The fourth story is called "The Devil Between Fingers", which also happened in the town of Black in the distant past. Compared with the previous three stories, this story did not explain what caused all this until the end.

After waking up again from sleepiness, Jenkins stood on the street in the south of the town in pajamas. The weather was dark and the wind was howling. It was probably the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. There were not many people on the street. Judging from the style of the buildings facing the street, this was probably not something that happened in this era.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he put on a black robe and changed his appearance, then walked onto the street and walked forward without a purpose. In the three stories of "Ghouls in the Cemetery", "The Tragedy of Pine Cones" and "The Girl in the Lake", there are clear characters and story lines, but now "The Devil Between Fingers" is more like a folk rumor, which only records this phenomenon but does not mention the specific story.

"At midnight, put any two fingers together in front of your eyes, align the gaps between your fingers with the entrance of the alley or street, and you will attract a demon who can fulfill all wishes, but all this will come at a price."

He repeated the general meaning of the story, and it seemed that he wanted to warn people not to make wishes casually and not to be greedy, but if it happened in reality, it would be much more troublesome. This story sounds like it is describing a phenomenon-type weird thing, which is generally quite troublesome.

This is a long time ago, and the structure of the town is very different from that of Black Town at the end of the 18th century. But the area of ​​the town is still not large, so Jenkins spent some time to successfully find the church in the town.

Now I don't know which era it is, and the church in front of me obviously belongs to the [Church of Darkness and Secrets]. The location of the church is almost the same as the Church of the God of Death at the end of the 18th century, but the gray-black stone building in front of me is definitely not the one where Jenkins and his colleagues in the Church of the Sages live.

The action of standing in front of the church and looking up quickly attracted the attention of the night watchmen. Soon, someone invited Jenkins in for a chat, so Jenkins followed him in.

"What's your name?"

In the slightly shabby conference room, the middle-aged man who brought Jenkins a cup of tea asked. If it goes as expected, the Level 4 Gifter in front of him should be the strongest person in this area in this era.

"Sorry, for some reason, it's not convenient for me to reveal my name."

Jenkins shook his head.

"Then why did you come to Black Town?"

The other party asked again, he did have the responsibility to check any suspicious people entering the parish. As for the current politeness to Jenkins, it was probably because there was a unique way to judge whether a stranger was a Gifter, or the attitude of this era towards Gifters was different from that of the 18th century.

PS: Recent subscriptions are bleak...

Chapter 1472 Chapter 1449 Midnight Meeting

"My identity? Oh, I'm actually a..."

Jenkins coined a word while thinking:

"Demon Hunter, yes, I'm a demon hunter, specializing in hunting demons. I heard rumors that demons appeared in this town, so I came here specially. Things are more complicated than I expected. I didn't smell the disgusting sulfur odor of the demons here. I think the demons in the shadows of the town should not be as simple as demons, right?"

"Demon Hunter?"

The captain of the Night Watch glanced at Jenkins, but did not question this profession.

"I'm afraid you'll have made a wasted trip this time. The strange thing in the town is definitely not a demon. It's a more terrifying existence than a demon. I can't tell what it is. It's probably a strange thing like an event or phenomenon."

"Strange thing? It's really tricky."

Jenkins nodded:

"If it's not a demon, then it's not my job. I will leave the town as soon as possible and won't cause you any trouble...Speaking of which, have you reported this matter? If the strange thing gets out of control, I think the power of the town alone should not be enough to suppress or solve it."

"It has been reported to the Central Diocese, but you also know that various strange things have occurred frequently around the world recently. For a remote rural town like ours, unless there is an uncontrollable disaster, it is difficult to wait for support in a short time..."

Speaking of this, he suddenly looked at the young man in front of him who claimed to be a demon hunter:

"Apart from demons, are you good at other things?"

"That depends on how much reward I can get."

Jenkins said seriously.

The matter was quickly settled. The local church paid the reward in exchange for Jenkins investigating the strange events that happened in the town. The church probably didn't think he could solve the problem completely, so the reward was not very much, but according to Jenkins's calculation and guess, this money should be considered very generous in this era.

The advantage of cooperating with the church is that more information can be obtained. It was only at this time that Jenkins learned that the "finger demon" did not appear recently, but was a long-standing legend in the town.

"We don't know whether it is the legend that makes something that does not exist appear strange, or whether the finger demon was actually noticed by people in the long past. Most of the townspeople who lived here in that era knew this legend, but the bold people in the past did not care about it. No matter how hard we tried, we could not successfully see it. Until three months ago, the youngest son of the Boko family who lived in the east of the town tried to summon it at night. Then the whole family went crazy. We also spent a lot of effort, Only then did he learn what he had done from the crazy little Boko.”

"Has anyone tried similar summons since then?"

Jenkins asked.

"After this incident happened, we used some means to warn the townspeople not to make similar attempts, but this had the opposite effect. Those bold people always like to try exciting things. As the number of crazy people gradually increased, As the number of times increased, they realized that the church was not untargeted, but the demon seemed to have acquired the ability to appear in the town at any time through many summons. Now, even if no one actively calls, sometimes townspeople walking at night will appear in the alleys. Touch it with your mouth.”

Apart from appearance and sighting records, the church cannot provide more effective help, and has no idea what the thing's abilities or weaknesses are. However, numerous folklore studies and documentary records have vaguely described to Jenkins what the so-called "finger devil" is.

In his opinion, even among all the strange creatures he has encountered, the finger demon should be the most dangerous one. This kind of demon spirit, which is most likely born from folk rumors and has the ability to make wishes, is weirder and more dangerous than any other kind of monster.

Dad has told Jenkins many times to be careful of similar things, but in the relatively stable Eighteenth Century, almost all such monsters have been sealed or contained. At least in the records of the Sage Church, there has been no such thing in a thousand years. of strange things.

"So how did people in the past deal with this kind of thing?"

While selecting materials for the ceremony in the church, Jenkins broached the subject with the night watchman, who told Jenkins he didn't know either.

That night, Jenkins came alone to an intersection in the west of Blacktown. At the moment before midnight, he put the thumb and index finger of his right hand together in front of his eyes, and then placed the finger joints flush with the intersection.

The moon was obscured by the drifting dark clouds for a few seconds. When it lit up again, a tall and thin man with a slender face, a bare head and hands behind his back appeared in his sight.

He wore a brown robe, and a cloth belt around his waist held a water bag and a rolled parchment. The feet are ordinary cloth boots, and the overall appearance is like a desert area style.

"Oh, looks like we have a great visitor in town."

He said before Jenkins could speak, his tone of voice was very emphatic, like a drama actor on the stage. Compared with the face, the large eyes that were extremely lopsided looked at Jenkins with interest. While speaking, he raised his hand to touch the very short furry beard on his chin.

"I'm here to make a wish for you."

Jenkins said.

"Yes, people always come to me to grant their wishes, but not this time. I can't grant your wishes."


"Because you want to expel me from here, but I don't want to leave here yet. Maybe you can change your wish and let me guess. Maybe you desire more powerful power, or a brand new weapon?"

Upon hearing this, Jenkins' eyes narrowed. The creature on the other side who doesn't know what kind of creature it is, the options provided are all related to power, but he is currently using his true appearance. The wish corresponding to this face should be "fiery love" or "A successful career."

Since the other party said this, it meant that he believed that the seemingly weak Jenkins needed strength. In other words, the other party was very likely to know the false identity he made up in the church today.

The church is blessed by the power of God, and there is no possibility of the conversation being eavesdropped, so...

"My mentor has told me many times never to grant wishes easily. Sorry, I don't think I need you to grant any wishes."

"Well, stranger, I'll give you a piece of advice: get out of here as soon as possible! This town has more secrets than you think."

As he spoke, the man retreated into the shadows behind him. The black spiritual light dissipated as he disappeared, but it still shrouded the sky over the town.

PS: Another person came to me to recommend a book: "Yandere Strategy Notes", author: Old Believer

Can three girls experience the Shura Field at the same time?

Yes, even in just three steps.

First, you need a yandere, a pervert, and a normal person.

Then, they form a stable reverse love triangle relationship and a stable positive love triangle relationship.

Finally, let them stay together.

You see, that's how it happened.


A loner vampire, a sunny and kind-hearted disciplinary committee member, and a student council president who hides a yandere attribute.

This is the story of three people who have a flawed understanding of love, but yet long to be loved, pursuing their own happiness in a world that hides madness and mystery.

A unique and heart-warming romantic comedy staged amidst many tragedies.

Chapter 1473 Chapter 1450 The Horrible Legend

"The conspiracy and betrayal are really like a fairy tale."

Jenkins sniffed and turned away from the cold crossroads. Even though it was already early in the morning, he still rushed into the church without a care, and woke up everyone in the church until the captain of the night watch met him under the holy emblem of the [Lightless Moon] in the main hall of the church.

"What is your relationship with that fingertip demon?"

Jenkins asked in full view of the crowd.

"Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about..."

The man who had been providing information to Jenkins during the day said.

"We are standing under the holy emblem of God now. If you are willing to swear to God that you have nothing to do with that thing, I will turn around and leave the town now."

Jenkins said calmly.

The main hall of the church with swaying candlelight fell into a terrible silence. Others realized what this meant, and whispers and discussions spread among the crowd like the sound of flies.

"It's useless. That is not something that mortals can defeat. Blacktown is a place of original sin. The existence of this town itself is wrong."

The captain of the night watch, who lowered his head, suddenly said, then turned around and hit the stone pillar on the side. His strength was so great that the sound of the collision was imprinted in everyone's ears.

Jenkins rushed up to him when he fell to the ground, and put his palm on his sunken forehead:

"I won't let you die, do you think you can die?"

The captain of the night watch did not die immediately, which gave Jenkins the opportunity to save him. But the man who barely woke up no longer said anything, his eyes were fixed on the bed and staring at the ceiling. No matter what questions Jenkins asked, he did not answer.

Jenkins could only ask the current bishop of the church about what the "place of original sin" and "destined to be destroyed" he had just heard were.

The bishop knew this, and this was one of the many legends in this town. In the stories passed down by word of mouth, in the distant past, when Blacktown was not even Blacktown, a very dangerous and powerful thing was born here and almost destroyed the world.

"But that's just a legend. Even if it's true, I don't think it has anything to do with what's happening now."

The bishop reminded.

There was a betrayer in the night watch, especially when the betrayer was the captain, which was a huge scandal for the parish. That night, the captain's house was searched thoroughly, and the church found an ancient book in his study. The book looked like a mysterious book written by an ordinary person to deceive the public, but after identification, it was found that there were actually some rituals used to summon evil spirits.

The ritual claimed that there was an ancient city sleeping under Blacktown, and some powerful things in the city could be summoned out by the methods in the book. The ritual in the book has a corresponding way to dispel it. Although the purpose of the captain of the night watch to summon evil spirits is unknown, it does not prevent everyone from finding the ritual.

When the sky was just getting light, all the clergy and night watchmen in the parish started the ceremony together under the holy emblem of the lightless moon in the main hall of the church.

As the faintly resonant prayers spread from the church to the town, the townspeople also opened the door and looked at the church lit by hundreds of candles.

Standing at the door of the church, Jenkins looked up at the dawn sky and saw the black spiritual light hovering over the town gathered together, and then was dispelled by the brilliant divine light emanating from the church.

The "devil" seen last night appeared in the light of dawn at the last moment, his shadow overlapped with the clouds, and he laughed and looked at the town in the sky. Even though the figure faded a little bit in the light of the morning sun, there was no reluctance or fear on his face.

"This place is destined to usher in its original fate, which has been destined for a long time."

This was the only meaning Jenkins heard from the laughter, and he didn't understand what it meant.

After everything was over, the bishop gave Jenkins the promised reward - a few pages of ancient books, and he woke up from the bed in the bedroom again.

"This story is a bit anticlimactic, but the good thing is that the background of this accident finally began to involve local secrets, which is very likely related to the reason why the master asked me to get involved. What happened in this land in ancient times?"

Jenkins pondered, and then put the new pages together with the original three stories.

The original book of "The Secrets of Black Town" contains thirteen short stories, and now there are only four stories, and he has already touched a corner of the truth. Calculating the time and progress, he can probably finish the book before dawn. Jenkins has no intention of going to bed tonight.

Without turning to the fifth story immediately, Jenkins left the bed again and knocked on the bedroom door of the old bishop of the Church of Death. It is almost eleven o'clock now, but the old man has not fallen asleep yet, because the doctrine of the [Church of Death and the End] believes that the best time to sleep should start at the moment of ending and rebirth, which is around twelve o'clock.

"The church of the great [Lightless Moon]? Yes, because Black Town is relatively remote, once the church is established, it rarely moves. Before about 15 centuries, this place has always been the territory of the [Church of Darkness and Secrets], until the religious war period, it changed, and these are clearly recorded."

The old bishop is very familiar with the history of this area.

"Then do you know the ancient legends about disasters in the local area?"

Jenkins asked again.

But this time the old bishop failed to give an answer, and the myths and legends that have been passed down may also be lost, and the information passed down by word of mouth is even easier to lose. The long-ago stories heard in the fourth story no longer exist in this era.

Back in the bedroom, Chocolate was still curled up beside the pillow, looking like he was sleeping, but also like he was angry.

Jenkins didn't understand what happened to his lively cat tonight. He suspected that it was because he was busy reading and ignored it, which caused Chocolate to sulk.

But this guess seemed to have problems. Hearing the sound of Jenkins entering the door, Chocolate called lazily and stood up to welcome him back. And when Jenkins got into the quilt, the cat returned to its curled-up appearance again.

"I wonder if there is a doctor in Black Town... maybe it should be a psychiatrist."

He thought very worriedly, but there was no good way. After a long time of tossing, he opened "The Secrets of Black Town" again. The name of the fifth story is "The Man in the Closet".

Chapter 1474 Chapter 1451 The Man in the Closet

Just like every story just now, it is a fairy tale full of educational significance. "The Man in the Closet" is born out of the fear of children's closets in their childhood, hoping to let readers understand that the only way to overcome fear is to face it.

This subject is very interesting, because among all the furniture, closets and under the bed are the few that have the possibility of hiding humanoid creatures, which is enough to arouse the imagination of timid and fantasy-loving children.

Appearing again in the distant Black Town, Jenkins stood under the eaves of the clothing store that was temporarily closed for renovation, looked up at the gloomy sky, and then noticed something unusual on the street.

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