Although it only increased by 10 pounds, the gentleman at the auction house was undoubtedly expressing his position that such a price would not scare him.

"You are not working together, deliberately tricking me into paying a high price, are you?"

Jenkins said this deliberately, paused for a second and then shouted out his price:

"150 pounds!"

He didn't add much, but he also showed that he would not quit easily because of a three-digit price. This made the cat on the shoulder a little dissatisfied. It knew how much things could be sold for 150 pounds. From the cat's perspective, this was Jenkins spending the family's money to buy things he didn't need.

"It seems that your determination is higher than I thought."

Viscount Grus groaned and said hoarsely, which temporarily stopped the increasingly heated bidding.

"I don't know what brought you all here, but I have to remind you that I am only 41 years old this year."

This made the room quiet for a while. Viscount Grouse, who looked like he was dying, with old age spots on his face and wrinkles that looked like they could kill flies, claimed that he was only 41 years old.

"Before I got this mirror half a week ago, I looked just as handsome as this gentleman over here."

He pointed to Jenkins, who suspected that the Viscount was a little too confident:

"After I got this mirror, I only used it for three days and it became like this. If you really want to buy it, you must think carefully about it. Go ahead, it was 150 pounds just now."

He stopped talking when he said this. The other four people in the study looked at the people around them, but no one saw giving up on anyone's face.





The person who had the nerve to tell this number was the person who claimed to be a history teacher, but now everyone is doubting his identity. Even if the school had special support for the subject, it would never be possible to spend such a large amount of money to buy an antique mirror. Whether in Nolan or Belduran, 300 pounds is a large amount of money that most citizens cannot afford at once.

"I remind you again that once you have this mirror, it is not easy to give it up."

The panting Viscount said. He stretched out his slender, pale, bone-like index finger of his right hand and pointed at the wooden box:

"I was upstairs for an hour before I came down, but I just couldn't make up my mind to sell it. But I understand now that if I continue to indulge in that temptation, then maybe tomorrow will be the day I die. I don't want to hurt you, please. Think carefully before making a decision.”

The Viscount is probably a good person, but unfortunately his willpower is weak. Jenkins speculated that his current appearance was related to looking at the back of the mirror too much.


Jenkins said.




"I suspect you don't have that much money at all. You are forcing us to leave. It is absolutely impossible for the auction house to let an out-of-town salesman have the right to decide such a large sum of money!"

The man who claimed to be the earl's servant made a very pointed rebuke to the gentleman at the auction house, who shrugged his shoulders and casually took out a bundle of banknotes tied with white paper from the inside pocket of his coat.

"The one who should be suspected is actually you. Although I don't know Count Paramount, I don't think it's possible for him to let a servant carry so much money out."

said the gentleman from the auction house.

"I am deeply trusted by the count, and my loyalty is beyond your imagination. Shouldn't the person over there who calls himself a teacher be more suspicious?"

While showing the banknotes in his pocket, he directed the conversation to the history teacher on the other side.

"I have money."

The latter answered calmly, then turned to look at Jenkins, as if he wanted to pull him into the water. But from the self-introductions of the four, it is Jenkins whose identity is the most credible.

"I'm Baron Jenkins Willamette. I think you may have heard of my name. I've written two best-selling books..."

He took the initiative to prove that his financial resources were no problem.

"2,000 pounds, this is all the cash I have. Since everyone is so confident, let's see who brings more money."

The man from the auction house said, taking out all the money on his body. There are very few large-denomination 100-pound banknotes on the market now. This denomination is usually used to settle bulk goods transactions. What he took out was exactly 20 100-pound banknotes. This denomination is rare even for Jenkins. Can be seen.

Jenkins now understood that the four buyers present did not come here with simple intentions.

Chapter 1514 Chapter 1491 Disasters and Disputes

The money thrown away by the man from the auction house was placed on the desk in front of everyone. The history teacher's face was ugly. It was obvious that he didn't have that much money.

"What a coincidence. I have 2,400 pounds and I won't take out the remaining change. I can buy a bottle of red wine on the way back to celebrate."

Earl Paramount's servant said with a smile. His banknotes were also in denomination of 100 pounds, so he came prepared.

"how about you?"

The Viscount, who was sitting behind the desk, asked Jenkins. Jenkins calculated all the money he had and considered whether it was worthwhile to go to Loon to borrow money from Dolores as an excuse to go to the toilet.

"Of course it's not worth it. Why should I spend so much money? Even if it is sold to someone else, I have other ways to get it back."

Understanding this, Jenkins naturally shook his head and said that he didn't have enough cash.

The count's servant immediately showed a proud expression. This time he had gained an undoubted victory.

"Well, this gentleman here bought my antique mirror for 2,400 pounds."

If this price was heard by the sixth person outside the five people present, they would definitely think that they were holding a gathering of mentally ill patients.

"Congratulations, take it away now and never let me..."

Viscount Grus's voice became lower and lower, weaker and weaker, until he drooped his head and could no longer hear it.

In the first few seconds, everyone thought he was mentally disturbed and fell asleep while talking, but soon they realized a very bad possibility.

The four of them walked quickly forward to the desk. Jenkins straightened the Viscount's head. The Count's servant stretched out his hand to test his breathing. The history teacher took the Viscount's right hand and put it to his ear to listen for his pulse. The gentleman from the auction house squeezed aside and lowered his head. He tilted his head and listened to the Viscount's heartbeat.

There was a crowd behind the desk, and then they each touched a part of the Viscount's body, looked at the others in surprise, and came to the same conclusion:

"Viscount Grus passed away."

Before that, Jenkins had already judged that Viscount Gurus might die at any time based on his physical condition, but he never expected that this judgment would be so accurate. For such a way of death in which his vitality is completely exhausted, even if he is right next to the deceased, there is absolutely nothing he can do. The other person is like a candle that has been burned out. This is not because of the illness caused by aging that dissipates his life spirit, but The pure candle is about to burn out, and there is nothing Jenkins can do even if he adds more Spirit of Life.

"We didn't do anything! We all need to prove this to each other!"

The person who reacted the fastest said immediately, and of course the others nodded in agreement.

"Things have turned out like this, but the deal between me and Viscount Gurus has been reached. I think I will..."

The count's servant reached out to grab the wooden box containing the mirror, but his hand was immediately grabbed by the history teacher beside him.

"This is not possible. Since poor Viscount Gurus is dead, it means that your deal has not been fully concluded. After all, he neither touched your money nor signed an agreement with you during his lifetime. Let me tell you, this mirror We still need to discuss the ownership. ”

"I think it's better to call the police first."

Jenkins suggested, and the three people who were noisy just now looked at him in unison, and then came to a very unified conclusion:

"Never call the police."


Jenkins asked. He had already guessed that there was a problem with the identities of the three people, and the Belduran police would definitely ask everyone about their identities when taking notes.

"We are inseparable from his death. Once the police come to investigate, not only the four of us may be in trouble, but this mirror may also be used as evidence and be temporarily seized by the police. Then who will I can’t get it either.”

The gentleman from the auction house explained.

In fact, it is better for the mirror to be taken away by the police. As long as there is a suitable reason, the church does not have to spend money to take things from the police station.

"But Viscount Gurus is dead after all. In this situation, once the servants outside find something is wrong, they will call the police even if we don't. And if we do it, it will save a lot of unnecessary trouble."

Jenkins said this deliberately, expecting the reactions of the other three.

"This is absolutely not possible. I am a teacher at the school. If I am taken to the police station by the police, how will I face the students in the future?"

The man who claimed to be a history teacher said, then turned to look at the window. This is the first floor, but Viscount Gurus did not install a protective net on his window, so the four people present could easily get out of the window.

"Let me tell you, let's discuss who should own this mirror right now, and then leave the money and leave quietly immediately, so that we won't get into trouble! I care about my job very much!"

The gentleman from the auction house suggested it, but the earl’s servant suggested a more “effective” method:

"Why don't we take this mirror and leave now, and then discuss who should own it when we're in a safe place."

This proposal was approved by the other two people, and Jenkins shook his head directly:

"I am a decent person and do not want to be a suspect. Besides, I have not committed any crime. I don't understand what you want to do and how you came up with such a ridiculous proposal. I am a nobleman with status and will not agree to it. It’s your plan.”

He straightened his collar and said he wouldn't do that kind of thing.

"Then you stay here alone, we took the mirror away."

As he said that, the man from the auction house reached out to grab the wooden box on the table, but he immediately let out a strange scream, covered his hand behind his back and took a step back. Jenkins' cane accurately left traces on him.

"No one can touch this until the police arrive."

He tapped the box with the end of his cane and heard a metallic click. As soon as he turned around, the teacher from the history department had already taken out a gun with the safety on and pointed it at him.

"Do today's history teachers like to carry guns with them? I thought the one I knew could break a wall with one punch, which was unique enough."

He said sarcastically, turning around to face the gun:

"Last time, someone also pointed a gun at me, and he died later."

"If you don't shut up, you're going to die now. Stand back, let us go, and then you can call as many police as you like."

He said fiercely to Jenkins, reaching out with his free left hand to pick up the box, but he couldn't pick it up. This is because when Jenkins used his cane to lift the wooden box, the bottom of the wooden box was firmly fixed to the tabletop. He could not pick it up with both hands, not to mention one hand.

Chapter 1515 Chapter 1492 Meeting Windsor Again

"So, who do you work for?"

Jenkins asked the cat on his shoulder to wait, tapping the ground with his cane as he spoke. The [Fear Aura] he possessed came into play for the first time in the Eighteenth Century. The aura that only he could see swept across the entire study, covering all creatures except the cat in the corner.

The three people subconsciously took a step back, panic spreading in their hearts inadvertently. The young man in front of him was just holding a cane, giving people the illusion that he could knock anyone present to death with the stick. That kind of oppression is simply not something humans can exude.

Each of the three people has their own power behind them, and of course they have seen the Giver. As a result, the truth was obtained by everyone:

"You are the giver!"

"Correct answer, but no reward."

The cane pushed away the gun that the history teacher was holding in his hand and dropped it to the ground. Instead of resisting, the latter took a step back with a horrified expression, and the other two people also backed away again, almost approaching the big bookshelf behind the desk.

"So, who do you all work for?"

Jenkins said in a low tone, and his voice unconsciously exuded a kind of power that made people trust him. This power is superimposed with the [Fear Aura] that can make the dragon feel uncomfortable, and the spirit of ordinary people is completely unable to resist it.

"Who exactly do you work for?"

The voice was still so low, but it had an inexplicable hint of threat.

“I didn’t know who I was working for, they just asked me to buy the mirror and take it to a location and give it to them.”

The history teacher said.

"I work in a thrift store, and we actually sold this mirror, but the store owner thought it had other uses, so he asked me to buy it back."

said the man who claimed to be an employee of the auction house.

"I really work for Count Paramount, but it's not the Count who bought this mirror, it's the Countess... She's a terrible giver, she's poisoned us, and we have to follow her instructions , otherwise you will die.”

"Strange organizations, strange thrift stores, and a strange countess..."

Jenkins summarized the origins of the three frightened guys in front of him, and then realized that Belduran, the capital of the country, might not be much more "peaceful" than Nolan.

He relied on the aura of fear and mental coercion to temporarily overwhelm the three of them. Taking this opportunity, he opened the door of the study and called the servant to call the police. Then he waited patiently for the police to arrive and revealed that extraordinary powers were involved in the matter, so the Sage Church Just officially take over this whole thing.

The house of Viscount Grus was quickly sealed off, and the three people were taken away by the church for further interrogation. After Jenkins simply answered a few questions in the study, he was allowed to return to the cathedral with the mirror.

Although not everyone knows his identity as the Holy Son, the fact that he appeared with the Pope and cut the ribbon a few days ago shows that Jenkins' status is extraordinary, so there will be no unsighted people in the church to make things difficult for him.

"Although there were troubles, overall it went smoothly."

It was only noon when he left Viscount Grus' house, which was about the same time as Jenkins expected to finish the matter. He thought that if he returned to the church as soon as possible, he might be able to make it in time for lunch. As I stood at the intersection holding the wooden box and looking around to find the carriage, the sound of heavy wheels rolling over the stone pavement sounded on the other side of the street, and people spontaneously began to avoid it.

Jenkins turned around and saw that it was not a taxi. It had thick side walls, quite textured wood, dark paint, and the aura of a silent coachman. Even without the family crest hanging, some knowledgeable people would know that this was a carriage. A private carriage for nobles.

Jenkins took a step back toward the street, stood next to the mailbox, and wanted to get out of the way of the carriage. Unexpectedly, the carriage began to slow down not far from him. When it stopped, the window of the carriage was facing him.

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