The reason why Chocolate was angry was probably because Jenkins forced him to bathe him again. Of course it was inappropriate to bring a pet to an occasion like today, but after much deliberation, he couldn't figure out how to settle his cat. In the end, I had no choice but to take it with me, but since cats don’t like to wear bows or small bells, they can only take a bath, which can be regarded as preparation for attending the banquet.

The cat has been angry since the afternoon, but its gloomy little face looks even more adorable and charming. The girls sitting opposite Jenkins in the carriage were all amused by the appearance of Chocolate. Britney even wanted to reach out and touch the cat's head. Naturally, Chocolate would not allow anyone other than Jenkins to touch it.

Before going to Cold Spring Palace, Jenkins also needed to pick up Miss Windsor, which was also something agreed in advance. The Windsor family has its own property in the city of Belduran, which is a villa with a large garden near the outskirts of the city. When the Duke of Windsor comes to Belduran from his own territory, he usually lives here.

Chapter 1583 Chapter 1558 Foreign Heir

After notifying the servants of the Windsor family, Miss Windsor, who was dressed as well as Hathaway and Britney, quickly walked out of the villa, and Jenkins got out of the car to greet her. When he turned to look at the house, he squinted his eyes and easily saw the man standing in front of the second floor window, looking down.

Although he has not seen the photo, Jenkins is very sure that the person looking at him is the Duke of Windsor, one of the few remaining dukes in this era who has territory and military power. This is the real top nobleman in the Kingdom of Fidictry. The position he stands in is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to achieve even after three lifetimes of hard work.

After confirming that Miss Windsor had entered the carriage, Jenkins looked at the figure on the second floor and took off his hat to show respect. The Duke realized that Jenkins had noticed him and ducked away from the window. He probably nodded in response, but unfortunately the distance was too far, and even Jenkins had difficulty determining whether the other party actually made this action.

"Will the Duke of Windsor not attend tonight's banquet?"

When we returned to the carriage again, the atmosphere inside was a bit awkward. But this was also expected. Jenkins hung the black silk top hat aside and picked up his cat again.

"Father will attend and he will go by himself later."

Miss Windsor replied, no longer as dashing as she was in hunting attire when they met yesterday.

Hathaway and Britney still didn't speak. The former tilted his head and looked out the window, as if he was interested in the night view of Belduran. The latter looked at the cat on Jenkins' lap. The cat did not lie down, but used a very well-behaved expression. It squatted there, staring at Britney with wide eyes. It thought those green eyes were indeed beautiful.

"I heard that you were attacked yesterday? You were not injured, right?"

Jenkins asked again.

"It's okay, I just met a strange person, probably a magician, who can actually create flames out of thin air."

Miss Windsor seemed to be talking about other people's interesting stories, talking about her encounter with the cultists of the Gear Craftsmen Guild yesterday. Hathaway frowned, understanding that Miss Windsor had met the Giver.

She instinctively looked at Jenkins, thinking that this matter must be related to Jenkins.

"Someone rescued me later, but the police who came later said that the person who rescued me seemed to be someone related to Miss Fabry's gang."

Hearing this, the corners of Hathaway's fair mouth lifted up. Because she was wearing lipstick, her beautiful lip lines stretched slightly under the gas lamp, making the color of the lipstick that Jenkins couldn't distinguish even more beautiful.

"The body of the person who attacked me was finally taken away by the police. I heard that it will be handed over to the church for investigation."

Miss Windsor knew what Jenkins was concerned about, and Jenkins nodded. This would make it impossible for the Gear Craftsman to plot any more plots in Belduran in a short period of time.

Although Cold Spring Palace is on the outskirts of the city, all the street lights in nearby streets have been installed. As the night approaches, the elegant street lamps are lit one after another from far to near, with a slight popping sound, quietly guiding the carriages on the street.

When Jenkins and his party arrived, many carriages were already parked outside the palace complex. He didn't have many acquaintances in the local area, so he didn't need to worry about saying hello to others when he got off the carriage.

The three girls knew quite a few people. To be more precise, almost everyone knew Miss Windsor. But as long as they recognized who Jenkins was, no one would stop the group to say hello. The appearance of Jenkins made the atmosphere at the gate of Cold Spring Palace a little strange. People pretended not to care and looked at him secretly. Some people took the initiative to take off their hats to greet him, and some whispered something to their companions.

"Let's just go in."

He turned around and said to his female companions. The ladies nodded shyly at him, and then Hathaway and Britney took the lead and stood beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

Miss Windsor knew what kind of role she was tonight and followed the three of them silently. In the end, Bryony relented a little, slowed down and trailed half a body behind Jenkins, pretending to be casual and talking about jewelry and jewelry with Miss Windsor.

There were so many people invited to the banquet that Cold Spring Palace opened its courtyards, gardens and the largest palace near the entrance as banquet venues.

The men and women were brightly dressed, and the specially decorated garden seemed to have fast-forwarded the season to midsummer. The investiture and promotion ceremony will not start until about eight o'clock. Before that, for more than an hour, guests can socialize and entertain as they like at a normal banquet.

The ladies knew that Jenkins had something to do tonight, so after entering the courtyard with him, the three of them went together to find familiar ladies of the same age to chat. Jenkins straightened his tie and led the cat toward the red-carpeted steps of the palace.

The guards wearing brand-new armor and guarding the door knew in advance that Jenkins was coming. They bowed respectfully and opened the door to let him in. The door closed behind him, shutting out all the excitement in the courtyard and garden.

“The soundproofing is really good.”

He thought to himself, and then climbed up the spiral staircase from the first floor to the second floor. It was extremely quiet here, and every step he took produced a frightening echo.

This building is the venue for the awarding and promotion ceremony. It is not open to the public now, but the servants have already arranged the ceremony. The second floor of the ceremony hall is the reception area for foreign envoys when they visit. Waiting for Jenkins on the second floor terrace at this time were Queen Elizabeth and a pale and somewhat thin man.

The man looked to be in his thirties, with his eyes sunken into his sockets, as if he was suffering from severe insomnia.

The two were already talking before Jenkins showed up. The conversation didn't stop when Jenkins walked onto the patio, which was how he learned the man's identity. He is the foreigner who is rumored to be the first in line to succeed to the throne of King Fedictry.

Queen Isabella calls him Horace Luther. Mr. Luther's maternal grandmother is a very unpopular princess of the royal Middleton family. But this can be regarded as a kind of luck, because the marriage of the deceased Ms. Middleton was not interfered by her family. She met Mr. Luther's grandfather at a diplomatic reception and chose that lucky man as her daughter-in-law. marriage partner.

The news of her marriage was not big news forty years ago, and she gradually lost contact with the royal family. Even when she passed away, the Middleton family did not send any important people to attend the funeral. After all, the family was There are not many men with this surname left. It wasn't until the royal family faced the problem of choosing an heir that they thought of the descendants of this princess who married away from home. If it weren't for the appearance of the Williamt family, from a blood perspective, Horace Luther would indeed be the most qualified person to inherit the throne. .

Chapter 1584 Chapter 1559 Banquet (Part 1)

Seeing that the two were still talking, Jenkins stood aside and waited. They did not shy away from anything because of Jenkins' appearance.

What Mr. Luther and Her Majesty the Queen are talking about now is Mr. Luther's maternal grandmother, the deceased princess. It could be heard that neither party really wanted to talk about this topic, but as relatives meeting for the first time, they had to have such a conversation.

"This is Baron Jenkins Willamette. I believe you have heard of this gentleman. He played a key role in exposing the Fabry scam."

The old butler Duke Douglas Jerrod, who was standing aside, waited until the embarrassing conversation came to an end and then took the initiative to introduce Jenkins to Mr. Luther. Luther probably didn't know about William's affairs, so when he shook hands with Jenkins and exchanged greetings, he behaved a little arrogantly, but without any hostility.

He had heard of Jenkins' name, but he only knew that Jenkins was a well-known foreigner. He had no idea why he came here at this time.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Queen Isabella called Jenkins to sit next to her. She was too old to stand and talk all the time, so a sofa and coffee table were placed on the terrace.

"Have you had dinner? I know that the food provided at banquets is usually not enough to eat."

She took Jenkins' hand and asked. Jenkins nodded shyly and said that he and the pet cat could eat together.

Mr. Luther looked at the two of them strangely. This way of talking was very much like a grandmother caring for her descendants.

"I heard that you invited three female companions at the same time. Oh, this is really bold. I never heard of such a thing when I was young. Young people today are really amazing."

This was not to criticize Jenkins. The old man spoke with a teasing tone, "I thought the girl from the Mihail family would not compromise like her father."

Mr. Luther had already frowned, realizing that something was wrong. This kind of conversation should never happen between these two people.

"I noticed it last time. You raised a very beautiful kitten. I also had a cat when I was young, and most of the cats in Cold Spring Palace are descendants of that cat. You will be interested here. Yes, but none of the cats here are as beautiful as yours. You can come and see more when you have time.”

The old man smiled and looked at the chocolate on Jenkins' shoulder. The cat raised its head reservedly and meowed, which was quite helpful to the compliment.

Luther could not help but look at the old Duke aside, hoping to get an answer from him, but the old Duke was unwilling to say anything, but looked at the conversation between the two people on the sofa with some nostalgia.

"Tonight's banquet, father and the others..."

Jenkins took the opportunity to ask. He knew what the old man in front of him wanted to do now. As he spoke, he felt a little sorry for Mr. Luther.

"Yes, I have also invited Robert and your brothers. They may not arrive for a while. To be honest, Jenkins, your father's face is too similar to Bisola II and the previous kings, and among the three of you Among the brothers, you are the one who is most similar to your father."

She said kindly, her somewhat cloudy eyes flashing with expression as she recalled something.

Mr. Luther stood up and looked at Jenkins in surprise. The appearance of the two kings mentioned by the Queen kept echoing in his mind. Now that the words have been said, he understands.

"Please be polite, Mr. Luther. Of course, if you want to go to the bathroom, the servants will show you the way."

The old Duke reminded.


The pale foreign man pointed at Jenkins. The two were very close, so Jenkins immediately reached out and pushed his hand away:

"I've always hated it when people pointed at me."

He said in a serious tone, and then reminded:

"And speaking of blood, you should call me uncle. Whether you are a stranger or an elder, you should maintain the most basic respect. I don't know what kind of culture and etiquette the Chesland people have, but this is where we are. "

Jenkins heard about the seniority from Dolores, but he originally only heard it as a joke, but he never thought he would have the opportunity to use it.

A smile appeared on the corners of the old Duke's lips, and the servants serving on the side couldn't help laughing, but none of them made a sound.


Luther's voice became extremely high-pitched, which Jenkins attributed to excessive surprise.

"Yes, I suddenly discovered some time ago that Bisola II, who passed away fifty years ago, actually had an illegitimate son, and the illegitimate son also has descendants."

Queen Isabella explained, her husky voice stating the hard truth.

"Yes, that was my great-grandfather."

Jenkins nodded in agreement, acknowledging this fact himself.

"Mr. Willamt is three brothers, and their father is still alive. Although it is not in line with tradition, His Majesty has decided to enter the names of these four people into the royal family tree. This matter will be officially announced soon."

Duke Douglas Jerrod said, he deliberately paused for a second to let Mr. Luther understand this series of information, and then said the final conclusion:

"It seems that God is still blessing this country and the Middleton family. The royal family does not have no direct male descendants. Now there are four more. So... Mr. Luther, if it is decided purely by blood As for the ownership of the throne, you will be ranked fifth at most. If it is based on ability or other conditions, I think you, as a foreigner, may not have an advantage. "

He just had to say "It is absolutely impossible for Fidicli to let a foreigner like you become the king." Of course Luther understood what he meant. He gasped and looked at Jenkins and then at Queen Isabella. , then shook his head violently as if waking up from a dream, and stumbled towards the door of the terrace without even saying hello.

"Are we being a little cruel to him by doing this?"

Jenkins himself also felt the hypocrisy of the question he asked, but both of them may touch the throne, so they are not really without grievances.

"It's not cruel at all. Before you arrived, Mr. Luther's attitude was really annoying. I think he should be taught such a lesson. And..."

The Duke snorted, "Just a Southerner."

The residents of the Kingdom of Fidictri have an innate discrimination against people from the southern is not uncommon to discriminate against them and despise northerners at the same time.

After Mr. Luther left, Jenkins didn't stay here long and left. He came directly after arriving at the banquet. It was agreed upon yesterday to pave the way for his official appearance.

He walked up directly and openly just now, and many people saw this scene. Combined with Horace Luther's embarrassed retreat, this can make everyone think of many things.

Before leaving, Her Majesty once again asked Jenkins about his female companion. She was not very concerned about Hathaway and Britney, but asked about the matter between Jenkins and Miss Windsor with a relieved smile.

At this moment, Jenkins almost guessed the pressure from which Miss Windsor was forced to ask for his invitation.

There was still some time before the investiture ceremony, and when Jenkins returned to the courtyard, he thought about finding his girls and passing the time by hanging out and talking. There are already many people in Cold Spring Palace, and it is difficult to see them at a glance, so Jenkins directly opened the Eye of Reality to capture Hathaway's aura.

The Queen is right, Cold Spring Palace does have many pet cats. After discovering the girls' location, when Jenkins walked across the courtyard, he saw at least three cats squatting on the decorative fence or in the corner.

The cats were all looking at Jenkins, which made Chocolate a little unhappy. Jenkins noticed Chocolate's emotions and jokingly said:

"You're not going to chase those cats, are you?"

Chasing and playing between similar species is normal, but Jenkins believed that a noble cat like himself would not do such a "vulgar" behavior.


The cat on his shoulder shouted proudly, which made Jenkins couldn't help laughing, so he didn't notice the cats who were looking at him running away as if they were running for their lives.

When Hathaway and the other two were found, they were talking to a group of girls who were also wearing beautiful dresses. This was in the garden of Cold Spring Palace. The Western architectural style did not have the kind of looming and tortuous beauty of the Eastern courtyard. The gardener, who must have obsessive-compulsive disorder, used grass walls, sculptures and flower beds composed of precious flowers transplanted from all over the world, which were divided into small areas very symmetrically.

The girls were laughing and chatting next to the fountain in the middle of the garden. Jenkins originally thought that a girl like Miss Windsor would probably be a maverick, that is, not sociable, but he did not expect that she could also integrate well into the conversation. When standing in the crowd, she was no different from an ordinary noble lady.

He deliberately slowed down his pace to avoid being rude to the ladies. They soon noticed the young and handsome man walking along the lawn. Britney was the first to raise her hand to signal Jenkins to come over here:


She shouted. Most of the girls around her knew this name. Although they certainly did not know the secrets of the royal family, the identity of a famous writer alone was enough to make Jenkins a topic of conversation for them.

It was inappropriate for a man to stand with a group of girls, so the female companions had already discussed the arrangements for tonight. After Jenkins came over, Britney introduced her friends to him, and then said that she wanted to walk in the garden and took Jenkins away from the fountain. Hathaway and Miss Windsor remained there, chatting and laughing with their friends.

Now it's her, and then Hathaway, so that everyone has time alone.

PS: Judging from the current progress, this volume may be longer than all the previous volumes, but not much longer.

Chapter 1585 Chapter 1560 Uninvited Guests

"I thought Miss Windsor would be the kind of person who doesn't fit in."

Walking on the lawn with Britney, there are no dark clouds tonight, and looking up is the sky full of stars. The night breeze in early summer has a bit of heat in the coolness, so the shirts under men's dresses are mostly light and thin, and ladies will choose those very breathable skirts to show their elegance and beauty.

"A successful noble lady must have successful communication skills."

Britney explained with a smile. She liked to walk alone with Jenkins like this. Of course, it would be better if Jenkins didn't bring his cat.

"My family will be here soon. I'll introduce you to each other."

Jenkins said.

"Is this a formal meeting?"

The blonde girl blushed.

"Of course it is...Oh, okay, I know what you mean. Yes, this is a formal meeting."

Jenkins nodded affirmatively, then took Britney's hand and walked deep into the garden. He liked this environment full of plants and vitality, and clearly knew that it was the influence of his elf blood.

The two walked around in the garden for twenty minutes before returning to the fountain. Then Hathaway said she wanted to take a walk and left there again with Jenkins.

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