"In fact, according to my understanding, the beast of disaster in this era was finally born, and it was born on this land. History tells me so, and people in different periods can prove this."

"It can't be born, it was sealed by me..."

The man suddenly raised his hand and stuffed an egg into Jenkins' hand. Before that, he had absolutely nothing in his hand.

"Look, it was sealed by me. This is my only contribution to this world..."

He died before he finished speaking, and died as a failed savior.

"If I fail, will it be the same fate?"

Jenkins thought sadly, stood up and looked at the egg. The egg was very small, like a quail egg, and it looked very ordinary in gray and white.

"Since it is sealed, then the legend of Black Town... I know, the seal is time-limited, and maybe the creature in the egg was born after this."

He put the egg in the pocket on his chest to prevent it from being lost, and then picked up the man's body and wanted to bury him, which was also the last pity for the guy who was also a savior.

But when he covered the last handful of soil with the shovel he drew, Jenkins suddenly realized something very serious - the pocket on the chest of his pajamas was not empty. Before putting the egg in, there was a ring that sealed the black stone of disaster (Chapter 1448).

The former God of Lies claimed that the stone had the power to destroy the world, so Jenkins had kept it carefully until now.

He immediately put his hand in his pocket, but when he touched it, he took out only the egg.

"No way?"

Jenkins was about to sweat. He put the ring in his pocket when he was teasing Chocolate in the middle of the night, and then forgot to return it. Later, he wore this pajamas and did a lot of things at different times, so he couldn't be sure where the ring fell or was absorbed by the egg.

Chapter 1502 Chapter 1479 The original story (end of this volume)

In a panic, Jenkins did not give up and reached into his chest pocket again, and found some scattered black dust at the bottom of his pocket.

"Oh, God~"

Even though it was drizzling and the wind was taking away the nearby heat, it couldn't stop Jenkins from sweating on his forehead. The ring was not lost, but was really absorbed. At the same time, he now knew why the beast of disaster was sealed by the savior of this era, but was still born in the land of Black Town.

"It turns out... everything is my fault."

The moment he figured it all out, he even had the idea of ​​digging out the man he had just buried and asking him about the sealing method. But the dead cannot be resurrected, and after absorbing such a deadly thing, Jenkins was not sure whether the thing that was about to be born in the egg could be sealed again.

Holding the egg, Jenkins had already felt the gradually resurrected vitality in the eggshell. That vitality was extremely huge and twisted, more terrifying than the life spirit of any creature Jenkins had ever felt.

He carefully probed his spirit over, trying to establish a connection with the guy in the egg to comfort it, but this obviously would not succeed. He couldn't even understand his own cat, let alone understand an egg.

The black stone of disaster was a "tonic" for the egg. In just a few minutes, the egg's size grew rapidly, and the egg itself began to wriggle, trying to escape from Jenkins' hands.

Jenkins held it to his chest with both hands, and then continued to use his life spirit to regulate the life spirit of the creature inside the egg. He hoped that he could rely on his control of the life spirit and the ability of the newly acquired [Hero] to purify the soul of the creature inside the eggshell and weaken the black spiritual light before it broke out of the shell.

The thing inside the egg probably guessed what Jenkins wanted to do. When the two spirits came into contact, the crazy suction quickly extracted Jenkins' spirit.

Jenkins was not panicked when he saw this. He held the egg that was still growing in his arms with one hand, and took out his cane from the air with the other hand and then stabbed it hard into the black soil under his feet.

Even though this land was dying with the black halo transformed by the original moon in the sky, the vitality in the earth was still inexhaustible. Jenkins struggled to sit down while fighting with the egg, leaning on his cane. The cane absorbed the power from the land, taking root and sprouting like a branch being inserted. As Jenkins sat down, a small tree appeared behind him, and soon a canopy grew to shield him from the rain containing black ash.

The tree was growing, and Jenkins absorbed the spirit from the tree to fight against the egg. The small tree soon became a big tree, and the big tree soon became a giant tree.

The sun never rose again, and Jenkins didn't know how many days and nights had passed. He only knew that the tree transformed by the cane behind him was as tall as the giant trees in the Evergreen Forest. The people who survived the war also gathered together and relied on the protection of the giant trees to avoid the deadly rain and black fireballs dripping from the sky.

The volume of the egg expanded to the size of a human head and stopped changing. The creatures in the egg completely absorbed, compressed and transformed the power. The newborn life was not Jenkins' opponent, and it was gradually suppressed as the tree grew. Absorption and giving became a balance, very fragile, but temporarily maintainable.

After countless days and nights, the broken space wall near the battlefield was completely broken, and the shadow world next to the material world invaded here. The power of the shadow eroded the earth, making it impossible for the trees to provide Jenkins with more power. The egg spontaneously absorbed the power of the shadow, and gradually overwhelmed Jenkins in a fragile balance.

One day, the people gathered under the giant tree bowed to the owner of the giant tree, Jenkins, who was sleeping under the tree with the egg in his arms, as usual.

Jenkins suddenly opened his eyes, his voice low and hoarse:

"I can't do it anymore, you leave as soon as possible, I can't stop it from breaking out of the shell. This world has not been completely destroyed, and there are still many survivors scattered on the earth. Go find them and spend the long doomsday that is coming together."

The eggshell in his hand has all turned black, which represents the power of sin and shadow, which just counteracts the power of Jenkins. Jenkins has absorbed too many spirits from Jenkins, and his suppression of the egg is on the verge of collapse. The egg seems to have a unique devouring talent, which can rely on the nature of devouring spirits to gain abilities. It absorbs shadows and controls them, absorbs Jenkins' spirit, and can now even freely control the life spirit provided by the giant tree.

"You saved us, what else can we do for you?"

The people asked loudly.

Jenkins shook his head and suddenly noticed some elves wearing silver armor in the crowd, so he asked:

"How is the world tree now?"

In this era, elves are still active in the material world. As long as the world tree is still there, the elves can be protected, and maybe even protect other alien races.

"Priest, the World Tree may have suffered a heavy blow. Why don't you go back with us? The World Tree cannot live without a priest like you."

"So they said I was a descendant of a priest, referring to the priest of the World Tree... So the blood inherited by the Williamite family is so powerful?"

Jenkins thought in his heart, and then shook his head at the crying elves:

"I am destined to stay here. No one can replace my duties. The matter of this egg was caused by me, and I can't let it go. Leave here and find the World Tree of my hometown. There will always be a priest to take responsibility. Believe me, the long doomsday will eventually end. When the next era begins, don't forget to help other injured people."

His hands were suppressing the egg in his arms, so he could only open his mouth and spit out the remaining breath of life to the kneeling people. This is the breath of the purest spirit of life, enough to heal people's pain and give them a chance to survive the painful migration afterwards.

People gradually left, and the elves were the last to leave. Before leaving, they sang the funeral song of the elves to Jenkins according to the ancient etiquette.

Watching their backs as they left, Jenkins closed his eyes again while holding the egg. Time flies, trees flourish and wither. He and the egg have lived together for who knows how long, and how much the egg has taken from Jenkins.

One day, Jenkins fell down, his body disappeared, and the egg fell out of his arms. After that, with the departure of the cane, the giant trees collapsed, and the majestic spirit of life that had accumulated for a long time finally turned into the ancient forest.

The egg lay quietly in the soil, bathed in the shadow and the power of life, and gradually grew.

No matter how long the doomsday is, there will be a day when it disappears, and no matter how long the story is, there will always be a magical beginning.

When fate thought that the glory of the next era could appear, the egg sleeping in the ruins of the ancient city shook. The power of sin and shadow swept the entire city. As the first crack appeared on the eggshell, the majestic spirit hit the forest and the broken walls in the forest.

Crack~ Crack~

The creature in the egg resolutely broke the last obstacle. When the black thunder fell from the sky and struck the egg, the young black cat broke through the eggshell, letting its hair bathe in the breath of the ancient years.

It was very young, but it had infinite power. The amber eyes slowly opened, and the newborn cat looked at everything around it ignorantly.

It was special. Its unique identity as a beast of disaster gave it a lot of innate knowledge. During the long time it spent with Jenkins under the tree, it also got more from the man.


The young cat raised its head and called out, its voice sad and gentle. It couldn't find the man, the man who gave it warmth and strength when it was the weakest.


The young cat's stomach was growling. It was still very hungry as a newborn, and its innate devouring talent made it want to find something to eat.

The cat didn't want to destroy the place where it was born, so it looked up at the huge black halo in the sky. That was something very similar to its power essence. They were all products of all the sins of the last century, but the cat did not use this power to destroy the world.

It jumped up lightly and jumped to a very high altitude. The cat's mouth opened, opened, and opened. The halo of destruction transformed by the original moon disappeared little by little in the cat's mouth under the effect of the principle of homologous engulfment.


The falling cat spread on the branch and burped loudly, then hid its face with its little paws in a very humane way. The blue sky appeared above the head, and the bright sunshine shone on the black cat's fur on the back through the shade of the tree, making the cat look like it was glowing.

The end of the world is over, and the disappearance of the black halo allows the material world to see blue sky and white clouds again after thousands of years. A new era is about to begin, everything has to start from scratch, and the newborn cat has to start its own story.

It poked its head around, trying to find the man, but the sad expression on the cat's face showed that it already knew the answer.


It screamed to the sky again, with a shrill and sad voice. This scream attracted the gods who followed the pure white light pillar to the material world. New pacts will be made, and powerful beasts of disaster will await.

It is a civet that swallows the moon, it is also a disaster at the end of the era, it is a monster with infinite power, and it is also a cat that waits patiently.

At the end of the 18th century, Jenkins sat up from the bed and raised his right hand to block the light that entered through the gap in the curtains and shone on his face. The ancient town has awakened, and outside the church, unknown bards are softly reciting poems handed down from ancient times;

"I will wait,

I will wait.

No matter how long,

I'll be waiting.

Wait until you show up,

Wait until you come to this world.

Even if it is a long time in the future,

Even if I have to go through countless hours.

Waiting for you to appear,

I will come to you quietly.

Waiting for you to appear,

I will give up everything to come to you.

Waiting for you in that dangerous basement hole,

Confirm that you are my dearest bond;

I'll follow behind your wheel,

Come to the world with you;

I will quietly watch you from the corner,

Protect your peace.

When I'm tired of it all,

I will take the initiative to appear in front of you.

I will pick up a small cardboard box,

Put it before your eyes.

I'll crawl in clumsily,

Waiting for you to take me home.


I will wait,

I will wait.

Waiting to live with you,

Waiting to rejoice with you,

waiting to see you,

See all of you.

Even if I can't express it clearly,

I also want to lie on your bedside and look at you,

Just like you looked at me then,

Look at your smiling face. "(Note)

"Who is singing love poems at the church door so early?"

Jenkins, who was still a little confused, muttered in a low voice that what he heard was a very famous love poem that was handed down from ancient times. Anyone with some knowledge must have heard of this poem. Jenkins was able to dig out memories related to this poem from the original owner's memory. It was one of the few poems that the unlearned original owner was familiar with.

This should have led to something, but he was weak at the moment, and looking at his cat could temporarily cloud his judgment.


I wanted to leave the bed, only to realize that my whole body ached. The last story is like a dream to him now, not as clear as the first 12 stories. He didn't finish the story, so he could only end it all by "coming back from the dead".

But this is not considered a failure, because he believes that he has indeed greatly delayed the birth of the terrible beast of disaster, and greatly purified the spirit of the egg in the doomsday world.

"My whole body aches, oh, I haven't felt like this for a long time."

He complained as he stepped on his slippers and left the bed, then opened the curtains and let the bright morning light pour into the bedroom. Throughout the night, he spent thirteen stories and experienced thirteen wonderful and interesting adventures.

Now it is daylight and the story is over. He must prepare to return to reality and face the troubles in Beldiran City.

Looking back, the pages on the bedside with twelve stories written on them were turning into dust little by little in the sunlight. When there was only a handful of dust left on the bedside, twelve sparkling round gems lay among the dust, which were the coins of sin - [Gemstones of Time].

"It seems that the master [Closed Circle] still recognizes my work."

He shrugged his shoulders and turned around to look out the window, but then he suddenly heard a cat meowing. He turned to look at the bed again, and saw Chocolate flying towards him with an excited look on his face.

God knows why a cat has such an expression on its face.

"Oh, my chocolate~"

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