"Can I ask a question? I'm actually very confused as to why [Hero]'s ability is classified as black holy type?"

He knew the type of this ability from the book. This was the second ability of this type that Jenkins had seen so far. Before that, he once thought that only those abilities that could make sin coins would be classified. Similar to black sacred.

"This is very simple, because the existence of [Heroes] can reduce the sins produced by intelligent life. All abilities that can reduce sins or condense sins are of the black sacred type. Black represents that they will deal with sins, and sacredness illustrates these abilities. It’s good for the world.”

The hero of the previous generation replied, and then added:

"I got some common sense of this era when I appeared. I know that in the classification of numbered items of the Zhengshen Church, black is often used to refer to Class A monsters. That is because most of the monsters are also the condensation of sin, so they have That kind of color refers to. I know that in people's culture, black usually does not have a positive symbolic meaning, but in the supernatural world, anything related to [sin], whether it is the ability to reduce sin or the magic that condenses sin. , whose color is all black.

[Heroes] are also black. We never flaunt our achievements. What we do is just for the peace of mind. "

"I understand, thank you for telling me these things, the black holy type ability, but it has puzzled me for a long time, and now it is finally clear."

"You don't need to thank me. In fact, I should thank you more. Because of your appearance, [Heroes] can continue to be passed down. But remember, what we inherit is not only strength, but also belief. Heroes are links, and there will be people who will pass them on." Inherit and shine again.”

Chapter 1458 Chapter 1435 The Hero’s Gift

The sound of crackling firewood was the background of this conversation. The night was quiet, and Jenkins' heart was at peace. He nodded gently, willing to accept this inheritance. He didn't want to be a hero, he just wanted to get more power and save the people he loved.

"Black sacred ability is the most special type of all types of abilities. In terms of acquisition methods, this type of ability can usually only be acquired through inheritance and cannot be actively learned. Therefore, after I die, the world will take the initiative to retain my Image memory to prepare for the next inheritance. Of course, this may also be an arrangement made by the gods for destiny.

If you fail to complete the great deeds of the Savior and move to a higher dimension, then you will also have the opportunity to sit around the campfire and talk about these things as a memory with the next generation of successors. "

As he spoke, the man stretched out his hand and pointed toward Jenkins, and black light flew in from his fingertips and went straight into Jenkins' eyebrows.

A cold feeling ran through his body, and for a moment he thought his heartbeat had stopped. But when he came back to his senses, he was still sitting by the campfire, as if the death-like hallucination had never appeared at all. The chaotic color bubble symbolizing the "Chapter of Disaster" stood out. The chaotic colors were entangled together and eventually turned black. This light point also successfully squeezed into the core area of ​​all ability light points, becoming the new savior emblem. .

The image of the emblem is a sword thrust sideways, which may symbolize the original great cause.

"What I will pass on to you is not just the [Hero]. As a gift to the successor, I will give you another ability."

"Thank you for your generosity, but I don't have enough bubbles to contain the new power."

Jenkins said slightly embarrassed.

"this is very simple."

As he spoke, the man in armor pointed at Jenkins again. Immediately, a huge amount of spirits poured into his body from the surrounding space.

After reaching level 5, he had already absorbed enough spirits, so after two months, he was finally able to upgrade again, reaching level 6, which most gifters would not be able to climb in their lifetime.

Since Jenkins came into this world as an ordinary person at the end of July last year, it will be nearly a year before he is about to see the end of his mortal life.

Once you reach level six, you will have 4 empty bubbles again, which is enough to accommodate four new abilities.

"I have a lot of abilities and know a lot of learning rituals, but the red fighting abilities I'm best at are. You can ask me for your needs, and I'll look for similar abilities."

said the ancient hero.

"So if I can be greedy, do you know of any abilities that would allow me to communicate with animals?"

Jenkins didn't ask for much. Although his abilities were messy and unsystematic, due to the huge number, he could barely take care of all aspects.

The ability to communicate with animals is what he has always needed. Not only to understand the thoughts of your own pet cat, but also to better understand your own life-like abilities.

"It is very simple to realize this idea, but it is completely unrealistic to rely on one ability to communicate with all kinds of animals. Before the establishment of the gifter system, extraordinary people used occupation as a means of classification. At that time, forest patrols Ke has many related abilities. After the benefactor system was established, these abilities were reinterpreted and classified. I think I just have one that is very suitable for you. This ability has helped me overcome countless difficulties. But remember, Rangers usually have to spend a long time to communicate with a certain creature they are familiar with. Spiritual communication is never achieved overnight. You have to experience the world with your heart..."

As the fire jumped, his figure became fainter and fainter. The helmet and sword beside him had disappeared, and this memory was also going to leave.

"You must remember the meaning of the word [hero]. Remember that this is a bond, not a power to do whatever you want. Young savior, I hope you can succeed. The future of this world depends on you..."

The light shot from his body to Jenkins, and then only Jenkins was left beside the campfire.

He looked at all his abilities in silence. In addition to the new [hero (black sacred)], there was a new ability in the outer circle that symbolized green life:

[empathy of living beings].

"What does this mean? Can I talk to Chocolate?"

He did not stand up, but looked around with his eyes. When his eyes saw a tiny depression on the grass beside him, he immediately thought of a cat stepping on the grass and walking in another direction with a cat's step.

He waved to Chocolate, who was standing in the darkness in the distance, to come back. After holding it with both hands under its front paws, he stared at the beautiful amber cat eyes. Because the cat's back was facing the campfire, the color of its eyes was particularly conspicuous.

"Chocolate, do you hear me?"


It was still a cat's cry, and Jenkins couldn't tell the meaning of the sound. He put his cat down with some disappointment, and his eyes unconsciously fell on the sparrow that was doing nothing on the grass beside him. He felt something in his heart and suddenly said to the small creature.

"What's the weather like today?"

Of course, the sparrow would not suddenly speak the common language with the Nolan dialect, and it didn't even make any sound. It just raised its little head and looked at Jenkins, then flapped its wings and flew into the night sky.

It was just a look, he couldn't even see the sparrow's eyes clearly in the dark, but Jenkins did hear the voice of the little creature. It was very illusory, very fragile, but very clear:

"There is a damp smell in the air, it's going to rain, I want to go back."

He took a breath and looked at the fire in front of him again, and he understood the meaning of the so-called "empathy of living things". He had felt the sound of trees many times in the past, and that was probably a similar situation.

Therefore, it may take more time to understand Chocolate's cry. The cat itself is a creature with extremely complex thoughts. In addition, it also has a spirit. It may not be as easy as imagined to empathize with its thoughts.

After figuring out this gift, Jenkins sat in front of the campfire for a long time before standing up, thinking about the information about the black sacred power and the end of the era that he had just received from the man.

After obtaining this power, he suddenly felt a sense of urgency. After all, the appearance of all the savior powers represents the arrival of the final day, and now only the last purple destiny, yellow spell and green life have not appeared.

According to the frequency of his encounters with the savior power in the past six months, the final day is very likely to appear before the end of 1866 in the 18th century universal calendar, which is not far away.

PS: There may be errors in the above, but so far no one has directly told Jenkins that [Unknown Road Ahead] belongs to the emblem, so it is assumed that he does not know.

Section 1459 Chapter 1436 The Sixth Slate

According to convention, the Doomsday Slate is near the place where the savior power is obtained. Jenkins searched around the abandoned cemetery and found a cave on the side of the cliff where the cemetery was located. He asked the unicorn to take him to the cave and then jumped in. After opening the blocked tomb door, he saw an ancient underground mausoleum with a mining lamp.

There were landslides and mudslides in the vicinity last year. The abandoned cemetery was originally adjacent to the cemetery of the Augustus family, but now the road has been blocked. The cliff where the cemetery is located collapsed a little. Although it did not affect the area of ​​the cemetery, it exposed some things underground.

From the style point of view, this ancient mausoleum is decorated in the 15th century, but it should not be left by a great noble or extraordinary person, because the decorative wall at the entrance of the tomb passage is very shabby.

Walking a few steps inward along the narrow tomb passage, you can see the sarcophagus. There are gold objects as burial objects in the tomb chamber, and some stones are piled up in the corners of the wall. The doomsday document lies on the ground waiting for Jenkins:

[There are always people who stand up in the bell of disaster,]

[Heroes' deeds are passed down through the ages. 】

【Time has witnessed the stories of generations,】

【The end of the world has created legends.】

【Fate has pulled the thread,】

【It is a coincidence,】

【and the path people have chosen.】

【The end of the eighteenth century is coming,】

【The gods are waiting for their decision,】

【The master sits on the throne,】

【Heroes create epics.】

His voice echoed in the tomb, but only the cat could hear it.

After checking the strange stone slab with black aura, he scanned the tomb again and found a series of words on the surface of the coffin.

According to human customs, this part of the coffin is usually decorated with some ancient poems or sentences from religious books, but after translating that paragraph, I found that the person lying in the tomb did not play by the rules at all:

【Tomb robber! Get out of here with those burial objects, don't touch my coffin, otherwise I will curse you! 】

"I'm not a tomb robber, and I carved these sentences on my coffin. How afraid are you of being robbed?"

He smiled and patted the coffin, and then as expected, his hands were stained with ashes. He had no interest in robbing other people's tombs. After leaving with the stone slab, he resealed the tomb, just treating it as an interesting episode.

Then he returned to the city and knocked on the door of the post office.

It was already midnight and of course the post office would not be open. But under Jenkins' relentless knocking, tonight's janitor opened the door sleepily.

"Oh, sir, if you want to rob, I suggest you go to the goldsmith's shop next door. There's no money here."

The yawning middle-aged man said.

"I'm not here to rob, I want to mail something."

"Please come back in 9 hours."

As he spoke, he wanted to close the door, but Jenkins immediately reached out and held the door. His power was so great that the janitor, who was not clear-headed due to sleepiness, mistakenly thought that a stone was stuck in the door.

"Look here!"

Jenkins said suddenly, and the janitor subconsciously raised his head, and his sleepy eyes immediately met Jenkins's.

"I am a very trustworthy person, and I am a very generous person. You have promised me to send this big stone to the Church of the Sage when the post office opens tomorrow morning. You are happy to do this because you You can get both gold pounds and a sense of satisfaction.”

As he spoke, Jenkins took out his wallet from his pocket, counted out two bills and stuffed them into the other person's pocket. The gatekeeper, who was not sober to begin with, immediately succumbed to the impact of the gold pound and the power of lies.

"Okay, after dawn, I will send this stone slab to the Sage Church as soon as possible. I swear to the traveler, I will definitely be able to do it!"

(Chocolate Run...)

The next day, Thursday morning, when the yawning Dolores walked down the stairs to the dining room, the maids had already pushed the dining cart and delivered the steaming breakfast to the table.

She was happy to see that Jenkins and her teacher had appeared, and then was unhappy to see her sister sitting directly opposite Jenkins again.

Several people were taking turns to look at a blue heart-shaped gem. The gem was very beautiful. Not only the maids who were preparing breakfast looked sideways, but Dolores, who was used to seeing all kinds of jewelry, was also attracted by it. .

"Is this the heart of the ocean?"

Julia pulled the chair away and Dolores asked as she sat down. The gems reflected a soft luster in the light of the gas lamp hanging from the ceiling. Dolores thought of the sea, of waves crashing on the shore, even though she had never seen a real ocean except for her fleeting glimpse yesterday.

"Yes, I don't know what happened. Anyway, when I checked it again before going to bed last night, it had no signs of being transformed into a monster. You see, this is a complete Class C gift, very perfect."

Then he handed the gem to Dolores, who looked at it under the light with admiration.

In Jenkins' eyes, this gem has a soft white aura, which is the most prominent manifestation of the gift. He guessed that it was his own spirit that purified the semi-treacherous heart of the ocean, or that the sacred ability [Hero] obtained last night purified the sin on it.

Now he has not fully understood the full power of [Hero], but he only vaguely knows that it is passive and can help him avoid some troublesome negative states when he comes into contact with monsters; or before a disaster occurs, Jenkins can obtain Some enlightenment.

"Jenkins, are you going to keep it? If I remember correctly, this is what your friend, the lady who calls herself Miss Magic, has been looking for."

Alexia, who was sitting next to Jenkins, asked, with a slight smile on her face and her slender fingers tapping the table regularly, as if guessing what Jenkins was thinking.

"This... while you probably think I'm crazy, I think I'll give it to Miss Magic."

Jenkins said this, and Alexia showed an expression that was indeed true. Although Dolores was a little surprised, she felt that it was in line with his character to do so.

"I have promised Miss Magic to help her get this item in this incident. Although there were some accidents in the process, the ownership of the Heart of the Ocean directly belongs to me, but I don't want to violate the agreement with my friends because of this. The agreement...and she will definitely compensate me."

He said with a smile, in fact, he had thought about taking the blue gem for himself last night, but after thinking about it, he felt that if he did so, he would probably lose a friend, and he would also feel uneasy for a long time.

Chapter 1460 Chapter 1437 Bar Deal

"It's such a shame, I've never seen such a beautiful gem."

With that said, Dolores carefully handed the Heart of the Ocean back to Jenkins. Jenkins reached out and took it, weighing it in his hands, thinking about what he should get from Miss Magic.

Regarding what happened in Nolan yesterday, the ladies of Loen were also very concerned. Although no one has been able to explain what exactly happened on the beach on Wednesday morning, Jenkins believes that he knows more than most people, so he can also say more at the breakfast table. view.

Alexia’s main concern was that members of the [Scent Appreciation Committee] reappeared yesterday, and even the [Gear Craftsmen’s Association] hidden deep underground showed up again; Dolores was more concerned about the impact of this incident on the Kingdom of Fidicteli. Although it did not cause too many casualties in the end, and the naval officers were all safe, such an incident happened when they returned victoriously, and the disturbances at home and abroad would cause unnecessary waves in the ongoing war.

Because of the series of chain reactions caused by this incident, Jenkins has not yet been affected. His main task on this day is to return to Nolan and meet Miss Magic.

After arriving in Nolan, looking out of his window, the standing glacier has disappeared. So before going to see Miss Magic, Jenkins went around to the dock to see the situation.

He happened to pass by a carriage pulling a car of corpses at the intersection, and saw that the uniformed police had blocked the intersection before he reached the dock area. But from a distance, the dock, which was a vast ocean yesterday, has returned to calm. In addition to the mess, the ground is full of silt, scallops and various fish.

This is good news. The receding sea water at least means that this place will soon return to its original state. It takes time, and it also takes time to heal the pain in people's hearts. A better way is to find another target to divert people's attention.

This target is undoubtedly the Kingdom of Cheslan. When Jenkins walked on the foggy streets of Nolan, he was holding a daily newspaper this morning. The headline of the newspaper reported the accident yesterday morning. Although the specific number of casualties was not mentioned, it was definitely not a small number.

The storm brought by Fermixiu obscured some of the anomalies that occurred later, so the newspaper could blame most of the things on the pirates and another unknown force.

According to commentators, the pirates joined forces with Cheslan's spies to carry out the operation, which caused the death and injury of a large number of people. The words between the lines of the news are full of anger and rebukes against neighboring countries. Jenkins believes that there will be similar news in newspapers in other parts of the kingdom.

He didn't want to comment on this. The cause of yesterday's accident was complicated. If someone really had to be held responsible, the Kingdom's military also had a large part of the responsibility. This was destined to be a muddled account. The truth of history was never what was in newspapers and textbooks. Jenkins understood this better than most people in the world.

When he saw Miss Magic at the bar at the entrance of the black market, she looked much more haggard than yesterday. Jenkins put the chocolate on the table, pulled out the chair opposite Miss Magic and sat down, and found that she was holding a glass of beer.

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