Girls always like this kind of topic, and Britney, who is the focus of the topic, blushed and asked her friends not to talk nonsense, and occasionally looked at Jenkins standing in front of the window to enjoy the scenery. They all thought that Jenkins couldn't hear their conversation, but in fact, with Jenkins' hearing, he could hear everything.

"It's better for me to pretend that I can't hear anything at this time."

He thought to himself, pretending to be interested in the recruitment posters on the wall. The cat in the embrace broke free from Jenkins' arms, jumped onto his shoulders, turned his back to Jenkins and sniffed hard, then meowed and squinted his eyes.

PS: Recommend the book "Thrown into the Other World by the Bronze Dragon", author: Longinus

This big guy put it on the shelves yesterday, and it is said that the first order is more than 2,300, which is twice the result of my putting it on the shelves two years ago. Very interesting book. He used to write a book in Qidian, "Crossing to the Game Store", I don't know if anyone has read it. When I read that book, I was still in school... It seems that I am still in school now.

Introduction: Coming to the land of Azeroth

But it comes with a set of Skyrim upgrade system

Don't want to fight and kill

Rely on fishing, ironmaking, and grinding tofu

You can still save Azeroth...right, probably

Chapter 1571 Chapter 1547 Shooting, traitors and suspicion

Sensitively noticing the unusualness in the cat's cry, Jenkins noticed Chocolate's reminder, and when he turned around, he just saw a middle-aged man with a hat hurriedly leaving the hall. This is the person who has been following him since he came to the city hall. In fact, after coming to Beldiran, he was often followed when he went out in public, but the followers were ordinary people so he didn't care. He knew that it was sent by Queen Isabella to monitor and protect him.

"So when will the queen summon me? If you don't see me again, I will go back next week."

He thought in his heart, watching the man who concealed his panic disappear at the door of the hall. When the man left, he passed by a tall and thin foreigner with Cheslan's appearance. The foreigner who entered the door also looked very panicked. He stood there as if he was looking for someone in the hall, but there was obviously no target here, so he walked to the corridor on the left.

Bang, bang, bang~

The sudden sound made the entire third floor seem to freeze. Jenkins widened his eyes and walked quickly to the sofa:

"It's gunshots. Don't walk around. Stay here. It sounds like the sound came from the first floor."

His voice was light but powerful. As the only male in the tour group, the girls naturally believed him. As for the other people in the hall, they naturally recognized that the sound just now was three gunshots. Although they didn't know what happened downstairs, it was definitely not a good thing.

Because the area of ​​the city hall complex is too large, there are far more than one staircase connecting the upper and lower floors, so it is definitely impossible to block the floors now. Everyone did not leave the place. Most of them held their breath and listened carefully. Sure enough, another gunshot was heard from almost the same position soon. Hathaway, who had the best hearing, could tell that there was a slight difference between the gunshot and the previous one. The trigger was definitely not the same gun.

"We can't stay here. Find a room to hide first."

Jenkins immediately made a decision. He was not worried about bullets, but there were too many people with him. If a gunfight happened around him, it would be difficult for him to protect everyone. It happened that some people with panicked faces came from the second floor to the third floor. Under their leadership, everyone in the hall left here and entered the corridor of the government office area that was not open to the public.

At this time, there were at least hundreds of people on the third floor. From the sporadic gunshots downstairs, everyone realized that a group of people had just rushed into the city hall with guns, shot and killed the guard at the door, and collided with other guards inside the city hall.

Today is the public open day, which is a special day that requires special safety protection. Therefore, there are a large number of guards and security personnel inside the city hall. Before the people on the first and second floors fled to the third floor, the guards of the city hall had already gained the upper hand, and believed that the gunshots downstairs would soon disappear.

Just as they expected, the sporadic gunshots lasted less than ten minutes and then disappeared. The worried people waited for a while and confirmed that there was no danger before they felt relieved and wanted to send someone downstairs to confirm.

Such work was naturally not the turn of the tour group. Jenkins watched the young man in uniform volunteer to walk to the stairs, touched the cat on his shoulder, and then walked to the side without leaving a trace to block in front of Britney.


Another gunshot, the difference was that this gunshot occurred at the stairs on the third floor. The young man who wanted to deliver the letter downstairs was so scared that he fell directly to the ground and rolled back to the corridor. The man holding a small pistol with the muzzle facing upwards came up from the second floor.

He looked very bad, limping, and his black coat had been stained dark red by the blood flowing from his right chest. When he reached the third floor, the blood dripping behind him almost left a line on the stairs, but he still walked up tenaciously, observing everyone in the corridor with a fierce look.

"Don't move, I will kill anyone who moves!"

This is a foreigner with Cheslan's appearance, and he uses Fidictli very unskilled. He seems to be trying to find someone in the crowd, but there are too many people crowded in the corridor. Anyone who wants to hide only needs to bend down slightly and hide in the crowd.

"All Cheslan people, stand up! I'm only looking for Cheslan people!"

He shouted to the crowd, and the people he was looking at subconsciously wanted to see if there were such foreigners around them. Jenkins squinted his eyes and saw that the foreigner who had just passed by the guy who was following him was leaning against the wall with his knees slightly bent, trying to make himself look shorter.


It was not known whether Jenkins was too conspicuous among the women, or whether he was very unlucky and stood too close to the front, the gunman suddenly pointed the gun at him:

"Have you seen the Cheslan people?"

"About ten minutes ago, when I walked to the third floor, I saw a group of Cheslan people leaving the city hall."

"No, not that group of people, that group of people is bait!"

He said hysterically, and asked again:

"There are others! There must be other Cheslan people here! Tell me quickly! Otherwise I will kill you!"

Jenkins felt someone grab his clothes from behind, and he knew it was the blonde girl. So he shook his head to signal her not to be nervous, and then used his eyes to hint Hathaway not to do anything.

"So, what are the characteristics of the people you are looking for?"

"They are traitors! They betrayed Cheslan!"

The two looked into each other's eyes, and the man with the gun subconsciously spoke his mind. He was slightly surprised, but the extreme anger and fear of failure made him not care about so much.

"Tell me quickly, where is the Cheslan hiding here?"

The muzzle of his gun was shaking dangerously, and the pain and panic made him unable to hold the gun steadily. Such people are the most dangerous, because even he himself does not know when he will accidentally pull the trigger.

"Sir, if you want to get an answer, then please hold your gun steady."

Jenkins warned.

"Tell me quickly, where is the hidden Cheslan? I know you want to delay time, yes, the people downstairs will rush up soon, but before that I swear to let you know how many bullets are in my gun box."

Excessive blood loss and fear made him almost crazy.

"I'm a noble, so I won't lie."

Even Jenkins knew that what he said was illogical:

"Relax, you'll know where he is soon!"

He raised his hands and wanted to take a step forward, but he didn't expect that this would make the other party completely out of control:

"Don't come over, I'm going to kill you!"

While speaking, he pointed his gun straight at Jenkins' head. At the same time, two groups of people suddenly rushed out of the crowd in the corridor and jumped out to block Jenkins's way.

The two groups did not expect that other people would make the same move, but the direction of the gun had changed in this chaotic rush. So those people worked together to rush towards the gun-wielding Cheslan. The seriously injured man was certainly not their opponent and was eventually subdued without firing a shot.

After that, the people downstairs also arrived in time, and the small riot was completely calmed down. Although the last experience was a bit dangerous, it actually took only more than ten minutes from the beginning to the end of the incident. Except for the gangsters who broke into the city hall and the unlucky guards at the door, no one was even injured.

"Jenkins, who was the one who rushed out to block the gun for you just now?"

The tour group did not leave immediately after the criminals were arrested. Because they were worried that there were still criminals on the street, Jenkins and the ladies took a temporary rest in the meeting room on the third floor. Not all tourists can be treated like them, because not every tour group has so many noble children.

"That group of northerners should be related to Dolores. It was probably a coincidence today. The first group of people who rushed out, sorry, I can't guess..."

He answered Britney's question, but in fact he could guess it.

"Maybe that was sent by Her Majesty the Queen to protect you."

The blonde girl whispered, and Jenkins looked at her in surprise. Britney said this, basically admitting that she knew the secret of the Williamite family.

"Is that so..."

He asked softly, but Britney didn't answer again. The atmosphere was awkward for a moment. Just as Hathaway was trying to find a new topic to discuss the identity of the gang of thugs, the door of the conference room was knocked gently. The guards sent to protect everyone opened the door vigilantly and took a look, and then let the man who wiped his sweat and smiled awkwardly come in.

This is the mayor of Beldiran, Obis Wesley, and Jenkins has seen his photo. Perhaps in the eyes of the citizens, this mayor is undoubtedly one of the big figures in this city, but in fact, because of the unique political system of the Kingdom of Fidictli and the various means used by the royal family to check the power of the parliament, the mayor of the capital Beldiran is actually not as influential as the mayor of Nolan, Sax Ruto.

You must know that Mr. Ruto, who once participated in the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the first street lamp in Nolan with Jenkins, can truly influence Nolan and its surrounding areas, but it is obvious that the mayor of Beldiran has little influence on the political and economic center of this country. There are too many bureaucrats and nobles in this city who are more powerful than him. The actual jurisdiction of this city does not rely on the municipal department.

"Ladies, oh, and Baron William, I'm really sorry for what happened today. I'm really sorry that this happened to you. But please don't worry, the gangster has been caught, and our country's sound laws must We will give them the fullest sanctions.”

The mayor said with a forced smile that he did not come to visit such a "troublesome" group of guests voluntarily.

Chapter 1572 Chapter 1548 Meeting Duke Gerold Again

"We just want to know when can everyone leave? We have to go to the theater in the evening and we can't miss the time."

Mr. Mayor's courtesy was not accepted by everyone, and the girls complained that their actions were restricted.

"The neighborhood near the city hall is still checking for danger, but it will be over soon. Do you need tea and snacks? We have prepared some, please be patient."

Mr. Mayor is also helpless. After all, he is also the nominal highest officer of Beldilan. If it were not for the special status of this group of people, the superiors would not force him to play such a despised role.

This somewhat humble attitude is not shown to the girls, but to their families. Although nothing happened, if we don't adopt a good attitude, someone might be blamed for this incident. Compared with losing one's job, the temporary loss of one's dignity is worth it.

From the window of the conference room, you can see that the street below has been blocked by the Beldilan police. This situation will probably last for at least another hour. But fortunately, the girls are reasonable. Although they are dissatisfied, they also know that safety is the most important thing. Therefore, after thanking the mayor for visiting them in person, they asked for some books and playing cards, and then waited for the matter to end here with peace of mind.

The mayor was not the only one who came to visit everyone. When Jenkins, Hathaway and Bryony were discussing the identities of the gangsters, the door was knocked again. This time, an old man wearing a formal suit on crutches came in.

"Duke Douglas Jerrod!"

After seeing the visitor, almost everyone in the conference room stood up cautiously. Jenkins knew this old gentleman. He was Her Majesty the Queen's personal butler. He had served the royal family for nearly 20 years after the death of the previous king. He was the most trusted person around the Queen. Jenkins had met him many times. When he was made a baronet, it was this gentleman who rushed from Belduran to Nolan's Dad's Antique Shop to confer the title on Jenkins' behalf on behalf of the Queen.

His appearance here was really surprising, so everyone in the group stood up to show respect. The Duke was like the grandfather next door, greeting everyone familiarly. The girls were flattered that he could name them all and was familiar with their family backgrounds.

"Long time no see, Baron Williamt."

Because Jenkins stood at the end of the conference room, he was the last to greet the old Duke.

"Long time no see, Duke. I'm really glad to see you again and to see you in good health."

Jenkins responded according to standard social etiquette, then saw the Duke take off his glove and hold out his hand, so he took it. He was the only one to shake the Duke's hand, and he didn't know whether it was because of his gender or his status.

The two hands were clasped together, and Jenkins noticed a note in the other's palm. He was shocked, but he still shook hands with the Duke calmly, but when he retracted his hand, the note had already reached him.

After the Duke visited everyone and left, Jenkins claimed that he was going to the bathroom and left. But he did not turn to the left, but went straight to the opposite door.

The serious-looking guards nodded at him, then opened the door and let him in.

The Duke was sitting inside waiting for him.

Judging from the sign, this room should be the office of the Minister of Environmental Protection at the Belduran Town Hall, but at this time the Duke was the only one in the room. Seeing Jenkins coming, he nodded kindly to Jenkins and motioned for Jenkins to sit on the sofa with him.

"What happened just now...that group of people all entered the country from Chesland a week ago."

Without any false greetings or greetings, the Duke started talking about today's events.

"What does this have to do with me?"

"I know you already know."

The Duke looked into Jenkins' eyes and said. The old man's eyes were a little cloudy, so the reflection of Jenkins was even more illusory like a shadow.

"You know what I know?"

"You know what I'm talking about, Mr. Willamette."

The Duke stopped calling Jenkins Baron. Seeing that Jenkins stopped talking, he continued:

"Just like there are factions in the country with different attitudes towards the war, there are also different ideas within Chesland, and the internal conflicts of those Southern guys are even stronger than ours."

Jenkins understands this statement. The Chesland Kingdom is the country that is the most backward in steam industrialization and modernization among the three major human kingdoms in the material world today. Not only did feudalism and capital coexist, but some form of slavery blatantly existed even in the southern provinces of the kingdom and on the islands overseas.

Although it seems that the Kingdom of Fidictri, which is facing the issue of royal heirlessness, is full of conflicts, in fact Chesland is more like a powder keg that is about to explode. If this were not the case, Chesland would not have been able to declare war so quickly after Fidicli declared war unilaterally. Both sides had the idea of ​​​​shifting domestic conflicts to a certain extent.

"The king of this generation of the royal family of Chesland, the Arecio family, is a cowardly and incompetent guy. The domestic power has basically been eclipsed by the old-style nobles and new wealthy businessmen who control the seats in the parliament. But unfortunately, the king is arrogant. Tarquin did not want to fight with us, so he sent his own envoy privately..."

"I understand. The group of thugs today were sent by forces opposed to the king's decision to intercept the envoy. This seems to be an unreasonable disaster, but are the conflicts in Chesland really to this extent? The one who is called The arrogant king actually wants to use this method to end the war? Is he being ignored so seriously? "

Jenkins asked, and the cat on his lap meowed, asking Jenkins to rub its back.

"I appreciate how quickly you understood the situation."

"But... I'm sorry, I still don't understand what this has to do with me?"

Jenkins is telling the truth. He is still an unrecognized heir, and these political storms have nothing to do with him at least for now.

"The Arrogant Tarquin has had enough of the current situation. He is eager to make changes, which will involve the entire world. Mr. Williamt, you really have nothing to do with this matter, and this conversation is not what I want. What I want to do with you is what His Majesty wants me to do with you.”

The Duke paused to let Jenkins digest what he had heard, then continued:

"Before meeting with His Majesty, we all hope to know whether you have the most basic political literacy, and we also hope that you can understand some international forms and contradictions. It happened that this incident happened, so I came directly. Now it seems that this incident The conversation will not have any practical meaning, but it shows that although you have not studied and practiced, you are at least a smart person."

Chapter 1573 Chapter 1549 Historical Points

The Duke's words were true, and his compliments were sincere. Part of Jenkins wanted to laugh at the pointless temptation, but he knew better than to do so.

"I don't know if your father has said anything to you, and I don't know if the Sage Church has talked to you about something, but there is one thing you must know. If it were not for the difficulties faced at home and abroad, the succession of the royal family The person will not consider the blood of illegitimate children from several generations ago."

Without waiting for Jenkins to react, he said:

"But a noble person must be noble no matter where he grows up. The blood of the Middleton family flows in your body. Mr. Williamte, your talent and fortune are quite good. I don't know if anyone has officially agreed with you. I've said it before, but let me tell you now - Jenkins Redemption Williamson, you are the most likely person to hold the crown right now in this country."

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