The middle-aged man in front of him covered his forehead regardless of his appearance:

"Sage, this kind of thing actually appears in Beldiran City. Is this world really going to be destroyed?"

Even among all the notorious curses, [Blood Mosquito Curse] is the most terrifying and influential. The origin of this curse is vampires, but the species covered by vampires not only include those ugly humanoid monsters, but also include but are not limited to blood-sucking leeches, blood-sucking mosquitoes, and many other categories.

Humanoid vampires and these beast-like vampires can rely on their own power to infect intelligent creatures of other species and enslave them into servants. After this power was transformed into a strange thing, it formed the [Blood Mosquito Curse] that has lasted from the 11th century to the present and will erupt every few thousand years.

This curse originates from a certain vampire species that carries the power of the curse itself, and spreads outward through its blood. Any individual, whether swallowed, injected or even just touched, will be infected with the curse 100%, and the blood of these cursed individuals will have a weakened version of the infection ability.

The only good thing is that the cursed plasma is no longer infectious when diluted with liquid, otherwise this curse could destroy the world in a matter of weeks.

"After being infected with the blood-sucking mosquito curse, the body will randomly mutate into a certain type of blood-sucking species, but most of them are blood-sucking mosquitoes, which is also the obvious reason. The strength and speed of the cursed person will be greatly optimized, and even a small number of cursed individuals will They will have the extraordinary natural power of vampires. However, the cursed individuals are completely mentally broken and extremely thirsty for blood. They bite to satisfy their thirst for blood and at the same time spread the curse outwards. Fortunately, we discovered it in time this time. The situation in the manor does not allow the cursed ones to leave, otherwise Beldiran might be finished."

Mr. Gilbert led Jenkins through the Grand Square to the Holy Hall, which was only opened for meetings of cardinals.

This place perfectly fits Jenkins's vision of a church. The towering spire is made entirely of translucent glass, and the interior is painted with typical religious oil paintings. The building is divided into two floors, but the second floor only has a round edge against the wall for lower-ranking clergy to attend meetings. They looked through the huge patio to the first floor, where a large and scary white oak round table was placed. The thirteen chairs beside the round table represented the unique status of the twelve contemporary cardinals and Pope Ponteff IV. .

It is still morning, and the warm morning light shines through the colorful murals on the dome and onto the round table below, making the entire holy hall look like the holy land of the legendary sage. Five people have already sat down at the table, three men and two women. These are the demigods stationed in Beldiland.

Noticing the sound of the door opening, the five people saw Jenkins, so they stood up and bowed slightly:

"St. Willamette."

If it were on other occasions, they would not have to greet Jenkins so formally. But now in the holy hall of the church, where the huge holy symbol closest to the essence of the sage's power hangs on the wall, they must show the greatest respect to Jenkins.

The door closed from behind, and Mr. Gilbert found his place at the table. Boko, another Holy Son whom I met a few days ago, has left Beldiran again. In this way, all the high-end combat capabilities of the Sage Church in the Beldiran Archdiocese have arrived.

Jenkins originally wanted to find a seat at the table, but the ascetic who lowered his head and remained silent had already helped him open the seat under the holy symbol.

He could only sit there, and then suddenly found that the chocolate was missing. He thought the cat had been on his shoulder.

"Chocolate... I felt a lightness on my shoulders when I got off the carriage just now. Could it be that it sneaked to the kitchen because it was dissatisfied with today's breakfast?"

Jenkins thought to himself and started the formal meeting.

The main content of the meeting was of course to discuss how to effectively solve the [Blood Mosquito Curse]. While Mr. Gilbert went to greet Jenkins, the church made new discoveries. The reason why those servants infected by the curse did not leave the manor was not because of the good luck of the church, but because of a huge mystery lock centered around the manor that prevented them from leaving.

Of course, the mythical lock would not be kind enough to control the curse from spreading outwards. Its main purpose was to connect all the infected people in the entire manor. Thereby strengthening the power of all individuals and giving all individuals "immortality" to a certain extent.

In other words, although the church has now only explored the periphery of the manor courtyard, all the cursed servants killed by the scribes will be "resurrected" within a period of time. If you want to expel this effect, you can only take the corpse out of the courtyard before resurrection, but the mystery lock prohibits this, which creates an almost unsolvable situation.

"Based on the current investigation, the last time the manor was open to the public was the night before yesterday. Count Paramount invited many nobles to the manor for a dinner party. After that, no one came out, because Count Paramount often held some "dare not dare" events. The banquet lasted for a long time, so the family and friends of the nobles did not notice the problem before we discovered that something was wrong. "

Mr. Gilbert introduced that among everyone here except Jenkins, he was the most junior, so he made the introduction.

Chapter 1519 Chapter 1496 Blood Mourning

The warm morning sunlight passes through the semi-transparent glass dome, leaving mottled colorful traces on the round table in the holy hall. The atmosphere around the table was tense. What they were discussing was related to the safety of the entire city.

"So how many individuals are there in the manor now?"

Jenkins asked.

"There is no specific statistics. We can only make a rough estimate based on the banquet invitation list and the number of servants employed by Count Paramount. This number is around 300."

Mr. Gilbert replied.

"Can the mystery lock be cracked?"

asked the woman wearing a wide black hat to Jenkins' left. This is Shellyse Conran, the guardian of this generation's palace library. She looks quite young, but her exact age is hard to guess.

"Other than killing the host of the Mystic Lock Ceremony, there is no good way to crack it."

Elder Wood Bloshear, the Keeper of Secrets, replied that this old man is the only ninth-level gifter among everyone present and is the highest leader of the Secret Keepers of the Sage Church.

"How strong are the cursed people in the manor? Can we directly enter the manor in a very short time and find the location where the ceremony is held?"

The middle-aged Donald Yassen asked. This gentleman is Miss Bevanna's teacher. He is one of the demigods stationed in Belduran all year round and has the title of "Left Hand of the Temple".

"This is difficult. We have only explored the periphery of the manor courtyard so far. The current situation is that the Mystery Lock will spontaneously suppress high-level grantors, and the higher the level, the more targeted they will be, and the cursed ones will They will tend to attack high-level grantors but low-level grantors, and usually fights will only occur when they are close to those servants. I think the entry of demigods will cause the entire Mystery Lock to counterattack. Once the Mystery Lock is broken, they will be attacked. The curses are spreading, and the danger is even greater than now..."

Mr. Gilbert said.

"In other words, we can only send low-level gifters to explore, and after killing most of the cursed people in a short time, while they are not 'resurrected', let the demigods enter to quickly kill the opener of the mystery lock? "

Jenkins concluded it was the best the church could think of at the moment.

The current presumed culprit is the beautiful countess. When the church investigated her background, they found that the specific origin of this person could not be found at all. Her previous identities were actually false. They could only judge that she came to Bell Dylan had lived in Nolan for a while before he met the count. This gives reason to believe that she was one of the few vampires who safely escaped from Nolan in January this year.

As for the purpose of opening the mysterious lock, this is not yet known. But no matter what, the top priority is to eliminate all the cursed people and close the mystery lock as soon as possible.

The church recognizes this and has sent a message to other churches. Even though Beldiran has always been the "territory" of the Sage Church, relying on only one church is risky this time.

The temporary plan was to send low-level bestowers to explore the way. The team of rightful God church bestowers gathered from around Beldiran was quickly assembled. In order to deal with possible accidents in the manor, teams that believe in different gods are separated and reorganized, so that one team can deal with any difficulties.

"Warriors, spellcasters, healers, diviners, knights with long-range attacks..."

The outer perimeter of Earl Paramount's estate was completely blocked, and a temporary frontline base was built with the help of extraordinary power. Jenkins was looking at the battle plan in the room belonging to the Church of the Sages. He lamented that although times had changed, the configuration of the battle team was still moving closer to the adventurer team when the supernatural power was prevalent in ancient times.

He is now known to the outside world as a fifth-level benefactor, with mid-to-high-end combat power. Because before the Holy Son uses the power of the gods, Mysuo cannot sense their power at all, which means that it will not cause a backlash from Mysuo, so the church is prepared to use him as a trump card.

Unfortunately, there is currently only one righteous saint in the Beldiland area, Jenkins, so his task is very difficult.

Jenkins would remain in the room on standby until most of the estate was explored. And when he was called, it was almost time to officially open all the roads in the manor.

"Enemies that won't die, carefully prepared teams, final enemies who don't know their strength...Why does it sound like you're trying to conquer a copy of a game? A copy of a game... How long have you not heard this term?" "

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel a little melancholy, and then I took the cat that was playing with a paper ball on the table and put it on my lap to pet it. The cat jumped out of nowhere after Jenkins left the hall after the morning meeting. Jenkins, who had been worried, breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he was planning in his mind whether he should tie a rope to Chocolate to prevent her from running around. .

The cat's paw licked Jenkins' hand hard, not sure whether it was dissatisfied with the intensity of his caressing or for other reasons. It’s been half a year since he adopted Chocolat, and Jenkins still thinks he doesn’t fully understand his cat.

It is smarter, livelier and healthier than any pet I have ever known, and sometimes it doesn't even behave like a cat. But chocolate is chocolate. As the creature that has accompanied Jenkins for the longest time in this strange world, as long as Chocolate doesn't leave, Jenkins doesn't actually mind what his cat is.

Chocolat, who was lying on Jenkins' lap and squinting while enjoying the touch, read this thought and quietly raised his head to look at Jenkins' expression, suspecting that Jenkins had already guessed everything.

[Blood Mosquito Curse] combined with a huge and unsolvable mystery turns the closed manor into a huge and complex death maze. Originally, the area of ​​the manor was not large, but under the influence of the power of the mystery lock, just exploring the periphery of the courtyard took a full half a day.

On Sunday night, after dinner, Jenkins was told to prepare for departure. Before that, Mr. Gilbert came to him specifically and said some words of safety.

"The exploration is not going well. Now we have only opened the passage from the entrance of the manor courtyard to the manor buildings, which has cost a lot. Although no one died, at least three people have been confirmed to have suffered from [blood mosquitoes] Curse] is currently being unified and isolated, and the church is preparing sacrifices to call the attention of the great ones. When you set off with the team later, you cannot carry any AB items with you, which will cause the power of the mystery to rebound. The team will be responsible for exploring the interior of the manor building. If anything goes wrong, please withdraw immediately."

Chapter 1520 Chapter 1497 Teammates and Preparation

"Does anyone else in the team know that I am the Son of the Church?"

After chatting with Mr. Gilbert about adventurous matters for a while, Jenkins suddenly thought of this important question.

"We have considered this and notified other churches that we will arrange for the Holy Son to enter the manor in person. This time, your teammates all know your identity. In order to cooperate with your actions, [All Things and Nature] Church, [Sun and Justice] The Church, the Church of [Destiny and Law] and the Church of [Death and Ending] have all sent their own elites, and two of them are your acquaintances in Nolan."

"My acquaintance?"

Jenkins thought for a while and roughly guessed who it would be, but he couldn't figure out why they were in Belduran.

"Okay, I understand all of this. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

He nodded and said.

"Here is a piece of information, which is the experience accumulated by the leading team during the exploration of the courtyard. Although the situation inside and outside the building is very likely to be different, it also has reference value in dealing with those cursed people. . You can take a look before you go, but please remember that you have not grown into a demigod yet. Please do not take risks in the manor. Although it is wrong to say this, you can do it as a last resort. Choose to give up on your teammates.”

Mr. Gilbert warned again.

"Actually, I am also a very cautious person. As for giving up my teammates... I think my luck is not that bad. Oh, and there is another question, can I use the Holy Son given by the sage in the mystery lock? the power of?"

"If you find the vampire who performs the Mystic Ceremony and are confident to kill her, you can use this great power. We currently judge that the pure power of God will not cause much backlash from the Mystic. But if it cannot be done If you can kill him with one strike, please don’t reveal your identity. After all, there is only one saint below the level of demigod in the entire material world. If you make the other party wary, things will be very troublesome later.”

For such a dangerous action, Jenkins originally did not intend to bring chocolate with him. After all, the manor is full of curses, and Jenkins doesn't want his cat to accidentally turn into a vampire cat.

It happened that his father heard about what was going on here and came to visit Jenkins. Jenkins wanted to ask his father to take care of the chocolate temporarily. But Chocolate refused to obey, grabbing Jenkins' clothes with his two little paws and unable to pull them apart no matter how hard he tried.

"Speaking of which, don't forget that Robert and the others arrived in Beldiran around three o'clock this morning. If you have already come out of the manor by then, you can pick them up at the train station. Remember, there are Two, don’t go wrong!”

While Jenkins was fighting with the cat, Dad reminded him. Seeing that the cat refused to leave Jenkins, he knew that he no longer had to take care of the pet for Jenkins temporarily:

"I won't remind you about safety issues. In short, be careful when you move around. Try not to touch anything in the manor. Try not to touch the body as well."

"Okay dad, I know all this."

Jenkins also gave up the idea of ​​leaving the cat outside, and then showed his father what the church had just sent.

"Look, hemolytic toxin, Nolan Parish deployed a large batch of it to fight against vampires a few days ago. There are still some unexpired ones left, which came in handy in this incident."

"Although the church is fully prepared, we still don't know what the vampire who spread the curse is going to do. Remember, be careful."

Dad patted Jenkins on the shoulder and gave him his final instructions.

Soon, the shortcut path leading from the garden entrance to the building was opened again by the leading team. Before the vampire servants infected by the curse were "resurrected" again, Jenkins' expedition team had already gathered at the iron gate of the manor courtyard.

Among the five people, Jenkins knows Miss Cape from the [All Things and Nature] Church and Miss Knight from the [Sun and Justice] Church. As for the lady from the [Destiny and Lawful Order] Church and the Silence of [Death and Ending] The gravekeeper, whom Jenkins had never met.

"Good evening... I'm so surprised to see you in Belduran."

He originally wanted to ask the two ladies why they were also in Belduran, but such a question was a bit impolite, so he changed his question to a gentler one.

"I have some personal matters to deal with in Belduran, and I didn't expect that I would come across this incident. Mr. Williamt, I didn't expect you to be the Holy Son. I really didn't expect it."

Miss Knight was wearing a very historical armor, holding her Peeping in her right arm. It looked like it was tailor-made for her. In this era, only the knights of the Church of Sun and Justice would wear this kind of equipment. In fact, she knew that Jenkins was the Son of God as early as the final battle between Evergreen Forest and Skull Sword, but there was a strict confidentiality agreement at that time, so she could not reveal it.

"The church temporarily transferred me to Beldilan a week ago, and I don't know why. Good evening, Jenkins, so you are the Son of the Sage..."

Miss Cape suffered a difficult-to-heal soul trauma because of the mirror world, so she had been recovering in Nolan City before. It was indeed unusual to suddenly appear in Beldilan this time, but now was not the time to explore this matter. Jenkins's cousins ​​around him wore the standard female priest robes of the Church of All Things and Nature, which formed a sharp contrast with the fully armed Miss Knight.

As for the silent gravekeeper, he was the only male in the group except Jenkins. He wore a black gravekeeper robe and carried a small coffin, which seemed to be a necessary material for some unique spells among gravekeepers. As for the fortune teller, he was quite polite to Jenkins. Not only because of his status as the Son of God, but also because of the extraordinary status of Miss Bronion and Miss Audrey in the church, and Jenkins's school status.

"Miss Bronion is the only 9th-level fortune teller in this era."

The young fortune teller told Jenkins the reason why he was respected with simple facts, and Jenkins was a little embarrassed to admit that his divination level was not even completely entry-level.

Soon the group set off, and everyone wore gloves to prevent touching the items in the manor. Of course, hemolytic toxins were also indispensable. As for whether other people carried gifts, Jenkins' eyes could observe at close range, but it seemed that no one except him had such equipment. After confirming that the supplies they carried were complete, Jenkins led the group into the iron gate of the manor blocked by a layer of mist, which was the dividing line between reality and the maze.

Chapter 1521 Chapter 1498 Labyrinth and Fall

After passing through the opaque mist, they arrived at the interior of the manor. What they saw was no longer a spacious courtyard, but a huge maze made up of strange blood-red plants and twisted and irregular gray bricks.

Surrounded by hazy white mist, looking up, the sky was also foggy. You can vaguely see something huge shaking at a very high altitude, but it is not clear when standing on the ground.

The other four people also crossed the fog gate and came to Jenkins. After confirming that the servants around were still in corpse state, the group quickly moved forward according to the map provided by the church. Before leaving the manor, the vanguard team had made road signs at every fork in the road with the corpses of the cursed vampire servants, so they only needed to observe the corpses along the way to know the direction of the next step.

After running for ten minutes, I finally saw the towering door of the building in front of me. The hazy fog around the door completely covered the walls of the building, so from the distance in the maze, I could only see the lonely door standing here.

The door was brass-colored, and there was a circle of steam pipes leaking at the bottom. This was definitely not the original door of the building. It was the power of the maze lock that distorted the environment and the real substances.

The team that explored first basically had no power and time to move forward when they arrived here, so Jenkins and his team needed to find a way to open this door. The church had also made sufficient preparations. If they could not open the door this time, then the next time they acted, they could open the door by reducing the strength of the team members and carrying a Class B extraordinary key.

"I'll try it first."

Jenkins carefully put his hands on the door, and Miss Knight also made this move. His feet stood on the ground, and the addition of Titan's power gave him unparalleled power. Miss Knight showed signs of dragonization again. In addition to the doubling of power, a sense of oppression that only appeared in beasts also came with it. As the two of them worked hard, the hinge of the door really made a creaking sound.

The door was pushed inward little by little until a standard-sized person could pass sideways, and then they stopped.

The gravekeeper first stuck his coffin in the gap to prevent it from closing, and then was the first to enter sideways.

"You can come in, it's safe for now."

After a few seconds, he stuck his head out again, and everyone entered the building one by one.

The power of the puzzle lock made this originally three-story house look like a giant's residence. The ceiling of the first floor alone was now nearly a hundred feet high. After entering the building, the blood-red flowers that grew wantonly in the courtyard disappeared, and instead a layer of maroon paint appeared on the decorative surfaces inside the house.

The characters in the oil painting became hideous, and the blood on the surface of the decorative armor in the corner of the wall was outlined into runes. Even the chandelier on the ceiling changed its appearance. The evil bat statues held up human skulls, illuminating the way forward for the group.

There was thick white fog outside, and red fog was diffused in the room. There is a strange sweet smell in the fog, but if you look closely, it is clearly the smell of blood.

"It may be poisonous. We need to act quickly."

Jenkins frowned and said, then pressed his chest to quiet the cat hidden in his inner pocket. He looked at the fortune teller, who tried to do a divination, and then motioned everyone to walk along the corridor to the left.

In addition to the cursed servants that were common in the courtyard, the enemies that appeared inside the building also included some guests who came to the banquet. I don’t know why, but the strength of these newly appeared cursed people has greatly improved compared to the servants.

Without direct contact, some cursed people carrying the blood mosquito curse can even withstand two different divine attacks. This shows that the power of the maze is more terrible than imagined, and the power of this [blood mosquito curse] is not inferior to any recorded in history.

Because the team is well matched, most of the enemies blocking the road were dealt with by them. Jenkins is mainly responsible for controlling the enemy with the ability of [freezing ice] in the team, which is the most powerful power he can expose.

After walking for about ten minutes, choosing different forks in the road, the group entered a large hall. This should be a servants' dining room or something like that, but now all the wooden furniture is piled up in the corner, and only a tall, thin man covered in blood-red smoke stands in the middle of the room.

In fact, he is no longer in human form. When the five people heard the footsteps and turned around, they saw a huge mosquito head.

The eyes with a structure similar to compound eyes stared at the few people, and the black scales wrapped around the rest of the monster's humanoid body. He took a step back silently and disappeared in the red fog in the hall.

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