Looking from afar at a bird similar to a white dove with its wings spread, he concentrated his attention and tried to tell the dove to "fly over". But it only approached the airship a little and flew away. Jenkins didn't know whether his invitation failed or the invitation was not sent back at all.

Feeling a little cold, he planned to go back and rest. Turning around and taking a look at the deck, he sighed in his heart that it was obviously an aircraft, but it had to be made like a ship with a hot air balloon hanging.

But at least this airship is very beautiful. Jenkins admires the unique mechanical beauty developed by the people of this world. They can arrange cold machinery into shapes full of power, order and strong feelings.

After greeting the priest, he returned to his cabin to rest. Looking at the lady's pocket watch to calculate the time, Alexia projected over on time at around 10 o'clock.

As soon as she appeared, she did not greet Jenkins immediately, but looked at the surrounding environment with interest, with excitement flashing in her eyes.

"That's great!"

"I thought you meant it was great to see me, not that it was great to see the airship."

Jenkins said, Alexia didn't care about his words with obvious emotions.

"By the way, when can you arrive in Beldiran?"

She sat on the small bed beside her and asked, which made Chocolate, who was resting on the pillow with his eyes squinting, a little dissatisfied. He hated sharing the bed with people other than Jenkins.

"About three days, because we are not sure whether we will encounter extreme weather, so the captain and the priest can't give a definite date."

Jenkins replied, then picked up the thermos next to the desk and poured a glass of water for Alexia, who took it and sipped it, and then put it on the table.

"Have you returned to the manor too?"

Jenkins asked again, he sat on the chair in front of the desk.

"We arrived at around 7pm. Dolores said she was not used to the manor without you and Chocolate, so she planned to move from the outskirts of the city to the inner city, which is the small house she lent me before."

"Small house? You call it a small house?"

Even the house of Marquis Michael of Nolan is no bigger than that building.

"That's what Dolores said. I will move there with her. There are still many things to do recently. Although the environment is good outside the city, it is also troublesome to go back and forth every day."

"You must be careful when I'm not here. If you have any trouble, remember to come to me at any time."

He warned, Alexia nodded, then stood up and kissed him on the forehead:

"Then I'll go back, remember to dream about me tonight."

She warned.

"If I don't dream about the black cat, I will definitely dream about you."

Jenkins said, touching his forehead.

Maybe because Jenkins mentioned that the airship might encounter accidents due to weather, or maybe because his luck was really bad, on the morning of the second day of departure, Jenkins woke up in a violent turbulence.

He took the sleepy cat to the corridor outside and found out that the airship encountered air currents, but this was normal and Jenkins didn't need to worry.

Things didn't get better because the priest didn't need to worry. All morning, no one in the airship was allowed to go to the deck, and when it was time for lunch, a whole pot of broth fell on the floor because of the sudden turbulence.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the floating airship was forced to land. The cumulonimbus clouds nearby were unusually thick, and continuing to fly would definitely not end well.

Not all towns have terrain suitable for floating airships to land, which is why Loen spent so much manpower and material resources when building the buildings in the mountains. The forced landing of the floating airship originally landed with the belief that the safety of the passengers was the first priority and the airship could be damaged, but their luck was very good. After descending to a certain height, they saw the lake located on the edge of the town in the drizzle.

The airship landed in the direction of the lake and finally stopped steadily on the lake.

Jenkins is now very sure that the airship is not only built in the shape of a ship, but it probably also has the functions of a ship.

Although it was bumpy for a while during the forced landing, fortunately it was safe in the end. After the forced landing, everyone in the airship gathered together and confirmed that only a few unlucky guys were injured by the falling furniture, and then they were relieved.

And such a floating airship falling from the sky, the local church must not miss it. Not long after, three men in black robes walked out of the forest and looked at the floating airship from a distance. After seeing the conspicuous sage emblem on the side of the airship, they immediately waved to greet the people on the deck.

Chapter 1464 Chapter 1441 Black Town

Without moving the spare folding wooden ladder from the warehouse, Jenkins jumped from the deck to the lake first. When his feet touched the water, a thin layer of ice appeared under his feet and quickly extended to the shore. In just a few breaths, an ice road connecting the airship and the shore was formed.

Father Follett also jumped off the airship swiftly. Behind him, Captain Zuote, who was in charge of the security, led the team members to prepare ropes for disembarking.

"Your ice-condensing ability is really powerful. Just looking at the level of precision, most of the bestowers who manipulate ice will definitely not be able to compare with yours... If I remember correctly, the ancestors of the Stuart royal family are rumored to be famous. A gifter who is good at this, it seems that you have really learned something during your time in Loen."

He gave Jenkins a small compliment, and after all the members of the escort team came down, he followed Jenkins towards the shore.

The men waiting on the shore are the gravekeepers of the local [Church of Death and Doomsday]. Although they are all gifters, their ranks are not very high.

The lake where the airship landed is located on the edge of the forest, and the only human settlement nearby is the small town of Black where the church is located. This is a very small town, so much so that there is only the [Church of Death and Doomsday] in the town, so a group of people want to contact Beldilan to explain the current situation, and they have to use some extraordinary means.

Although there is no Sage Church in the local area, the tombkeepers know the significance of the appearance of the airship and do not mind hosting a group of people to rest in the town for a few nights.

After the airship made an emergency landing, it needed to be inspected and repaired again, and the current weather was obviously not suitable for taking off again, so except for the necessary guards, workers and the remaining clergy, most people followed the tombkeeper to the town.

Of course, Jenkins was in the team. When walking through the forest, he was still wondering where Black Town was. It wasn't until he came to the church that he realized that this place was still within the Kingdom of Hampavo, but it was close to the border. To be more precise, this is the northward branch of the towering Seebek Mountains. After climbing over the several high mountains reaching into the sky in the southern part of this forest, it is already the land of Fidictelli.

The town was small and the church was also small, but the old bishop still entertained this group of pagans very enthusiastically. Airships are usually dispatched to carry out important tasks, so he did not inquire about the destination of the group. Instead, he greeted two priests in the church and a nun who was older than him, and tidied up the rooms for everyone. .

"If the weather cooperates, we can set off again the day after tomorrow. Thank you very much for your hospitality."

As the general person in charge of this escort mission, Father Follett was responsible for talking to the priest of the Death Church. After confirming the current location, he thanked the old priest for his hospitality.

The old priest told the group with a smile that it was rare for such a remote town to have so many benefactors from the Orthodox Church. They can stay a few more days if necessary. Most of the church houses are empty. Such a small town does not need many clergy.

By the time all the fuss was over and Jenkins was assigned to his room, it was already sunset. People in the town eat early, so everyone sits at the table before dark.

The old bishop, who had rich experience in life, saw that this young man was unusual. After all, he was the only one with a cat, and no matter who spoke to him, he was respectful.

He didn't point this out, nor did he ask Jenkins about his identity. He just told him that although the town was small, it had all kinds of facilities. Buy something you like.

That night, Father Follett finally contacted the Holy See in Belduran through a ceremony and explained the problems encountered by the group. Although there was no danger when landing, they were temporarily trapped here.

The Holy See asked everyone about their current location and told them that the nearest Sage Church would require at least a week of hiking, during which time they would have to walk through dangerous jungles. So they could only stay in the town temporarily and wait for the airship to complete its inspection and set off again.

"Berdiran said that if you have other requirements, we can also change the itinerary and continue the journey by train."

Father Follett told Jenkins.

"No, I don't have any other requirements. Let's just stay here for two days. I think the weather will get better soon."

The skies didn't clear up as Jenkins expected early Sunday morning, but at least the weather didn't get worse.

Opening the window, there is a unique earthy fragrance in the air of the drizzly rural town. It is close to the forest and the air is exceptionally good, which is completely opposite to Nolan, which is thousands of miles away.

The airship's inspection work went smoothly, but it will definitely not be able to set off again today. Jenkins, who was bored in the church, decided to take his cat around the town to experience the exotic small town style.

Father Follett originally wanted to arrange for some people to follow Jenkins, but Jenkins said that most of the guards arranged by the Holy See could not defeat him.

"Although it is too much to say this, it is the truth after all. I am the Holy Son after all. If I need someone to protect me even when I travel, wouldn't it be too embarrassing for the church?"

During dinner last night, I heard the old priest from the Church of Death talk about the history of Black Town. Although it is remote, the history of the town is quite long. There is enough evidence to prove that the town already existed at the beginning of this era, and there are vague descriptions of this town in some text records in the 16th and 17th centuries. Its history may still continue. Trace upward.

But there are no ruins near the town, and apart from the ancient forest, there are no special products or scenery. Located near mountains and forests, the townspeople have their own unique ways of making a living. Correspondingly, the popularity of steam machinery here is far behind that of big cities like Loen.

Even in the church, only a few important rooms were equipped with gas lamps, and other rooms still relied on candles and kerosene lamps for lighting.

This place seemed to be independent of this bustling era, but it seemed that this kind of life was not bad. At least the townspeople did not have to worry for a long time every now and then like the people living in Nolan.

The town was not large, and Jenkins did not plan to go into the forest alone because it was raining. After leaving the church, he walked along the street for a while, saw the sign of the bookstore, and walked in with chocolate.

Chapter 1465 Chapter 1442 Ghouls in the Cemetery

The owner of the bookstore was a gray-haired old woman. She sat in a rocking chair next to the counter with reading glasses, a basket of wool on her legs, and knitted a sweater with two slender wooden knitting machines operated by her hands.

When she heard the door of the store being pushed open, she only raised her head slowly and took a look. After confirming that it was a stranger who came in, she did not say anything, and did not even welcome the guests. Instead, she continued to lower her head and knit a sweater with red wool.

Seeing this, Jenkins did not say anything, but quietly walked to the middle of the bookshelf to find suitable reading materials.

The books on the bookshelf seemed to be as old as the old woman. After checking them one by one, Jenkins found that most of these books were published 20 years ago. Except for the country tabloids and a few legendary novels in the corner, this place seemed to be a shabby museum with a collection of old books.

"Excuse me, do you have the book "Detective Knight Biography" here?"

Jenkins could only walk to the counter and ask the owner.

"There are still some books in the warehouse behind, you can go there to find them yourself."

The owner said without raising his head, and Jenkins looked around:

"I will go by myself?"

He meant that it was inappropriate for a stranger like him to enter someone else's warehouse alone.

"Are you asking me, an old woman, to help you find books? Young people nowadays are really getting more and more rude."

She muttered and complained about Jenkins' words, and Jenkins could only push open the side door to enter the yard. There was a black hound in the yard behind the bookstore, and it was lying in its nest because it was raining.

He looked up when he heard the door open. When he found it was a stranger, he immediately came out and roared at Jenkins, but because of the chain around his neck, he couldn't pounce on him and bite him.

Even without the new ability, Jenkins knew that the dog thought he was a bad guy. Unlike animals living in nature who are naturally close to Jenkins, these domestic pets seem to have lost their spirituality.

Jenkins glanced at the roaring dog and walked around the doghouse to the warehouse.

The warehouse hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and there was a layer of dust on the floor. Even because Jenkins opened the door too hard, the dust flew into the air and choked him to cough.

The area of ​​this warehouse is far smaller than the warehouse in the backyard of Dad's antique shop, but because those old books were piled up in cartons one by one, there are still a lot of them.

Jenkins was very interested in searching, and he actually found the first edition of the first volume of "Detective Knight Biography". But this book has been read many times by both the original owner and him, so he thought about finding some other books to pass the boring waiting time in the town.

Soon after, he found a whole box of "The Secrets of Blacktown". From the preface of the book, it was written by a third-rate writer who was born in Blacktown. He compiled the rumors and stories in the town into a book and successfully published it. This is the latest book in this bookstore, published three months ago. The author even mentioned Jenkins' "The Stranger's Tales", saying that he was inspired by the writer Nolan and compiled the strange stories and legends in the countryside into fairy tales.

But judging from the books piled up here, the sales of the book are obviously not ideal.

"Just this one, it's quite interesting."

Jenkins thought about it and took a book at random, then went to the counter to pay.

After dinner that evening, Jenkins did not go out again. Instead, he washed up, changed into pajamas and went to bed at around eight o'clock. All the lights in the room were turned off, leaving only the candle on the bedside table, and next to the candle were snacks and hot tea from the kitchen.

He got into the quilt and stood up the pillow, picked up the cat lying next to the pillow and took out the book under it. He twisted his fingers and flipped through the title page, preface and table of contents. The title of the first story immediately caught his eye:

"Ghouls in the Cemetery"

He smiled and read it under the candlelight. He found that it was describing a horror story that happened in the town's public cemetery.

Just like the scary stories circulating in most city cemeteries have very rich backgrounds, this story begins with a sad and tragic love story, and the result of this love is two corpses full of resentment, which returned to the world shortly after being buried.

"Rather than a ghoul, this description is more like an unexpectedly revived zombie, a low-level undead creature."

Jenkins commented, then reached out and touched the back of the cat that was curled up and sleeping. Chocolate squinted and made a comfortable meow.

Even for Jenkins, it is very easy to fall asleep when reading in bed, not to mention the warm bed and dim light, which made him sleepy to the extreme.

Even though the book in his hand was very interesting, his eyelids began to close uncontrollably after yawning so many times. He didn't know when he fell asleep, and when he realized he was asleep, he was already standing in front of the gate of the public cemetery in Blacktown.

The church in the town is right next to the cemetery. Jenkins passed by it today. He turned his head and looked into the distance. In the thin white mist, the church spire was looming in the distance.

It was probably night now, but there were no stars or moon overhead. It was very dark around, and the air was filled with a suspicious white fog. All this was a bit unreal. Jenkins soon realized that he was dreaming, and it was an unusual dream.

Since he had the ability of [Soul Out of Body], the frequency of his dreams has dropped significantly. And once he encounters a dream that he can clearly realize is a dream, then it is definitely not a normal dream.


He sniffed and called out his cane, gently stretched out his hand and pushed it. With a harsh creaking sound, the iron gate of the cemetery was pushed open, and the path made of gravel extended from his feet to the depths of the cemetery, disappearing at the end of the thick fog.

He stepped forward and approached the thick fog. His highly tense spirit felt the spirit of life in the cemetery, but there seemed to be no living things here, not even weeds and ants. All he could feel was the power of two groups of dead spirits that were completely in conflict with life.

"Is it really a dream? Could it be related to the book I just read?"

The deeper he went into the cemetery, the more he could feel something was wrong around him. There was good reason to believe that this cemetery was under the ritual effect of [Fear Aura], and the cold air was very much like the adverse effects of high-level undead rituals on the environment. Although it was temporarily considered a dream, this dream was really very real and completely logical.

There was a sound of wind in his ears, but it was not wind, but something moving quickly around.

Chapter 1466 Chapter 1443 Dreams Connected to the Past

Jenkins stopped, turned around abruptly, and raised his cane to whip the air in front of him. Under the huge force, the cane broke through the air with a shriek, and the broken fog revealed the female corpse in a white wedding dress hidden behind.

The corpse was wearing a veil, so Jenkins couldn't see her face clearly. She stood on tiptoes as if being pulled by a rope in the air, with her hands stretched forward stiffly. The black nails and rotten palms looked extremely disgusting.

This kind of undead life obviously couldn't threaten Jenkins, but he still felt fear in his heart. This fear was completely contrary to his reason, because he had no reason to be afraid.

"It's not a ritual [Fear Aura], it's an ability [Fear Aura], there is a gifter nearby."

Thinking of this, he quickly swung his cane to whip the body of the bride in front of him. She screamed shrilly, kept on tiptoeing, and slid back into the thick fog. This scene made Jenkins' heart creepy, but he was a little angry about the doubts about this inexplicable fear.

He threw his cane in the air with some dissatisfaction, turned around and wanted to continue walking forward, but he bumped into the rotten corpse close behind him.

It was a male corpse wearing a black formal suit, and that dress was probably the groom in the story. After the two collided, the corpse opened its arms and hugged Jenkins tightly. At the same time, a cold wind blew behind his neck. Without looking back, Jenkins knew that the bride's body was sliding back quietly on tiptoe.

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