Looking at Kamel in front of him, the right hand holding the gun quickly knocked down the hammer on the rear again, and then raised the muzzle of the gun and pointed it at Kamel:

"It seems that I was quite lucky. The first shot hit a blank. Then I will pull the trigger for the shot that is not as good as yours. I think it should be no different from you doing it yourself."

Even when Jenkins pointed a gun at his head rudely, Kamel still looked so confident, as if he was sure that he would never lose this game.

"Of course, please~"


The sound of bullets breaking through the air is different from the sound of normal gunfire. After pulling the trigger, Jenkins suddenly saw a figure in a black robe flash past from the muzzle of the gun.

After this, Kamel fell to the ground with a sound, and red and white things flowed out from the small hole in his forehead.

"One hit kill!"

Jenkins guessed the effect of the bullet just now. He held the gun in one hand and bent down to confirm Kamel's situation, but at this moment he heard footsteps on the stairs nearby.

Turning around, it was Kamel who had fallen to the ground and died walking down from the second floor of the store.

"I only know that [Angel's Resurrection Feather] can play a perfect role in resurrection. I have never heard of any other resurrection methods that leave no sequelae."

Jenkins was slightly surprised but reacted quickly.

"The world is very big, William, and mortals will always know only a small part of this complex world. Even if you are a scribe of the sages, you should not think that you know everything. This is not a qualified follower of the sages. Thoughts should be given.”

Kamel said in a slightly sarcastic tone, walked quickly to the counter, took out a match from his pocket, and lit it on the counter. With a shake of his hand, the burning match fell onto the corpse in a swirling motion. After a sharp explosion, the corpse was burned to ashes in less than a second, while the ground and nearby products were not. suffered no damage at all.

"This is also my alchemy product. It's really convenient for disposing of corpses."

Saying that, he made a gesture of invitation to Jenkins:

"Now it's your turn again."


Pulling the hammer, he raised the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at himself. The hard bullet left a small hole on the side of his head, but the green light in the hole continued to flow. The mysterious bullet contained the ultimate curse power. The physical bullets, encircled by the spirit of life, are continuously pushed out by the purifying power of [Hero].

Chapter 1551 Chapter 1527 King Soul (8/10)

Dang rang~

The warhead fell from the wound and when it landed on the ground, it actually splashed black sparks.

This is a real magic bullet. No matter how powerful Jenkins is, he cannot completely eliminate it in a short time. But at least he can push the bullet out of his head. Most of the power he possesses is restrained by the curse of this bullet.

"Sure enough, the elf bloodline of the Middleton family is really reflected in you. I originally thought it was just a story spread in ancient times, a story compiled by the royal family to emphasize the superiority of their bloodline. I didn't expect that they really had it. Elf blood, this is really uncommon.”


Jenkins didn't have time to listen to his nonsense, so he pulled the hammer and raised his hand to shoot. The bullets triggered by this shot were illusory and corresponded to "soul damage". Therefore, there were no wounds on the corpse that fell to the ground, because it was a bullet maliciously targeting the spirit body.

Instead of checking on the body, Jenkins turned his head again. Sure enough, Kamel was walking down the simple wooden stairs connecting to the second floor. Even his clothes were exactly the same as those on the first two corpses:

"You are really impatient, Mr. Williams. It's not good to interrupt others casually. Now it's your turn again. As long as you can catch the next bullet, you will win this game."

"Yes, it's my turn again."

Jenkins nodded, raised the gun and pointed it at his head. Unexpectedly, the cat on his shoulder suddenly stretched out his paw and moved the muzzle of the gun to the side.


Seeing Jenkins turn his head to look at it, Chocolate stood up and let out a somewhat harsh cry at him.

So Jenkins switched to holding the gun in his left hand and pulled the trigger to his head again.


This is not the sound of a bullet being fired.

"You forgot to cock the hammer. Pulling the trigger like this is useless."

Kamel, who has a mustache and looks like a capitalist, kindly reminded him.

"Yeah, I forgot to cock the battering ram."

He pressed his thumb hard, then raised the muzzle of the gun, pointed it at Kamel, and shot Kamel. Kamel's body fell to the ground for the third time. This time the bullet represents the whisper of the evil god, and it seems that the whisper has completely destroyed Kamel's spirit.

"What, don't you want to play?"

The sound came from the stairs behind him, and Jenkins smiled and pulled the hammer again:

"You only talked about the functions of these five bullets, but you didn't mention the functions of this Class B extraordinary pistol."

As he spoke, he raised his gun and pointed it at Kamel who was standing high up. There was only the last bullet left in the gun, which represented "doom".

"The feel of the fifth shot is completely different from the first four. I think this pistol should have the function of exerting extraordinary power only after a specific number of shots. Starting from you, you asked me to choose whether to shoot first. In fact, The trap has been set. You guessed that I have a way to deal with these bullets, so I have to mess with the gun itself. "

"After all, you are a sixth-level benefactor. It is normal for me to make more preparations."

Kamel said, accurately pointing out Jenkins' level.

"So what exactly are you going to do? Alfonso Kamel, we'd better be honest. I don't expect the last bullet from this gun to kill you, but you can't get it from me either." Want something.”

"There's nothing I want in you..."


Hearing this, Jenkins fired again, and then watched the brand new Kamel appear from the stairway on the second floor again:

"You are really impatient."

"I always hate lies, especially before the game started, you said you wanted to take something from me."

Jenkins threw the pistol aside. Kamel smiled and shook his head, seeming to be very amused by Jenkins' performance:

"Is this why you hate those believers in lies? From the intelligence I have collected, you have been targeting them since the beginning of the Fabry scam."

Jenkins was noncommittal about this statement. He pulled his cane out of the air, and then retreated step by step towards the door of the store.

"You can't leave. No one can leave the store unless I give them permission."

warned the man standing on the stairs.

"I don't understand. I'm not a descendant of Blacktown. Why are you looking for me?"

Jenkins asked.

"You actually know?"

The face that had always maintained a hateful smile finally showed a surprised expression:

"It seems that I have underestimated you, Mr. Williams. Since you gave me a surprise, let me reveal something to repay you. Yes, I do need something from you. I need you. The king’s soul.”

"What did you say?"

Jenkins had never heard of the term.

"The special part of your soul that represents the qualification to become a king, I call it the king soul. Unfortunately, this thing can only be donated voluntarily, otherwise I wouldn't have to go to such trouble."

He shrugged his shoulders and disposed of his other two corpses with matches.

"Although the royal family often says that they are different for the sake of their nobility, and some villagers who believe in superstition also believe that the person who becomes the king must be different, but - are you kidding me? King Soul?"

Jenkins said suspiciously, but he still didn't detect the lie.

"Why should I lie? Williamt, in fact, a long time ago, prophets made predictions that before the end of this era, the king in the shadows behind the curtain will once again unify the material world. Although many people think that this It's nonsense, but I believe in this prophecy. As long as you get four ancient king souls - the dragon soul, the tree soul, the ice soul and the dark soul, you will definitely become the king. King, then I think the one who will succeed is probably the King of Dark Souls. As for now, I believe you have the soul of the tree, after all, I can’t find another qualified person.”

Kamel said as Jenkins closed his eyes slightly to digest the information:

"Do you know what you said? Some gifted people with common sense know that this is nonsense. There cannot be anything else in the human soul. I am also very sure that I do not have any tree soul."

He appeared in the spirit state many times, and even became a god in the spirit state. Even if he possesses a "King Soul", he has already discovered it, so even if Kamel's statement is correct, he has found the wrong target.

[Lie] The priesthood can only detect whether intelligent creatures are lying, but if the other party firmly believes that the illusion is true, the lie will not give Jenkins any reminder. So now Jenkins is very suspicious that the other party is crazy or has been deceived by a fortune teller who doesn't know where he came from.

Chapter 1552 Chapter 1528 Confrontation (9/10)

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe this statement, so I invited you here. So how do you want to hand over the king's soul to me? I am very rich, and I have many items that you may be interested in. I'm even willing to trade my alchemy knowledge with you. Think about it, Williamt. I've investigated your life trajectory and I know you have no interest in becoming king, so... why not consider trading it. Give it to me?"

Kamel said, leaning on the counter.

"You really want a deal?"

Jenkins probed.

"Of course, I am a businessman, not a killer. Things that can be solved by transactions must naturally be solved by transactions."

Kamel said matter-of-factly, and Jenkins thought for a few seconds and nodded:

"Well, as long as you tell me how you were resurrected, I can agree to the deal."

After speaking, he added:

"Of course, we can sign a contract in advance to ensure that both parties will not renege on the deal. Since you are selling so many magical items, you should have a similar contract, right?"

There was an expression of joy on Kamel's face. He nodded while rummaging around the counter. The two discussed the contents of the contract together, and then signed their names respectively. Of course, Jenkins still writes "Jenkins R. Willamt."

"The reason why I can be resurrected is A-12-1-2909 [Flesh Factory]. This is a very rare thing. I relied on the research of my ancestors to find its correct use."

After signing his name, Kamel said immediately, as if he was afraid that Jenkins would regret it.

"Okay, I understand. I didn't expect anyone to be able to use the trick."

Jenkins said lightly, memorizing the numbers in his mind, and then put his right hand on the other person's shoulder:

"Then according to the content of the contract we signed, I will hand over to you the [Tree Soul], one of the four souls I own."

According to Kamel, the transfer of the king's soul only requires that both parties understand the truth and verbally agree to transfer when they are in physical contact (clothing can be separated).

After Jenkins finished saying this, nothing happened except that the cat on his shoulder yawned out of boredom.

"How... is this possible? Is the king's soul still in the queen's body?"

Kamel said quickly and looked at Jenkins in disbelief.

"I've told you a long time ago that I don't have a king's soul. There's another thing I don't know if you've noticed. You're too close to me..."

Hearing these words, Kamel retreated sharply. But it was already too late. The green vines hung down from the sky like a curtain, and "bited" Kamel's head like a snake.

Like most people in the past, he couldn't see these wriggling vines, but after all, he was a demigod-level benefactor. He had a premonition of the crisis, and while trying to break free from Jenkins' hand, he shot a ball of bright red energy into the air.

But it was completely useless. The vines penetrated the air and plunged directly into Kamel's head. With the sucking sound of "gu dong gu dong", Kamel's body gradually became limp, and finally became completely suspended in the air by those vines.

But Jenkins did not relax his vigilance. He turned around and looked behind him. Sure enough, Kamel appeared at the stairway of the second floor holding the stairs with a pale face.

This is the first mortal that Jenkins has encountered so far who can still survive after being hit by [Profane Production]. But considering that his soul was still alive and kicking after being torn apart by a monster bullet just now, the power of [Profane Production] is still very strong.

"what is that?"

Kamel pointed to his hung "corpse" and asked, using a forced questioning tone.

"You can see for yourself~"

As he spoke, Jenkins used [Profane Production] on him again. A second space hole appeared next to him, and more green vines poured out of it than before. But although Kamel couldn't see the vines, he was already prepared to deal with it.

He quickly took off his black formal jacket and threw it into the air. The thin clothing quickly expanded and covered the entire ceiling in an instant.

It covered the entire inner wall of the store like a furoshiki, and then wrapped everything except two living people and a cat. The space in the store changed as a result. The vine illusions summoned by Jenkins from unknown origins flickered for a few times and disappeared. They didn't even have time to spit out the sin coins they digested to Jenkins.

"B-11-3-2808 [Black Magician's Human Skin Coat], this is a rare space item. Not only can it help me move, it can also temporarily form a special space and block most space summoning abilities. Look My guess is correct. The truth of the ability you use is to summon unknown evil beings from outside the material world... Willamt, who are you? The Orthodox Church will never allow gifts. Those who have such ability!”

Kamel asked sternly, which should have been very oppressive, but combined with the look of lust on his face now, such a question would only look ridiculous.

"Does it matter who I am?"

A black shadow appeared behind Jenkins, and then rushed towards Kamel at the top of the stairs with crazy laughter. After the astonishing explosion, black demonic flames spread out, and the stairs of the thrift store were directly blown apart. But fortunately, the store was protected by a coat, so it didn't collapse.

After the explosion, a somewhat embarrassed Kamel quickly walked out of the ruins while coughing:

"Believer of lies! You are a twin devil!".

After taking off his coat, Kamel was now wearing a white shirt, but because of the explosion just now, the shirt had turned into black and white. He reached into the small pocket on his chest and took out a filtered cigarette between his fingers.

He quickly lit the cigarette with the devil's flame that was still burning next to him, then put it in his mouth and took a deep puff. When he exhaled heavily, what came out was not smoke, but more intense black demonic fire.

Even Jenkins didn't dare to resist this kind of flame that could directly burn the soul. He turned and jumped to the side to avoid the fan-shaped flames, then took out a metal charm from his pocket and threw it towards the flames.

The moment the two came into contact, the metal spell was completely vaporized. But the runes engraved on it left traces in the air like burning wires. The water vapor escaped with the effect of the spell, and then gradually spread throughout the space. For a moment, the two of them lost each other's position.

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