Chapter 1553 Chapter 1529 Rescue (10/10)

Although Jenkins did not often use spells, he still carried some of his own practice works. The effect of the spell just now was to form an undispersible water vapor smoke screen to block the vision after contacting any kind of fire. It was considered a relatively economical and affordable spell that affected the vision.

Standing on the ruins of the stairs, Kamal spit out the cigarette butt with only the filter left, and stared at the water vapor in front of him. His ears suddenly moved and then he turned to look to the side. His normal right eye turned dark red, like a real red ray shooting into the depths of the fog, but after a moment, only the sound of the skeleton falling to the ground came.

"Magic Eye?"

Jenkins' voice came from the thick fog on the other side. Kamal glanced at the corner of his mouth with a mocking expression, raised his right foot and kicked it hard, and the wood chips on the ground flew out at a very fast speed. After a muffled sound, the sound of gears turning came from the corner of the room. The wood hit a strange machine that looked like an oven. After activation, the oven door opened and quickly sucked in the steam in the room.

"I didn't expect that putting an air treatment machine in the store would have such a benefit."

With Kamal's voice, his vision was restored. At this time, Jenkins was already standing at the door of the store, his hand on the door, but he couldn't push the door open. The businessman with two small mustaches sneered, pressed his hand on the wall beside him, and then "pulled" a black shotgun out of the wall.

The body of the shotgun was a huge spine dyed black, and the trigger part looked like a human hand bone. The joint between the handle and the body of the gun could see the traces of surgical sutures, and the mouth on the handle bit up the moment Kamal held it.

"William, I don't care who you are. Since you don't have what I need, then die now."

The mouth biting Kamal's hand seemed to be drawing the spirit of this gifter. With the sucking sound, the outer color of the gun became lighter and lighter, but it turned completely white in a few seconds. With a loud bang, Jenkins had a very bad premonition.

He threw the cat on his shoulder to the left, and jumped to the right. With good dynamic vision, he saw the bone bullet change direction in the air and catch up directly.

He threw the things he caught casually, but still failed to stop the flight trajectory of the bullet. Before Jenkins jumped and landed, the bullet passed through his heart, causing Jenkins' body, which was stuck in the air, to crash back against the wall. When he slid to the ground, he leaned against the wall and collapsed. The heart could no longer be seen in the big hole in his chest, and the black tentacles like weeds spread along the wound to the whole body.

"This is the one who is against me... No!"

The black demon shadow had rushed up again. Kamal had no time to charge the gun in his hand again, and he did not dare to meet this strange black shadow. He raised his leg to dodge to the side, but the sole of his shoe seemed to be stuck to the ground.

Only then did he notice that the whole house had been covered with a thin layer of frost. Although most of the water vapor was sucked away by the machine in the corner, the wet wall was enough for Jenkins to use [Ice Condensation] to create a favorable environment for himself.

After the loud explosion, Jenkins, who was seriously injured and relied on [Undead] to survive, stood up while healing himself, grabbed the cat that ran over quickly, and prayed to the sage in his heart, and the power of magic filled his body.


He shouted and slammed into the window of the store. Although the special space formed by [Black Magic's Cloak] blocked the direct spatial connection between here and the street, under the power of the sage's magic, Jenkins still managed to break through the glass and the invisible space barrier.

He fell to the street with the broken glass shards. At this time, the big hole in his chest had healed, but because of the strange substance like tentacles clinging to the surface of his body, and because he had just lost too much spirit, Jenkins' face was pale. He held the ground and wanted to stand up again, but he felt his body shaking uncontrollably.

In the antique shop, Kamal, who was hit head-on by the twin demons, was in even worse condition. Half of his face had revealed the shape of a skull due to the burning of the demon flames, and his left arm had completely disappeared. When he stood up with the help of the wall, the black fire was still burning his legs.

The two wanted to stand up almost at the same time, but fell down at the same time. Kamal in the shop suddenly laughed:

"Is this all you can do?"

He slammed into the wall and smashed his head, and then Kamal, intact but weaker, appeared again from the second floor. Because there was no ladder, he jumped down this time.

Laughing and waving the black top hat in his hand, the remaining demon flames were sucked into the hat, and the traces of the battle just now were swept away.

"It seems that I won this time, William."

He bent down to pick up the black long gun in the ruins of the stairs, and let the mouth on the gun handle bite and suck on his hand. When the gun body turned pure white again because of absorbing a huge spirit, the trigger was pulled and the fatal bullet flew out for the second time.


The knocked-out Chocolate jumped up and tried to get close to Jenkins with his claws and teeth in the air. Jenkins reached out and pulled the cat in front of him, and Miss Capet behind him quickly reached out and pulled him behind.

Behind Miss Capet, hundreds of scribes from the Church of the Sages stood in the darkness beyond the light of the street lights, raising their hands together in prayer:

"May the wise light our way forward!"

An astonishing golden light illuminated the entire street, and it was already eight o'clock at night. The faintly bright street lights on the roadside were eclipsed by the burst of magical power.

Hundreds of elite benefactors prayed in unison, and a thick, physical book-shaped shield blocked the entire street. The excited bullets hit the barrier and only lasted for a second before being evaporated into ashes by the huge magical power.

"It's okay, Jenkins."

Miss Capet put her hand on Jenkins' back, and the warm spirit of life poured into Jenkins' body. He smiled weakly, pretending that he was dying.

"St. Willamette."

Mr. Gilbert wanted to reach out and help Miss Capet lift Jenkins up, but seeing how weak he was, he was afraid of delaying Miss Capet's treatment, so he did not insist.

He flicked the long sword in his hand, and the orange flames dancing under the moonlight gradually extended from the hilt to the sword body. The scribes of the Sage Church were also prepared, and even under the vast rays of magical light, everyone's face was glowing.

PS: The additional update is over, the normal update will be in the evening.

Please vote for everything.

Chapter 1554 Chapter 1530 Divine Magic Lock

It was the observation of Miss Cape arriving with reinforcements that made Jenkins risk his life by jumping into the street, so he was not surprised to be rescued.

"He can be resurrected, and he can be resurrected from any injury~"

Jenkins, who was leaning on Miss Capet and pretending to be weak, reminded him that he was actually much better, but he had to reasonably explain that he could resist a real demigod for so long, so proper disguise of injury was a must.

"Alfonso Camel, I declare you guilty and your death sentence will be carried out immediately."

Mr. Gilbert said calmly, swung down the flaming sword in his hand, and the fire patterns spread along the stone road in all directions. Combined with the sage's magical power, a huge mysterious space unfolded.

Surging power filled the bodies of every sage believer present with the sound of prayers. As the first round of tentative spells bombarded the thrift store, Mr. Gilbert led a team of scribes who were good at close combat. With the blessing of divine magic and flames, he pounced on Kamel in the store.

"He is a believer in lies!"

Kamel said loudly while grabbing the wall with his palms. He noticed that Jenkins' companion took the first step, but he did not expect that he would not be able to restrain Jenkins in a short period of time, nor did he expect that the woman who left could attract so many rescuers.

"who is she?"

He had doubts about Miss Capet's identity.

The magician's coat that was integrated with the wall of the store was pulled out by Kamel. With a slight shake, like magic, the entire store was pocketed from the outside, and all the products were sucked into the coat.

Kamel shook out his clothes and put them on. He held Mr. Gilbert's sword forward with his right hand. With a wave of his left hand, the cards popped out of his cuffs and expanded into a shield, blocking other attacks.

"Why don't you say that I am also a believer in lies?"

Mr. Gilbert laughed angrily, and the flame-burning sword was in a stalemate with Kamel's hand for a second before splitting Kamel into two pieces.

"Are you saying that you are a believer in lies again?"

On the street outside the store, a team of scribes responsible for logistics had surrounded Jenkins and Miss Capet for protection. Miss Cape asked while healing Jenkins. She had not forgotten that on the train in the afternoon, Jenkins also said the same thing to the member from the [Gear Craftsmen Guild].

"I've been putting it off for so long. I have to find something to talk about."

Jenkins smiled weakly, and Chocolate stood beside his legs, watching the people around him like a sentry.

Because of Jenkins' reminder just now, Mr. Gilbert did not take it lightly even if Kamel died in front of him. He and his companions who entered the store looked around with vigilance. He raised his head suddenly and smashed the ceiling of the first floor and the roof of the second floor with his sword. From these two holes, he saw Kamel floating like a balloon. in the air, and rise higher into the sky at extremely fast speeds.

"Williamt, remember this!"

His voice came from higher up, and two bright moons were behind him, making Kamel in Jenkins' eyes just a blurry black shadow.

Immediately afterwards, two other black shadows appeared in the sky in front of the moon. Mr. Donald Yassen, who had the title of "Left Hand of the Temple", and another church demigod who did not speak during the meeting in the Holy Hall, grabbed Kagome respectively. Maier's two hands.

Because they were too far apart, Jenkins could not clearly explain what happened in the fight between the three demigods within a few seconds. He heard a scream, and then saw the shadow representing Kamel being taught by the sage. The demigod was torn in half from two directions. As the black magician's coat tore apart, hundreds of numbered items stored inside fell from the sky, spreading all over the roof of the thrift store.

"He's not dead yet!"

Jenkins said weakly, and the cat turned around. Only it could see the purple light flashing like threads in Jenkins' eyes.

Because of his wide field of vision, Jenkins finally saw Kamel's resurrection process completely this time. The moment his body was torn apart, a black spiritual light struck like lightning, and a black spiritual light also struck from far away in the city. The two auras combined, causing Kamel to reappear on the roof of the thrift store.

His body was like an amorphous black fluid, and then it solidified into the appearance of Kamel.

At this time, Mr. Gilbert also flew to the roof. The church's scribes surrounded the thrift store. Under the influence of the mystery, even strings of magical rune chains appeared faintly in the surrounding air.

At this point, the church will not shout silly words like "let's take it easy." At the same time as Kamel was "reborn", a new round of attacks was ready, so Kamel was killed again the moment his body was reborn. When he reappeared a few seconds later, a new attack repeated the process.

The church has not encountered enemies that can be reborn repeatedly, not to mention that this is the Diocese of Beldilan, the central diocese of the Church of the Sages, and there are more and stronger scribes than those in the Nolan Diocese.

Jenkins, who pretended to be weak, was surrounded by crowds on the side streets. He looked up and watched Kamel being killed again and again, becoming weaker every time.

About the time this process continued for the seventh time, the reborn Kamel no longer appeared inside the thrift store or on the roof, but appeared higher in the sky.

Mr. Gilbert's flaming sword and the golden light bullet thrown by Mr. Donald Yassen arrived almost instantly, but because Kamel was reborn at a greater distance this time, he finally had the opportunity to do another thing before his death. matter.

"Just wait for me~"

His voice floated in the air, and as he fell, the space wall behind him was completely shattered, and a huge wrinkled claw stretched out from it, grabbing Kamel hard in the palm of his hand. The sword and light bullets therefore only hit the claws, causing large drops of black flesh to drip onto the roof.

"I will definitely take revenge!"

Kamel's voice did not disappear until it disappeared into the space hole together with the claw. Because of the power of the magical magic lock, Mr. Donald Yassen flew directly behind the space hole, but came back a few seconds later. , only brought back one finger of that huge claw.

Under the siege of the Sage Church, Kamel finally ran away. Leaning on Miss Capet, Jenkins squinted his eyes and looked at the place where Kamel disappeared. Only he saw that the claws actually crushed Kamel's body to pieces, but because he died outside the mystery lock, Kamel I was able to be reborn in a safe area outside the Mystery Lock.

Jenkins was not worried about Kamel's harsh words before he left. Not to mention that he had lost almost all the numbered items this time, but being directly hit by [Profane Production] and being reborn dozens of times afterward would definitely bring him consequences. A long period of weakness.

And Jenkins' revenge will definitely not wait too long.

PS: Found a small bug. The location of Cold Spring Palace. When Jenkins first came to Beldiland, he described it as “The Palace of Cold Spring where the royal family lives is not within the urban area of ​​Beldiland, but is a short distance away from the Church of Knowledge and Books.” The farthest, the suburbs at the other end of the city." This volume was written by the author as the city center. Now let me state that the settings of the original version are continued and are being modified, which will have no impact on the content of the story.

Chapter 1555 Chapter 1531 Arm Analysis

Jenkins didn't know what method Kamel used to achieve rebirth with almost no cost, but his eyes could see clearly that every time Kamel was reborn, his aura as the benefactor was weakening, and the aura of the benefactor who represented the cunning was weakening. The black aura of the object strengthened within his body.

"I'm better, now let me stand up."

As he was thinking about it, he said to Miss Capet, but a strong woman held her shoulders down and prevented him from getting up:

"Don't insist, Jenkins. You've done a good job this time. Now you can rest in peace and recover."

This time, so many scribes were able to be mobilized in a short period of time. On the one hand, Miss Capet acted quickly, and on the other hand, because of the emergence of the [Blood Mosquito Curse], a large number of combat troops were gathered near Beldiran. .

After confirming that Kamel had really escaped, the mystery gradually faded, and Jenkins returned to the Holy See under the escort of a group of scribes. Although he has basically fully recovered, he is still required to remain in bed and rest pending a comprehensive examination.

Miss Capet, for some unknown reason, stayed with Jenkins to take care of him. Jenkins guessed that this was because when he met Kamel, he asked Miss Cape to go first, so the blond lady felt a little guilty and wanted to stay and take care of Jenkins.

As for the individual conversation with Kamel, Jenkins also reported everything to the church truthfully. Of course, there is naturally something about the "king soul" involved. He himself is dubious about this statement, but in short, he does not have such a thing.

The person in charge of talking to him was the elder of the secret keeper, Mr. Wood Bloshear. When asked whether the "King Soul" really existed, the old secret keeper hesitated, and then winked at Jenkins:

"You shouldn't ask me about this, Saint William. You should ask those diviners. I remember that you are studying with a very powerful diviner. She will tell you the answer."

It was a complete accident that he met Kamal, but the cause of this accident was that Dad took Jenkins to "broaden his horizons". Therefore, Dad, who came upon hearing the news, felt a little guilty. He sat aside and sighed while listening to the conversation between Jenkins and Mr. Brosher.

After the keeper left, he sat down by Jenkins' bed, took his hand and asked him how he felt now.

"I feel good, but I feel a little... chest tightness."

This was the truth, because as soon as Jenkins lay down, Chocolate immediately jumped on his chest and squatted. Even though the cat was very light, it was inevitable that Jenkins had some difficulty breathing.

"I thought you didn't have time to get on that train. Oh, Jenkins, if you really have something wrong, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

He held Jenkins' hand and put it on his forehead. Jenkins looked at Dad with some guilt, feeling that it was really wrong for him to pretend to be injured.

Miss Cape, who had just approached the room after the keeper left, stood at the door and saw this scene. She was relieved and envious. She had never met anyone who treated her so well. Jenkins' life was something she had never had before.

It was Thursday, the second day after the Kamal incident. The sun shone into the ward through the screen window. Jenkins sat on the bed with a bowl of meat porridge, and Miss Cape stood beside the bed.

The keeper, Mr. Wood Broshill, was still standing and talking, but there was another old man with a cane next to him. The old woman was very short, with a head full of silver hair and wrinkles on her face. She looked at least seventy years old.

This was one of the demigods sent by the [Church of All Things and Nature] to the Beldiran area to assist in dealing with the [Blood Mosquito Curse]. Although Jenkins had never seen her, from Miss Cape's respectful attitude towards her, he knew that this old man probably had a very important position in the church.

The two demigods came to disturb Jenkins early in the morning, mainly to tell him about the mechanical broken arm that he and Miss Cape got at the Antiques Fair yesterday.

After the market ended, the broken arm was sent to the Sage Church. According to Jenkins' message above, the church found the [Church of All Things and Nature] to analyze the technology of the arm together, and naturally the [Church of Creation and Mechanics] also needed help. Recently, the Beldiran region has gathered various elites from the twelve churches. After sufficient research and analysis, although the arm was contaminated with the power of the weird, the technology of the arm itself is not complicated.

"This is not an original technology. Similar things have been recorded in the ancient materials of the [Church of Creation and Mechanics]. This is a transformation that ancient humans have tried. The only difference from the arm you got is the different driving energy. The principles of the rest are almost exactly the same. We suspect that the [Gear Craftsmen Association] has obtained some taboo human body transformation technology. Combined with the tracking and investigation of the group of cultists by the Nolan Parish, it is currently believed that there may be ancient intelligent machines underground in the Nolan region, and they are highly intelligent ancient intelligent machines. Only in this way can this taboo technology be preserved."

"Intelligent machines" is the name given to machines with thoughts by people in this era. Intelligent machines with gear mechanical structures have appeared many times from ancient times to the present, so the church is not without experience in dealing with them. Of course, the kind that Jenkins and Alexia found in the Snow Mountain of Loen is still very rare.

"Why is such technology banned? I heard from my father that the Church of Creation and Mechanics is still researching technology to mechanize the human body."

Jenkins asked.

"The technology of the Church of Creation and Mechanics is not completely accepted by everyone..."

At this point, the old keeper glanced at the old woman of the [Church of All Things and Nature], who nodded at him and took over the explanation from the keeper:

"Son of the Sage, there are some things you may not understand. Even in the [Church of Creation and Mechanics], this kind of human body transformation technology is not supported by everyone. Their technology comes from the technological breakthrough after the development of steam power, and the transformation of the human body is purely mechanical, while the ancient technology is mostly carried out in a mixed way of flesh and blood and machinery. This is the biggest difference. Of course, in my opinion, this is all against nature."

It can be seen that she is quite disgusted with these technologies, which is also the general view of the [Church of All Things and Nature]. The Church of Sages holds an incompletely neutral attitude towards the technological development of the [Church of Creation and Mechanics]. A small number of people advocate waiting and watching, while most people believe that this is a repetition of past mistakes and a return to the path of ancient forbidden technology.

Chapter 1556 Chapter 1532 Visiting the Sick

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