
"Please use my love to influence these two sinners."

The boy stood up and puffed out his chest.


"They are the twin demons of destiny, and the world needs them."

The boy opened his arms, closed his eyes and raised his head.


"God, why are you so harsh, so..."

"Once you become a devil, it is absolutely impossible to turn back. Devils have no good intentions. You are not the devil of fate, you are the devil of love."


"Your selfish love has created demons that have wreaked havoc for many epochs; your selfish love has killed yourself and others; your selfish love..."

He couldn't make it up anymore.

"The twins devoured your power, but you didn't disappear. I don't want to know why, and I don't want to know if you had planned this for a long time, and I don't want to guess whether this is another conspiracy... ..”

"God, you are indeed evil too!"

The boy with a soft white light waved his hand, sucked the knife on the table, and stabbed Jenkins. Jenkins snatched it away with his backhand and stabbed the knife into his forehead. The golden divinity and the strange power possessed by Jenkins merged together and poured into the knife. The light spots represented by [Contact Healing] and [Unknown Way Ahead] trembled at the same time.

The boy looked at Jenkins in disbelief with resentment and surprise, then disintegrated and disappeared. Jenkins stared at the table knife in his hand. Purple, black, and gold lines appeared little by little on the silver surface.

Red aura seeped out from the knife, getting brighter little by little. This was the first extraordinary object transformed from a mortal thing that Jenkins saw.

For killing the boy? Because it is used by Jenkins?

He didn't know, but threw the knife in front of Bevanna, who had her eyes closed the whole time. Then when the woman wasn't paying attention, he picked up the coins on the ground.

"Kill them with this."

There isn't much divinity left, so let her deal with the demons on earth. That's it for today.

"Thank you, Holy One."

the woman said in a trembling voice.

Jenkins shook his head and walked towards the magnificent floor-to-ceiling window. The red and blue moons were still hanging in the sky, and many givers had gathered on the grass downstairs.

"Maybe I should choose a grand exit."

While he was thinking, he looked at the 8 ability light spots in front of him. When his eyes fell on [Reading and Writing], the Creation Pencil began to tremble.

"I see."

The young man with black hair and black eyes raised his hand and pushed gently, and the window opened.


A black cat jumped out of the darkness and lay obediently on Jenkins' shoulder.

He smiled. In the void in front of him, vertical black lines appeared in the air. The black lines combined with each other. From point to surface, from surface to body, a stone staircase leading to the sky slowly took shape.

The man with the cat walked on the stone steps to the sky, the stars gathered around him, and the hymn lingered in his ears. He used the stars as a curtain and walked in the sky. The steps behind him disappeared and the steps in front of him appeared.

The benefactors raised their heads and stared blankly at this scene that was like the arrival of a myth. No one spoke until the hymn completely stopped and the saint disappeared into the starry sky.

PS: The chapter number in the morning is wrong, seven chapters have been updated, so there are five chapters in the afternoon.

Chapter 133 Chapter 129 Escape

Bevanna carefully squinted her eyes and looked around. After confirming that the saint had really left, she dared to open her eyes and stand up, killing the two demons one after another with the knife branded with three-color stripes. He walked to the window and looked at the black dot that had disappeared in the sky.

"Creation of the void? Sage, who is this?"

The Creation Pencil originally did not have the ability to erase, otherwise the bicycle would not have been disposed of so easily.

This was the result of the pencil being stained with divinity. Jenkins stood on the highest step, then used a black robe stained with divinity to hide himself, built a narrow staircase again and walked down.

Jenkins' body, together with Miss Hesha, leaned against the largest tree in the forest. There was an open space in front of the tree. The dust from the demon's death soaked the ground, making it glow slightly.

The mottled moonlight shines through the shadows of the trees onto their peaceful faces. A young man with black hair in black robes walks down from the sky with a black cat. The steps disappeared behind him, and he faced the sleeping man and woman.

With the last trace of divinity left unburned, he took out the withered bone from Jenkins's arms and wanted to study how to destroy it. Unexpectedly, the bone broke into pieces as soon as he put his hand deeply into his arms.

"Create a new spirit body that is close to the holding spirit body, and now I am..."

While he was thinking this, he slowly leaned forward, placed his forehead against the forehead of the handsome blond young man, and slowly sank into his body.

When he opened his eyes again, in addition to the terrifying emptiness that spread throughout his body, four blank bubbles emerged from his eyes.

Two demons in the distant manor happened to be killed at this time. One of the bubbles trembled slightly and turned into a red light spot.

[Twin Demons (Red Martial Arts)]

Jenkins ignored it, but closed his eyes to sort out the new information he had just obtained. Putting aside the occult knowledge of divinity, he learned the second piece of information about becoming a god:

“Things that can become gods cannot be humans.”

"So I'm not human?"

He thought doubtfully, and then felt that this idea had some truth to it.

The black cat gracefully walked up to Jenkins, meowed, and its fur gradually changed color, returning to the black and white color of chocolate.

"As expected, it's you, Chocolate. How did you become like this?"

he wondered.

A glimmer of light flashed in the yellow vertical pupils, "Meow~"

"Oh, I see, that potion worked."

Jenkins had a flash of inspiration and suddenly realized it.

"No, then why are you here? Didn't I leave you in the church?"

A glimmer of light flashed through the yellow vertical pupils again, "Meow~"

Jenkins had another flash of inspiration and a sudden realization.

"Oh, you must have followed me because you were worried about me, how good you are!"

Chocolate wagged its tail proudly.

There was a noise in the distance, and the smell of sulfur in the air was much smaller. Jenkins gently picked up Miss Hesha, returned the silver bracelet to her, put the violin behind her back, the cat jumped on her shoulder, and left in a hurry.

"What are you going to do? Jenkins."

A cold female voice came from her arms.

"Let's go quickly. The devil's matter has been solved. I think Miss Michael will be fine."

Jenkins carried her and moved quickly along the path in the forest. Now she must not be touched by the church's gifter, otherwise it will be unclear.

"Why are you so sure?"

"I, I have special abilities!"

He emphasized, a little annoyed that the girl was talking so much at this time.

"Just now, when I seemed to be in a coma, I seemed to feel a stranger appearing next to me. It was very similar to the man in black robe I met in the hospital last time..."

Beads of sweat immediately appeared on Jenkins' forehead and slid down his cheeks.

"Kill and silence!"

Cold evil thoughts emerged from his heart, and were suppressed by the righteous time traveler with his reason.

"No, I am a positive figure. Then find a place to imprison her permanently. I remember there is a basement under the house, and then it's okay..."

Desire abounded, but was immediately stopped.

The walking movement stopped unconsciously, and Jenkins lowered his head to look at Miss Hesha.

She smiled triumphantly, but she was still weak, her lips pale and chapped.

"I knew it. You know the man in black robe who has been in the limelight recently, right? Let me guess, it was this person who led you to become a gifter, so you don't dare to register in the church!"


Jenkins was speechless.

"I was so choked that I couldn't speak, right?"

The girl smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't reveal your secret. Thank you for saving me, and thank you for letting your guide save Britney. I will never forget this kindness in my life."

Jenkins remained silent, holding the girl in his arms and continuing to walk forward. The lights of the city can be seen in the distance, and it seems that the direction is correct.

"Miss Hesha, why is Miss Michael there tonight?"

He didn't want to continue the topic, so he asked this question.

"I don't know who the bastard told Britney. Recently, all the noble boys and girls in Nolan have learned a 'magical' ritual. I tried to dissuade her from going, but she didn't listen and lied to me that she wanted to stay tonight. I was studying arithmetic at home and came secretly... By the way, did you know that the devil is actually Little Wellington? The night we attended the masquerade, the question you asked the baron was very interesting, so I used a special channel After tracing it, I found that all the rituals were leaked from Little Wellington."

"Special channel?"

"Yes, you know, there is a well-known bounty hunter in the black market. Although the price is very high, she can successfully complete the task every time. I used your 200 pounds to ask her to investigate, and she found out everything in one day. ...That's right, you can get the answer just by asking those losers who rely on the glory of their ancestors. Her name is Huntress, and I can introduce you to her."


Jenkins sighed, the world is really small.

"What exactly is that demon going to do?"

It was really hard to walk in the forest with a person in his arms, and Jenkins was already a little exhausted. But although he doesn't have high emotional intelligence, he also knows that he can't complain about women's weight casually.

"I don't know, aren't demons born chaotic? Maybe they just want to do something interesting..."

She said uncertainly, her voice weak.

But Jenkins knew it couldn't be that simple. The last incident with the evil spirits was also related to demons, and this should also be their work. Nolan City can't be so unlucky, with two waves of demons lurking, right?

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on Miss Hesha's head, activating the healing ability. Her face looked better, and it seemed that the physical damage was only part of it.

Section 134 Chapter 130 Calendar Change

"What level are you at? Do you have so many useful abilities?"

The red-haired girl asked softly.

"Weaker than you."

Liar Jenkins spoke one of the few truths tonight.


But she didn't believe it.

After watching Jenkins look forward for a while, the girl in his arms trembled because he had to avoid the bumps on the ground. She stared at the endless night, thinking about her past experiences, remembering how hopeless she felt tonight, and then looked at Jenkins' expression of focusing on the road without any distractions.

"In the future, wherever there is no one around, I allow you to call me 'Hathaway'."


"When did I increase my favorability level?"

Jenkins muttered in his heart, and was confused again.

The two separated near the horse farm in the suburbs. Hathaway claimed that she could go back from here, and Jenkins could only watch her staggering towards the darkness.

"Go home."

Patting the cat's head, Chocolate meowed cooperatively.

His luggage was still left in the church, but now he didn't have the energy to get it. When he lay on the bed, he vaguely thought that he had left the rapier in the city of Shire, but he would think about it when he woke up.

The last time he slept was two days ago, and even the gifter couldn't hold on like this. The emptiness after the end of the deification made him feel depressed, and the days of running around completely drained all his energy, and he finally fell asleep.

Chocolate lay on the small blanket beside the bed, walked gracefully to the side of Jenkins' head, and carefully rubbed his face with his tail.


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