He saw the neatly spaced metal column street lamps, he saw the metal pipes on the walls that were as dense as circuits, and he saw the buildings in the distance that were at least five stories high, which Nolan didn't even have. Scenes.

"Is this the town that existed before the last era of civilization? It's really spectacular. If the eighteenth century can end smoothly and the flame of steam industrial civilization can continue to be passed on, then such a scene should also appear in the city of the nineteenth century."

Although the degree of steam industrialization is very high, this is still a remote town. No matter what era it is, Blacktown has always been on the edge of civilization.

The weather was gloomy and it looked like it was going to rain. Jenkins wanted to solve the problem here as soon as possible. He didn't want to get wet.

"The Man in the Closet" is a story from a child's perspective. Although it is not made clear in the end whether there is anyone in the closet, and if so, who they are, this does not prevent it from becoming one of Jenkins' current favorites. One of the most bizarre stories of all time.

This story takes place in "an ordinary house in the town," but because we know the surname of the story's protagonist, Jason, it's not difficult to find that house.

The Jetsons' house is not in the town, but in the forest outside the town. Although it was not far from the town, Jenkins could not understand their purpose of living in the forest.

The house is a complete masonry structure, standing in a clearing surrounded by trees and surrounded by a simple wooden fence. Jenkins stood in front of the fence gate and looked hesitantly at the tall house in front of him. He felt that it was like a small castle.

Someone soon noticed his arrival. It was a little boy with yellow hair. After opening the door, he poked his head and looked at the people standing outside:

"Hello sir, are you the new teacher hired by mother?"

The boy asked politely. The time interval was too long, and the language used in this era was no longer the language Jenkins recognized. He could only translate the meaning of those words by guessing under the influence of empathy.

Jenkins was originally unwilling to lie because it was unnecessary, but he soon noticed the aura on the boy and nodded silently.

If nothing else, the boy in front of him should be the protagonist in "The Man in the Closet". He invited Jenkins into the house without any sense of precaution, and while leading him to the second floor, he introduced that his parents were not at home today.

But instead of leading Jenkins to the study or the dining room with its spacious table, the boy led Jenkins to his own room.

"Teacher, please wait here and I'll get you some hot tea."

With that said, leaving Jenkins at the door of the room, the boy Jason ran downstairs quickly, and soon he couldn't even hear the footsteps.

"Everything is wrong..."

Jenkins, who was standing at the door, did not push the door open immediately, but observed the entire house from this position.

There are no servants in such a large house, as was already confirmed when we went upstairs. More importantly, there were no lights in the house, not to mention gas lights. Jenkins didn't even see a candle. Now the lighting in the room relies entirely on the gloomy sky outside the window. Once night comes, it will really be hard to see here.

Combined with the strange aura he had just seen in the boy, he tried to understand the story he read in reverse, so that most of the things made sense.

"Is this the so-called dark fairy tale?"

Pushing the door open and walking into the house, little Jason's room was ordinary, fitting the appearance of a 10-year-old boy's bedroom. There was a thin book on the desk facing the bed. Jenkins stepped forward and opened it, and found that it was a picture book used by a boy to doodle. On it, he used crayons to draw distorted and terrifying pictures.

What these pictures have in common is that there is a grinning boy in the corner of each picture. The boy is either hiding behind a crooked bush or just peeking out from behind a richly colored house.

Jenkins looked at it for a while and then put the album back to its original position, then turned to look at the only wardrobe in the room.

In the story recorded in "Blacktown Secrets", this wardrobe is the source of fear for young Jason. Around the closet and this room, little Jason experienced many horrific and incredible events. From the beginning to the end of the story, the closet is never opened, but at the end it is hinted that everything that happened was not an illusion, and that there really was something in the closet.

"There is no aura..."

Jenkins thought as he walked to the closet, put his hand on the handle, took a deep breath, and then suddenly opened the closet door.

Inside were some hanging boys' clothes, which smelled of moisture. When I opened the clothes with my hands, I didn't find anything hidden behind.

He thought for a while and then knocked on the wooden board behind the cabinet, but he didn't hear anything wrong.

"This is interesting."

Thinking in his mind, he planned to restore everything to its original state, but then he glanced at the clothes with his peripheral vision and found a shining object at the bottom of the cabinet. After picking it up, he found that it was a piece of scale, but he could not identify what creature it belonged to.

The boy came back soon with a saucer. Compared to the saucer, little Jason didn't look that big. But he still tiptoed carefully and put the saucer on the table, and then invited Jenkins to sit down and taste the tea before starting class.

"Teacher, did you just open my closet?"

Little Jason noticed this quickly.

"Yes, after I came in just now, I felt someone was watching me in the closet, so I opened it and took a look. Sorry, I shouldn't have touched your things."

He didn't understand the language at this time, and he was sure that the other party didn't understand the common language of humans in the 18th century, so this sentence was said in Elvish.

The boy was not surprised by this, and he also used Elvish when answering, and he said it very naturally:

"For a while, I always felt that someone was watching me in the closet. At that time, I was really scared. I only dared to cover myself with the quilt when I slept at night, because once my head was exposed, it was equivalent to facing this closet. But now don't worry, there is nothing in it, right?"

PS: I never wrote that chocolate was sealed, why did there are so many posts about chocolate being sealed in the last chapter? I didn't even write that Blacktown sealed something, what did you see (confused face).

Chapter 1475 Chapter 1452 The Abyss from Outside

"Didn't you tell your parents about the closet?"

Jenkins asked, glancing at the corner of his mouth when he picked up the teacup, and drank a sip happily. The boy was now telling the story he had read in the "Blacktown Secrets".

"I told my mother, but she thought it was my illusion; I told my father, but he was too busy at work to listen to me. But then the feeling of being spied on never appeared again, and I think it is definitely gone."

The boy Jason replied.

"I want to correct one of your mistakes. There are five third-person pronouns in Elvish. When describing the terrible existence above the mortal world and below the gods, your words are generally not used."

Jenkins reminded.

"I am not particularly good at Elvish, and only the Elf Royal Family pays special attention to the use of personal pronouns. In general situations, the use of Elf is similar to human language, with only three third-person pronouns...Do you have the blood of the Elf Royal Family? Oh, I'm really sorry, it's true that my usage is wrong, you are really a good teacher."

Little Jason said, he sat on the edge of his bed, his hands against the bed, his feet in slippers swaying back and forth regularly, with a child's innocent smile on his face.

"Where did your parents go?"

Jenkins asked casually.

"They went to work."

"But today is Sunday. I don't think there would be any work to be done on Sunday in a remote town like Blacktown?"

"Then I remembered it wrong. They might have gone to church."

Little Jason smiled and changed his words.

"Actually, I don't know if today is Sunday. I was just talking nonsense."

Jenkins also changed his words, put down the teacup and looked at the slightly turbid liquid surface:

"It seems that you are quite sure that there was something in the closet. Do you know where the thing that lived in your closet went?"

"No, sir, I don't know. I have never even seen it."

"Didn't you see it when you looked in the mirror this morning?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Sir, don't joke."

The boy still had a smile on his face, but changed the subject: "Okay, I think we can start the class."

"Sorry, I don't remember the content of today's class. Maybe you can remind me."

Jenkins asked.

"Our course is about dreams and consciousness, have you forgotten?"

The boy looked into Jenkins' eyes, and Jenkins also looked into the boy's eyes. Although they were human eyes, Jenkins saw only darkness.

The room was silent for a few seconds.

"If you are waiting for me to pass out, I advise you not to have such an idea. Your sleepy black tea has no effect on me. As for wanting to use supernatural powers to pull me into a dream, sorry, I am also good at controlling dreams."

He stood up, and the boy also jumped up suddenly, but was knocked to the ground by Jenkins before he jumped out of the window to escape.

"Abyss, right?" (Chapter 553)

He threw the scale he had just picked up on the ground:

"I really didn't recognize what it was at first, but you shouldn't have said so much to me."

"Cough, cough~"

The fierce and accurate punch just now hit Jason's chest directly. He now fell to the ground, holding his chest and coughing.

"You know us?"

"Of course, according to legend, you are a race born from the concept of fear. After the ancient era, you were banished by the gods to a terrible world outside the material world. Your existence itself is equivalent to the permanent [Aura of Fear], and it can become more powerful by relying on the fear of intelligent creatures. If there is no restriction, any Abyss who return to the material world will be an alien creature that causes regional extinction disasters."

Because he had read about this alien when investigating B-03-01-8383 [The Hidden Cup of Fear] in the past, Jenkins knew the horror of [Abyss] very well.

"Any adult individual of the [Abyss] race is at least equivalent to a human level 6 gifter. But since you only dared to hide in the closet and collect emotional energy by scaring children at first, I think you must have been seriously injured when you entered the material world?"

He asked, reaching out to grab the boy on the ground, but the boy turned into black smoke and slipped through Jenkins' fingers.

"Your form is not fixed, which is also an important evidence that humans and elf scholars believe that you were born from the concept of [fear]."

Standing in place and looking around, because there was no light in the house, only the dim light coming in from the window made it look like a haunted house.

"There are not many rumors and records about the Abyss, but it is generally believed that your most important external extraordinary characteristics are pulling people into dreams and being unable to capture the form, but the Abyss also has very obvious characteristics..."

He took out his cane, and his eyes clearly saw the traces of the spiritual light representing the alien species moving in the air.

"You are extremely afraid of light!"

The cane was suddenly raised and stabbed forward, and as the gem at the top burst into a thousand-foot light, the white light instantly covered the entire room.

In this light, Jenkins felt that his cane stabbed something soft. Then he heard a scream coming from the front, and the hairy fear in his heart almost made him drop the cane and take a step back, but he still resisted this abnormal reaction.

After the light disappeared, Jenkins was still the only one standing in the boy's room. There was just a pinch of black dust on the floor in front of him. Jenkins squatted down, pinched a small handful and put it in front of his nose to sniff, then frowned.

These limp dusts that can scare ordinary people with just a sniff should be the remains of the corpses of the Abyss. This is an important material for arranging certain rituals. Unfortunately, he can't bring the items of the past back to the present.

The fifth page did not appear, and Jenkins did not wake up from the bed in the bedroom. So he walked out of the room and searched the whole house briefly, and then found a dark room in the basement.

The dark room was very large, and it was decorated as a terrible ritual venue with blood and some smelly things. At the edge of the venue were three highly decomposed human corpses, two large and one small, nestled together. I think they were the Jason family.

Jenkins found a diary in the pocket of the adult human male, which recorded everything that happened here.

There may be coincidences in this world, but that is only a certain degree of inevitability. There is a reason for the strange house standing in the woods. In fact, Jason's parents were not good people.

Chapter 1476 Chapter 1453 The Eve of the Wedding

The Jason family moved from a distant city to the remote town of Black three years ago. They spent a lot of effort to build this house. The purpose of moving here was not to enjoy the peaceful scenery of the country town, but because Jason's parents were using illegal rituals to try to summon "the great one with terrifying power" from an unknown space without being noticed.

The diary did not mention who they wanted to call. Jenkins even suspected that even Jason and his wife did not know what they believed in. But the ritual obviously had a big problem. They thought their attempt failed as usual, but they did not expect that they had come into contact with the terrible [Abyss], who came to the material world through this contact, and relied on hiding in the closet to absorb the children's fear, and finally occupied the house.

"If I hadn't appeared, that [Abyss] would have definitely caused big trouble. I haven't heard of such a thing happening in Black Town. Is it because it happened too long ago, or did the local church discover something wrong in time? Or is it that history itself prevented this from happening because of my appearance?"

Jenkins pondered, turning to the next page of the diary, and found that there was no content, only a few pages of old thread-bound books sandwiched between the pages.

"So it's here."

He said, holding the book in his left hand and picking up the pages with his right hand. As his eyes opened, he sat up from the bed in the bedroom again.


Muttering to himself, he stacked the page with "The Man in the Closet" and the four stories he had just obtained together. Then he summoned all his ability light points and found that one of the three remaining bubbles was already occupied:

[Fear Aura (Yellow Spell)]

"As expected. But what use is this ability to me? Is this reminding me that as a god, I should be more deterrent?"

He thought so, then touched the cat that was unusually strange tonight and left the bed again.

[Fear Aura] is not a rare ability, and the learning ritual to obtain the ability is not difficult. Although the required materials are expensive, they are cheap compared to truly rare abilities.

However, few human gifters deliberately learn it. On the one hand, the effect of this ability is not only related to the level and the number of spirits of the person, but also to the strength of the spirit. More importantly, the effect range of [Fear Aura] is not controlled by the person. Once used, it will affect all intelligent creatures within the range other than the person.

This is a very serious effect. In the city, it is equivalent to actively causing riots. When used in the wild, teammates and even the distribution of nearby wild animals must be considered.

In addition, the fear aura does not have a striking effect or a lethal effect. It is not outstanding among similar abilities, so few people will take the initiative to learn it. Generally, those who can encounter such an ability are mostly naturally born evil spirits or solitary necromancers.

"It's a waste anyway. If there is a better choice in the future, I can ask the church to find a way to get a bottle of [Water of the Styx] when I return to Nolan."

With this thought, he pulled on his slippers and left the room, walked to the courtyard and then to the main hall of the church. But he did not go out of the main door. Instead, he walked along the corridor to the side hall. After knocking on the door, he saw the captain of the tombkeeper who was keeping watch tonight.

"Williamt? Oh, good evening. Is there anything you can do?"

He was one of the two gravekeepers who "greeted" the group on the airship at the lakeside today, so he had a good impression of Jenkins.

"I would like to ask you some questions. Is this the case, has there been an [Abyssal One] in the local area? Yes, it is that kind of terrifying alien species. I just had a very bad dream. I was in the presence of a demigod soothsayer. I learned divination there, and sometimes dreams will give me some inspiration.”

He said this, perhaps because he mentioned Miss Audrey's name, and although the other party was suspicious, he believed this statement.

"How could a terrifying alien species like the Abyssal Ones appear in a remote place like ours? If I remember correctly, the Abyssal Ones have long been expelled by the gods and cannot come to the material world on their own. They can only rely on human contact or summons. This It can’t happen in Blacktown.”

The tombkeeper said with certainty.

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