Silver Dragon stroked the princess's hand and said with a smile:

"The underground is a subspace sealed by the ancient gods. It is the birthplace of ancient disasters. As for what was born here in ancient times, oh, I don't think I can answer you this question. It still exists, and it is extremely powerful. As mentioned, Its name will definitely resonate with it, and I can’t take the chance.”

"Then how dare you infect the power that remains here?"

Jenkins also saw a black aura from the silver dragon:

"According to my experience, no matter what race the guy who does this will have a bad end..."

He tried to keep his tone as tactful as possible.

"This is just the aftermath of the power of the beast of disaster, it won't care. And I need the power to protect what I have. If you were in my position, you would definitely make the same choice as me. Fuck me Pick some treasures from the treasure house, half-elf, even the cathedral of the Orthodox Church will not be richer than me."

It's a pity that Jenkins can't bring anything to his own era, and now it's far away from the eighteenth era. Even if he wants to let the dragon leave something for himself, time is enough to destroy all materials and agreements.

"No need, I think I should leave soon. Before I leave, I want to ask you a question. If I unfortunately encounter a terrible creature bred in this ancient land, is there any way for me to defeat it? "

Jenkins asked humbly.

"What crazy talk are you talking about? Mortals can't defeat it. Unless you can call on the help of gods, you have no hope of survival. But the possibility of you encountering it is unlikely. According to my understanding, it is based on Make an agreement with the gods and sleep outside the material world, waiting for the promised day to come. As long as you stay in the material world, you will never encounter it. "

Silver Dragon said nonchalantly, leaning against the princess and his mind was no longer in the conversation.

"I hope so."

Jenkins muttered softly, no longer looking at the intimate Silver Dragon couple nestled together, but turned to look around, expecting to see those pages of "Secrets of Black Town".

"If you firmly refuse to accept Anastasia's gift, then accept my small gift."

said the princess.

"No, I don't want it."

He still remembered what the princess wanted to give him just now. Now that the silver dragon was nearby, he didn't want to try the power of the dragon's breath at close range.

"Take this."

The princess took off her necklace and handed it to Jenkins:

"This is a family heirloom. No matter what happens to you, as long as you show it, the Aledman family will definitely help."


Jenkins was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it was the original surname of the legendary Dragon Knight family. Nolan's Dragon Knight girl, Miss Knight, was a descendant of this family.

"Wait, that is to say, the origin of the Dragon Knight family is most likely the two in front of you... But isn't it a female dragon? How can there be descendants? Is it adopted later? Or is it actually a princess? Is it male?"

He thought this immediately, and then looked at the princess in front of him with strange eyes. This behavior was immediately criticized by the beautiful silver dragon girl. She thought this look was very impolite and reminded that the husband of the beauty in front of her was right in front of her.

"You don't have to give this to me. In fact, I don't plan to take anything away."

Jenkins returned the necklace, and then saw a small black dot behind the silver dragon girl and princess, which was a page blown by the wind.

"We have to pay you, you deserve it."

Silver Dragon persisted, trying to reach out and hold Jenkins' shoulders, but as soon as her hand wearing a diamond bracelet touched her clothes, the man in front of her disappeared, as if he had never appeared in this world.


The princess took a step back in surprise.

"How is this..."

Silver Dragon was equally surprised. Even if Jenkins disappeared right in front of her eyes, she had no idea how this was done.

After looking around and pondering for a moment, Yinlong finally realized:

"So it turns out that the agreement between the gods and that terrible cat is true! What the moon-swallowing civet cat has been waiting for is..."

She smiled with relief, held her newlywed wife's hand again, and looked up with her at the stars shining above her head:

"Fate is really interesting."

At the end of the eighteenth century, Jenkins sat up from his bed in the church in Black Town, sighing and thinking about the last story he was about to face. It's already past four o'clock. The sun comes out very early in this season. In about half an hour, the completely dark night sky will be dispersed.

"The Dragon Legion has already appeared in the twelfth story. It's hard to imagine what will happen in the next story."

He did not start reading the last story immediately, but returned to Nolan again, let the unicorn fly to the evergreen forest outside the city, and then very rudely woke up from his deep sleep in the cave on the mountain wall. The dragon Niederhorgen.

In a fairy tale, this would of course be very dangerous, but this is reality and Jenkins doesn't have to worry about the dragon getting angry.

Chapter 1500 Chapter 1477 Doomsday

"Who is it, my God? It is not yet dawn...the Son of the Wise?"

In the cave on the side wall of the Evergreen Forest, the giant dragon Niederhorgen, who was awakened, still recognized Jenkins. After he stood up and saw that it was him, the red dragon lay down lazily again and spoke to him with narrowed eyes:

"What's the matter with calling me so early? If I remember correctly, you don't seem to be in Nolan right now."

"I have something to ask you. Of course, you haven't seen me today."

"I haven't seen anyone this morning."

Long Dahahaha said.

"Well, I want to ask you about a dragon. Do you know a dragon named Anastasia? No, it's not a red dragon, it's a silver dragon."

He asked with some worry.

"This is a very common name. In my hometown, I know at least ten dragons with this name. This name is as common as human Anna, Mary, and Sophie."

The red dragon explained, poking at the soil beside him with his claws, and wrote these names in dragon language that Jenkins could not understand at all.

"She probably looks like this."

As he spoke, Jenkins constructed the beautiful silver dragon using the method of reading and writing, and using ice chips in the air.


The red dragon made a very human sigh and even whistled:

"What a beautiful silver dragon. It's as beautiful as the ancient sculpture in my hometown... Why does it look the same as that sculpture?"

Jenkins couldn't tell the dragons apart by their faces and body features. When he was fighting the dragons just now, dragons of the same color were exactly the same in his eyes. But the dragons themselves can easily distinguish the differences in appearance between the bodies. The red dragon in front of them seems to recognize this silver dragon.

"In which book did you read it? Oh, yes, the silver dragon Anastasia, the legendary dragon, single-handedly defeated most of her contemporaries. To this day, she is still Legend. I don’t know if you can understand it, but in the dragon’s civilization, she is the kind of legend that really exists.”

"Is she still alive?"

The story of "Dragon Slayer Legend" took place at least before the tenth era. Even if the length of each era is not known, a rough calculation would be that it was nearly 20,000 years ago. Although he knew that the dragons in this world had a long lifespan like most dragons that Jenjin had heard of, he was not sure whether they could live for 20,000 years.

"Yes, she is still alive. She has found a way to transcend the age limit of dragon species and is one of the few ancient dragons in existence. However, the silver dragon Anastasia has long since left our world. It is said that in the seventeenth century, someone saw She appeared in the star realm."

The red dragon said, which proves that the giant dragon is not immortal, and all things under the gods are mortal.

"So did you know she had a human wife?"

Jenkins asked again.

"Yes, this is very famous. The reason why Silver Dragon Anastasia fought against most of her kind in her own era is for this reason. If you want to ask if that human is still alive, I can tell you , Yes. But you are not living as a human being. You probably know that humans have their limits. The story of the silver dragon Anastasia and her human wife is very famous in my hometown, just like those that have been circulated for a long time in the human world. heroic story."

As the red dragon spoke, he opened his mouth and yawned. This action was quite oppressive for the "tiny" Jenkins.

"Then do you know that the silver dragon is the origin of the human dragon knight family?"

"Of course I know, that's why I was so polite to the human girl named Knight. Otherwise, do you think that dragons like to be stood on by humans?"

The red dragon said, snorting from its huge nostrils and blowing out two streams of white smoke.

"It's so realistic."

Jenkins said in his heart, a little happy that they were still alive, but worried about what his last story would be like.

Back in the bedroom of Blacktown Church, it was already dark outside the curtains. It's five o'clock in the morning and dawn is just around the corner.

"No matter what, it will be opened sooner or later."

Jenkins sat up on the bed, made up his mind, and opened the last story, which was called "Mad Men and Fools."

As sleepiness emerged, his consciousness gradually became blurred. When he woke up, he no longer saw a remote rural town in front of him, but the ruins of a battlefield under the dim sky.

This may have once been a majestic city lined with spectacular stone buildings. But now there are only ruins left here, the smoke of the battlefield is spreading over the ruins, the corpses of various strange creatures are piled together, and the uneven ground is filled with sewage and blood.

There was light rain in the sky. When I looked up, I saw neither the sun nor the clouds. What you see is an extremely terrifying scene. A huge black halo is embedded in the sky, as if burning black flames are flying continuously from inside the ring to the ground. You can vaguely hear noises and crying in the distance. This is probably The last survivors of this war are dying.

This story is an anti-war fairy tale, describing the conversations between the surviving madmen and fools on the battlefield after the extremely tragic war. This is a battlefield, but judging from the atmosphere and the surrounding aura, this is definitely not just a war.

In Jenkins' view, the nearby space wall even had cracks due to the recent battle, and the remaining spirits on those corpses were stronger than the spirits on most of the living Gifters he had seen. The spirit in the space is very strange. The color of the spirit light uniformly changes to black with the radiation of the giant black halo in the sky.

In his opinion, the decay of this world was simply like the scene of the impending doomsday without fire that he saw in the Titan spirit during the decisive battle with the Titans. The material world is turning into a strange thing, and this is probably what it will look like at the end of the era. This is a world that is about to end. There is no doubt that the savior has failed, and the real catastrophe sweeping the world is about to come. If nothing else, that terrifying black halo in the sky is the culprit.

“So am I a bystander to the story this time, or am I one of the madmen and fools?”

Jenkins resisted the discomfort at the black aura around him and turned to look around. Only Doomsday could describe the scene around him. Everything was destroyed, and the battlefield ruins in front of him were undoubtedly the ruins of the ancient city he saw when he rescued the halfling fortune teller.

If this place can be restored, it may be the origin of Blacktown. As the last story in "Blacktown Secrets", this will guide Jenkins to discover the original truth of the town.

Chapter 1501 Chapter 1478 Madmen and Fools

I wanted to follow the sound I heard just now and look for the survivors. Just when Jenkins was about to turn around, a man climbed out of the pile of corpses next to him and staggered towards him. This man is a human, at least from the appearance of a human. He is older than Jenkins, probably around thirty years old. Due to the fierce battle, his body is covered with wounds. His face is covered with a layer of ash, and one of the wounds has not yet healed. The scar stretches from behind the right ear to the cheek.

"I failed."

The man said this, walked up to Jenkins and threw himself to the ground, trying to get up but couldn't.

"I failed."

He repeated, pulling on Jenkins' trousers:

"This era is over. I failed. Nothing can be stopped."

As he spoke, he actually began to sob. Jenkins had never seen any man cry so miserably.

"I think our conversation would be a little more interesting if you would explain what happened."

Jenkins tried to help him up, but the man refused. Jenkins couldn't heal him either. His injuries couldn't be cured by simply replenishing his vitality. I'm afraid this man wouldn't live for more than half an hour.

"I failed. I defeated all other candidates, but I failed to complete the final mission. I shouldn't be so greedy. If everyone could talk and work together to solve this disaster, things would not be like this. ”

"So what's going on?"

Jenkins only roughly understood that the man in front of him was a savior from the ancient era, but unfortunately he failed to save the world.

"The ancient custom of worshiping the moon and unbalanced desires have accumulated too many sins. The moon that has been hanging above our heads since the beginning has been dyed black by sin. Although I stopped the birth of the beast of disaster , but I couldn't stop the coming of the final doomsday, I failed, I'm sorry for this world..."

At the end of the era there will be beasts of disaster, and at the same time there will be the final disaster. These are two completely different things, but they will both trigger the collapse of the material world, and may also combine to threaten the world. Obviously the doomsday has not been effectively prevented. Jenkins doesn't know how to comfort the person in front of him. He guesses that the other person is the "madman" in the story.

"So I'm a fool? But where was my foolishness?"

He thought in his mind, and when he saw that the other party was unwilling to stand up, he glanced at the dirty ground with disgust, and then carefully sat down next to the other party.

"I don't know if you can believe it. In fact, I am not from this era. It seems that I came here just to have a word with you."

He originally thought that the Lord's intention was to let him face the beast of disaster that was born in Black Town, but the last story did not mention this at all, it just described the conversation between a madman and a fool.

"You come from the future, so tell me, is the world destroyed?"

asked the dying man.

"You may have some misunderstandings. The arrival of the end will only destroy this era. When everything is over, the intelligent creatures in the material world of the next era will continue to live without civilization, waiting for the arrival of another doomsday."

"That's good. If the world is really completely destroyed because of me, I won't be in peace even if I die."

He lay on the ground crying, and Jenkins couldn't bear it.

"Actually, I am also a savior candidate, but not from this era. Maybe you can give me some advice."

Jenkins said, reaching out to catch some rainwater falling from the sky, and found that it was mixed with black ash. The temperature is dropping rapidly, and the air is becoming thinner. The black halo in the sky, which was transformed from the original moon, is not only bringing disaster, but also absorbing everything that provides the survival of life.

The world is coming to an end, completely over, and Jenkins is very curious about how it will be reborn in the next era.

"If you are a savior, remember that those competitors are also companions. Even if great deeds can only be accomplished by one person, one person has limits after all. We are saviors, but we are still mortals. The ultimate disaster Ugh, that’s terrible..."

Even if he doesn't die, this person is completely destroyed. Jenkins didn't know what he had been through, but it was clear that he had no fighting spirit now and that the man was only a shell.

"You actually believe that I'm from the future so easily?"

"Why don't I believe it? It's all coming to an end, the lies, the truth, it's meaningless."

He sighed and buried his face in the black soil, his breath gradually getting weaker.

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