"This is only part of the reason. It's really a pity. Mortal, I see your determination and courage, as well as your clumsy methods and sad ending, but you can't follow me away. You are guilty. You are contaminated by this." There are so many starting points and ending points on the road to glory, why would you choose to end here?”

Angel asked.

"I do not understand what you mean."

Traveler Kamel asked again, but Jenkins guessed the truth.

"You shouldn't die here. This ancient glorious road has long been polluted. You should choose another road. This is also a test of our Lord for believers. A qualified traveler should have the ability to avoid danger and choose a road. Without these , then you should at least be lucky enough... Sorry, mortal, you are destined to perish here. I chose to see you just to pity your courage and efforts, so I just want to tell you the truth."

The light surrounding the angel began to shrink, and the beam of light falling from the sky became dim. The angel was going back.


The traveler asked incredulously:

"No! This isn't true!"

His soul wailed, and he threw himself at the angel without reason, perhaps hoping that the disappearing angel would take him away with him. But the consequence of such a reckless approach is that the soul is shattered by the angel's light. He should not show even a little bit of hostility in front of the angel. The sacred light has no ability to judge the intentions of mortals.

"I curse you!"

Before dying, the traveler's soul shouted to the town:

"I curse everyone who lives here! I curse you. My descendants will inherit everything I have. One day, they will bring those extraordinary alchemical items, kill all of you, and take away all your souls." Crush!"

The curse before the soul was broken connected with the weird spirits that existed in the town. The traveler's last cry with his soul was also the purest malice. In Jenkins' eyes, it actually formed a black aura and spread towards the town.

Of course, those spiritual lights will bypass Jenkins on their own when they encounter him, but except for him, all living people here will probably be implicated in the curse.

"How is this going?"

Jenkins asked the angel who had not left, and then watched the traveler's soul disappear with some regret. He admired this person very much, and this person also helped him.

"He has walked the road of glory. If he had not chosen the wrong destination, he should have left the material world with me to meet my Lord. Therefore, to a certain extent, his soul is no longer a pure mortal soul. Such a soul The resentment shouted at the moment of destruction, combined with the sins of this town, is enough to form a far-reaching curse. "

The angel explained humbly.

"What's going to happen here?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Soon, the townspeople who sense something is wrong will leave here and scatter to all parts of the world, and the new settlers will not be affected by the curse. The descendants of the cursed townspeople will continue to be affected by the curse and die. The descendants of Kamel will also hunt them down under the influence of the curse. This will be a long-lasting revenge ritual that may take a long time to end."

The angel said compassionately.

"All this because of something as simple as tonight?"

"Yes, great one, everything is that simple. Being able to successfully pass the path of glory of our Lord, the mortal Kamel has proven himself to be extraordinary. All of this is reasonable. This is a revenge ritual born with a very small probability. , I can't stop..."

The angel left quickly, and Jenkins collected himself and prepared to leave. He returned to the empty hotel and found the formula for the dust that could make people understand language from the traveler's backpack. At the same time, he found the pages of this story in the backpack.

Waking up from the bed for the seventh time, Jenkins reached out and wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

"The traveler's last name is Kamel..."

He murmured to himself and walked out of bed and opened the window, letting the cool night breeze blow in, which also relieved some of the anxiety in his heart.

So far, he has encountered two things related to the surname Kamel. The more recent one is the cursed Kamel family, but this incident has completely ended. The only survivor of the ancient Kamel family It was Mr. Hood who didn't know the truth; the other thing was a certain thrift store that appeared during the "Real Phantom" period. It sold a lot of prohibited items and even weird things. The thrift store even had a relationship with the [Omniscient Treasure] The ancient soul in the mirror was involved, but the trace was lost before the church could search.

Chapter 1482 Chapter 1459: Vampire Obsession

It is currently known that many strange objects of unknown origin that appear in Nolan Parish are related to Carmel’s thrift stores. Some of them have clear evidence that they came from Carmel’s thrift stores.

"If powerful alchemical items from ancient times are equated to modern weird items, then could Kamel, the junk shop owner with many numbered items, be the descendant of the ancient traveler I met?"

There is no evidence to connect the two events, but Jenkins has long understood that coincidences rarely happen around him. However, whether this guess is true or not will have to be confirmed after returning to Nolan. If the purpose of selling strange objects in the thrift store is known, it will greatly help the church arrest the Kamel shop owner.

It was already past midnight, and Jenkins, who had read the story for half the night, completely gave up the desire to sleep. He breathed in the fresh air in front of the window for a while, and then walked out of the room while recalling the ancient traveler's translation of the dust formula.

The traveler was right. This formula was particularly friendly. Even in the eighteenth century, various materials were easy to find. However, compared with the past, the names and measurement units of some materials have changed a lot, but as long as they are translated back, it is not a problem to configure the dust.

The airship already carried sufficient supplies, and with the material storage of the church itself, although it was a bit troublesome, Jenkins only took more than 20 minutes to get the finished product. No one asked him what he wanted to configure, and he was happy not to explain. After putting the glass bottle into the pocket of his pajamas, he returned to bed again, got into the quilt and opened the "Secrets of Black Town", and opened the eighth story:

"Vampire Love"? Why does it sound like an unrealistic love fantasy story about vampires written by a modern female writer?"

With this idea, he came to the gloomy Black Town again. Snowflakes were floating in the sky. It was obviously winter now. Jenkins, who was wearing pajamas, was standing on the street, which was a bit out of place, but fortunately, there was no one on the street.

This story was quite fairy-tale-like. It was easy to see that the moral of the story was to warn young girls not to easily believe the sweet words of handsome young men.

Although the story itself was a bit bloody, it ended with the townspeople catching the vampires in the town. However, according to the routines of the previous stories, the events that really happened in history would definitely not be that simple.

"From the background of the story, the current time point is still after the great decline of the alien species. The only suspected extraordinary person who appeared was the old priest of the church, but he only used the ability similar to [Holy Light] to temporarily expel the vampires."

Jenkins thought so, and walked on the snow to find the small town church of this era. This is obviously still the local organization of [The Church of Darkness and Secrets], but the church is very small. Except for the hanging holy emblem, it is no different from an ordinary two-story residential building.

"Too shabby, isn't it?"

He changed his clothes, flicked a small amount of language-savvy dust onto his face, and then reached out to knock on the church door. Not long after, an old man who looked very much like the one described in the story opened the door and stuck his head out.

"A second-level gifter, not a vampire in disguise... Wait, how come there are energy spots... What does this distribution of spiritual light mean... Yes, there are differences between the systems of ancient gifters and modern gifters. It seems that this time point is even older than I thought."

The old priest in the church didn't know Jenkins, but he still politely asked about his purpose, treating him as a traveler seeking shelter. Jenkins had already prepared his words, because he could leave after finishing the story, and he didn't worry that his lies would cause trouble:

"I am a vampire hunter, yes, I am."

He nodded as he spoke, and at the same time, he was convincing himself to believe this, so as to better communicate with the old man in front of him.

"I don't know if you have heard of this profession..."

This profession was made up by Jenkins.

"But in fact, I travel around the world, specializing in hunting those ancient blood-sucking races that are still active after the alien population has disappeared. I happened to pass by the town and smelled the stench of those blood-sucking species here. This is quite obvious. I think the local church will know some information."

"Blood-sucking hunter?"

The old priest holding the door handle carefully looked at Jenkins, then nodded and greeted him in:

"There is nothing here to entertain you, but if you want to stay, there are still many guest rooms. You said you are hunting blood-sucking species? This is really amazing. There are not many human spellcasters in the material world now. I think you must have some amazing experiences."

This era is worse than Jenkins thought. He found that only the old priest stayed in the shabby church. At the same time, he also learned from the old priest that in addition to the decline of alien species, the number and strength of human extraordinary people are also declining. It is rare to find extraordinary people other than church forces around the world. All the power and traces of the old times are disappearing, and people are also forgetting the magnificent history of the past.

So after confirming that Jenkins was a "caster", the priest was very happy and completely believed the story he made up about his identity.

"You must be very powerful to be able to hunt blood-sucking species alone. No, you don't need to tell me your level of caster. As long as you are willing to help the town, it is enough. What do you want to know? I will answer you as much as possible."

The shabby church did not have a formal reception room. This conversation took place in the priest's study. This place also served as the church's data room, reception room and confession hall. Jenkins had never seen such a poor church.

"When did the blood-sucking species in the town appear? Are there any victims? How strong is it? What information does the church currently have?"

He asked in one breath.

"The vampire appeared three months ago. Since then, he has appeared every once in a while at night and killed the townspeople. I don't know how strong he is, but he is definitely better than me... The only thing I know is that he sucks blood. The species must have been hiding in the town disguised as a citizen. A lot of evidence shows that it lives locally and only reveals its true nature on cruel nights. There are also many actions in the town. Every time the vampire kills someone, the town has no control over it. The citizens will gather together spontaneously, check everyone's itinerary the night before, and then choose one person to kill..."

Chapter 1483 Chapter 1460 The Sheriff, the Soothsayer and the Witch

"Wait, I'm sorry, did I hear wrong just now? What did you say? Pick one person to kill?"

Jenkins asked the old priest in front of him in surprise.

"Yes, it is difficult to understand and cruel, but ordinary people must have channels to vent their fears. I can't stop it... Moreover, this is the only feasible method at present. We have no way to identify vampires. I can only hope to catch it by luck."

The priest said in frustration. According to him, it happened to be winter now, and the townspeople almost didn't go out at all. They would only gather in the town square during the day the next day after the vampire killed someone. In addition to him, the cleric, there are two spellcasters in Black Town. If Jenkins needs more clues, he can go find them.

"There is a diviner living in the forest to the east of the town. She is trying to find vampires in her own way, but vampires obviously have strong anti-divination methods. The diviner has this rare mithril dagger in his hand. Then The dagger protected her from being killed by vampires. The other was a witch who lived near the town's cemetery. She was a master of herbal medicine and once rescued a poor man who was attacked by vampires. Unfortunately, the poor man was killed. The vampire has been transformed, we can only kill him... Oh, one more thing, the town's sheriff met with misfortune a month ago, and I am now temporarily assuming this position. If you have anything You can come to me anytime if you need it, but no matter how confident you are, it’s best not to go out at night. It’s afternoon and you still have three hours to visit the other two people. Remember to come back early.”

"Vampires who kill people at night... Sheriffs who can temporarily drive away monsters... Seers... Witches who prepare herbs... Come to think of it, why are they vampires? Not a werewolf?"

The old priest couldn't understand Jenkins' question.

The fortune teller and the witch live in the forest to the east of the town, and the other lives in the cemetery in the west of the town. Although the town is not big, it takes a lot of time to go back and forth.

Jenkins chose to visit the witch first because the church was in the east of the town and he could observe the situation with the Eye of Truth while crossing the town.

The situation is not that simple. Before arriving at the tomb area, Jenkins did not see the aura representing the alien identity. He didn't know whether this was because the other party had strong hiding abilities, or had some special means, or maybe the different times caused different forms of aura.

But at least he could see with the aura of a human transcendent that the witch's power was equivalent to that of a first-level benefactor, who was a somewhat fat middle-aged woman:

"Vampire hunter? Oh, you must have used translation dust. I smelled that smell and my nose is very sensitive. Let me see, you are..."

The witch warmly entertained the strange spellcaster from afar and welcomed him with strange tea in her hut. There were many plant samples hanging in the room, and bottles containing strange liquids were placed on the cabinets, which reminded Jenkins of old Jack's herbal shop.

"You must have half-elf blood!"

She suddenly said, and Jenkins was shocked. He was now in disguise, and it was impossible for the other party to judge his bloodline from his appearance.

"Don't be so surprised, I have a very sensitive nose."

She winked at Jenkins:

"Although I am not like you, who can rely on the power of the bloodline of my ancestors to strengthen myself, but I also have my own strengths. What do you want to know from me? I will be happy to help you and kill that damn guy."

The witch was very enthusiastic, but she didn't know much more than the old priest. Her nose couldn't smell traces of vampires, but as a part-time town coroner, she got some clues from the victims.

"That vampire is not an ancient species. Although it is more powerful than all of us, he is definitely not old. This can be judged from the content of toxins remaining in the corpse."

In the vampire incident a few months ago, Jenkins learned from the Protoss and Old Jack how to configure the "vampire toxin" to restrain vampires. He wanted the witch to help him get some, but the different names of the materials made the witch unable to do anything. Jenkins was able to translate ancient names back to modern times, but he was also unable to translate modern names back to those who did not know the era.

Before leaving, the witch gave him some healing potions, hoping that he could successfully catch the enemy.

Compared with the enthusiastic witch, the fortune teller living deep in the jungle is a bit cold. It was a very beautiful young woman who blocked Jenkins outside the low fence to prevent him from entering. She stood at the door of the room, claiming that strangers would bring disaster:

"I have seen it. You are simply a mobile disaster-making machine, a natural disaster of action, and a trash can that attracts sin! For the sake of God, please don't go any further!"

The fortune teller's strength is equivalent to level 3 of the benefactor system, and he is the most powerful among the aborigines in the town. But she is also a little weird. She is obviously only level 3, but she has a special temperament that can only be found in the demigod diviner Miss Bronyance.

This probably means that she has very good divination and prophecy skills, and Jenkins believes that he can get effective help from her.

"I'm not a bad person!"

he declared loudly.

"I know you're not a bad person, wait, please don't touch my fence. Oh, damn, you still touched it. I'll burn the wood tomorrow. It's winter now, and the new fence will have to wait until next spring."

The fortune teller said sadly.

"I'm not going any further, it's okay that we talk like this. Can you help me? I want to hunt that vampire, but I can't find it."

"The vampires are among the ignorant townspeople in the town. You should go to them, not me!"

The fortune teller emphasized loudly.

"If I could find it, I wouldn't come to you! Madam, to be fair, if I could kill the vampire, wouldn't it be good for your life? I don't think you want it near your home. Strange alien creatures exist!"

"That doesn't matter. I've decided to move away next year. What happens in the town has nothing to do with me. Besides, I was forced to move to the woods because the townspeople thought that my divination had brought disaster. Humph~ It's really A bunch of ignorant people.”

With that said, the girl stamped her foot impatiently, then turned around and wanted to close the door, unwilling to waste any more time with Jenkins.

Chapter 1484 Chapter 1461 Guidance from the Ancestors

"Actually, I am also a fortune teller. I have received very systematic courses in divination and astrology. My teacher is a very amazing person."

In desperation, Jenkins could only use this rhetoric, hoping that the other party could help him because he was a "peer".

"Since you can do divination yourself, you really don't need to ask me for help."

The fortune teller said this, and then closed the door with a bang, ending the conversation completely.

"Hey, listen, I'm a hunter who wanders around the world hunting vampires. You don't really think I'm a good and law-abiding person, do you?"

Jenkins shouted toward the house. Then as expected, I heard the soothsayer's voice again:

"For God's sake, what on earth do you want to do? I really don't know anything!"

The young woman angrily held the crystal ball and opened the door again, with an expression as if she wanted to throw the crystal ball into Jenkins' face.

"I think......"

His eyes stayed on the crystal ball. Although the crystal ball would not look any different, he thought he had seen this crystal ball before. Not long ago, Miss Bronyance and Miss Audrey formally asked him to become a member of the school. At that time, he imprinted his soul emblem on a crystal ball inherited from the 17th century.

This is of course an era older than the seventeenth century, but the crystal ball the girl is holding is, in Jenkins' opinion, the "roster crystal ball" of the school. In other words, it was not only handed down from the 17th century, but even from an older era.

"I would say...I'm actually from the future."

"I know you ranger-like characters like to make up stories, sir, please get out of my door!"

"It's true, I really come from the future. Your school of thought will flourish in the future. The crystal ball you are holding still exists in my era, and has been imprinted with the emblems of countless successors."

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