People in reality cannot observe the fierce battle between the two inhuman beings in the dream world, but most of the gifted people living in the Beldiran area know how dangerous and tragic the battle in the sky is.

Two monsters that mortals cannot bear and cannot watch fought fiercely in the night sky under the lunar eclipse. But it is obvious that the huge and weird black cat is more skilled. Although it is so huge, it shows unparalleled flexibility. In the lightless night, the bright yellow light spewed from the black cat's mouth can illuminate everything and tear everything apart.

Jenkins in the dream cannot observe reality, so he doesn't know what his cat is doing. He thought he had the upper hand because of the effect of the divine afterglow. But in fact, even if Chocolate's strength is not complete, it is stronger than the [Sin Nightmare] who only let a trace of essence flow out of the seal.

The battle in the dream ended with Jenkins' victory, and the night sky in the real world ended with the black cat spitting out the bright yellow bead, smashing the nightmare's projection in the real world.

Jenkins stood in the crack of the dream world, listening to people's praises for him, watching the amorphous chaos in front of him being torn into pieces and swallowed by the black cat bit by bit.

Then, the black cat disappeared in front of him like a burst bubble. He stood above the ocean of dreams, looking down to see thousands of people in their dreams bowing to him.

"All this is a lie."

He sighed softly and ended the previous lie with another lie. Then his eyes turned to another group of people, that is, people who fell into mixed dreams because of smoking tobacco. Without the control of the nightmare of sin and the absorption of mental power, the dreams of these people are united again, and the huge and mixed dream is gradually taking shape again.

PS: For the sake of coherence, the chapter last night has more than 3,300 words. I thought you would notice it, but I didn't expect that the book reviews and inter-posts were actually maintained. (Looking up to the sky and sighing)

Chapter 1568 Chapter 1544 Black Cat Suspicion

Looking at this group of people trapped in the mixed dream, Jenkins knew in his heart that he could not leave it alone, otherwise the [Scent Appreciation Committee] would gather mental power again to help [Sin Nightmare] escape. He did not want to fight that monster for the third time.

He was not an expert in studying dreams and mental power. Even if he knew that tobacco caused changes in the mind and soul, he had no idea how to solve it.

So he relaxed himself and let himself fall into the huge dream that was formed again, watching the people in it unconsciously perform various actions.

He stretched out his right hand in a lifting position, and the crystal clear crystal apple appeared in his palm again. This apple helped Jenkins deepen his understanding of the dream world, and also helped Jenkins not to fall into a disadvantage in the battle just now.

But this apple is essentially still [Crystal of Beautiful Dreams]. Even if it is contaminated with the power of the God of Lies, its essence has not changed. Jenkins hesitated for a moment, then gently threw the apple upwards. Under the influence of mental power, it did not fall down but flew to a higher position.

Jenkins looked up at it, and after confirming that it had reached a high enough position, the beautiful apple split in the middle, and then turned into crystal powder and floated to the entire mixed dream world.

The essence of beautiful dreams infected this dream world. The originally desolate and bizarre world gave birth to flowers and green grass, and the theme of the dream was changing. Even if this is a combination of a large number of dreams, the power of beautiful dream crystals is enough to infect everyone's dreams. These beautiful dreams combined will form a larger dream.

Obviously, the essence of [Beautiful Dreams] and [Sinful Nightmares] conflict. In the mixed dream composed of beautiful dreams, even with huge mental power, Sinful Nightmares cannot be used, so [Scent Appreciation Committee] cannot draw out the power of that monster again.

But this does not completely solve the problem of tobacco. Its harm to smokers still exists, and smokers will still be associated with it because of dreams. Summoning [Sin Nightmare] is only one of the club's goals. Even if the mixed dream turns into a mixed dream, their other goals may still be achieved.

"So if you want to solve this problem fundamentally, you still need to find a way to eradicate the sequelae of tobacco."

Jenkins thought so when he woke up from his dream. He slowly sat up from the bed and looked out the window. Because he wasted some time in the dream, he just missed the sight of the lunar eclipse.

His right hand on the bed touched the silver metal block with some residual heat. When he wanted to pick it up, he felt the weight was wrong. He looked down and saw the two small paws of the sleeping cat, grabbing the edge of the metal block.

"You are still not honest even when you are asleep."

He smiled and touched Chocolate's head. The sleeping cat made a faint sound in his sleep and loosened his claws.

Jenkins picked up the metal block that sealed the divinity and looked at it. He sighed in his heart that he had finally taken another important step. He knew the road to becoming a god, and he was almost at the end.

The cohesion of divinity requires the control of the priesthood, and absorbing faith is only the least efficient way. The power of the gods does not rely on mortals, but Jenkins, who stays in the material world, cannot do this. But at least he has understood the whole process of the generation of divinity. Even if the coincidence just now cannot be repeated, he has finally done it once. The breakthrough from zero to one is much more difficult than one to two or two to three.

Obviously, if one achieves godhood before the final day, then the final disaster will not be a problem at all. Even if he can't, then take a step back. If he has enough divinity in his hands when facing the last moment, he will have the confidence to solve those unknown problems.

"If you think about it, you don't need to be too nervous."

Putting the metal block on the bedside cabinet, he temporarily drove away the distracting thoughts in his mind, fell back on the bed, and Jenkins soon fell asleep again.

Jenkins heard about the lunar eclipse from Miss Capet the next day (Friday). The blond girl who was fine today still came to the ward to accompany Jenkins. She didn't seem to have had a good rest, and claimed that it was because of the vision last night. That's why Jenkins knew what happened in the sky last night. He originally thought that no one would know about the battle in the dream world.

"Don't you know, Jenkins? The huge changes in the night sky last night and the strong colors like oil paintings can be seen in every corner of Beldiran."

Miss Cape asked curiously.

"Yes, I saw that."

He stuffed the apple into his mouth and said vaguely, wondering why the cat, which was just a dream, had such a great influence.

"What is that cat? Since it is so powerful, I guess it is not an unknown person."

he asked.

"I don't know what it is, but I heard that what happened last night was caused by a fight between believers of the god of lies and a monster in the dream. Later, the believers of lies borrowed the power of the god to destroy the monster in the dream. , I think that scary cat is probably directly related to the God of Lies.”

Miss Capet told her what she knew.

Jenkins couldn't help but frown when he heard this. The cat last night was constructed by him based on his memories in his dream. It should be just an illusion. It is absolutely impossible to cause a celestial phenomenon of the magnitude of a lunar eclipse.

This means that last night's battle should have been used by a third party. The cat he often encounters in his dreams is real. Maybe if he did not enter the mixed dream last night, he would see it again in his dreams. That's why when constructing the illusion, the black cat borrowed Huan Meng's body.

He has no memory of ever encountering a strange black cat in reality, so it can be assumed that the purpose of the hidden cat is definitely not simple. The first time he dreamed about that cat was last year. He could endure it for half a year and lurk in his dreams. What the black cat wanted to do was definitely beyond expectation.

Thinking that one enemy had not been completely eliminated and another enemy with unknown purpose appeared again, Jenkins felt a little headache. He thought he would go to the palace library to check some information when he had time, at least to confirm the identity of the black cat.

While thinking about it, he secretly looked at his cat, but he saw Chocolate squatting next to the pillow, licking his paws and swallowing while looking at the apple on the bed, so he secretly thought that he was being careless and that his cat was innocent.

"Although it has appeared in my dreams many times and has alarmed me for a long time, I didn't expect that it would eventually appear in this way... It seems that it helped me last night, so what exactly is it?" Not an enemy?"

He felt more headache.

Chapter 1569 Chapter 1545 "Discharge"

"I didn't see the whole cat last night. Mr. Nelfons from the church said that no one should look up at the night sky. But I think since it is a cat, it can't be ugly or scary, right? Most cats are very ugly. adorable."

Miss Cape continued to talk about the strange things last night. As she spoke, she looked at Chocolate. Chocolate's affection for this human woman immediately increased.

"That's not necessarily true. Any creature that expands to a certain extent will become terrifying. And... I don't like black cats."

Jenkins said casually, but he was actually still thinking about the black cat. The expression of Chocolate next to the pillow froze.

"Why don't you like black cats?"

Miss Cape asked.

"Black cats look dirty, and traditionally black cats tend to mean bad luck."

Jenkins said casually.

"You don't look like a superstitious person."

Miss Cape said jokingly.

"But anyway, I don't think black cats are cute."

Jenkins said as he picked up his cat:

"You see, black and white cats like Chocolate are the prettiest."

He shook the struggling cat in his arms. Because he didn't lower his head, he couldn't see the frozen expression on Chocolate's face.

"You are right, your cat is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen."


Jenkins also likes others to praise his cat, while Chocolate is thinking that it can change its appearance at will anyway, and maybe it will never turn into the true color of a black cat again.

"But if the chocolate is a black cat, I will also like it. I like any color of chocolate...but it is best not to be orange. I heard others say that orange cats are often very greedy. eat."

Jenkins said jokingly, Miss Capet was amused by him, and Chocolate was relieved, squinting her eyes and meowing, as if to cater to Jenkins' statement.

Since yesterday evening, Jenkins has done too many things in the Beldiland area, which has caused the church to be busy. The fight between the two monsters in the night sky has been initially determined to be a fight between the believers of lies and the [Scent Scent Appreciation Committee].

After confirming that the former won before dawn, the church followed the clues and found the committee members who fell into a sweet sleep because of the [Crystal of Dreams]. But those members were only the action personnel responsible for executing the orders of the top leaders. Although the top leaders of the committee had smuggled into the Kingdom of Fidictelli from Cheslan not long ago because of the search on the east coast of the continent, they soon moved again from Beldilan. According to the clues, they went to the more western city of Nolan.

From the evidence found, the main body of the Scent Appreciation Committee has been transferred to the country, and the decision to go to the Nolan area was made before the transfer. Therefore, the search for those cigarette dealers in the Beldilan area has come to an end, and their conspiracy planned locally has also come to an abrupt end because of the appearance of the believers of lies. The rest of the matter will be solved by the Nolan Parish.

The believers of lies have also made some small contributions. In addition to defeating the nightmare head-on, because this time they accidentally captured almost all the gifters responsible for this action, after the interrogation, combined with some information found in the tobacco club last time, the church has a further understanding of the nature of those tobaccos.

At noon that day, Jenkins learned from his father that the church believed that the cracking of the side effects of tobacco would have an important breakthrough within one or two months. Although it seems to take a long time, at least this time it is clear that the side effects of tobacco can be treated with repeatable means.

Hathaway and Britney came to visit the patient with his father. The three of them chatted until midnight last night, but the two ladies did not look sleepy at all. Dad talked to Jenkins for a while and planned to leave. At the same time, he announced that Jenkins' "hospitalization rest period" was officially over. The church believed that his body had recovered quite well and he could leave.

In fact, the main reason for allowing him to move freely was that people found Kamal's body at the door of the city hall this morning. Although the body could not be divined or communicated because it was contaminated with the power of the weird, the church still easily discovered that Kamal was really dead and there was no possibility of resurrection.

Without this demigod hiding in the dark and preparing for revenge, the "weak" Jenkins would be allowed to leave the church. The person who killed Kamal, according to the study of the fortune-tellers of the Church of Fate and Order, was an unknown female demigod.

At first, the church suspected that it was the believers of lies who did it, and it was obvious that the demigod whose gender could be easily predicted was definitely not that group of elusive people.

Since Jenkins could leave the ward and had nothing to do in the afternoon, Hathaway and Britney invited him to join the tour group. This afternoon, a group of girls from Nolan planned to visit the Beldiran City Hall.

Of course, the city hall is generally not open to the public, but since the parliamentary reform two years ago to ease class contradictions and open more parliamentary seats to people of non-noble origin, the city hall will be open every six months for the public to visit.

The city hall of Beldiran City covers a large area. In addition to being the center of the city, some important kingdom departments have also set up institutions here. Therefore, in addition to the Cold Spring Palace and its nearby buildings, and the parliament two streets away, this is the most important political center of the kingdom.

The city hall is not a recent building. The history of this large three-story gray stone building can be traced back a hundred years ago.

At that time, this was the private residence of a famous duke in the kingdom. Later, due to complicated reasons such as the coup, the residence was eventually confiscated and turned into the Beldiran City Hall.

Because it is the end of spring and the beginning of summer, it is a good season for travel in the year. Today, there are many tourists visiting the city hall. Jenkins looked very abrupt among a group of young girls. He wore a black hat to cover his face, but Hathaway thought that the color of the hat did not match his clothes and took off his hat forcefully.

Jenkins' coat was also black, and he couldn't understand why the two same colors did not match.

There were many acquaintances of Jenkins in the tour group, such as friends he met when participating in the psychic game, Miss Lawrence he met during the winter snow mountain trip, or people he met when he was hanging out with Hathaway and Britney in the ladies' club.

Because they were all daughters of noble ladies or big businessmen, a tour guide was arranged long before the group set off. The tour guide was named Wendigo Sharon, a student studying at Beldiran Public School. She was about the same age as the group, but in order to raise tuition and living expenses, she worked part-time as a tour guide near the school.

Chapter 1570 Chapter 1546 Visiting Day

"They all look the same age and are all students, but their situations and lives are completely different. This is the sadness of this era..."

This was not what Jenkins said, but what a young man who was also a tourist said when they visited the paintings in the corridor on the left side of the second floor of the City Hall.

He said this very deliberately in a voice that was neither too loud nor too soft, probably hoping that someone in the group would talk to him. But the fact is that no one cared about what he said. The girls were excitedly talking about the stories of those paintings with historical or symbolic significance, and were not interested in social topics.

"That's Britney's great-grandfather."

Hathaway raised her arm to signal Jenkins to look up and to the left:

"To commemorate Earl Michael's overwhelming victory in the negotiations with Cheslan, forcing the other side to spit out a small piece of territory on the edge of the central desert."

Marquis Michael of that generation was the foreign affairs officer of the kingdom rather than the military commander. The oil painting depicts a scene at the negotiation table. Among them, a man in rich clothes is the most conspicuous. He is obviously Bryony's ancestor a hundred years ago.

"Does the Michael family have a long history?"

Jenkins asked as he walked forward.

"Compared with those old nobles, we can only be regarded as new nobles, but the family heritage is almost two hundred years old."

Bryony explained.

Although today is an open day to the public, the staff of the city hall are still at work, but some confidential floors and office areas are not open to the public. The tour guide we found was very skilled and knew the open and unopened areas well. He led the group to shuttle between floors and familiarly introduced the stories of each room and corridor.

During the visit, Jenkins heard about the Quirk family again after a long time. Young Mr. Quick was the final murderer of the Blizzard Villa murder case during the winter trip. However, because this incident involved many secrets, when the results of the incident were finally announced, Quick only appeared as the victim.

Little Quick was an only son, so the Quick family vowed revenge on the other six who survived. This revenge did bring trouble to Jenkins, and even caused him to encounter strange things, but in the end the Quaker family was destroyed.

During a recent investigation into the human sacrifice ceremony in the basement of the Quaker family's ancestral home, it was unexpectedly discovered that the Quaker family was connected to the Antark family in Chesland. Both of them have a grudge against Jenkins, but the latter is too far away from Nolan, and Jenkins has not had the chance to meet other members of the Antark family.

Regarding the handling of the Quaker family, as a typical case of "killing a chicken to scare the monkeys" during the war, the city hall specially organized a room as a temporary exhibition room for this public open day. Jenkins bent over with interest at the replicas of letters stored in a glass case that attested to the Quirk family's unusual relationship with Chesland.

"I don't know how Rick and Garcia are doing now. The winter trip has passed so long in the blink of an eye. They have no contact with us since they eloped."

Hathaway and Bryony were standing next to Jenkins, and the blond girl lamented about the winter trip because she heard about the Quick family here. Hathaway glanced at Jenkins. Not long ago, Jenkins told her that the two people who eloped had no time to escape from Nolan and were captured and taken into custody by the Sage Church.

The city hall looked very lively on the open day. As one of the cores of power in the royal capital, this large building usually has a high density of people. Even though there was a limit on the number of visitors allowed in during the opening day, there were still too many people crowded into the city hall.

The group of people are all ladies with status, so naturally they cannot just crowd in with strangers. So the tour guide suggested that we visit the lobby on the top floor first, wait until there were fewer people downstairs, and then return to the second floor. Naturally, everyone agreed.

"Speaking of which, what do those Cheslanders who passed us just now do?"

While climbing the stairs, Jenkins asked Blainey in a low voice. The appearance of the people in the southern country was very different from that of the population in the western part of Fidicli, so it was easy for foreigners to tell them apart.

"Even during the war, it is impossible for us to drive away all the Chesland people. Judging from the appearance of the men just now, they should be businessmen doing business in Beldiland. They may be dealing with tax issues."

Bryony replied.

Jenkins nodded doubtfully and turned to look at the foreigners who had already reached the second floor. Even though he was across the floor, his eyes still found the Giver, which was unusual.

"Jenkins, come up."

Hathaway reminded from the high steps, and Jenkins noticed that he was too far away from the team. He nodded and watched the group of foreigners walk out of the city hall, then got on the carriage and walked along the street to the park without any intention of stopping, and then he felt a little relieved.

The lobby on the third floor is the lounge of the city hall. It is used for people who work here to drink tea and watch the scenery on weekdays, and it provides a place for tourists to rest on open days. The girls from the tour group crowded on the two couches, chatting and laughing about what they had seen this afternoon, and happily thinking about their plans for the next few days.

Jenkins held his cat and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the city in front of him. The third floor was not very high, but he could barely see the nearest few blocks. On the wall next to him is a newly printed recruitment poster, which mentions the treatment of the military and the honor that service can bring to the family. Jenkins can even smell the smell of ink; further away, several faces Men who were obviously from the Hampavo Kingdom stood in the corner and whispered to each other. Jenkins could barely hear that they seemed to be talking about the body found at the door of the city hall this morning.

Somehow the ladies in the tour group talked about the duel between Duke Antark and Jenkins at the Nolan Theater a few months ago. Their focus was not on the pistol that accidentally exploded, but on the fact that the reason for the duel between the two was for Bryony Mihail.

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