"As a friend, I would like to advise you not to drink in the morning, which is very bad for your stomach... I noticed that this is the first time I saw you in contact with alcohol. I thought that someone like you who is keen on exploring the mysterious world would be quite self-disciplined and not drink at all."

"Not drinking at all? Mr. Candle, I don't think anyone can do this."

"No, I can do it."

He said, trying to control his expression and not be too proud. He thought it was one of the few advantages he could boast of.

"Are you allergic to alcohol... Forget it, this is not the topic we should discuss now. I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, and I didn't know it would turn out like that. After we separated, Mr. Bailing and I... Well, Miss Bailing, you have seen her face anyway. Miss Bailing and I sent the officer and the prisoner to the nearest Ocean Temple. We wanted to go back to find you, but at that time the church's large forces had blocked the dock, and we were all worried that you would be caught by the church."

"Why did the church want to catch me? I didn't do anything bad, please don't look at me like that, it will make me doubt myself."

Hearing Jenkins say this, Miss Magic finally showed some forced smiles. She called the waiter to the bar to take Jenkins' order. It was still early in the morning, the time when the bar had the fewest customers in a day.

"I've had breakfast, okay, then I want a glass of juice, anything is fine, please add some ice if you have it."


Even though [Spirit Empathy] has no effect on chocolate, Jenkins knows what it means.

"Two glasses of juice, I'll buy one of the cups, and my cat will use it later."

He said this, and after the waiter left, he continued to say to Miss Magic:

"You should know the news that Fermixiu died?"

"There was no curfew last night, and the church didn't make any big moves, so I guessed that he was dead... I understand what you mean, even if I don't get the Heart of the Ocean, I will tell you the clues about the gift, this is..."

"No, that's not what I mean."

Jenkins shook his head, tapped his fingers on the table, and then put his entire right arm on the table, with his right palm facing up. As the deep blue surged in his palm, a huge heart-shaped gem of sea blue appeared in his hand.

"I mean, although Fermishu is dead, I got this."

"Put it away! This is a bar!"

Miss Magic was startled, and then warned in a low voice at a rapid speed.

"Yes, you should be careful."

She took out a handkerchief from her pocket, wrapped the gem with it, and pushed it to the other party.

"What does this mean?"

The woman asked.

"Just 24 hours ago, in this bar, you were still talking to me about your plans after getting it. Although there were some accidents in the plan, I think it was successful."

"How did you get it from the church... Are you really going to give it to me?"

"Not for you, but for you according to the agreed transaction. You don't plan to take it for nothing, do you?"

It can be seen that Miss Magic was very moved. As for whether she was moved by Jenkins' behavior, or moved that she finally got the Heart of the Ocean, or both, it was not something Jenkins could guess.

Chapter 1461 Chapter 1438 Shadow of the Throne

Miss Magic did not expect to get the Heart of the Ocean in this meeting, so she could not give Jenkins enough reward in a hurry. So she only told Jenkins the information about the gift, and she planned to pay for the rest with her own knowledge.

The two parties finally agreed that Miss Magic would provide Jenkins with 15 rare ability learning rituals, and help Jenkins do three things that did not violate the laws of the country and local morals for free within ten years, and the expenses incurred during this period would be borne by Jenkins.

Among the abilities that Miss Magic promised to provide, one was called [Angel Halo], which was also the only one with a unique nature. When Miss Magic mentioned this ability, she mentioned the chain of [My God is Here] [Angel Halo] and [Energy Shell], so Jenkins became interested in it.

After getting the Heart of the Ocean, Miss Magic's original decadent mood disappeared. She accepted Jenkins' suggestion and stopped drinking the beer. Instead, she asked for juice and a normal breakfast like him, and even said that she would be responsible for all the expenses in the bar this morning.

The two continued to talk about what happened yesterday. Miss Magic and Hathaway parted ways after finding that they could not enter the dock area again. Miss Magic didn't know where Hathaway went. She returned to the city and waited near the villa where Miss Windsor was temporarily staying.

"The Miss Windsor you mentioned came to Nolan? I know that Jessica Windsor. I thought she was in Beldilan now, concentrating on dealing with royal affairs. I heard rumors about the selection of the royal heir."

Jenkins asked in surprise.

"Nowadays, transportation is so developed. If it is a royal train line, even from Beldilan to Nolan, it will only take two or three days. She will only be away for a week after she finishes dealing with Nolan's affairs and returns to the capital."

"Then did you see her?"

"I saw her. I wanted to ask her why she lied to me and whether she used me. I didn't expect her to admit it and give me a large sum of gold pounds."

"Don't tell me you really took the money."

Jenkins said, holding the cup.

"Of course I accepted it, that's what I deserve!"

Miss Magic answered proudly. Seeing the expression on Mr. Candle's face, she continued to explain:

"But she lied to me and it was not so easy for me to forgive. Miss Windsor said that she could continue to employ me and asked me to investigate and protect a well-known local figure in Nolan. I agreed to her."

"And then told others about it?"

Jenkins asked with a smile.

"Yes, since she asked me to investigate and protect Jenkins William, I told Miss Bailing about it. I still remember that the last time I played a game with Mr. Corpse, her character card was William. Mute. This does not mean that I have revealed my employer's secret. After all, she did not prohibit me from telling others about it, and Miss Bailing is our friend. I should take care of her thoughts... Mr. Candle, you What's the expression?"

Not long ago in Loon, the envoy sent by the Kingdom of Fidictry to the Kingdom of Hampavo clearly told Jenkins that Her Majesty the Queen intended to bring him and Miss Windsor together. Therefore, Jenkins did not have any other thoughts about Miss Windsor's behavior this time. guess.

He bid farewell to Miss Magic with very complicated emotions in his heart, agreed on a time to meet next time, and then walked through most of the city to Hesha's mansion. He struggled to avoid the sight of the servants in the courtyard and climbed into the sea. Sevi's room window.

Because Jenkins had not given advance notice of his arrival, Hathaway was not waiting for him in the room. But he had confirmed through his own eyes that Hathaway was in the house. After all, Count Hesha had just returned and the family would not leave the house without permission.

Therefore, when Hathaway opened the door and saw Jenkins standing in the room observing the plants on her windowsill, she was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked into the door and closed the door at an extremely fast speed.

"Oh, Hathaway, are you back? Your flower told me just now that you haven't watered it for a long time, and it is very..."

Before she finished speaking, the red-haired lady had already rushed up and hugged Jenkins, because she used the method of hugging Jenkins' neck, because the cat on her shoulder had to jump to the flower pot on the window sill, and said gloomily Looking at the two people with eyes.

In the case of Femixiu, Hathaway is not as ambitious as Miss Magic and has no goals, nor is she as worried about the future of the city as Jenkins is. She just wanted the family to be reunited, so she was naturally very happy to see Jenkins again after having lunch with her family.

She held Jenkins' hand and talked about the excitement at home yesterday after her father came home, about Mrs. Hesha crying with joy at that time, and about her younger brother's face being livid because he forgot to do his homework.

The whole family was at home today, and it was impossible for the two of them to do anything else. After being warm to each other for a while, Hathaway talked about what happened yesterday. Because she didn't know that Jenkins was actually there, she started from the celebration and ended with the appearance of the final glacier. During this period, Mr. Candle’s cat was mentioned for some reason, but Jenkins did not understand the underlying meaning.

Finally, she talked about the news that Miss Windsor, Miss Magic, told her.

"I remember that you also know Jessica Windsor. When you came back from Belduran to receive the award last time, you talked about that woman. You must be careful about her. Although she is about the same age as us, that woman is not normal person."

Hathaway warned.

"Speaking of Miss Windsor, I actually met with the envoy from my country when I was in Loen not long ago..."

Jenkins told Hathaway about the meeting and what the Earl had said about the Queen's intentions. Hathaway actually knew about this. When the short lady "came to visit" with chocolates not long ago, the two discussed the possible impact of this incident.

The Queen's intention to let Jenkins go to Belduran again is a very clear signal, which means that she has made a choice, a choice that both Hathaway and Alexia are very satisfied with.

"Do you like Jessica Windsor?"

Hathaway asked after Jenkins finished speaking. Jenkins can't answer this kind of question wrong. He just needs to tell the truth:

"I have only met her less than five times. If I can fall in love with her this way, then maybe love is a bit too cheap, right?"

He gave an answer that satisfied Hathaway.

Chapter 1462 Chapter 1439 Farewell to Loen

"So when are you going to Belduran? You are right, this kind of thing should be explained as soon as possible, otherwise once the queen dies, it will be too late for you to go to Belduran... It's best tomorrow Set off."

Hathaway sat on the edge of her bed and urged Jenkins carefully.

"If I want to go to Beldiran, I have to at least wait until the church allows me to return to Nolan, but I don't know how long it will take yet."

Jenkins said, and then got the latest news from Miss Bevanna that night:

"Pack your luggage. Tomorrow evening, a steam airship will land in the mountainous area south of Loen. The Diocese of Loen will arrange for you to board the airship and go to Beldiran."

"Leaving tomorrow? Why so suddenly?"

Jenkins, who was talking to Miss Bevanna through the Basin of Delusion, asked in surprise.

"I don't know if you know what happened in Nolan on Wednesday. Anyway, the parish thinks it's better for Nolan to have a saint stationed there for a long time. And you are originally from the Nolan parish. It's not normal for you to stay in Rune for a long time. Your Rune vacation is over. The airship will take you to Beldilan to report on your work first, and then you will be arranged to take a steam locomotive back."

Miss Befanna said, and then she didn't forget to instruct:

"I heard from my father that you have been living in the manor of the princess of the royal family? Remember to say hello to the princess before you leave, and thank her for hosting you. This relationship is very important. Even if you return to Nolan, you can write letters to keep in touch. And Mr. Rossier of the Rune parish was also a Nolan before, don't forget..."

Jenkins didn't remember what Miss Befanna said afterwards. He was shocked by the sudden arrangement to leave Rune City. He was very reluctant to leave Alexia and Dolores. Even though he knew he could come back at any time, this short one and a half months of life still made him feel attached to this city.

After returning to the manor, he told the ladies that he was leaving. They were also surprised by Jenkins' sudden transfer, but they did not show much reluctance.

"You can come back anytime. Is there any difference between Loen and Nolan?"

That night, the short lady asked on the bed in Jenkins' bedroom.

"Just don't forget us. I know there are two beautiful girls waiting for you in Nolan."

She said this deliberately, and then watched Jenkins clumsily explain that he would come back often.

Beldiran's transfer order soon reached Loen, and the Sage Church of Loen also knew that the Son of God was about to leave, and even wanted to arrange a lunch party inside the church to see him off, but he refused.

Jenkins had no luggage to pack. When he came to the Northland because of the "accident" of chocolate, he only had his cat and a set of clothes on him, but when he left, Dolores prepared a large number of Loen specialties and personal clothing for him.

On Friday evening, a long convoy carried Jenkins and his party into the southern mountains, passing through the winding canyon to the parking platform of the floating airship built by manpower.

This was a complex of buildings similar to the airport in Jenkins's memory, built in the snowy mountains with money from the local church and the Loen royal family. It took three years to build, specifically for the airship to dock and take off conveniently.

Some of the carriages in the convoy came from the Sage Church. The Loen Diocese attached great importance to Jenkins' departure, and the local old bishops came to see him off; the other carriages were hired by Dolores to carry Jenkins' luggage. She prepared a lot of things for Jenkins, some of which were his clothes, and some were gifts for Nolan's relatives and friends.

"The carrying capacity of the airship should be limited, right? Can I take so many things up there?"

Jenkins in the carriage was still thinking worriedly, but when the carriage stopped, he met the middle-aged priest Follet who came to pick him up from Beldiran. The latter told him to take away everything he wanted to take away without worrying:

"We are here to pick you up this time. Apart from you, there are only some workers, servants and guards on the airship. The airship is very empty, so you don't have to worry about it."

Soon Jenkins saw the crystallization of industrial products and creativity of this era. The airship was parked on a large platform similar to the mountains, surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the empty sky on the other side.

As the sun set, the dim yellow light shone on the surface of the airship, making it seem to flicker.

People who saw the airship for the first time couldn't help but be stunned. This is the most outstanding creation of human civilization in this era, and it is also the only way for ordinary people to fly into the sky.

Alexia, who was accompanying him, was very interested in the airship. While Jenkins was saying goodbye to everyone, she quietly summoned her blue cube representing the "Mathematical Principle" and let the light on it project onto the surface of the airship.

Jenkins said goodbye to the people who saw him off one by one. When he shook hands with Count Biden, who appeared here for some reason, the Count kept reminding him that he must remember to meet Her Majesty the Queen during his stay in Beldiran.

"Aren't you surprised that I left on an airship? This kind of transportation is not easy to use."

He asked Count Biden.

"Surprised? Why should I be surprised? I have heard about Nolan's affairs. The City Hall decided to hold a prayer event with the church to pray for the innocent people who died in various disasters in the past six months. The church believes that you are very prestigious among young people, and the City Hall also thinks that a younger person with noble status should be found as the host, so you will be taken back urgently..."

The luggage was transported to the interior of the airship piece by piece, and the inspection work for the airship to take off again was also carried out in an orderly manner. The passenger entrance to the airship deck was at a very high position, but it had no structure similar to a folding ladder. A towering solid wooden staircase with a pulley at the bottom was pushed to the side of the airship, and Jenkins stood on the side of the staircase and took a last look at the brilliant sunset over the mountains.

Alexia, Dolores and Julia stood together, and next to them were people Jenkins knew in Loon. He waved to his friends again, then turned and walked up the stairs with the cat.

During takeoff, the wind pressure was very high, so no one was allowed on the deck. Jenkins had to enter the cabin, so he could only stand on the deck on tiptoe and look down for the last time, waving goodbye to everyone, and then heard Count Biden shouting below without caring about his image:

"Don't forget! Don't forget!"

Chapter 1463 Chapter 1440 Forced Landing

Jenkins smiled and waved at Count Biden, and then saw Alexia looking up at him, Dolores holding Julia's arm and seemed to be crying, and the beautiful maid nodded slightly to Jenkins.

"If possible, I will come to this city again, I will definitely."

He shouted loudly to the people. Father Wright behind him had informed him that he could take off now, so he shouted goodbye again loudly, and then he walked into the interior of the airship with the priest covered in the sunset.

The steam floating airship, as the crystallization of steam technology and extraordinary technology in this era, is the greatest human technology that Jenkins can see for the time being.

Although he often rode a unicorn to the sky and took a plane in his hometown, this was a completely different feeling from the floating airship.

Dinner that night was eaten inside the airship. The kitchen stored a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and meat to ensure Jenkins's comfort on this trip. In fact, Jenkins found out after boarding the airship that all the people and facilities here were there to serve him.

He felt a little uncomfortable with this fact. On the one hand, the idea that had always existed made him feel that this was too extravagant and wasteful, and on the other hand, he felt that his identity was not in line with such treatment.

"It seems that I still don't fully realize what the Son of God represents."

At eight o'clock in the evening, the floating airship had flown high enough and began to fly parallel. Jenkins stood on the deck of the airship, lying on the railing and looking at the sky.

Because he was now above the clouds, he could clearly see the two moons and the stars in the sky. When the clouds were slightly thinner, he could even catch a glimpse of the stars and lights of the buildings below. Jenkins regarded these lights as a symbol of civilization.

Because this position was too dangerous, Jenkins did not allow the cat to stand on his shoulder. Instead, he placed it in the inside pocket of his coat, but did not button it up, so that the cat could stick its head out and look at the scenery with Jenkins.

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