"Jenkins? Oh, God, why are you here so late? Come in, I heard you are already on your way back to Nolan. Did you run into any trouble?"

Jenkins trusted Miss Audrey quite a bit and briefly talked about his experience in the first half of the night in ten minutes. After saying that, he asked Miss Audrey if she knew about the founder of the school. Miss Audrey, who still had a sleepy look on her face, thought for a while before shaking her head:

"The history of the school is too long. Although the inheritance has been maintained, many records have been lost in previous turbulences. I can't even tell you the original name of our school and the name of the founder. But the Black Town you mentioned We still know about the vampire incident and the [Vampire Nemesis]. That dagger is a very important token of the school and has always been the status symbol of the school leader. However, it was lost many years ago and unexpectedly it ended up in the wild. It has gone to the royal treasury of the Northern Kingdom, I should suggest the teacher to come forward and find a way to buy it."

"I'll just buy it. In a few months, I might not even have to spend any money... Is that so? Everything is lost..."

Although it is a pity, this is the most appropriate result. If Miss Audrey suddenly took out the notebook that Jenkins failed to bring back, that would be a terrible result.

Chapter 1487 Chapter 1464 Wishing Flower

It was late at night, but the lights were still on at Miss Audrey's house in the suburb of Nolan. Jenkins sat on the sofa with a somewhat disappointed expression on his face. The female fortune teller sitting next to him reminded:

"Jenkins, although I don't know why you came to ask me this question, I must remind you that time travel is a very dangerous behavior, not only for you, but also for the world. You can continue your I won’t stop you from telling the story of the night, but please don’t have any thoughts of changing history to bring that soothsayer to the modern age.”

"I know this, and I just regard her as a friend. I have no other ideas... Don't worry, every story I experience will be older than the last one. There will be no chance To change history, I will never have the chance to see her again.”

I don’t know what kind of mood I was holding when I returned to the bedroom of Blacktown Church. I picked up the chocolate and put it on my knees for a while, then reached out and picked up the book and opened the ninth story; "The Wishing Flower".

"The title sounds like something out of a fairy tale."

Jenkins thought about it, spent a few minutes reading the story, and then fell asleep again.

This was obviously a time before the 13th Era, because when Jenkins raised his head and looked at the night sky of the town, there was only a blue moon behind the clouds. You must know that even in the smallest moon phase, it is impossible to see no trace of the red moon. At this time, the red moon has obviously not yet risen in the sky.

This story is very similar to the seven-color flower mentioned by Jenkins in "The Stranger's Tales", except that the wish-fulfilling flower here can only fulfill one wish, and in the end no one used it to make a wish.

This is a story full of desires and contradictions. The people in the small town did some terrible things under the temptation of the wishing flower.

"Why does it sound like the [Fantasy Flower] I once planted? I don't know how different the actual events in history are from the records in the book."

He walked on the empty streets. Compared with the dilapidation of Blacktown in the previous story, the development level of the town in this era was very similar to that of the town at the end of the 18th century, but the architectural style was very different.

His idea was still to go to the church to reveal his identity and find out the situation, and then make the next plan based on the information he got. But before he took two steps, he saw an unusually familiar little girl holding a basket standing at the dark intersection ahead.

She wrapped her hair with a dark cloth, wore a slim-fitting dress made of neat fabric, and stood there wearing a pair of black leather shoes. She apparently noticed Jenkins too, turning around and smiling at him in the darkness, before taking a step back and disappearing into the night.

Even though the attire is very different from the rags he wore when they first met, Jenkins will never forget his temperament and appearance:

"A-01-2-0198! [Little girl selling flowers]!"

He was forced to stop because of surprise. He didn't have much fear in his heart, and he even wanted to talk to the girl. But seeing familiar people in a long time ago, the sense of dislocation and absurdity in his heart made him lose his mind for a while.

"Why is she here? It turns out that she has been active in the material world since at least the Thirteenth Age, but she has not collected enough sin coins in tens of thousands of years to embark on the road to becoming a god? It seems that this The road to becoming a god is more difficult than I thought.”

With many questions in my mind, I chased after the girl selling flowers, but there was no sign of her in front of me. Jenkins was convinced that he had read it correctly, and he knew that meeting her here was definitely not a coincidence. Maybe the master in charge of the flower forest was also involved in the story this time.

After walking around the town, I was surprised to find that I couldn't find a church. He didn't know the time now, but it was obviously still far from dawn, so he had no choice but to walk to the forest outside the town and spend the night on a big tree.

Early the next morning, Jenkins was awakened by the sparrows on the branch. The two birds seemed to want to land on Jenkins' belly, but when they realized that Jenkins had woken up, they immediately flew away in panic.

After entering the town to investigate, it took some effort to find out that there was no Orthodox Church stationed in Black Town at this time, because it was completely unnecessary to set up a church in a remote town. As for the rumor of the wishing flower, it has begun to spread among the townspeople. People don’t know the origin of the flower or the rumor, but they are willing to believe it.

In the evening of that day, the hunters who went out hunting together brought back the body of their companion with a temporary stretcher made of branches. Many people saw the body when it entered the town, and also saw the white flower blooming on the chest of the dead man.

Jenkins confirmed with his own eyes that the flower was indeed rooted in the corpse and absorbed the nutrients of the corpse to produce. The aura color of the flower is green mixed with black, which is not the aura characteristic of fantasy flowers, but even if the times are different, the meanings of these two aura colors are the same. This is another powerful flower.

The rumor about the wishing flower has been circulating in the town for a while, and the rumored wishing flower is blooming on the chest of the corpse, and the color, size and petal color are consistent with the flower on the dead hunter.

This caused a commotion among the townspeople. When Jenkins was trying to find out what happened to the hunters, the atmosphere of the town changed quietly, and an accident occurred just a few hours later.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening. For such a country, people had already gone to bed. But the town was particularly lively tonight. The townspeople flocked to the door of the town sheriff's house. The body was now stored in the sheriff's backyard.

Jenkins stood on the roof and watched the excitement from a distance. He saw the sheriff standing in front of the door in embarrassment and shouting something to the townspeople, and then asked the leading people to go in with him, and then walked out together a few minutes later.

The noisy sound made Jenkins unable to hear what the sheriff was saying, but at least he saw someone suddenly attack, and then the middle-aged sheriff was knocked to the ground, and the scene immediately became chaotic.

When people regained their senses, there were three more bodies on the ground, one of which was the sheriff's body.

"This story is a little different... but I guessed the ending."

The next morning, the news that the chests of the three dead people also grew "wishing flowers" spread throughout the town. People moved the four bodies to the town square, and then crowded together to try to discuss the distribution plan of the four flowers. Everyone was sure that this was the wishing flower.

PS: I saw that many readers were talking about adding more chapters. In fact, if possible, I would also like to write more. After all, there are almost no recommended positions for this book now, and I can't find a better way to attract new readers. But considering the reality, the master's degree in a certain university where I am is a two-year system instead of the usual three-year system, which means that my graduate studies are very busy. Even if I don't go back to school now, I rarely have time to complete tasks other than 4,000 a day at home.

In fact, saying so much is just making excuses for myself. In fact, I have always kept the habit of holding at least 40,000 words in my hand, so that I can delete and modify the plot before and after, and each time I add more chapters, I actually save 60,000 before I dare to start the reward. Recently, I don't have enough manuscripts on hand, so I try to code more during the May Day holiday. The next volume is the last one, "Want to Wear the Crown". There will definitely be a reward before the book is finished.

Thank you for your support over the past two years. I have also worked all year round without taking a day off. I hope that if you have the conditions, you can continue to support me. I will also write better stories.

Jenkins' story will have a good ending, just like Li Qian's. Life is already very hard. I will not disgust people in the novel. Please rest assured.

Chapter 1488 Chapter 1465 Purification

As expected, the wishing flower distribution plan discussed by the townspeople was completely impossible to pass, because everyone has their own wishes, and everyone hopes that it is themselves who wish. The contradiction eventually turned into a conflict, and more serious violence than last night produced new corpses, but this time people did not feel sorry or annoyed, but happily placed the new corpses together with the four corpses.

A few hours later, new flowers grew on the chests of the corpses.

The town went completely crazy, and no one waited in the square anymore, hoping that they would be assigned a wishing flower. The cunning townspeople chose to wait at home, waiting for more victims to appear. As long as people keep dying in the town, sooner or later everyone alive will get a flower.

In just three days, countless violence and conflicts appeared in every corner of the town. Regardless of gender, age, or occupation, everyone became a murderer, and everyone became a victim.

The corpses soon filled the square, and the stench of rotting corpses made everyone who came here frown, but when they threw the bodies of their neighbors and family members into the square and added one more to the counting board, they always looked happy.

Jenkins wondered why the corpses were gathered together to wait for the flowers to bloom, but no one could answer his questions. There was no normal person in the town except him.

Even though more than half of the people had died, the farce was still not over, because the more flowers and the fewer people there were, the more wishes the living could make. The moon and the sun passed overhead one by one, and when the seventh day came again, the last two townspeople in the town died at the same time. One had his skull smashed by the other's frying pan, and the other had his lungs pierced by the other's pitchfork.

Jenkins waited aside until it was confirmed that both men were dead, and then he kindly moved their bodies to the town square.

As a result, everyone in the town was lying here in an untidy manner.

He stood by the square and endured the smell of rotting corpses for a while, then heard light footsteps coming from behind. Turning around and looking, the little girl selling flowers came over carrying the small basket.

Compared with her in the eighteenth century, the girl's clothes at this time were very neat, she looked younger, and the black aura on her body was also very weak. This made her handsome face more attractive than the 18th century. Her face was more beautiful than Jenkins thought. This may be because the atmosphere and clothes when they met in the past affected his judgment.

"Hello, sir."

The girl greeted Jenkins.

"Do you know me?"

Jenkins said, pointing to himself.

"No, although I don't know you, I know your bloodline. You are from the sacrificial clan, which deserves my respect."

She said sweetly, then stood on tiptoes and looked at the many corpses in the square, with an innocent look on her face.

"The townspeople are all here."

Jenkins introduced.

"That's great. This is the first time my Lord has sent me to perform a mission in the material world. If I mess up, then the qualification to stay in the material world for a long time through the deception next time may not be mine."

She said happily, carefully lifting the cloth on the basket, and emerald green vines swarmed out from the dark mouth of the basket like snakes, leaping over Jenkins and swooping towards the corpse in the square.

"Do you mind telling me what's going on here? Although I've guessed a little bit, I'm still not very clear."

The reason why Jenkins failed to stop all this was because he discovered that all the townspeople and the town itself had black auras. As the townspeople die, the aura of the corpse and the aura of the surrounding environment will spontaneously converge to form the flower on the chest, and as the flower grows, more black aura will be absorbed.

He guessed that all this seemed to be a process of self-purification. In addition, after conducting an on-site investigation into the death of the first hunter, he found nothing strange, so he did not take action rashly in the end.

"This town has gathered a large amount of sins. These sins are the influence of that abominable thing from ancient times. If not filtered out, once the sins in the town are condensed into materialized extraordinary objects, it will cause disasters that will affect the entire material world. A great disaster. So my Lord sent me here to purify all the sins in the town. I wanted to save these mortals, but it was too late. These people have become one with the town. "

The little girl said, the basket she was carrying quickly absorbed the flowers composed of black aura. Not sure if it was an illusion, but Jenkins felt that the weather suddenly became better. The town, which had become weird due to the killings in recent days, was gradually returning to normal.

What the girl said is very similar to the principle of the masters sending those strange creatures to the material world to collect sin coins. It is essentially a cyclic purification process.

"But after that, new residents will be attracted soon, right? What if those sins gather again?"

Jenkins asked.

"Dear sir, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. The material world itself can digest certain sins, and the stability of the world is stronger than we think. Although after this large-scale purification, every few hundred years in the future, Abnormal events will still occur here, but the recurrence of an event of this magnitude will have to wait until at least the end of the Eighteenth Era. At that time, the great ones will definitely send new candidates to deal with the problem. "

Having said this, the little girl seemed to have thought of something. She inserted her white hands into the gaps between the squirming vines, took out a white flower from the basket and handed it to Jenkins.

"This is for you. It's nice to meet you."

The girl stood on tiptoes and held up the flowers, with a bright smile on her face. This scene easily reminded Jenkins of the scene that happened when he first got off work in the autumn of "last year", and he was stunned.

"I am glad to meet you too."

After reacting, he said with a smile, took the flowers and the book pages wrapped with stems from the girl's hands, stuffed the flowers into his mouth, and woke up from the bed in the church.

"At the end of the eighteenth era, the sins gathered in Blacktown will become unmanageable again. At that time, the masters will send the right person to deal with it... Who will they send... It won't be me. Bar?"

He felt that he had guessed the meaning of reading the story tonight, and understood that this incident was indeed not a coincidence.

"So, the first story is to let me understand what's going on in the town, and the last story is to probably encounter something very difficult?"

Chapter 1489 Chapter 1466 Treasure Hunting Adventure

Jenkins has read 9 different short stories so far, and judging from the table of contents, this book contains a total of 13 stories. It's almost two o'clock in the morning. After reading the remaining four stories, it should be just dawn.

"But since the accident will happen at the end of the 18th century, what's the point of letting me keep going into the past? Is it because of the legendary thing that is the source of all tragedies in Blacktown, the terrible thing that was born in this land? But that thing Since it’s so powerful, I shouldn’t be its opponent, right? If I have divinity in hand, I might be able to give it a try, but that’s not possible now.”

No one could help him answer his questions. Although the cat knew the answer, it didn't want to say it at all. It curled up into a ball and lay beside the pillow, quietly looking at Jenkins with a puzzled look on his face.

Jenkins never had many questions, but at least tonight, he would have the opportunity to solve one of the more important ones.

The tenth "Treasure Hunt Adventure" is a long story, at least three times longer than the previous "Wishing Flower". This is an adventure story, which is no longer popular in contemporary times, but a few hundred years ago, the main continent of the material world once set off a trend of exploring new continents overseas. At that time, adventure novels ending with finding a large amount of gold or treasure were all the rage, which was very similar to the trend of the middle class liking knight novels today.

Soon Jenkins came to the gloomy Black Town. The town looked a little dilapidated, and there was no trace of the existence of steam industry. I don't know which era it was.

According to the records in the book, three young people living in the town found a strange cave in the forest and found a large number of treasures after entering. The story mainly describes the strange illusions faced by the group after entering the cave, and the intrigues among the three people for the distribution of the treasure. The ending is of course good. The three people all got their own wealth and lived a rich life from then on.

"I haven't heard of such a large cave near the town of Black in the 18th century. Could it be that geological changes destroyed the previous traces?"

With such doubts, Jenkins walked into the town. This time he found the church of the Orthodox Church at once, but because the church didn't need help this time, he just looked at it from a distance and turned away.

The names of the three young men were not recorded in the story, but they were called by their nicknames. Even if the town was not big, it would be troublesome for a stranger like Jenkins to find the three people, so he adopted a wait-and-see approach and entered the forest east of the town, waiting for someone who met the description to enter here. This wait lasted for half a day. At night, he noticed that the three young men were holding torches and laughing and walking into the forest along the path.

"Strange, what are they doing in the woods so late? Have they found traces of the treasure?"

Jenkins climbed down from the tree and followed the three people from a distance.

The three protagonists of the story all came from poor families and were ordinary country youths that Jenkins could imagine. They were well prepared for this night outing. In addition to torches, everyone had weapons. Although they were just axes for chopping trees, they were also quite lethal.

"It's here. Are you ready?"

After walking in the woods for a long time, the three silent people stopped. The tallest young man in the lead asked his companions, and the other two nodded. Jenkins, who was following them, looked at the white light gate in the woods and didn't know what to say for a while.

Ordinary people can't see the strange land, even ordinary people with the gift of the gift can't see the entrance to the strange land, just like him who just came to this world.

The three people stopped here so accurately, but none of them was a gift, which means that someone deliberately told the three people the location of the strange land. Jenkins didn't know the purpose, but it was definitely not a good thing.

He wanted to speak to stop the three young people from entering the strange land, but before he could say anything, the three people had disappeared in the light gate. After hesitating for a while, Jenkins also wanted to follow, but before he could make any move, almost the next second after the three entered the strange land, the three walked out of the light gate again, and the light gate collapsed behind them, which meant that the strange land disappeared.

The three people were still dressed the same as before, and everyone looked excited. The tallest young man in the lead pushed a wheelbarrow used by miners, and the bucket was covered with a canvas, making it difficult to see what was inside.

They did not linger in the forest, and after leaving the strange land, they walked along the original road to Black Town.

So far, except for the appearance of the strange land, everything that happened is the same as in the "Black Town Secrets". If it weren't for a pair of special eyes, Jenkins would have been deceived.

It was three mortals who entered the strange land, but what came out of the strange land were three strange things with a strong black aura. Although they have exactly the same appearance as the young men just now, it is certain that the three did not pass through the strange land smoothly, but let the things in the strange land come to the material world in their appearance.

Combined with the fact that the three people came here at night for no reason, it's scary to think about what's going on behind this.

Jenkins didn't know if he was a match for the three weirdos, and he also wanted to know who planned all this, so he didn't do it in the forest, but followed the three weirdos into the town.

They behaved exactly like the original owners of the three faces. After carefully hiding the carts, they returned to their respective "homes".

Jenkins lay on the roof for a long time, and after making sure that they would not return, he pushed the cart out from behind the piled wood again. Lifting the canvas and looking at the light of the blue moon in the sky, there were ancient gold coins and gold and silver utensils stuffed almost without gaps.

"I thought it would be meat or something weirder..."

These valuable antiques had no aura, nor were they the cursed items that Jenkins guessed. They seemed to be just treasures. Jenkins really couldn't figure out what happened, so after restoring the scene, he came to the church in the town under the moonlight.

The last time I saw a church was in the shabby building in Vampire Passion. The church of this era at least looks like what a church should look like. After knocking on the door, a nun answered the door instead of a priest without any subordinates. This made Jenkins, who had been busy all day, feel relieved.

This time he still used the name of the so-called "demon hunter" and claimed that he passed by the town occasionally and saw the actions of the three people just now outside the town. The church priests of this era are all part-time gift givers. The priests themselves are equivalent to the level of Level 4 gift givers in the 18th century, so he immediately understood what the scene Jenkins saw meant. .

PS: The current nine stories: "Ghouls in the Cemetery", "The Tragedy of Pine Cones", "The Girl in the Lake", "The Devil Between Fingers", "The Man in the Closet", "On the Eve of the Wedding", "The End of the Traveler", "Vampire Passion", and "Wishing Flower".

It's not a foreshadowing, it just proves that I didn't count wrong.

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