He asked again, but this time he didn't get an answer from the squirrel. Only then did he realize that it was foolish to ask a wild animal about the calendar made by humans. The big-tailed squirrel seemed to comfort Jenkins, threw the fruit in its little paws to him, and then jumped to another branch and disappeared into the depths of the jungle.

"If it goes as expected, the enemy this time should be a more troublesome thing."

After lunch, the men and women from the town who came for an outing left one after another, and soon there was only a young man who had eaten a full meal and covered his face with a hat to take a nap. He has beautiful short golden hair, a slender figure, and regular facial features. Even in a big city like Nolan, this is considered a relatively handsome young man, not to mention such a remote town.

The female companions around him were driven away by him, leaving the young man alone to enjoy a good sleep in the afternoon. Jenkins waited patiently for two hours before seeing him wake up. He sat on the grass in front of the lake for a while in a daze. When he packed up and prepared to leave, he suddenly looked at the lake not far away.

From Jenkins's perspective, he did not find anything unusual in that direction, but the young man seemed to have seen something incredible. He put down the tablecloth in his hand and staggered towards the lake.

Jenkins walked out of the forest in a few quick steps and saw that the young man had already knelt on one knee by the lake, lowered his head and spoke to the lake.

Because he had his back to Jenkins, Jenkins could not see his expression, but the voice and tone were undoubtedly talking to the girl he loved.

The young man soon noticed someone behind him. When he turned around and saw that it was a strange man, he immediately stood up in a panic, then lowered his head and brushed past Jenkins, carrying his things and walked into the woods.

Without continuing to approach the lake, Jenkins walked quickly towards the young man. The latter heard the footsteps and wanted to leave quickly, but was soon caught up by Jenkins.

"Look into my eyes!"

It is not difficult for Jenkins now to get an ordinary person to tell the truth. Relying on the power of lies, he easily knew what had just happened. In the eyes of the young man, after he woke up from his nap, he saw a beautiful girl like a legendary elf standing on the lake.

After walking quickly, the girl had sunk into the lake, but she was still willing to show her face above the lake to talk to him.

"An old story, why do young people in this world always like to admire elf girls? Is this some kind of racial prejudice?"

Let the young man go home as soon as possible, and Jenkins turned and walked in the direction he came from.

This time he removed the disguise of the black robe and returned to his original appearance, painting a shirt, black pants, leather shoes and tie to replace the current pajamas. He unbuttoned the top button of the shirt, tidied his hair with his hands, and then walked to the lake with a warm smile. Soon, he heard the sound of bubbles coming out of the lake, so he stood on the grass with his hands behind his back as if he was looking at the scenery, and soon he heard a playful laughter like a silver bell coming from the direction of the lake.

Looking up, he saw a young elf girl with braided hair, covering his face and laughing at her. Originally, he still doubted how beautiful the young man was when he said "very beautiful", but now Jenkins knew.

Although it was also the first time he saw a living elf woman, he didn't believe that there was an elf girl more beautiful than the one in front of him in this world.

As if he was tempted, he slowly walked towards the lake, and as he approached, the elf girl who was originally standing on the water in the middle of the lake also moved towards the shore.

She seemed to be walking in the lake, but her body sank as she walked, leaving smooth ripples on the lake water on both sides. When she reached the shore, only a head was left above the lake.

"My love..." (Human language)

The girl in the lake called in a low voice, Jenkins quickened his pace and walked to the shore, then knelt on one knee and looked at the girl in the water. In such a close distance, all illusions and false images were broken by his eyes. In the real field of vision, the one talking to him was a terrible skeleton, with moss on the surface of the bones.

"Who are you?" (Elf language)

Jenkins asked in a low voice, his voice slow and elegant.

"I have been waiting for you here for a thousand years. A thousand years ago, we agreed to meet again here." (Elf language)

The girl in the lake said.

"Is this true? It is my honor to be liked by a girl like you... Do you want to go with me now? My bed is very big."

He said so.

"Not yet, my love. I was imprisoned here by a vicious curse in order to wait for your return."

"Then how can we be together? I don't like living in the lake very much."

"Tonight at midnight, bring me the heart blood of my loved ones. That is the only way to remove the curse, the only way..."

The girl sank into the lake while speaking. After the dull voice from underwater disappeared, there was no trace of her in the clear lake water.

Jenkins kept one knee on the ground, with a hesitant and confused expression on his face. It took him a long time to stand up again. After turning around, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He thought that he was right to choose to read this third story. He had a very strong interest in this story. In the spare time of the tense real life, occasionally experiencing this fairy-tale adventure was really comfortable for him.

More importantly, all this happened in the past. The time in this world has a strong error correction ability, and he is not worried that his behavior will cause confusion in time.

"Let's go back to town before midnight."

Chapter 1470 Chapter 1447 Time Paradox

Compared with Jenkins, who was determined and had strong resistance to illusions, the handsome young man who lived in the distant Black Town was bewitched by the "Girl in the Lake" without any resistance.

Because he asked for his address in advance, Jenkins found his home easily. When he climbed in through the window, the young man was sharpening a kitchen knife with a whetstone in the kitchen, with an expectant expression on his face as if he knew what to eat tonight.

When he heard the footsteps, he immediately turned around with the knife. Because Jenkins kept his face now, he did not recognize that this was the strange man he had just met in the woods.

"Don't you repent?"

Jenkins asked.

"What do I need to repent? No, who are you? How did you break into my house?"

"Poor man, may God bless you, do you really know what you are doing?"

Jenkins took a step closer, and the young man subconsciously stepped back, and then noticed the clothes that Jenkins had deliberately changed into. It was a pure black velvet robe, with a cross woven with silver silk on the chest, and a white hard band (priest collar) around the neck could be seen through the collar.

"Are you a priest?"

"I'm here to save you."

Jenkins took another step forward, then suddenly grabbed the young man's right hand and slowly took the kitchen knife out of his hand.

"Do you remember what happened just now by the lake?"

"That elf girl..."

The young man said with confusion on his face.

Jenkins stretched out his right index finger and pointed at his forehead, just like the last time he tried to open the door in the story of the acorn, this time he was still blocked. But the source of the weirdness this time was not here, and compared to the acorn, the "girl in the lake" was obviously weaker, and this finger easily broke the charm.

"Oh, God, what am I doing?"

The young man who understood everything fell to the ground with great fear. He wanted to grab Jenkins' trouser legs, but Jenkins subconsciously dodged.

"What should I do, oh, priest, what should I do?"

"The only one who can save you is you."

Jenkins said as calmly as possible.

"How can I save myself?"

"It's very simple, and I'll give you some tips you need."

Jenkins had a calm smile on his face. Although he had never served as a clergyman, the appropriate clothes and temperament made him seem like a real priest at this moment.

"I will solve what you saw in the lake tonight. But my help is not free. You need to do something for me. Yes, it's very simple, but it's very long. It's so long that it requires your family to keep..."

That night, Jenkins appeared at the lake again with a water bag. The water bag contained tomato juice, which cost him a lot of money. After all, the town itself did not produce tomatoes. But considering that the money was not his, it was not a loss in essence.

When Jenkins stepped onto the grass again, a string of bubbles emerged in the middle of the dark lake. Then the elf girl walked out of the lake and stood on the water when she came to the shore, instead of sinking in the water like in the afternoon.

"My love, have you brought the antidote I need?"

"Yes, the blood is here."

He shook the tomato juice in his hand:

"Come and get it. I'm a little afraid of water. I can't swim like my pets."

He moved closer to the lake, but still a distance away from the lake. The girl in the lake still had a gentle smile on her face. Her body was faintly glowing white in the forest at night, illuminating the surroundings.

She stepped on the grass with her bare feet, and Jenkins nodded:

"Yes, come and get it. It's here."

He could already imagine the scene of him drawing his sword and chopping off the girl's head the moment she approached.

Suddenly a strong wind blew, and Jenkins' eyes caught a leaf falling over the lake behind the girl. But the falling leaf actually stopped in the air the moment the wind passed. Jenkins looked around, and everything was still.

He had encountered this situation before, and it was obvious that someone had paused time. But unlike the doomsday weirdness that started strong but ended weakly, the master of the other world stopped him in time. Although he felt the stagnation of his body and mind this time, it was not very serious.

He turned around with his eyes narrowed and looked behind him. A man wearing a black suit, a black hat, a pair of black leather shoes, and a black suitcase was standing there.

His face could not be observed because the whole face was emitting white light. Even if Jenkins put on a monocle, he could not see the truth behind the white light. This was not a human, or even any ordinary race. The first time Jenkins saw it, it was as if he saw the long river of time connecting the past and the future behind it.

"It is an honor to meet you, the future God of Lies. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the [Time Paradoxer] of my Lord [Closed Loop]. In the number of your correct time point, I am B-12-1-9999." (Chapter 1199)

The strange man took off his hat and bowed deeply to Jenkins.

Jenkins had read information about this strange alien species in Nolan's church. They are one of the few races that can jump in the river of time at will, and are responsible for maintaining the closure and stability of the timeline. Although they are rough and unscrupulous, the Orthodox Church generally believes that these creatures are beneficial to the world, and when they appear, church members should provide as much help as possible.

"Maintenance time is stable... I should have thought of it earlier... So what are you here for? To punish me?"

"Don't be joking. It's your freedom for gods to travel through time. I just want to tell you that it's best not to eliminate this thing now... Of course, this is just a suggestion."

As the Time Paradoxist spoke, he pointed to the still "Girl in the Lake". She kept moving forward and remained still, with her naked left foot not even put down.

"Why? I think there must be some reason. If I solve it now, will it cause distortion in the timeline?"

"No, but history still needs it. Even if it disappears now, the stability of time will find another alternative, but it is best not to do this. Not to insult you, but... you We are not yet completely detached from the material world. The time you interfere with will affect the time you are in to a certain extent. Although only very few important key events will affect it, your two time interventions just now will not affect it at all. It creates ripples in the river, but the ripples that kill it are probably bigger."

Said the creature who called himself the Time Paradoxist.

PS: Someone asked me to recommend a book: "The Nightingale's Elegy", author: I'm almost fainting.

In the rolling waves of steam machinery, science and mystery coexist, faith and oaths are intertwined, and the light of reason shines on the wandering soul.

Pursuing truth, thirsting for blood, evolution is the ultimate destiny.

The remains of the past decay into ashes, giving birth to the soil of despair, the stars shine, and the night is coming.

This is the best of times and the worst of times.

Chapter 1471 Chapter 1448 The Devil Between Fingers

"Okay then. But how do I go back? The two time travels just now all came back spontaneously after the incident was resolved."

Jenkins thought for a few seconds and agreed with the view of the strange humanoid creature in front of him.

"It's very simple. The method you use to travel through time is to borrow a magical object created with the power of our Lord. You only need to touch part of the magical object to return."

As he spoke, he directly inserted his hand into the void, and then took out a few pages of a yellowed thread-bound book from the air.

"I will temporarily seal the 'girl' in the lake, wait until it is supposed to appear, and then release it. After it has played its role, I will seal it again. When you return to the time where you are, you can Do with it as you wish."

After saying that, he walked forward and respectfully handed a few pages of "Secrets of Black Town" to Jenkins.

"What is the origin of these pages...?"

"Since my lord has chosen you to obtain them, it means that my lord believes that you need to constantly enter the past time to maintain the closure of time. I cannot speculate on the thoughts of a noble person like you, but it makes sense."

He put his right hand on his left shoulder, leaned slightly to greet Jenkins, and then Jenkins woke up from the bed.


Panting heavily, he looked at the extra papers in his hand and put them together with the two stories just now.

"Is there another master involved? But what does He want from me? Why does He always come to me?"

Jenkins muttered to himself before leaving his bed again. Seeing that the cat still had no intention of leaving with him, he came to the corridor alone and knocked on the door of Father Follett's room opposite.

"Oh, good evening, St. William's, what can I do for you?"

The priest who opened the door asked immediately when he saw that the knocker was Jenkins.

"I took a nap just now, and I had a strange dream. My dreams are usually prophetic, so I want to tell you about it. I dreamed that there was a sealed creature under the lake where we parked the airship. The monster. The monster's body is a skeleton, and it has very powerful charm and illusion abilities."

"I understand. Since the body is a skeleton, I think the gravekeepers in the church might be able to help."

Father Follett completely trusted the information given by Jenkins and did not even question the detail of his dream. After a few simple greetings, they changed their clothes and prepared to deal with the matter. Jenkins did not follow, but went to the kitchen to ask for some hot tea, then returned to the room, ready to start the fourth story.

Since the Lord is involved in this matter, it must have meaning. Although I don’t know the [Closed Circle], judging from the current information, this should be a master in charge of the time field. Such an existence will definitely not be without aim.

"Chocolate, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

He reached out and touched his cat. Chocolate was still curled up into a ball without showing its head. Just because of Jenkins' touch, he moved his position slightly, revealing the ring that sealed the black stone of disaster from under his body.

"Chocolate, can I take this?"

He said this deliberately, twisting the ring held by the cat's paw and putting it in the pocket of his pajamas. But the cat still didn't move. It just showed its face and looked at him, and then huddled up again as if sleeping.

"Is Chocolate sleepy? No, it's not time for him to sleep yet."

Jenkins was very worried, but there was no other good way. He put his hand on his cat's body and used the spirit of life to feel its physical condition, but he didn't find anything abnormal.

"If you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me."

He said to Chocolate, and this time the cat finally responded to him with a soft cry.

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