"Of course I could report...but why would you even think of letting me go?"

"Last time the ghouls and other random things tried to invade through the treacherous realm, didn't you also ask me to do divination?"

Jenkins nodded and said, "That's why I thought of you."

"So that's it... I can tell the church the whole story and the ceremony, and I think the church will believe it. If the matter is really so critical, the church will probably hold this ceremony tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Remember to be there, I'm worried something unexpected might happen."

"Please don't say this before the plan has started. This will greatly increase the probability of accidents."

Jenkins said jokingly, wanting to feel better, but knowing that it was almost impossible to end the matter without an accident.

Chapter 1412 Chapter 1389 Saturday’s Suspicion

So it came to Saturday. Early in the morning, Hathaway and Britney came to the club where they usually spent time. They talked about the victory in the Battle of the Broken Islands while enjoying the peaceful morning.

Bryony's grounding order was lifted because of Mrs. Michael's recent happy relationship, so she could come out with Hathaway, otherwise she would have to stay home and read.


At this moment, the blond girl was holding the newspaper and her face was a little ugly. Hathaway understood her behavior very well, because this third page of the Nolan Daily, which is the page that often reports gossip news, has a photo of Jenkins and Dolores Stuart standing side by side. Although Jenkins' face was blurry in the photo, the content of the news undoubtedly pointed out that it was saying that Mr. Nolan, a writer who was born as a commoner, was already involved in a relationship with the princess of a neighboring royal family.

After nearly a week, social news from neighboring countries finally reached Nolan.

"He seems to be doing pretty well abroad."

It took Britney a long time to speak, and her sarcastic tone was quite strong.

Hathaway had known about this for a long time. In fact, before the reception, Jenkins asked her for some social and etiquette advice. She now basically knows all of Jenkins's non-illegal things, and has accepted Jenkins' scumbag behavior, so she doesn't feel too angry or disgusted.

"I didn't expect that he would actually be related to a real princess. This is really... I think it is a coincidence. The Jenkins we know does not have such means."

Even though Hathaway felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, now she had to say something nice to Jenkins, which made her feel even more amazing. He quietly glanced at the closet at the end of the room, and after saying this, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip, cleverly concealing his emotions.

"If Britney knew that Jenkins lived in the princess's home, I don't know if she would be even more angry."

She was thinking in her mind, and was also thinking about whether this matter would have an impact on her "plan".

"He is indeed not that kind of person, but men will change. Jenkins has seen more things, and one day he will become the kind of man we all hate."

Brienne said this, not noticing that this tone was no longer the tone she used when commenting on matters involving normal male friends.

"So when he comes back, are you going to question him?"

Hathaway asked.

"Of course I have to question... Of course I have to ask him about his experiences in Loen. I have never been to the North Country. The winter there must be beautiful."

Hearing the teasing in Hathaway's tone, Britney hurriedly changed her words, and then also picked up her teacup to hide her expression.

"Speaking of which, we have only known Jenkins for half a year, right?"

Hathaway said again.

"Only half a year? It feels like two or three years have passed. I have never felt that time has passed so slowly since I became an adult."

The blond girl answered, feeling a little guilty when she spoke because she was worried that Hathaway would see the flaw.

"When I first met Jenkins at my dad's at the end of last summer, he would blush whenever we talked to him."

Hathaway chuckled at this, and a smile appeared on Britney's face when she thought of that scene.

"I received a letter from Jenkins from Luen a few days ago. He heard from somewhere that I encountered a fire outside the city, and wrote a letter specifically to comfort me."

"Really? Can I see the letter?"

Hathaway asked curiously. In fact, she helped write a small half of the letter.

Not long after, a knock on the door interrupted the conversation between the two, and their friends also arrived. Britney went out to greet them, and Jenkins had the chance to come out of the closet. He came to see the red-haired girl very early this morning and wanted to talk to her about the Doomsday Vision. Unexpectedly, Brienne also came very early. He could only hide in the closet and was forced to eavesdrop on their conversation. .

"Before you come back, you must figure out how to deal with Britney's questioning."

She emphasized to Jenkins again, suddenly tapped his chest with her finger, then covered her forehead and moaned:

"I didn't expect that such a day would come when I would emphasize such a thing to you."

"I know this is all my fault."

Jenkins said softly, and then quickly explained the doomsday illusion. In order to prevent Hathaway from suspecting that he was Mr. Candle, of course he heard this news from the church, and the church heard it from Miss Audrey. heard.

"The church has made big moves in recent days, so it must keep a low profile recently."

he concluded.

"You too, it feels like you are in a hurry every day and don't know what you are doing. Please pay attention to your safety."

The two hugged each other gently, and Jenkins keenly heard the footsteps outside the corridor. He whispered goodbye and then disappeared. Hathaway had a sad expression on her face, but she still had to put her mood together to greet Britney and her friends with a smile.

The church did not take action on this Saturday. In order to avoid entering the doomsday fantasy, Jenkins did not stay in Nolan for too long that day.

He spent an hour sitting at the top of the Tower Bridge where he met Miss Magic last time. He sat on this vantage point and looked at the noisy and chaotic city, observing every aspect of the city that could be seen with his true eyes. corner. He returned to Loen only after confirming that there were no new discoveries, but he was always ready to get involved in Nolan's affairs.

That evening, a man in low-key clothing sent a letter and left. The letter was later delivered to Jenkins. Jenkins originally thought it was a letter from Ruen's reader, but after opening it, he discovered that it was a letter from Fidicli's envoy, Earl Biden. He invited Jenkins to have a drink at a tavern in the city tonight, and deliberately made sure to dress low-key.

"What does it mean?"

Jenkins held the letter in one hand and shook it gently, while with the other hand he was stroking the cute chocolate lying on his lap. During the month that Luen lived there, Chocolate's diet has been greatly improved, but its weight has not increased. It is exactly the same as when Jenkins first "picked" it up at the intersection of Privet Drive. This is really disappointing. Doubt and envy.

"There's probably something very important that I want to talk to you about in private."

Dolores said this and glanced at her teacher quietly. She guessed what Earl Biden might say. And if the earl really took a huge risk and told Jenkins the story of the Williamte family, then all the previous plans would go awry, which Dolores didn't want to see.

Chapter 1413 Chapter 1390 Marriage

"Since you want to know what the count wants from you, won't you know it when you go?"

Alexia said, ignoring her students' desperate glances, and not forgetting to warn Jenkins:

"You rarely drink, so if you have to drink some tonight, remember to control the amount. I don't want to see you come back drunk."

So after dinner, Jenkins disguised himself in a normal way and went out with his cat.

Loen in the North also feels like summer is coming. At least the wind at night is no longer biting, but has a lot of warmth. He took some time to go to the remote tavern that he had never noticed before. After entering, he looked at the interior decoration and discovered something unusual.

The first is that there is no bad smell inside the tavern, and although there are many guests, they all tacitly avoid the wooden bar area. Only the earl is sitting there, smiling and waving to Jenkins to pass.

"Isn't this the spy base our country has planted in Loen?"

Jenkins asked quietly as he sat on the barstool.

"You can guess, but I won't answer. Do you want something to drink? I heard from Miss Windsor that you don't like drinking, so I asked the bartender to prepare many kinds of juice in advance. I tried it while waiting for you. , drinking ice-cold orange juice in this season is indeed more enjoyable than drinking alcohol.”

As he spoke, he shook the wooden cup in his hand, and the ice cubes collided with each other and made a pleasant sound.

"Then let me have some orange juice, too. No need to put ice."

He said before placing his cat on the bar. The latter looked at everything around him with interest. When the bartender brought Jenkins' glass over, he took the lead in reaching out and licking it. The bartender smiled, turned around and brought Jenkins a second glass.

"I'm really sorry for inviting you out so late, but I do have something important to tell you..."

Seeing that Jenkins' expression remained unchanged, the earl continued:

"Before I came to Loen, I once met Miss Windsor. She specifically asked me to meet you in Loen."

"Does she have anything to say to me? You could have told me directly when we met at the last cocktail party."

"The last reception was at someone else's place. That kind of place is not the place to talk about things... Miss Windsor admires you very much."

The Earl paused again to observe Jenkins' expression, and found that Jenkins was looking sideways at his cat queen. He took a deep breath and continued:

"Before we get down to business, I actually have a more personal question I want to ask you. Do you have any opinions on the succession to the throne of King Fedictry?"

"ask me?"

Jenkins glanced at him doubtfully, wondering why the count suddenly asked this question, and then guessed that he wanted to confirm his political stance and determine whether he was trustworthy.

"It's definitely not okay to let that foreigner from Chesland inherit the throne of our country... This is probably my opinion."

"That's consistent with most people."

The Count praised, with a smile on his face. He picked up the cup and took a sip of the juice inside to hide the fact that his forehead was sweating.

"I think we can be friends, because I think so too. Miss Windsor told me before I came to Loen that she would like to invite you to Belduran as soon as possible. Her Majesty the Queen appreciates your talent very much and likes you too. Those writings, so I hope to see you again while I am still conscious. If you have time, be sure to return to Fidictle as soon as possible, and then go directly to see His Majesty.”

When he spoke, he almost felt like he couldn't control his mouth. Earl Biden tried hard to suppress the nervousness in his heart, but he still saw Jenkins' suspicious eyes. But he knew he had to do it. At every important historical node, there will always be some people who made key moves. Maybe these people's names will not appear in the history books, but these unknown people must appear.

In order to maintain the purity of the royal family's blood, he was determined to become a key figure influencing the course of history.

"Invite me to Belduran? How is His Majesty's physical condition...now?"

Jenkins thought for a moment and asked cautiously. He is a sensitive person, and he immediately understood that something was fishy. There is no need for the critically ill Queen to invite herself, and she still invites herself in such a covert way. This is wrong no matter how you think about it.

He already has an idea.

"His Majesty is in very bad health."

The count lowered his voice:

"I know this kind of invitation is very abrupt, but Her Majesty is already so old, and we must fulfill her few wishes. I know you may have questions, but all of this can be explained. .....”

Before coming, Miss Windsor actually gave the Earl a reason to invite Jenkins in this way. But the count thought that the young man in front of him would not believe that reason. Originally, he thought that Jenkins Willamt was just an ordinary person with some luck and ability, but only after the actual interview did he realize how scary this man was when he was silent.

Earl Biden didn't want to lie in front of him. This was just an intuition brought by his rich life experience. He believed in this intuition, so he decided to come up with the reason he spun, the one that was more perfect but might cause big trouble:

"Actually, Her Majesty the Queen has taken a liking to you."

"Sorry, what did you say?"

Jenkins was so frightened that he almost picked up the cat on the table.

"Her Majesty the Queen is interested in you. She intends to bring you and Miss Windsor together, so she invites you at this time. This is actually understandable. Miss Windsor is His Majesty's closest descendant. Before she dies, she wants to see Miss Windsor have a daughter. A good home is probably His Majesty’s biggest wish now..."

Earl Biden said, smiling at Jenkins, and then hurriedly took another sip of the iced juice, thanking the ice cubes in his heart, otherwise he would have been sweating. Even at his age, he still cannot perfectly control his emotions when faced with such a scene.

"Is that so? Your Majesty... It turns out that last time I went to Belduran, she left the meeting early to leave Miss Windsor and me alone because... I'm sorry, Earl, it's not that I don't like it. Miss Windsor, but I already have... You also know that I am currently living in the home of Her Royal Highness Dolores Stuart."

Jenkins said in embarrassment, he did not feel that there was a lie in what he just said, because...the earl's words were all true, but no one told the earl, and Jenkins also had to tell this matter.

Chapter 1414 Chapter 1391 Remote Assistance

"I didn't know about the matter between you and His Highness Stuart until I came to Loen. That's why I need you to go to Belduran and explain it to His Majesty. She is very open-minded and will definitely understand. In fact, His Majesty's butler Douglas ·Earl Gerald is my uncle. I think you should have met him. He once said that His Majesty really admires you. "

The earl became more confident as he spoke, and then added:

"I will only tell you one thing. You also know how much commotion this news will cause. In fact, it is a miracle that Your Majesty can survive to this day. Your Majesty is already so old. She will die at any time. It's possible to answer death's call so you..."

"I know. Once I have time, I will go to Beldiland as soon as possible."

He thought about it and promised that it would be better to resolve this matter as soon as possible. He was not willing to rashly get involved in the mess of Fidictle's succession to the throne, which was a more complicated matter than the Stuart royal family's struggle for the throne.

But subconsciously, I felt that the whole thing was wrong, so when I said goodbye and left, I looked at the count with suspicion. The latter's face was red and he looked like he was drunk on juice.


The cat on the shoulder suddenly burped. Seeing Jenkins turn to look at it, Chocolate made a very human shy gesture, then quickly grabbed Jenkins' clothes and crawled into his unbuttoned clothes. Inside the coat.

Jenkins' attention suddenly shifted from the earl to his cat, worried that it would have a bad stomach after drinking too much juice.

Returning to Dolores's manor in an indescribable mood, Alexia and Dolores were both in the living room, and it was Dolores' arithmetic class time. Now that Dolores lives with her teacher, classes become more convenient.

While the two of them were busy, Jenkins returned to the room and changed his clothes, and then talked about the conversation he had just had with Earl Biden.

"It's really something I didn't expect."

The short lady spoke softly, and Dolores thought there was something in her words.

"And what do you think?"

she asked Jenkins.

"What ideas can I have? I think before returning to Nolan, the church might let me go to Belduran to report on my duties. If I can go there, I will go to Cold Spring Palace to meet with her and explain this matter clearly."

"I feel relieved now."

Alexia said with satisfaction, a slight smile on her face.

Early on Sunday morning, Nolan Parish finally launched an operation against [Doomsday Vision]. When Jenkins climbed to the roof of the country villa according to Miss Silver Flute's instructions, Miss Magic was standing on the high ground looking towards the city in the distance. Looking out, Jenkins imitated her actions and looked into the distance, but found nothing.

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