The past events were lost in history. What Jenkins was confused about was not the Abyssal Ones, but that the summons of the Jetsons had never been successful, but the terrifying thing was summoned on the first try after coming to Blacktown.

He doesn't believe this is a coincidence, so he thinks there are secrets buried in this land. In addition, he had already received hints from the story "The Devil Between the Fingers", so he was convinced that something terrible must have happened in the past of Black Town.

The time has reached eleven o'clock. The normal time flow from the end of dinner is only four hours, but for Jenkins, several days have passed. After he checked the condition of the chocolate again, he opened the sixth story. This time the story was no longer a horrifying and terrifying rumor, but an ordinary love story. The name of the story was "The Eve of the Wedding".

"Sir, sir~"

When he came to his senses, Jenkins stood on the red carpet in pajamas, surrounded by townspeople in formal dresses. In front is the wedding venue, and the band is already playing a wedding march that has been circulated to this day.

I don’t know what era it is this time, but the waiter who called Jenkins used a language that Jenkins could understand and could barely speak. This was the ancient human language that his father had taught him. In the eighteenth century, only certain unique spells could be spoken. Use this language.

He knew that his dress was very strange, so he shook his head at the waiter and quickly left the manor where the wedding was held. After arriving at a deserted place, she changed her appearance and outfit, and then climbed over the wall to re-enter the manor where the wedding was being held.

Although it is a love story, since it is recorded in "Blacktown Secrets", it will definitely not develop in a traditional way.

After Jenkins slipped into the courtyard of the manor, he avoided the townspeople who came to celebrate and entered directly into the manor. Then he knocked unconscious the maid who saw him outside the bride's room on the second floor, and then lay on the door and listened inside. conversation.

In the room are the bride and groom, the protagonists of this little story. This brief story takes place in the room, and the grand ceremony of the wedding is described from the perspective of the two people looking out the window.

The manor belongs to the bride's family, but the groom is a poor countryman. Therefore, it is necessary to make a public disclosure and division agreement of the property before marriage. This is the cause of the conversation inside the door.

After confirming that his target was inside, Jenkins took a step back and coughed in an exaggerated voice. As expected, the sound inside the door stopped suddenly, and then the groom in a wedding tuxedo opened the door and saw a strange man outside.

Chapter 1477 Chapter 1454 The Bracelet of Love

"Who are you? Sorry sir, if you are here to attend the wedding, please wait below. The wedding will start soon."

The groom who opened the door had a good temper, or he thought Jenkins was a relative of the bride's family, so he didn't lose his temper at the stranger who barged in.

"I'm not here to attend the wedding, I'm here to rescue you."

As he spoke, he forced his way past the groom and broke into the room. The bride, who was sitting in front of the dressing table with an angry expression, immediately stood up and lowered her veil to cover her face.

She is very beautiful. The appropriate light makeup, white gauze skirt and ancestral jewelry can highlight the charm of a woman on this most important day in her life.

"Sir, please get out."

The man at the door said with suppressed anger.

"I'm really here to rescue you."

Jenkins said as he stretched out his right hand, sparks dancing in his palm.

"Oh, God, it's a wizard!"

the bride immediately exclaimed.

"Wizard? Which era is this?"

Jenkins was surprised, but his face was not panicked. He originally wanted to threaten with force:

"Yes, I am a wizard, and I am here to rescue you. Your marriage is doomed to be unhappy, but it is not unchangeable. Destiny chose to let me pass by here today and discover the problems between you. I think it is because you want me to Come to help you. I am a wizard, so I believe in fate."

He waved to the groom, motioning him to come back into the room and close the door. The man in the tuxedo visibly hesitated, but finally complied and closed the door.

Jenkins turned to look out the window. The long table in the courtyard was filled with food, and the guests were waiting. This wedding seemed ordinary, but in fact it had a mystery.

"Sorry, wizard, you just said that our marriage is doomed to be unhappy..."

Seeing that Jenkins was silent, the groom took the initiative and asked hesitantly.

"Yes, your marriage is doomed to be unhappy. That's because one of you made a deal with an inhuman existence, sacrificing yourself in exchange for a happy love. This is the origin of your acquaintance."

Because of the previous experience, Jenkins was not sure whether the reality would be the same as the story, so he did not finish the sentence at once when he spoke, but judging from the expressions of the two people, what he said was absolutely correct.

"Such behavior is not worthy of condemnation. Whether it is praying to gods or wishing to non-human creatures, as long as the wish is good and does not violate morality, then there is nothing wrong with the behavior itself. But making a wish comes with a price, Not to mention, most creatures who are willing to respond to ordinary people's wishes have evil intentions. "

"Wizard, you mean..."

the bride asked tremblingly.

"No, the person who prayed for this beautiful love was lucky enough to make a wish to the right being, but there was something wrong with his description of the wish, so that the way the wish was realized was deviated."

He specifically used personal pronouns that did not refer to gender, just to observe the expressions of the two people. The description in "Secrets of Black Town" is correct, and the expressions of the two men exactly match Jenkins' expectations:

"So who made the wish? Or rather, both of you made the wish?"

The groom staggered back and hit the back wall with a pale face; the bride groaned and fell onto the chair on the dressing table, turning her head and not daring to look at her husband's expression.

"Please take it out. Before the priest reads your wedding vows, everything can be undone. If you believe me, please do as I say."

After he finished speaking, he leaned against the wall and said nothing. The two young people who were preparing to get married stopped moving, and the scene suddenly reached a deadlock.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done this."

In the end, it was the groom who took the lead to break the silence. He came to the bride and knelt down on one knee:

"I love you with all my heart. Even without that contract, I still love you with all my heart."

As he spoke, he took out a cyan blue bracelet from his jacket pocket. The bracelet looked like it was made up of cyan and blue feathers put together end to end, and it was as transparent as jade. Jenkins had seen something similar, and it still sits in the corner of his room at Nolan Church.

"This is B-11-05-9420 [Inverted Blessing Bracelet·Loyalty], a blessing given by lovebirds."

He introduced that his bracelet was obtained after the Kamel family incident, number B-11-05-9421 [Inverted Blessing Bracelet·Love] (1147).

"This bracelet can indeed protect and guide love, but once you show disloyalty in love, this blessing will turn into a terrible curse. Unfortunately, you get love through this bracelet, It seems to be judged as a sign of disloyalty in and of itself... Maybe what you should be praying for is a love bracelet.”

Jenkins said.

"The wizard only told me to make a wish and didn't tell me anything else."

The groom still knelt on one knee in front of his bride, holding her hand in his, who was already crying:

"Sorry, I did the wrong thing too."

She took her hand out of the groom's hand, then opened the dresser cabinet and placed the red and black bracelet on the table. The bracelet also looked like it was made up of two feathers of different colors. Apart from the color, , exactly the same as the groom’s one.

"B-11-05-9424, [Inverted Blessing Bracelet·Loyalty]."

Jenkins recognized what it was.

"I am absolutely loyal!"

the bride emphasized loudly.

"Calm down, madam, I don't doubt this. But these two bracelets should not appear at the same time. This gentleman violated the loyalty blessing of the bracelet, thus triggering the blessing reversal, which will affect similar items to a certain extent, thus The curse is superimposed...So, the person who gave you the bracelets can't be the same person, right?"

Jenkins only knew in the story that both of them received blessings, but he didn't know what they were. Now that he saw the two bracelets, he understood the strangeness behind the story that was not revealed.

The groom and the bride love each other. Even if they know that the other has made a wish for love, they have no intention of postponing or canceling the current wedding.

After explaining everything, the two hugged each other and hoped that Jenkins could help them.

"Before the curse takes effect, that is, before you take your wedding vows, just give this bracelet to the person who is willing to accept it. In this way, the blessing and curse will no longer have anything to do with the original owner."

He suggested, and the two bracelets became his.

Chapter 1478 Chapter 1455 The God of Love

"Why do you think I'm here to defraud you of these two bracelets?"

When he returned to the courtyard to attend the wedding, Jenkins thought in confusion. He planned to bury the bracelet somewhere after the wedding, so that whether it was a blessing or a curse, it would have nothing to do with him as a future person.

As for why he still didn't wake up from the bed in the bedroom after settling the matter, he guessed it was because the wedding was not over yet.

This guess was obviously wrong. When the townspeople began to celebrate the appearance of the bride and groom, a bearded old man wearing a gray cloth robe and a pointed hat found Jenkins. He was holding a long wooden staff, and the gem at the top of the staff radiated a dazzling golden aura.

"You can tell you're a wizard just by looking at your attire."

This was the first sentence Jenkins said after seeing him. When the old man heard this sentence, he lowered his head and looked at his clothes:

"You mean this robe?"

"It's not just the robe...forget it, it doesn't matter. I guess you're here to find me, right? I'll give this back to you."

After saying that, he handed the two bracelets he had just received to the old man. The bearded wizard took them with his left hand that was not holding the long wooden staff:

"You know this is mine?"

His voice is very old, but very "clear", in line with the characteristics of a wise elder who can guide young people.

"There are not so many coincidences in this world. Me breaking into this wedding is already a small probability event. If another wizard who has nothing to do with this matter also walks into the courtyard, you probably know how small the probability is."

"The probability is probably smaller than a god resolving the troubles of a troubled young couple."

As he said that, the old man winked at Jenkins with his right eye. His eyes were bent with laughter, and this expression on his wrinkled face was quite joyful.

"Do you know who I am?"

Jenkins asked.

"Of course, it's like you guessed who I am."

The old man replied.

Of course Jenkins knew who the other party was. In his eyes, the aura behind the old man could not be faked. And even if he didn't use the eyes of reality, the first moment he saw him, the answer that the other person was a god appeared in Jenkins' mind.

"I don't understand why you want to embarrass them and do it in this way."

Jenkins shook his head at the young people who were exchanging tokens.

"This is the fault of their parents. I'm just here to collect some interest. Even if you don't show up, their lives will not be in danger, they will just be unhappy for the rest of their lives."

"I think it's just such a simple reason, it doesn't require you to appear in the material world in person, right?"

Although I don’t know which era it is now, it is definitely a big event no matter what time it is when gods appear in the material world.

"God of the future, aren't you also here? We all have our own reasons. Maybe these reasons are irrelevant to the other party, but every decision we make may affect the past, present and future. . It doesn’t matter if it matters, what matters is that we should be here.”

The old man did not answer the question directly, but Jenkins understood what he meant. Jenkins is also a god, and he also appeared at this inconspicuous wedding. He also came here for boring but necessary reasons.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I'm sorry, the past can't point to the more distant future."

Seeing that Jenkins opened his mouth to speak, the old man stepped forward and said, but the conversation changed and he said with a smile:

"But the past can point to things in the past. Although I don't know your original purpose of coming here, it is probably related to the things in this town, right?"

"Yes, I want to know, what happened here in the more distant past?"

"A creature that can cause disasters in the entire world was born in this town. It was a very ancient past, and even I was not a witness. Although the disaster has long left this town, as its birth There are still weird spirits here, which makes some strange things happen to the land under our feet in every era. Even if I don't appear here, there will be other bad guys. This is destined to happen here. What will happen.”

"The beast of disaster at the end of a certain era?"

Jenkins guessed, and the old man smiled and winked at him again, not confirming the guess but not denying it either.

"Okay, okay, it's time for me to leave here. I saw familiar traces on your body. If I guessed correctly, you should also have this kind of bracelet, right?"

The old man shook the two before Jenkins.

"Why don't you wear it?"


The blessings and curses of the love bracelet were not lost on Jenkins, who had to admit that he didn't think he fit the definition of pure love.

"Don't worry, if you really love each other, the bracelet won't embarrass you. Well, it seems it's time for you to leave, you see..."

Following the old man's prompts, Jenkins saw a thin stack of old book pages placed on the long table nearby. The pages were thoughtfully placed on neatly stacked napkins to prevent them from being contaminated by the food nearby.

The sixth time I woke up in bed, the moon was already hanging high outside, and it was already midnight in the blink of an eye. Jenkins did not understand the flow of time between various "dreams". Some dreams were only ten minutes away from reality, while in others more than half an hour passed in one go.

Tonight is one of the few moon phases in which both the red and blue moons are half full, which in the eyes of astrologers indicates uncertainty and instability. They believe that one should not engage in any activities during this lunar phase, and it is safest to stay at home and sleep.

"Then go back to sleep."

He sniffed and closed the book to check the thickness. He had now read half of the book. At this pace, he could turn to the last page without sleeping all night.

"The maintenance of the airship cannot be ended. I can't find anything to do. It's okay to see the dawn... I'm obsessed with stories until dawn. Why does it sound like One Thousand and One Nights? It's a pity that there is no beauty beside my bed. girl, and I’m not a king.”

He petted his cat, then leaned on the pillow and turned to the next page. The next story was called "The Traveler's End."

The weather is still gloomy, and it seems that the sky above Black Town will always be like this. Jenkins woke up beside a path in the forest outside the town, took a deep breath to feel the smell of the forest, summoned the black robe and changed his appearance, but did not leave here immediately.

He just stood there and looked at the forest. About ten minutes later, a middle-aged man carrying a huge backpack came walking from the path away from the town.

Chapter 1479 Chapter 1456 The Traveler’s End

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