"Invisible? Be careful."

Jenkins warned that even his monocle could not see through the blood mist that contained extremely powerful supernatural power. But from the perspective of the Eye of Truth, the black aura on the monster's body couldn't be more conspicuous.

Several people stood apart and gradually explored this huge room. Suddenly, Jenkins struck back with his cane, and the cane accurately hit the mosquito-headed monster in the abdomen.

Although the majestic spirit of life is not the nemesis of the blood mosquito curse, the infusion of natural power still makes the mosquito-faced monster with a distorted body wail in pain. It let out a strange cry and tried to disappear into the thick fog again. Jenkins could not give him such a chance. He lunged forward and tried to pierce his head with his stick.

The one closest to Jenkins was Miss Capet, whose palms glowed with green fire balls, and she also rushed forward to try to prevent the monster from becoming invisible. The moment the three of them crossed paths, a woman's sigh came from a corner deep in the house.

In an instant, the red mist that diffused inside the room rolled toward the three of them and disappeared. After the red mist dissipated, Jenkins, Miss Capet, and the mosquito-faced monster also disappeared from the room. Only Miss Knight and the other two were left in the hall, looking at each other.

After the feeling of stepping on nothing, all the halls and monsters around him disappeared. The fall only happened for a second before stopping, but at the moment when he was about to land, Jenkins made a sudden turn in the air, changing from touching the ground on the front to touching the ground on the back.

After being thrown to pieces, he had no time to cover his head and groan. Instead, he put his hand on his chest to test the chocolate, fearing that the fall would hurt the fragile cat. After unbuttoning the button, the cat, which had been suffocated for a long time, came out, jumped on Jenkins' shoulders, and gently tickled the back of his neck with the tip of its tail.

Chapter 1522 Chapter 1499 The Adventure of Two People

"As long as you're okay."

Jenkins breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Chocolate was okay. He turned around and looked around, and saw Miss Cape lying not far away, and the mosquito-faced monster was on his left side, slowly waking up.

Jenkins has never been a chivalrous person, and of course he will not wait for the monster to completely recover before continuing the fight. He summoned his cane and held the head with both hands, walked a few steps quickly to the monster's side, stepped on the monster's disgusting head with his right foot, and then thrust the end of the cane into its head with fierce force.

Even if there is a strange curse-like monster that gives it strength, such injuries are enough to kill this powerful monster. It's just that the power of the mystery chain has not been broken. Even if Jenkins intends to burn the body to ashes, it will be resurrected sooner or later, so the pace of exploration must not stop here.

After killing the monster, I had time to check on Miss Capet. She also fell hard when she landed, but fortunately she was a healer, and with Jenkins' help, she quickly recovered.

The other three companions have disappeared, and now the two of them are in what looks like the living room of the manor. But there is no furniture in this equally huge hall, and there is not even a carpet on the smooth floor. Only the fireplace on the wall near the door was burning with a red fire, and the blood-red smoke diffused in the room, making this room more like the place that Jenkins had experienced in the strange place than any other place just now. Red Hell.

They did not leave through the door immediately. When checking the monster's body, the two found a ring on his severely deformed right hand. Because they had learned about Earl Paramount's family in advance before entering the manor, both Jenkins and Miss Cappe recognized it as the engagement ring of Earl Paramount's youngest son.

Engagement rings for nobles of this level are all custom-made, and there cannot be two identical ones. Considering that this ring is for men, it can basically be confirmed that the monster just now is Paramount Jr.

"Although I have long thought that there would be no survivors in this manor, it is really cruel to die in this manner."

Miss Cape sighed, then insisted on praying for little Paramount before leaving. The two took the ring with them as the only discovery of their current exploration.

After leaving this room, there is a complicated and dangerous corridor outside. Jenkins tried to use his eyes to find the aura of the culprit or the other three companions, but whether it was due to the special spatial structure here or the repressive nature of the mystery lock, he could basically see nothing from a distance.

"The current situation seems to be like our adventure in the mirror world a few months ago."

Miss Cape sighed as she walked. She was walking to the right behind Jenkins. Because of the flickering candlelight at the top of the corridor, the cat on the man's shoulder in front of her seemed to have completely disappeared into the shadows.

"But don't say that. If it's really like that adventure in the mirror world, we don't know what strange things we will encounter in the end."

Jenkins reminded nervously, hesitated and asked again:

"Speaking of which, is it convenient to reveal the reason why the church suddenly transferred you to Beldiran? I'm really curious... Of course, if it's not convenient to tell you, that's fine."

"To be honest, I was also very curious. There were no signs before, and then suddenly I was transferred to Belduran. I also asked the reason, but the nun who was responsible for welcoming me in Belduran only said Just let me wait in peace.”

Miss Cape replied in confusion.

The priest of lies did not react at all, this is the truth. She does not know her own life experience at all now, just like Jenkins not long ago, she could not guess that this would be related to the throne of Fidictelli.

Miss Cape is also a descendant of William. From the perspective of bloodline, she and the three Jenkins brothers have the same great-grandfather, and can be regarded as Jenkins' cousin. She also has one-third of the seeds of the world tree. From the perspective of bloodline, she has almost the same inheritance rights as Jenkins.

[Church of All Things and Nature] At such a sensitive time, Miss Cape was suddenly called to Beldiran. There is reason to believe that the church clearly knows Miss Cape's identity, and like the Sage Church, expects something to happen.

Jenkins walked in front of Miss Cape silently, hesitating whether to tell her everything. This will definitely cause reactions beyond everyone's plan, although Jenkins doesn't care much.

The interweaving of light and shadow blurred the backs of the two people, and also reflected the complexity in Jenkins' heart. He now somewhat understood the feelings of those around him who had been hiding things for a long time. Sometimes knowing the truth is more painful than not knowing it, at least the latter does not have to think about the consequences that the truth may cause all the time.

The cat on his shoulder called softly, and Jenkins, who was in deep thought, stopped thinking and looked up to see a metal armor covered with blood, kneeling on one knee blocking the middle of the road. As Jenkins and Miss Cape stopped, the armor slowly stood up, then raised his hand and pulled out the metal spear stuck in the floor.

"Why do rich people like to keep such weapons at home?"

Jenkins asked in a low voice, and the lady behind him certainly did not answer this question.

He shook his wrist and took the cane out of the air again, and the armor took advantage of the gap, holding the spear with both hands and jumped into the air, completing the accumulation of both hands in the air in a posture that did not follow the basic laws of mechanics, and then rushed towards the two people in front with the lightning of the spear tip.

The corridor was narrow, and this move could not be avoided at all. Miss Capet took a step forward and raised her hands. The light green light formed a transparent shield in front of the two of them. Jenkins stretched out his hand and roughly pulled Miss Capet behind him. At the same time, the armor and the spear easily broke through the shield, as if it was just a layer of beautiful bubbles.

He raised his left arm and pushed the spear towards the wall at the critical moment, but this also caused the left arm and the tip of the spear to come into contact with the lightning, and half of his body was paralyzed and he could not feel it. Jenkins gritted his teeth and persisted, moving to the right and around the back of the armor. While the gun was deeply inserted into the wall and the armor fell to the point where it could not contain its own power, Jenkins stabbed the cane behind the armor.

The inside of the armor should have been empty, but the cane seemed to pierce into the sticky flesh after it pierced in. Jenkins didn't care so much, the flames flowed into the cane along his arm and exploded inside the armor.

Chapter 1523 Chapter 1500 Countess

The internal flames exploded and the armor exploded, and the scattered parts almost hit Jenkins and the cat on his shoulder. He bent down to avoid the scattered metal pieces, and then reached out to pull up Miss Cape, who was lying behind him.

"Sorry, I seemed a little rude just now. If the enemies ahead are all of this strength, I'm afraid we won't be able to walk for long."

"It doesn't matter, it seems that I am not suitable for fighting."

Miss Cape smiled self-deprecatingly, looking at the corridor in front of her with an unknown end, her face was a little embarrassed. Although Jenkins seemed to have easily solved this enemy, she could feel how powerful the armor was, and there were many more such enemies ahead.

At this time, Jenkins had turned around and put his hand on the iron gun that was deeply inserted into the wall, and then pulled it out with force.

"Be careful."

Miss Cape reminded worriedly that the surface of the gun was also entangled with red blood threads, and rashly touching the gun would also be in danger of being entangled by the [Blood Mosquito Curse].

"I'll be careful, don't worry."

Jenkins answered while exerting force. If he had come into direct contact with the blood of the cursed, he might have some concerns, but it was just a lifeless substance, and there was no possibility of spreading the curse to him.

"You said, if I take this gun away, will the armor be without weapons after resurrection?"

Jenkins asked after pulling out the gun, and then leaned over to look at the small hole in the wall. He didn't see what was behind the wall, but saw the entangled blood threads like biological tissue, quickly repairing the damaged parts of the wall.

"Interesting idea, maybe we can take it out and try it."

Miss Cape replied.

The two continued on their way, and Jenkins finally did not make up his mind to tell his companions everything. Instead, Miss Cape mentioned the agreement between the two before Jenkins left Nolan, that is, to ask Miss Knight about the awakening of blood together.

"Since Miss Knight is also in Beldiran, let's go find her together after this incident, shall we?"

Jenkins suggested, and Miss Cape naturally agreed:

"In fact, I have always suspected that I have the blood of a different race, and this has been further confirmed after I came into contact with the power of the Gifter. I am different from you, Jenkins. I was adopted and raised by the church. Maybe if I understand my own bloodline, I may be able to find my father and mother... In fact, I don't have much hope..."

She forced a smile:

"But no matter what, it's worth a try."

She seemed to trust Jenkins. As the two walked forward, she told Jenkins about her childhood and growth story in the church. When asked by Jenkins why she trusted him so much, Miss Sigrid Cape smiled and replied:

"I just feel that you are very kind and have a good impression... Oh, sorry, I don't mean that. I just said that you are like an old friend I haven't seen for a long time, and last time in the mirror world, didn't you save my life? This is enough for me to trust you completely."

As one of the only two people in William's generation who have awakened the gift of the gifter, and the gift of the gifter related to the elf bloodline, Miss Cape's intimacy with Jenkins comes from the power of the same origin in this bloodline.

Her trust made Jenkins a little at a loss, and he almost blurted out everything he knew. What stopped him was the big door at the end of the corridor. After coming out of the room just now, the two did not encounter any forks in the road, so this door was bound to be encountered by them. The ordinary door in front of them, although the decoration is extremely simple, looks like the door of the room where the masterminds in the story are.

The space and decoration inside the building have been completely distorted by the power of the maze, and the two have no idea where they are now. Going back is a dead end, and they can only return to the room where the body of the mosquito-faced monster lies, so they have no choice.

Jenkins took Miss Cape's hand and took a step back, putting the cat on the ground. Then he took the long-handled iron gun with both hands and threw it at the metal door in front of him with a sudden force.


The two collided, the wooden door was not damaged at all, and the iron gun broke with a sound. They stood there without moving, waited for a few seconds and saw no response in the room, and walked up again. Jenkins stretched out his hand and gently pushed the door, and the door was pushed open.

In the center of the main hall of the magnificent banquet hall, there was a long table covered with a neat tablecloth and full of food. There was no one around the long table, and there were no dancing guests on the bright red carpet. Unknown music sounded from the corner of the room. At the end of the long table facing the door, a fashionable and elegant lady sat there, holding a glass of wine to salute the two.

She wore a blood-red dress and her silver-white hair was tied behind her head. This was a very beautiful woman. She was not as young and charming as the "elf girl" in the lake that Jenkins had seen, nor as sweet as the human girl that Jenkins had come into contact with. Instead, she had a fatal beauty like a poppy. Because of her unnatural beauty, her face looked weird.

Jenkins had seen her photo and recognized that this was the countess at a glance.

Behind the woman, a huge oil painting was hung on a tall wall like a giant's palace. The god in the painting was surrounded by white light and was waving white flames at the black shadows in front of him.

The background of the painting was dotted with red and black buildings. Even if you turned your back to the outside of the picture, just the depiction could make people feel the majesty of the god in the painting.

"About January of this year, the God of Lies personally took action and killed many of my people. This is the scene of that night that I drew according to my memory when I was bored after marriage."

The Countess's voice was extremely elegant, using the standard Beldiran accent, which was considered a noble accent by the nobles.

"Two distinguished guests, please come in. I can smell the smell of grass and trees on you from a distance. It is an honor to invite you to my [Scarlet Dinner]. Please take a seat."

Alexia is also proficient in puzzle locks. Jenkins has obtained a lot of knowledge about puzzle locks from her. Among them, [Scarlet Dinner] is a more niche one. This kind of puzzle lock has never appeared in the material world in the 18th century. Even Alexia only knows the name, not the effect.

"Did you deliberately lead us here?"

Jenkins asked cautiously, and at the same time felt his shoulders sink, obviously his cat jumped on his shoulders again.

Chapter 1524 Chapter 1501 Negotiations at the Blood Feast

"Yes, I directed you to come see me."

The Countess shook her wine glass and looked at the two people with a dazed look:

"I didn't expect the Church of the True God to have such a good vision and to send you, who also carry the blood of alien species, to see me. This is very good, I am honored, I trust alien races more than humans. Please sit down, two guests, I will put forward my demands, and then let you bring this information to the church, so don't be nervous."

As she spoke, she shook the glass wine glass in her hand, and the scarlet liquid shook in it. Every time the liquid surface rose and fell, a layer of blood sesame-like film would be left on the wall of the cup. This is something more evil than blood. Just hearing the shaking of the liquid, Jenkins seemed to see hundreds of souls wailing.

In Jenkins's real eyes, the red blood mist covering this huge banquet hall was more serious than any other place just now. And the aura of the female vampire sitting and talking was even stronger than the vampire demigod killed by him and Alexia in January this year.

He and Miss Cape stood at the door without moving. Jenkins squinted his eyes and looked at the huge oil painting hanging on the wall. The painting was really too big, and coupled with the painter's delicate brushstrokes and ingenious painting skills, it was like a real scene unfolding before his eyes.

"I don't remember the God of Lies coming to the world in January this year, but there was a meteorite shower that smashed two blocks."

He said this deliberately. The situation at that time was that the ancient beast of disaster [Scarlet Floater] appeared. He was forced to use his divine power to tell lies to all the witnesses, but in fact the church knew the truth.

"Yeah, I didn't hear about it either."

Miss Cape also said that she really didn't know about the God's descent. After all, the matter was over when she came to Nolan City. There was no need for the local church to tell such a secret to a pagan.

"It seems that the Zhengshen Church has also hidden a lot of things from its own people. Sit down and I can talk to you about this matter."

The countess extended the invitation again, but Miss Capet did not move, but waited for Jenkins' reaction. Jenkins nodded after hesitating, then walked to the end of the long table first, and first pulled out a chair on the side of the table for Miss Capet. Then he sat at the end of the long table, facing the Earl in the distance. The location of the lady and the huge oil painting. The moment he sat down, the [Aura of Fear] immediately unfolded.

A very oppressive aura emerged from Jenkins. Even if the opponent was a demigod-level alien creature and was infected by a strange creature curse, his aura was not at a disadvantage at all. It was just that Miss Cape was a little frightened. In her eyes, the moment he sat down, Jenkins seemed to be a different person.

Miss Capet thought that this momentum came from the power of the sage, but the countess frowned, seeming to experience some unusual feelings.

"You can eat as much as you like from the food on the table. This is my recognition of your alien race. Of course, that cute kitten can also eat some. I like cats very much."

Hearing that he was mentioned, Jenkins licked the chocolate on his shoulder and looked at the woman opposite with an unfriendly expression. Although it is greedy, it usually chooses its food carefully, and chocolate will never touch things that taste bad.

"No need, just tell us what exactly you want to do."

He said seriously, and there was a black aura on the surface of the brightly colored and attractive food that he saw. As long as you take one bite of these things, you will inevitably be haunted by the [Blood Mosquito Curse]. Jenkins was originally worried that his cat would not be able to withstand the temptation, but he did not expect that it would be so alert.

"I will reward you with chocolate when I get back."

he thought in his mind.

"Aren't you curious about what happened last January?"

The countess asked again, taking a sip from the wine glass held between two fingers. In Jenkins' opinion, this was no different from swallowing the soul directly.

"Not curious."

He tells the truth.

"What a boring man. Well, my request is very simple. As long as the church can bring B-12-3-5800 [Vampire Fang], B-03-2-2944 [Holy Blood-stained Cloth] and B-01 -2-8100 [Elemental Blood] Give me, and I will immediately remove the Mystery Lock and let you deal with all the cursed creatures here. I will also leave the main continent of the material world and swear an oath to the great one, one hundred. It won’t happen again this year.”

"What do you want these for?"

"It's none of your business."

The countess replied elegantly. She tilted her head and looked directly into Jenkins' eyes, hoping to see something in those eyes. But neither the talent of the vampire nor the new power given to her by the curse could allow her to see through Jenkins. In those eyes, she only saw the bottomless abyss.

"Of course this has something to do with me. I need to tell the church this information. Under normal circumstances, if there is no suitable reason, I think the church will never compromise with you, let alone whether these Class B extraordinary items are in the church now There are no guarantees in your hands. You don’t think that just by relying on me and my companions, you can convince the church to agree to your request, do you?”

"First of all, I want to make a correction. These three items are indeed in the hands of the Orthodox Church. To be more precise, they are all in the Nolan Diocese."

The countess avoided Jenkins' eyes. She was suddenly interested in the blood of the man in front of her, but her instinct told her that this was a dangerous idea. The contradiction between desire and inspiration made her alert. She was not a newbie and knew that sometimes inspiration was more important than reason.

Jenkins raised his eyebrows. [Elemental Blood] was only accepted by the Sage Church after the incident between Mr. Corpse and Titan last month. The fact that the other party was able to learn this news in such a short period of time showed that she was definitely not acting solely on her own. There is a huge organization behind the woman in front of her to support her, and when thinking of the mysterious and elusive organization, Jenkins first thought of the tree house.

"Secondly, the Zhengshen Church will definitely compromise, because I will tell you the specific function of this mystery lock."

The countess smiled confidently at Jenkins and Miss Capet:

"[Scarlet Dinner] invites any creature outside the Mystery Lock to explore this place. Everyone who enters the Mystery Lock will add strength to the Mystery Lock. And if the church does not send people into the Mystery Lock, it will regularly clean the courtyard and For the cursed people in the manor, their blood mosquito curse will further evolve. I don’t know the end of this evolution, but I am looking forward to it. In other words, the Orthodox Church must compromise, otherwise the blood mosquito curse will inevitably happen. Infected the city of Belduran.”

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