"Do you think I'd believe it?"

The girl leaned against the door frame and said, this time she did not refuse to continue the conversation.

"I know it sounds incredible, but it's true."

Jenkins found that he could not prove this. Although he had joined the school and received systematic training, he had been able to complete introductory divination training so far and was unable to master the unique abilities of those schools.

"I only have this. It was a gift from my teacher's teacher when I joined the school."

As he spoke, he took out the amethyst pendant from his neck. Miss Bronyance said that this thing could bring good luck, so Jenkins always carried it with him.

He threw the pendant far away to the girl holding the crystal ball. The girl grabbed it, looked at it carefully, and looked at Jenkins suspiciously:

"This crystal is indeed very special. It cannot be made with the technology of this era. Although I still doubt your identity, you can come in and tell me carefully about your stories that I don't know whether they are true or false... ..Also, I don’t know the school of thought you are talking about. I have always been a person. All my knowledge is learned from books or comprehended by myself...However, if one day I If you want to pass them on, maybe it’s a good idea to record the list in a crystal ball. Come in, but I don’t have any tea or snacks for you.”

The interior of the cabin in the woods is plain and simple, and the bookshelves along the wall are full of books, which is incredible for this era. From Jenkins' mouth, the young fortune teller knew his origin and the story of his learning of fortune telling. Likewise, Jenkins learned about the fortune teller's life and future plans.

Jenkins has confirmed that the girl in front of him is the founder of the school of divination to which he belongs, and is his teacher's teacher's teacher...teacher.

"Soothsayers believe in fate, and our destinies are also connected, so by accident through time and space, I met you with a very small probability. This is enough to prove that everything I just said is not a lie."

"Don't use fate as an excuse. I don't fully trust you."

The fortune teller said, but Jenkins thought she must have believed it completely, otherwise she wouldn't be so excited every time he mentioned the history of the school.

"You are not the only ancestor in the history of the school that I have met. I have met another one, but he has been summoned by the great one, and his soul after death went to another world."

Jenkins continued.

"Another world? It seems you really know a lot of things."

The fortune teller obviously also knew about the world of masters and masters. She took the initiative to pour a glass of water for Jenkins, which showed that she accepted him sitting here and would not suddenly kick him out.

"In short, no matter who you are, if you really come from the distant future, you should be more careful. Didn't your teacher tell you that time is the most untouchable realm for mortals? You will Things tell me it could lead to some unexpected trouble.”

The girl said.

"Don't worry about this. The long river of time in the material world is extremely stable and will not change due to little fluctuations. Besides, I don't always discuss the future with people from the past. Now I am not trying to make you trust me in order to obtain vampires. Information?"

Jenkins said.


The fortune teller hesitated for a moment, then stood up and took out a book from the bookshelf behind him and handed it to Jenkins:

"It is true that I cannot obtain its information through divination and prophecy, but I know the strangeness of Black Town. In an era older than now, a terrible thing was born here. Since then, the town has changed every few hundred years. Some terrible things will happen, but the town will not be destroyed because of it. This should be related to the amazing power of that terrible thing. It is just the residual influence that makes this place become like this.

I moved here to study the town's history and gain enlightenment about my destiny. But I took it for granted. The horror here was beyond the reach of mortals. You know, no matter how many things have happened here, no outsiders will notice anything strange. Even if the locals compile these legends and stories into books, it will not arouse anyone's alert.

This is a phenomenon more terrifying than a curse, almost a natural law of local existence. I have given up staying here and will move away soon, but this does not mean that my research has no results - according to local legends and town hall documents, about a thousand years ago, a person died nearby. A Duke-level vampire, but its body has never been found. Do you know what this means? "

Chapter 1485 Chapter 1462 Low Level Combat

"Even if the Duke-level vampire really dies, the remaining power of the corpse is enough to transform an ordinary person into a powerful vampire; if it is not dead, then a thousand years will be enough for this alien species with powerful self-healing ability to awaken. come over."

Jenkins guessed.

"I am more inclined to the previous guess, because the blood-sucking species that are now in the town are obviously very young, which you can also know if you ask the witches in the town. If the monster that is killing people now really became a different species because of contact with the corpse of the ancient blood-sucking species, then it is not strange to have some strange props to cover up his whereabouts, so I can't find him. But after all, it is not a naturally born different species, and there are still some skills to distinguish it."

The fortune-teller's book recorded the events of the blood-sucking grand duke thousands of years ago, which mentioned some secrets of blood-sucking species, which gave Jenkins an idea to deal with the murderer.

Seeing that it was getting dark and it was already evening, he got up and said goodbye, intending to go back to the church to tell the priest about his plan. The fortune-teller got up to see him off, and stood at the door watching Jenkins push open the fence door and prepare to walk into the woods.


The girl said hesitantly while holding the door, and Jenkins turned to look at her.

"Anything else?"

"What's your name?"

She asked.

"This... it's better not to tell. I never asked other people's names in the past, nor would I reveal my own name, because it might cause unnecessary trouble, but I can show you what I look like."

As he said this, Jenkins removed the disguise of the black robe, revealing the true image of Jenkins in pajamas. Standing in the snowy woods in pajamas, it was originally a ridiculous look, but the girl blushed inexplicably, because Jenkins' half-elf face was indeed very attractive:

"If all you said just now is true, in the future, remember to carry forward the school."

"I will."

Jenkins nodded, then turned around and walked straight into the woods.

That night, all plans had been made. Jenkins said goodbye to the old priest and left the church. It was late at night, and he walked to the small square of the town with deep and shallow steps on the snow. There were no street lights in this backward era, and the moon tonight was also covered by clouds. Although it was dark here, the man standing in the square was still very conspicuous.

"I knew you would come. That damn fortune teller must have told you what she knew."

The eyes of the person who spoke seemed to be burning with blood-red flames. When Jenkins approached, he found that the other party was not standing, but floating on the snow. His voice was normal, not as disgusting as that ugly face.

"Yes, now it seems that the fortune teller's guess is right. You are indeed an ordinary person who accidentally touched the corpse of an alien species and was assimilated by the blood of an alien species."

Jenkins confirmed.

"I am not an ordinary person now."

While speaking, Jenkins had already walked into the square, and the snow made a creaking sound under his feet.

"Today, I saw a stranger in the town, and I knew you must have come for me. I think you must be surprised that you just got ready to find me and received my invitation to meet you."

The vampire said so.

He was right. Jenkins was indeed a little surprised. His appearance here was not originally planned, but it was not a bad thing. At least he didn't have to look for it deliberately.

"I will suck your blood dry, warn the travelers who may come later not to meddle in other people's business, and let the witches, priests and fortune tellers in the town know that no one can deal with me."

The moon finally showed its head from behind the clouds, and the light of the red moon shone on the body of the vampire, allowing Jenkins to see his hideous face thoroughly.

The monster instantly turned into a ball of black smoke and rushed towards Jenkins who was standing. After being evaded by Jenkins nimbly, the black smoke turned sharply in the air and flew to the back of his head again.

Jenkins slid to the side and fell to the ground, then rolled twice on the snow and turned over again. His right hand blocked his face, letting the oncoming black smoke and the flame in his hand collide with each other.

As the screams of the vampire came, he retracted his fist, turned around and squatted, and then kicked out with a kick. The beautiful back kick just hit the vampire who had just changed from mist to entity.

All this happened in just a few seconds. The vampires slid far along the snow surface before stopping. Jenkins watched him get up in a mess, spitting black blood and looking at him in surprise.

"How can you be so strong?"

"Actually, this is just a warm-up."

This is not bragging, this is the truth. In this era of extraordinary decline, the low level of power is more serious than Jenkins guessed. After the fight, he suddenly realized that he didn't need any plan at all. No one here can beat him.

"Wait, I will be back!"

As he said, the vampires exploded on the spot and turned into dozens of small bats flying in all directions.

At this moment, someone on the roof of the house on the east side of the square shouted:

"In the name of God!"

The old priest in the sacrificial robe spread his arms, and the dazzling holy light burst out from him, and the bats flying to the east retreated immediately.

"Don't come over here, you disgusting things!"

The witch appeared at the intersection in the west, holding a small bag in her left hand, and constantly sprinkled the dust in the bag forward with her right hand. The bats flying to the west could not pass through the dust and could only return the same way.

"You can't pass here!"

The young fortune teller appeared in the south holding her mithril dagger. She kept waving her weapon and used spells to dispel the power of darkness, barely driving the bats back.

The bats flying north were burned to ashes by Jenkins as soon as they appeared. Jenkins can't catch all the flying objects, but if it's just a few it's still fine.

The remaining bats reunited, and the panting vampire reappeared surrounded by four human supernatural beings.

"You can't kill me. Even if you annihilate my soul and bury my body deep in the ground, the power of vampires will still rise again in the future. This is a power that you short-lived species will never understand."

It roared at everyone, suddenly stood up and rushed towards the fortune teller, but was kicked back by Jenkins. The falling snow showed strange traces around Jenkins. Under the action of [Ice Condensation], the snowflakes swirled past Jenkins, slowly wrapping up the groaning vampire, and finally completely freezing it. In the ice.

During this process, Jenkins just stood there without even reaching out his hand, which shocked the other three companions. None of them had ever seen this kind of power.

PS: Ask for everything at the beginning of the month.

Chapter 1486 Chapter 1463 The Melancholy of No Results

"Unfortunately, maybe for you there is no nemesis in this era, but to me you are just a bedbug."

Jenkins stared at the big ice block in front of him, and then he stretched out his hand to the fortune teller on the side. The girl was stunned for a moment before she realized that she handed Jenkins the mithril dagger in her hand.

"Why does this look familiar?"

He looked at the heavy dagger in his hand and was stunned for a moment, and then naturally injected the huge life spirit in his body into it. Under the wash of extraordinary power, the surface of the originally mysterious mithril dagger showed strange mottled patterns.

Jenkins took a step forward, first sowed a handful of seeds, and then neatly inserted the dagger into the ice and into the vampire's forehead. Then he took a step back and watched the spirit of life erupt in the latter's body. Then a small tree appeared on the spot and directly cracked the creature in the ice.

He raised his feet and stepped forward, holding the flying dagger. He naturally took the next step and walked to the newborn blood-red tree. He made a light stroke with the dagger. Under the control of [The Origin of Life], the strange power and The huge spirit of life was extracted, and the small tree growing from the vampire's body immediately withered.

The dagger in his hand was buzzing, as if in celebration. Jenkins didn't bother to absorb alien spirits to pollute himself, and besides, there weren't many of them, so the vampire's power and life spirit attached themselves to this noble mithril material. In the hands of the future God of Lies, it was completely Transformed.

As more and more patterns appear, the dagger itself becomes elongated and deformed. Although it is only slightly longer, it also means that it is no longer a mortal object. This can already be classified as a Class B item.

"As expected, it's you, B-05-4-3911 [Vampire Nemesis]."

Thousands of years later, it will appear in Stuart's royal treasury and be lent to Jenkins by a certain little princess to deal with Nolan's vampire incident. Ten thousand years ago, at this time, Jenkins understood that all this was no coincidence. This dagger was originally born in his hands.


The old priest looked at Jenkins and the dagger in his hand that exuded a strange light, and was speechless. The priest didn't know what this meant, but he also knew that this was definitely not normal.

"I have to go now."

He put the dagger back into the fortune teller's hand, looked around and waited for those pages to appear.

"Who are you anyway?"

The witch asked cautiously, her eyes cautiously watching the extraordinary weapon in the fortune teller's hand.

"I'm just a traveler passing by here by chance. I don't think you will see me again."

he replied, never finding the expected page in the snow. His eyes looked towards the vampire's corpse, where only a stain of blood was left. The snow layer there was very thin, and it didn't look like there were pages hidden in the book.

"You want to give me this?"

The fortune teller suddenly asked, feeling a little overwhelmed holding the [Vampire Nemesis] in both hands.

"This dagger originally belonged to you. It probably has some unique abilities against vampires now. Although it is somewhat useless, its material quality should have improved a bit."

Jenkins said he couldn't bring anything from the past into the present either.

"You're leaving, right?"

The young girl asked again. Only she understood the meaning of this sentence. The strange man was going to a future that none of the three of them could touch.

"Yeah, I think I'm done."

He turned to look at the young fortune teller.

"Then take this with you. You said that you have never been able to get started with divination. I think this can help you."

She took out a notebook from her robe and gave it to Jenkins, who wanted to refuse because he couldn't carry it into the future. But thinking that the two of them would meet in the evening, if she really wanted to prepare for this, she could only spare no effort to use the few hours just now to write hard.


He smiled at the girl, who blushed and lowered her head. Jenkins knew the subtle thoughts in the other person's mind, but they were destined not to be of the same era.

He lowered his head and flipped through the notebook, and the [Book of Memories] quickly imprinted the scene in front of him. When the notebook was turned to the end, several pages of ancient thread-bound books appeared in the interlayer. Jenkins smiled with emotion, picked up the pages and wanted to say goodbye. When he looked up, he was suddenly kissed on the side of the face by the girl.

"Remember, you have promised me that you must remember to carry forward the school."

After waking up from the bed again, Jenkins leaned against the headboard and was stunned for a long time. He raised his hand and touched his cheek, not knowing how to express the complicated feelings in his heart.

"This is a bit too... That was just an ancient girl who I met by chance. In this era, I am afraid that she doesn't even have bones..."

Although he thought so, he felt even more uncomfortable in his heart. He didn't fall in love with the ancient fortune teller at first sight, but he just regretted that he would never see her again.

"It seems inappropriate to disturb Miss Audrey so late. Let's go and ask her. I want to know her final ending."

Thinking like this, he has returned to Nolan. He changed his pajamas into normal clothes at home and let the unicorn take him to Miss Audrey's house in the suburbs. It was already one o'clock in the morning, and Miss Audrey had fallen asleep. Jenkins, who was irritated, hesitated for a long time and knocked on the door of his fortune-telling teacher's house.

"I am still immature."

After knocking on the door, he lowered his head and thought so.

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