The meaning of the cry is unknown to anyone.

When I opened my eyes, the sun was already setting outside, and my father was sitting in front of his window, peeling apples.

The scene looked familiar, except that their positions had been changed.

"How long have I been asleep?"

He sat up and covered his head, feeling a throbbing pain in his temples. Maybe he should go to the doctor and prescribe a soothing decoction.

"Two days."

Dad handed the apple to Jenkins, and the chocolate obediently lay on his quilt.

"I won't reprimand you for coming back without following my instructions. Young people always need to learn some lessons before they can grow up... If you want to ask me how I got in, don't forget to pry I taught you how to lock. No need to thank me for coming to see you. It was Chocolat who was so hungry that he ran to the store to look for me the day before yesterday. "

"I didn't want to ask."

Jenkins narrowed his eyes and replied, stroking the cat's soft fur.

After taking a bite of the apple, the sweet juice filled my mouth, and then my stomach growled.

"Drink this cup of tea first."

Dad clapped his hands and stood up, "The snow bee honey sent by Miss Bevanna can refresh your mind and will be very helpful for your recovery."

"what's wrong with me?"

he asked.

"Although it looks very similar to extreme fatigue, it is not. The church made a mistake in judgment. This time the enemy was not one demon, but two. The land was corrupted to an astonishing degree. Pure magic cannot guarantee that the body will not be protected from damage. Hurt. If you had gone back to the church the night before yesterday, you would have been treated immediately. Who would have thought that you would go home? Fortunately, you are young now, your body is relatively strong, and your soul's original ability is still healing, otherwise it would not be as simple as lying down for two days. ”

"Because it's closer to home."

Jenkins defended in a low voice, and at the same time he was very happy to have a suitable reason to defend himself.

Wearing slippers and walking to the first floor with my father, there were actually shiny silverware, as well as knives and forks placed on the table. The steaming turkey, the bright vegetable platter, the fragrant fish soup, etc. made Jenkins swallow a mouthful of saliva.

"Dad did it?"

"is it possible?"

he asked sideways, but helped Jenkins pull out his chair.

"It was done by the private chef sent by Marquis Hemel. The devil's affairs cannot be known to the ordinary people, so the external narrative is that a group of evil pseudo-believers kidnapped and killed people in this city on the pretext of promoting novel scientific knowledge. Many children of aristocratic families. Rumors on the streets of the city say that a well-intentioned citizen accidentally discovered and reported this matter; well-informed detectives or reporters believe that the reporter is a devout believer in Zhengshen; a powerful official. The minor nobles heard that the whistleblower was the lover of an aristocratic girl; only the real big shots knew that Jenkins Willamt, a cutting-edge writer who was about to receive a knighthood for his popular books, bravely exposed the cultists. conspiracy."

"Is the count thanking me? Because of my report, Miss Heimer was successfully rescued?"

He asked absently as he fiddled with the food on his plate with his fork.

"It's just part of the reason. Do you remember what I said? Prince Haymir is in charge of the Nolan Navy. Even in the kingdom, he is a powerful noble. He should have heard about some things about the church, although there is no way he knows about you. You will be canonized soon, but you should have guessed that you have a special status in the church."

"Does he know that I am the Giver?"

Jenkins asked again.

"There's no way to know."

Dad spoke with certainty.

"We signed a two-way treaty when we joined the company. We serve the sages throughout our lives and keep the secrets of the church, while the church is obliged to protect us from interference by secular forces. This is a sacred contract that cannot be violated."

"That's good."

Jenkins put the boiled potatoes into his mouth. They were obviously the same food, but they tasted different depending on who cooked them.

"Did Chocolate eat something weird? I feel smarter than before."

Dad squinted as he watched Chocolate picking up the plates on the table. It had already finished today's portion of fine cat food, and was now trying to beg for some more by harassing Jenkins into eating.

"Animal Wisdom Enlightenment Potion."

"Given it to Old Jack?"


"You want to poach me again."

Dad smiled and cursed, guessing the situation at once.

While eating, the two of them chatted about the devil. As expected, the church did not announce the appearance of the saint to the outside world. Dad didn't know whether he was restricted by the contract and couldn't tell, or whether he really didn't know.

On the chair next to him are several copies of the "Nolan Daily" from the last two days. These are the newspapers ordered by Jenkins. Dad should have brought them in. As for the milk, it was either drunk by chocolate or by daddy.

After all, this was an era without refrigerators.

"Calendar change?"

Jenkins saw the biggest headline at a glance. This headline wanted to occupy the first page of the entire newspaper, lest people not see it.

"Yes, from now on, there will be one more day every four years. That is to say, starting from 1868 in the universal calendar three years later, in every year that is a multiple of four, the calendar year will be 366 days."

Chapter 135 Chapter 131 Understanding the World


Jenkins asked in surprise.

"What the people say is that in recent years, advances in mathematics and astronomy have allowed the calendar to be revised more accurately; the real reason is that the true existence of the new great existence that appeared a few days ago has finally been confirmed. That one's ministry should be related to mystery. We cannot know any information about Him through astrology and divination. If the stars in the sky are not still shining, we cannot even be sure that He exists. Uncertainty, this one cannot increase the number of days in a year for the time being, so this is the result. "

"Is this okay?"

"Why not?"

Dad looked like a young man with too simple ideas: "What the people know is actually the truth. Astrologers and astronomers have discovered that the number of days in a year has really changed. One extra day every four years is not what we stipulated. , the world has changed.”

“What month does that day add to?”

Jenkins asked while flipping through the newspaper.

"August, [the month of craftsmen and rain], this one appeared at the end of August."

Dad replied.

Fortunately it was August, not February, otherwise Jenkins might have fallen into doubt about the time travel and slowly driven himself crazy.

"Is it really a world with spiritual power and the primacy of consciousness?"

Jenkins looked at the calculation formula roughly written on the newspaper and sighed in his heart. Looking at the sunset outside, he understood the whole world a little better.

As his thoughts appeared, a cold breath came from the void, and the spirit in his body grew a lot for no reason.

"Level 2?"

Dad asked while eating his meal without even raising his head.

"Yes," Jenkins replied, "I remember it was level one before I went to bed."

"What a lucky boy, you have reached Level 2 within two months of joining the company. Now I really believe that the goddess is partial to you."

Jenkins giggled.

Just like what Dad said when he first met Jenkins, the most orthodox way to grow a spirit is to imitate the benefactor in ancient legends and understand the world. Therefore, it is very normal for some people to upgrade for no reason after sleeping. After all, the soul in dreams is the most relaxed. Although it is also easiest to encounter those great and weird beings, such as professors, it is also easier to experience the world.

On the surface, Jenkins and Dad were just the whistleblowers about the devil's affairs, and the rest of the matter had nothing to do with them. So he lay here for two days as a holiday. Civil servants are so relaxed.

As for the incident in the mysterious realm, it didn't happen in Nolan Parish at all, so no one would mention it, leaving the people of Shire to do their work.

"By the way, Mr. Bro came to my place to see you yesterday with your reader's letter. He seemed to want to talk about the new book."

"I'll visit him tomorrow when I have time."

"Not tomorrow, you have other things to do tomorrow."

"whats the matter?"

Jenkins was stunned.

"It's a small matter to accept the title. It's just an honorary baronet. You don't even need to meet the king. Apart from the title, you can get 5 pounds a month. I will pack it up tomorrow morning and go to church in the afternoon. Your reward is here. Now it is It is not yet certain who from the Holy See will come, but we must take it seriously so as not to embarrass the diocese.”

"Oh, it's finally here? Hey, how come it's the same day?"

"Is this what you are focusing on? What else could you do? It was intentional."

Dad shrugged, looking obvious.

"The title thing is just because I wrote a book?"

he asked again.

"You will understand these things if you come into contact with them more in the future."

The father waved his hand, "The purpose of the royal family is to give you a title. Of course, the reason can be whatever you want... In recent years, the royal family has not granted titles for this reason. The newspaper said: ' Promote the development of the Kingdom’s culture and promote the Kingdom’s excellent culture.”

"I know this."

Jenkins nodded. In his previous life, not to mention writers, even some non-existent characters, such as Sherlock Holmes, were awarded knighthoods by the Queen of England. Now this is not unusual, and an honorary baronet is not even considered a noble in the eyes of some.

The two continued to eat, and Jenkins looked towards the door.

"Has anyone come to see me these days?"

"The bishop came with Binsi and brought a bouquet of flowers; the apple you ate was sent by Hathaway Hersha. She said that Michael is still recovering in the hospital and will come over to thank him personally after a while. "Miss Bevanna happened to meet Miss Evegarden and Miss Audrey when she came here yesterday. How do you know these two?"

"I don't know you?"

Jenkins asked confused.

"Miss Audrey said that she will visit again in a few days and has something important to ask you."

"Is anyone else coming?"

"That's all. We didn't inform your father and mother about this. I guess you don't want them to know either, right?"

"Indeed it is."

Jenkins nodded.

Dad went back after eating. He still had some things to do.

Jenkins asked the maid who showed up on time to clean the room, then closed all the doors and windows, and then sat back at the desk in his bedroom.

"What have I done?"

He held the chocolate up to the light of the elegant gas lamp and thought about the gains and losses of leaving Nolan for the Shire.

"A black ability, a pencil, a magical ability, and a red ability. By the way, it was upgraded to the second level, which solved the hidden dangers of the bones. By the way, there are also the rapier and a few coins that were lost in the Shire. "

As he spoke, he groped carefully under the quilt. There were four green coins in total, three of them were solid and one was illusory and transparent.

"What's the use of this thing?"

He frowned in confusion. If it were just a by-product of the [Desecrated Production] ability, it would be too refined. Perhaps the answer can be found in the church library.

He put the pen soaked in ink aside, spread the white paper neatly in front of him, closed his eyes, and took the initiative to explore the knowledge brought by divinity.

Unlike last time, this time no specific image appeared. In a trance, he saw a magnificent palace obscured by clouds and mist, with a woman's shadow standing in the center, and the sound of subtle music reached his ears.

What's bad is that what is playing is not a piece of music, but many different pieces of music, some are exciting, some are sad, some are happy, some are deep. All these sounds have extraordinary power, and knowledge lies in these musics.


Jenkins opened his eyes, his ears were still ringing, and he looked at the light of the kerosene lamp in confusion, but couldn't figure out where the light came from.

Chapter 136 Chapter 132: Title

"Chocolate, scream!"

He shouted slowly, but still couldn't hear his own voice.


You can only see Chocolate's mouth moving, but you can't hear any noise. It must be meowing anxiously too.

He wiped the blood from his ears with a towel and rested on the table for a long time. The dizziness and tinnitus in his head were slightly better. He immediately recorded the new knowledge he had just gained.

First, the special ritual [Sound Preservation Array], in layman's terms, is to carve the ritual array on a certain plane, which can record sounds for a period of time. Of course, the core material is something called [sound-absorbing stone], which Jenkins has never heard of.

Second, the golden magic [Eternal Silence], after the ability is activated, with the user of the ability as the center, no sound can be made. To activate the spell ability, you need to recite the corresponding strange incantation. This ability can prevent some incantations that must be uttered with voice (most incantations can also be recited silently, but it requires a long time of practice), which is very useful.

It is a pity that this false god is not the object of Jenkins' belief, and he does not dare to learn the magic of false gods.

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