Jenkins opened his mouth, not knowing how to catch the words. The cat's chin on his lap rested on Jenkins' leg, its little ears perked up listening to the conversation between the two. In the eyes of cats, this is nothing new. It is a lie that gods can favor everyone equally.

"You don't have to be so surprised."

Mr. Boko patted Jenkins on the shoulder:

"Actually, before this, I did have some doubts about why the sage did this. But after meeting you, I understood that you and us are destined to be different. I have reached the peak of what a mortal can achieve, so in Only through the eyes of ordinary people can we barely notice your difference."

"How am I different?"

Jenkins still doesn't understand.

"I don't understand either. Maybe the day I understand, I will be qualified to meet the sage."

He patted Jenkins on the shoulder again, stood up and left, ending this inexplicable conversation. Jenkins was left alone to sit on the bench, thinking for a long time without understanding what the other party wanted to express.

But Jenkins had a hunch that the gentleman just now might not see him again for a long time.

Chapter 1511 Chapter 1488 The Arrival of Dad

Jenkins still remembered another mission he came to Belduran City on, which was to meet the Queen. At first, he really believed what Count Biden said, but now that he knows William's secret, he understands that it may only be partially true.

If he wanted to see the Queen, Jenkins didn't just have to knock on the door of Cold Spring Palace. He needs to wait for the Queen to summon him instead of going on his own.

He has not hidden his whereabouts since he came to Beldiran, and anyone who is interested can find him as long as they investigate. Therefore, if the weak queen really wants to see him, she may send someone to come at any time, and Jenkins is also paying attention to this matter these days.

But before being summoned, Jenkins met Dad at Beldilan. Two months later, after the "accidental" collision between the chocolate and the bottle, Jenkins finally saw his father again.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

He gave his father a big hug, and then saw that his father had not changed much. Even his clothes were still the same, not very old-fashioned but definitely not fashionable. Jenkins was particularly touched by the long-lost reunion. He enthusiastically took the box from his father and looked at him happily when he saw his father.

"Why did you come to Belduran? You should have told me earlier and I could pick you up at the train station."

He also remembered that he wasn't supposed to know about his father's visit.

"There is a big business that requires my personal participation, and the Holy See also hopes that I will come here soon to identify a batch of dangerous goods. I happened to know that you were coming back, so I took the train and took the time. Unexpectedly, it was still too late. Two days later, I thought we would arrive on the same day. Let Dad see how you are doing lately. Look, you don’t look fat like your cat. I thought, The food at the Princess of the North’s house will make you gain weight.”

Dad looked at Jenkins enthusiastically and even made wisecracks. It's just that Jenkins is not very concerned about weight, but Chocolate likes to hear other people praise its weight.

Because of the secretive nature of Dad's work, he certainly cannot live in the Holy See like Jenkins. It's just that this time there was a business trip, so the accommodation expenses can be reimbursed. Dad chose to stay in a hotel in the center of Belduran, which is very close to the Antique Street.

Jenkins didn't know if his father knew about his family's affairs, but he thought he probably knew. But he didn't mention this to his father. Instead, he kept talking about what he saw in the North, the magnificent snow-capped mountains, and the girls wearing exotic costumes.

"While you were away from Nolan, a lot of big things happened in this city. You may not believe it. A few days ago, someone actually mailed the stone tablet recording the [Doomsday Document] to the church. , you can’t imagine the expression on Binxi’s face when he found the stone slab... So what happened between you and the princess? I remember that you had a good relationship with Hesha and Mihail, you were young. People should be careful and not fall into emotional traps.”

After Jenkins finished speaking, his father changed the topic and asked.

"Dolores and I have similar interests. I think if possible, I will move to Runen in the future."

He said this on purpose.

"What? This won't work! You...are you not willing to work at Dad's place in the future? And Nolan Parish also needs you."

Sure enough, Dad's reaction fully proved that he knew the inside story.

"As expected, you also know."

"what do you know?"

"Knowing what happened with William, our family actually has royal blood, right?"

The father was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Jenkins's expression didn't look like he was trying to deceive him, he nodded slowly after a long time:

"Although I had thought that you would know in advance, I didn't expect it to be under such circumstances."

"I guessed it myself. I also talked with the Pope this morning. I suddenly discovered that except for me, all of you seem to know about it."

Dad smiled awkwardly, took out the key he just got from the first floor, opened the door and let Jenkins in. Jenkins pulled the heavy suitcase and put it in the corner. Then he saw his father closing the door behind his back and walking to the window to open the curtains.

There are lively streets outside, and the population density of Beldiland is close to that of Nolan. In addition, this is the royal capital, and everything seems to be more prosperous than Nolan City.

"Now that we know everything, there is no need to hide it. This matter was accidentally discovered during the background check on you. We told your father immediately, but Robert chose not to tell you. He thought it was better for you. So now, what are your plans?"

"I have no plans, just wait and see what happens and wait for the Queen to make her choice. I told King Pontev IV this morning that if I have to move forward, I will not refuse, but it is difficult for me to choose to go this way. road.”

"That's good, you always make the right choice."

Dad turned around with his hands behind his back and shook his head, his wrinkled face full of relief.

"So you really don't need to make a special trip to Beldiran. I can handle the meeting with the Queen myself."

"You don't really think that I came to Beldiran just for your business, do you?"

Dad laughed and motioned to Jenkins to look at the box he had brought.

At his signal, Jenkins opened the heavy suitcase. After two crisp sounds, Jenkins opened the buckle. What he saw after opening it was not the spare clothes and towels, but the presence of his father. The kind of appraisal equipment commonly used in antique shops. There were some documents pressed at the bottom, which seemed to be bank deposit certificates and other documents.

"This visit to Beldiland is really about business. If you can finish the work report as soon as possible, you can come with me to open your eyes. The goods transported to Beldiland this time are really amazing. I can reveal first that it is a Category B extraordinary event that only happens once every one hundred years. This time I want to take you to experience it for a long time. "

Jenkins was naturally willing to follow his father to learn more. Later, he talked with his father about his knowledge and travel experiences in the North. As for the bloodline and the throne, the two of them had a tacit understanding and did not mention it again.

In addition to Dad, Hathaway, Bryony and the Williamsot family are also on their way to Belduran. If nothing unexpected happens, Jenkins will be able to see them soon. While waiting for the Queen's summons and the arrival of his family, the Holy See saw that Jenkins was idle, so he gave him a small task, which allowed him, the Holy Son, to play some role.

Chapter 1512 Chapter 1489 Small Task

"Recycle a mirror?"

In the office of Pope Ponteff IV, Jenkins asked in surprise, reaching out to take the information.

"I see that you have nothing to do recently, and the debriefing will only start next week, so I helped you find something to do. The church received intelligence and suspected that the mirrors collected by the viscount's family were prohibited items, so they must be recycled. The money has been prepared Okay, just communicate and buy it in your own name. After recycling, hand it over directly to the Special Items Disposal Office. You should know where that building is, so this is a special task assigned to you, so I will leave it to you. I will arrange it for you, but the activity funding will still be the same as when you were in Nolan.”

"I see......"

Jenkins also enjoyed having something to do to kill the boredom. He looked at the information in the mirror, not realizing what he was about to face.

Because it was a task given to Jenkins to kill time, the task itself was not difficult. The Holy See did not send any helpers to Jenkins, but it did give him a lot of operational funds.

Jenkins visited his father early on Saturday morning, agreed on a time to go out together, and then took the note with the viscount's address and prepared to buy the mirror.

According to the church information, it was a silver-framed cosmetic mirror with a long handle, and it was also a double-sided mirror dotted with some broken gemstones. The way the mirror came into the hands of the Viscount is unknown. Currently, it is known that the front side of the mirror (differently defined according to the pattern) can absorb curses and diseases on the reflected characters, and the back side can absorb people's spiritual power in the form of illusions.

This mirror briefly appeared and was recorded in history, and is currently numbered B-10-04-3977 [Mirror of Good and Evil]. Its level of danger is not high. As long as you are not fooled by the illusion on the back of the mirror, it is even a rare Class B [Extraordinary] item that has no side effects and is a therapeutic type.

The viscount's surname is Gurus, which is not a noble surname that has been passed down for a long time. According to Jenkins' investigation, the old viscount obtained the title by virtue of his meritorious service in border battles when he was young.

He originally thought that this mission would not last long, and the time-consuming step was probably just to convince the Viscount to sell the mirror. Unexpectedly, after knocking on the door and explaining his purpose, the servant asked Jenkins to come in and wait. Then Jenkins followed the valet and met the other three gentlemen in the study.

"These are all customers who are going to buy mirrors. Mr. Gurus has something to do upstairs and will come to see you soon."

The servant introduced, and then motioned to Jenkins to sit wherever he wanted.

Viscount Grouse's study was not big. Three well-dressed gentlemen came in before Jenkins. The older one stood in front of the window looking at the street outside. The man with a mustache was interested. Looking at the bookshelf, the only one who had not taken off his hat was sitting on a chair next to the small table against the wall, drinking tea.

Seeing Jenkins enter the door, the three of them looked at him, and there was not much friendliness in their eyes.

"No way, so many people want to buy that mirror?"

He wondered in his mind whether he had brought enough money, and then he suspected that the fact that the mirror was an extraordinary object had been exposed. He blinked and looked at the three people with bad expressions, confirming that they were all ordinary people.

All four people came for the same goal, but the mirror was obviously not going to be sold to four people at once. So they didn't have a good impression of each other. After the servant left, they stood or sat separately, with no intention of chatting. After waiting for a long time before Viscount Gurus came, someone finally couldn't help but start talking.

"What a coincidence today, but I don't think that mirror will fall into other people's hands. I forgot to introduce myself. I am an employee of the auction house on Owl Cross Street. Here is my business card."

The man who spoke was the man with a mustache. Although he only said it was the auction house on Owl Crossing Street, everyone knew that the auction house next to the bustling street in the city center had shares in the royal family, and even the city hall The stolen goods confiscated by the police auction or the private property pledged will be chosen there.

Jenkins took the business card politely, then looked at it and put it politely into his pocket. The other party is his competitor, so there is no need for him to be too close. The other two people thought the same way, so they just took the business card and nodded without thinking about anything.

"I wonder where the three of you will be promoted?"

The man with the mustache was a little embarrassed, so he took the initiative to ask.

Although we are competitors, we still have to have basic courtesy. After all, those who are allowed to enter are people with status. Since you have asked and not answered, it is not good.

"I work for Count Paramount, and the Count wants to prepare a birthday gift for the lady."

The most aged man said, in fact, the previous few people could tell from his temperament that he was a high-level servant or housekeeper.

"I am a history teacher at the Ecole Polytechnic of Verdurin. The school recently allocated a large sum of money to us."

said the man in the black hat.

Jenkins understood what he was saying. Professor Burns said that every time the school allocates funds to the history department, the first thing they think of is to get some "teaching aids" to enrich the collection.

"I am a collector. I heard that the Viscount has a collection here, so I wanted to try my luck."

Jenkins said, seeing everyone else looking at him, he added:

"If you want, you can call me Baron. Although few people call me that, I will not forget my noble status."

Of course, there is something to show off in saying this, but combined with Jenkins's very young face, even if he is just a baron, this status is enough to awe others.

Jenkins smiled at them, took the cat out of his pocket, put it on his lap and played with it. Of course, Chocolate was not the kind of cat that would be slaughtered by others. He quickly won the "fight" with Jenkins' right hand, happily wagging his tail and jumped onto his shoulder, tickling the back of Jenkins' neck with the tip of his tail.

After waiting for a full hour, the four of them saw Viscount Gurus in person in his study. He is probably 60 years old. Although he is not old enough to be helped to walk, he still worries that he may fall down at any time when he walks.

After slowly sitting behind the big desk, he looked up at the four people standing. Jenkins believed that others shared his dissatisfaction, and while there was nothing wrong with respecting the owner of the house, keeping them waiting for an hour was excessive.

"If you have the patience to wait for me, I think it's worth giving that mirror to one of you."

The Viscount's speaking voice made him appear older than he looked. His voice was hoarse, as if he was speaking with the air squeezed out of his lungs, and he had to pause for a moment to catch his breath every time he spoke.

PS: I don’t know how many people have watched "Dream of Red Mansions" and know about Fengyue Baojian.

Chapter 1513 Chapter 1490 Bidding

From the perspective of Jenkins, the vitality of the old man behind the desk had weakened to almost nothing. Even if he suddenly lost his voice while speaking and died, Jenkins would not be surprised.

"This is the mirror."

The Viscount pushed the box onto the desk with difficulty. The lid of the wooden box was not opened, but there must be the mirror inside.

"You make a bid, and whoever pays more will take it."

He took two more breaths:

"I only want cash and I don't accept barter. It doesn't matter who you work for. If you have more money, take it with you."

"Ten pounds!"

The gentleman from the auction house was the first to shout, wondering whether the speed was related to his working environment.

"Fifteen pounds. Count Paramount sent me."

said the count's servant.

"It's 20 pounds. Although I don't have much money, if I have a chance, I can still give it a try."

said the history teacher, who seemed to be the least concerned about getting the mirror.

"30 pounds, meow~"

Jenkins didn't say much. The meow was caused by Chocolate, but because he was speaking too close to him, it might be misunderstood.

Jenkins suspected the cat was playing tricks on him.

He suddenly increased the price by 10 pounds to scare others away. But the four people who came here all had their own purposes, and the mere price of 10 pounds was not enough to make anyone quit.

"50 pounds"

The man with the mustache said immediately, and then gave Jenkins a provocative look.

"100 pounds."

The history teacher raised his right hand and gave the price.

"Are you crazy?"

The Earl's servant asked in surprise. The mirror alone was definitely not worth that much money. According to Jenkins's valuation, if the mirror did not have any supernatural powers, then the reasonable price range for selling it as an antique should be 40 to 60 pounds.


The servant realized that the auction had not ended yet, so he immediately raised the price.

Jenkins and the gentleman from the auction house looked at him at the same time, with the same look as the servant looked at the history teacher just now.


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