hands. When Jenkins looked at him, the man collapsed under the stone wall, his hands and feet twitching uncontrollably.

Jenkins didn't know where he got such a strong deterrent, but this deterrent allowed him to quickly get the information he wanted.

Just as Alexia guessed, before the two shells were fired, Salsi II, who was speaking in front of the House Square, had already received the news. The man in the sergeant's uniform who ran hurriedly interrupted the king's speech with a loud voice and announced the next attack loudly.

When Salsi II allowed him to approach for reporting, the man took out a pistol from his pocket and shot at the king, and then the crowd who witnessed all this was completely in chaos. A few minutes later, two cannon shots harvested the lives of most people.

"Is Salsi II dead?"

"I don't know. I don't know anything. My father and I, my father is Count Fran, and I rushed in with the crowd. Someone said there was an underground shelter here..."

The young man, who barely controlled his fear and was still trembling, wanted to take something out of his pocket to prove his identity, but then he found that his pocket was torn and there was nothing.

But compared to that pocket, he was undoubtedly lucky. Today, in order to listen to His Majesty's speech, he wore an unusually complicated dress, so he didn't run fast just now. If Jenkins hadn't appeared, he might have been killed by the snowman.

"What's the matter with this monster?"

"Not long after the crowd came to the underground, someone suddenly took off his clothes like crazy. I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I heard that the skin was ulcerated and soon became like this. People caught by this monster will also become this monster. My father and I got separated, and I ran into that thing while running..."

There was no lie in these words, but Jenkins heard different information.

"It can be contagious...similar to snowmen...didn't they say that the Snowman Corps was blocked by the northern ice cap? And the Snowman Corps transforms living people by relying on rituals that humans cannot interpret and the power of the Snowman Corps, not in this form of biohazard."

The current clues are not enough, Jenkins needs to collect further clues, so he has to move forward. Of course, the noble young man will not follow Jenkins, Jenkins can only let him find a place to take shelter by himself.

At the same time, Jenkins also knew that the corridor that was blown off was one of the exits to the ground, and the man walked here because he wanted to escape back to the ground.

Continuing to walk along the corridor like a tomb passage, relying on the white frost on the wall that has not yet faded, Jenkins went directly to trace the origin of the snowman monster. After walking for five minutes, he came to a hall, where several bodies that were obviously trampled to death were scattered in the hall, and fragments of clothes and unpaired shoes could also be found.

This should be the place where the noble young man said that the snowman monster first appeared.

At this moment, the hall is not empty except for the corpses. In the center of it, a huge ice-blue crystal is suspended in the air. A roll of parchment could be vaguely seen sealed in the crystal, and the dazzling light almost illuminated the entire hall.

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