"You may know this person."

Jenkins said, holding the body, and motioned for him to come over. The middle-aged man hesitated for a moment before he came to the yard and looked at the body wrapped tightly in clothes through the fence gate.

Jenkins quickly reached out and lifted the hat on the corpse's head. After confirming that the middle-aged man saw the terrifying rotten face, he put the hat back on.

"Perot, he..."

The man couldn't help but exclaimed. Although the skin on his face was severely rotten, he still recognized who it was.

"I think we'd better go inside and talk. This is obviously not a good place to talk."

Jenkins said the man immediately opened the door, then carefully took the body in his arms and carried it to the house with Jenkins.

Chapter 1409 Chapter 1386 Questioning

The man who opened the door was the brother of the deceased Perot Spencer. Because the parents of the two brothers passed away very early, and Perot Spencer had no children, his brother was the closest person to him in blood.

Mr. Spencer lives with his wife and children. Tonight, his wife and two children went back to visit relatives at her mother's house on the other side of the city, so he was the only one at home. He carefully placed the body on the sofa, then knelt beside the sand and burst into tears.

"Thank you for sending him back. How did he die?"

Mr. Spencer did not inquire about the pair's origins or how they knew the address.

"We came to you to know the cause of his death. I'm sorry for his death... I will leave this body to you. Let him be buried as soon as possible, but before that, please tell us , do you know if your brother has any friends or people who have the same interests as him?"

Mr. Spencer seems to be unaware of the supernatural world, but he knows that his brother is usually mysterious, and he also knows some of his friends. Controlling his emotions, the middle-aged man's voice was very sad:

"If we talk about his best friend, I think there is only one. The two of them like to hang out together and don't know what they are doing all day long. If it weren't for the fact that Perot once swore to me, I would even think that These two young men are...Oh, Perot, I have long advised you to find a good job as soon as possible. If you listened to me, how could you end up like this? "

After explaining the friend's address, he pestered Jenkins and Miss Magic to tell them where the body was found. Apparently he wanted to hire a private detective to investigate. In order to prevent the ordinary person who had nothing to do with this incident from getting involved, Jenkins used some "little tricks" to convince him that it was two good Samaritans who returned the body, and the weird runes on the skin of the body were dazzling to him. If he couldn't see it, he needed to clean the body immediately and take it for burial.

Perot Spencer's friend also lived nearby, but when he got there he found the house empty. Only later did I hear from neighbors that the people living here had packed their bags and moved to the countryside in a hurry a few weeks ago. Before leaving, they asked their neighbors to help look after the house.

"If you want to find him, you can write to him. I know his address in the country."

said the enthusiastic middle-aged woman, which provided a clue to the next step.

In short, after a lot of trouble, I finally found the man. He lives in a village very close to the city, just out of the range of [Doomsday Fantasy]. He was still confused when Jenkins and Miss Magic knocked on the door. When Jenkins said the phrase "Doomsday Vision", he turned around and wanted to escape into the house, but his wrist was grabbed tightly by Jenkins and unable to move.

"We are not bad people, why are you reacting so loudly?"

Jenkins asked doubtfully under the moonlight, and then turned back to signal Miss Magic to break into the house privately like him, not forgetting to close the door behind her.

The small house in the country is not very well decorated, probably because there is no intention to live there permanently. There is not even some necessary furniture in the house, only the most basic bed and table.

The man whose hand was held by Jenkins cried out in pain while secretly looking at the two intruders, and quietly reached for his pocket with his other hand.

"I advise you to be honest and not to act rashly. I emphasize again that we are not bad people. We just want to ask you a few questions."

With that said, Jenkins grabbed the other person's wrist and forced him to sit on the chair. Miss Magic stood not far away near the door and looked at the room.

"You broke into my house so late and you told me you're not a bad person? Okay, then what exactly are you going to do? If you want to rob, I don't mind if you take everything you can find."

The man complained while rubbing his wrists.

"No need to pretend, you are the giver, and so are we. This time we are here for the strange situation. I think you should know what I mean."

"Are you from the Zhengshen Church? Well, if I don't say anything, I definitely don't look like that from the church... So what do you want to know? Now that you have found this place, what are the two experts on the end of the world? Nolan should also know very well. To be honest, if you have time to cause trouble for me here, it is better to inform your relatives and friends to leave the city as soon as possible. "

He muttered and tried to stand up, but was immediately pushed back by Jenkins.

"We do know a lot of things, but we don't know what you did to cause this crisis to occur."

Hearing Jenkins' question, the man sitting in the chair immediately lowered his head. His fingers subconsciously picked at the knots on the armrests of the chair, and it took him a long time to speak:

"Actually, that's not our fault..."

Jenkins glanced at Miss Magic, who moved her fingers slightly, as if she was using some ability.

"It was the first time for the five of us to enter the treacherous realm. We thought that the large number of people would be enough, but we did not expect to encounter such a complicated situation. The treacherous realm is both a doomsday and a treasure. Ancient creatures and some carvings on the walls can be seen everywhere. The blasphemous spells we have never seen before. After coming out of the clock tower, we explored many places. Even though we had met the requirements to get out of the treacherous situation, we had no idea of ​​going back immediately. Later... "

His voice was choked and trembling with fear:

"Then the moon fell, and the whole world lost its light. I don't know what happened after that, and I don't know what happened to my friends around me. I just remember that I wanted to die immediately to get rid of the suffocating and oppressive fear. .....I heard someone talking to me in the dark, and I seemed to agree to something to that voice, but then I returned to reality because I found that staying in Nolan would lead to me being pulled into that world repeatedly, so I hid. Here it is.”

After saying this, he bent over and buried his face in his knees, trembling and sobbing.

"What did you promise?"

Jenkins asked, which could very well be the key to breaking the game.

"I don't remember. I don't dare to recall anything in that darkness. Sir, if you still have mercy, please let me hide here alone now. I really don't know anything."

The man said tremblingly, his voice becoming weak.

Jenkins glanced at Miss Magic again, who nodded slightly, and the spiritual light involved with her fingers became stronger.

Chapter 1410 Chapter 1387 Conch’s Inquiry

"It's okay, please listen to me."

Jenkins softened his voice and tried to speak in a soothing tone:

"It's all over. It's safe here, and we are safe. Maybe recalling those things that have been deliberately forgotten at this time will relax the tense nerves. The best way to overcome fear is to face it head-on. Come on... ....”

His words unknowingly smacked of lies, but they really worked. The sobbing man seemed to be hypnotized and became much calmer, at least his speech became coherent.

"So, what exactly did you promise in that darkness?"

"Altar, there is an altar underground in the real Nolan. The voice promised to help me escape from the treacherous realm, and I need to sacrifice one of my relatives to the enchanted realm through the altar after returning to the material world. .....Yes, I did that, so I survived..."

His mind is very unstable. Even with Miss Magic's spell induction and Jenkins' lies, he can hardly say anything anymore at this point. But the most critical doubt has not yet been clarified, so Jenkins has no choice but to directly use the power of lies given by the priesthood of lies:

"If you don't tell me the location of the altar, then maybe you will die next moment. Now tell me where the altar is..."

"It's in the underground pipes right below the clock tower. It's not very deep, but the entrance is hard to find."

After finding the next clue, Jenkins and Miss Magic did nothing to the man and left him lying on the bed. This man is not a good person, but judging from the psychological trauma he has suffered, he will probably live in fear and pain for the rest of his life, which is enough to compensate for what he has done.

Miss Magic was reluctant to enter the sewers, which smelled bad and sometimes disgusting slime dripped from the top of her head. But things were urgent today. She endured the displeasure in her heart and followed Jenkins into the sewer opening in a remote alley. After several twists and turns, she found the location described by the man.

It was indeed an altar, placed in a secret door on the side of the pipe. Because the light in the sewer is very weak, it is difficult for ordinary people to find this kind of place unless they know it in advance.

The construction period of the darkroom should not be very far away from now. Jenkins guessed that it was probably a few weeks ago, because judging from the traces and layout of the scene, it is very likely that this is a part of the clock tower old man in the doomsday illusion, thrown directly from the illusion. space.

The darkroom is small, and the circular stone altar takes up almost all the space. The flat surface of the altar was covered with blood and broken bones. Combined with what I heard from the man just now, it was easy to figure out what had happened here.

"How about it, what can you see?"

Jenkins asked Miss Magic expectantly, and took a step back to give her a better view.

"It's not a creation of our time. It's almost certainly thrown out of a doomsday illusion. Let me look at these runes...well, I won't be able to figure them out for a while. I need time. research."

She said this, and then withdrew from the small dark room and looked at Jenkins:

"Mr. Candle, I think tonight's activities can only end here. I will study the function of this altar as soon as possible. Before that, you'd better not move around Nolan City to prevent seeing the old man in the clock tower again. , he wondered why he didn’t continue with the ceremony.”

"Then how do I know if you have cracked the secret of the altar?"

Jenkins asked.

"I plan to temporarily move in with Mr. Yindi. Well, let's call her Miss Yindi. She said that you know her identity. You come to the mountain villa every morning and evening to confirm that I Is there any progress? But be careful, it’s best to avoid Nolan City when you come, we want to avoid the worst case scenario.”

This was quite easy. Jenkins directly gave Miss Magic a processed spiritual magnet. The projection ritual was originally improved by Miss Magic, so she also understood what it meant.

Before saying goodbye, Jenkins once again observed the details of the altar in all directions before returning to Loen. It was already late at night in Luen. Jenkins took advantage of the darkness to draw a sketch of the altar in the room, and mentioned it to Alexia at breakfast the next day, hoping that if she had time, she could Please help me see if I can decipher the function of this altar.

"I will take a look, but don't put too much faith in me. After all, my strength is calculation, not archeology or ritual."

She said as she patiently buttered the bread with a knife.

"So we can only wait for Miss Magic's results? Isn't there a better way? There are so many special numbered items in this world, there must be one that can answer your questions, right?"

At this point he paused, then realized where he should look for the answer.

After breakfast, I helped Dolores handle some unimportant official documents, and then immediately returned to Nolan with the cat. First I found Miss Magic, then I contacted Mr. Hood through Miss Magic, and finally I contacted Mr. White Cat from Mr. Hood.

It was already noon when the two met, and the sun could not penetrate the dense fog in the city. The meeting place was the foggy Hess Bridge outside the city of Nolan. This bridge is the only way to enter the Noland area from the southwest, but standing on the bridge can only barely see the water below. This is a meeting place. Great location.

"[Magical Conch]? Oh, of course, I have a few left here. Do you want to use them? Of course, no, no, I can't ask for your money. Mr. Candle, last time you ran into the treacherous place to save me. I feel sorry that I don’t have anything to offer you. Just use the conch, and its value will become even greater in your hands. I know you are a good person.”

Mr. White Cat was very generous. After giving the conch to Jenkins, he walked towards Mr. Hood waiting at the bridge. The two seemed to want to have a drink.

Miss Magic, who was standing with Mr. Hood, nodded to Mr. White Cat, then walked up the bridge to Jenkins, watching him prepare to speak to the conch.

"Are you really sure you want to use this conch? You should know how precious this is."

Last time only Mr. Hood got this gift because he was the only one who participated in Mr. White Cat's failed operation.

"Of course I know, but it can only show its value if it is used."

Jenkins took the conch to his lips and began to speak in a slow, clear voice.

Chapter 1411 Chapter 1388 Space Beacon

"How should the altar located next to the Civic Square in Nolan City and under the bell tower destroy the role it has already played?"

The reason why I don't directly ask "How can I avoid the Doomsday Illusion from overlapping reality in a way that I can do without any sequelae" is because it is currently known that the Doomsday Illusion is directly connected to the Mystery Realm, and the power of the conch will be affected by the Mystery Realm. Influence, this has been proven by the church.

Although last fall, Conch had directly told Jenkins that he had traveled to a different world, but that time the question only involved a simple time and place. This time, he wanted to destroy the illusion. Therefore, Jenkins could not confirm whether Conch was still effective and could only ask Lower level question.

After asking, he quickly brought the conch to his ear. He immediately heard the sound of rolling waves and the cry of seagulls flying from the sky. Then amidst the sound of the waves, a woman's voice became louder little by little, and she answered in the same clear and slow common language:

"The altar is a spatial anchor that pulls the two spaces together. The pulling process itself is irreversible. Even if the physical shell of the altar is destroyed, it cannot prevent the anchor from continuing to function. However, the pulling anchor will be affected by space forces, making The direction of the pull is shifted so that as long as the anchor point is affected, the coincident effect it is playing now is avoided."

Although Miss Magic was nearby, only Jenkins holding the conch could hear these words. He relayed these words to Miss Magic, and the two of them understood that the coincidence between the doomsday illusion and Nolan was not spontaneous at all, but the conspiracy of the old man in the clock tower.

"He asked you to collect materials for space monsters, and he also wants to separate Nolan from the material world. I'm afraid he wants to control Nolan at the same time as he controls the doomsday illusion. And because the two spaces are independent of the material world, There is nothing mortals can do about it, even if someone knows the truth in the end, they can't stop it."

Miss Magic concluded.

"Controlling the real space that is independent of the material world? Isn't this what the Lord...the old man on the clock tower is a little too bold?"

Jenkins thought in surprise, and then asked Miss Magic:

"Do you have any space interference ritual that can be used immediately? If so, we will start setting it up now and solve this troublesome matter tonight. If not, I will find someone to help."

"Don't be so impatient, Mr. Candle. It is extremely dangerous to use any space-related abilities and rituals in the material world, not to mention that what you have to do now is to interfere with space beacons. Do you understand the dangers? If you are not careful, , This may attract those terrifying entities operating in the cracks of space, and those terrifying creatures themselves will be able to destroy the city without the doomsday coming to Nolan. "

Even so, she was, after all, the most proficient in rituals and mysticism among all the people Jenkins knew. After a short silence, she had an idea, but this idea required Jenkins to make some sacrifices:

"This situation is no longer something that the two of us can handle. Even if we find Mr. White Cat and Mr. Hood who haven't gone far, I'm afraid we still don't have enough manpower. I'm confident that there are people in this city who can think of this solution. I am the only one, but if I want to implement it, I must rely on the power of the church.”

"Church? Which church do you mean?"

"Everyone is fine. The key to the problem is that such a large-scale ceremony cannot be completed by three or four people in a few hours. It requires the participation and help of many gifters, so it can only be completed by the Zhengshen Church. And our problem now is "The church must receive the information as soon as possible and believe it. Under normal circumstances, the church will never start large-scale space ceremonies easily."

After speaking, she looked at Jenkins. Although the latter felt a little guilty, he still spoke with confidence:

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm not a member of the church."

"Of course I know, but Mr. Candle, I remember you mentioned many times that you have a friend in the Sage Church, and that friend can find out many secrets. I think he should be in a senior position, right? Now it's his turn It worked."

She took Jenkins to the villa where she and Miss Yindi "lived together" and worked in the study all afternoon before handing the paper full of words to Jenkins. It was an ancient ritual called [Broken Space], which Miss Magic obtained from a stone slab from the 12th century.

The original function of the ritual was to divide a certain continuous space, but as the space in the material world became more solid little by little, this ritual no longer had any effect in the material world. But this is still the most suitable space ritual she can find. The most important thing is that even if this ritual fails, the possibility of causing trouble is extremely small.

"It's up to you, Mr. Candle. I'll wait for your good news here."

After being busy all afternoon, Miss Magic felt a little weak when she spoke.

"Are you okay?"

Jenkins asked her worriedly.

"What problems will I have? Go find someone for help. Don't delay the Doomsday Illusion for a moment."

This sentence made sense, so even though it was almost dinner time, Jenkins still did not return to Loon, but continued his activities in Nolan.

I'm afraid it would be inappropriate to report this matter as Jenkins. He considered various reasons and did not do so. So I went directly to the house of my divination teacher, Miss Audrey, and told her about this matter.

"Do you want me to report the strange apocalyptic world to the local church?"

asked Miss Audrey, who happened to be returning in the carriage just as Jenkins came to her house, and the two entered the house as they talked.

"Yes, I'm in Loen now. It's best not to know too much about Nolan."

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