"I'm sure you kissed her just now."

After making sure that the people behind her saw the two of them, the red-haired girl pointed at Jenkins' lips and said.

Jenkins subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his mouth, but immediately thought that Britney had just applied lipstick for him.

"Jenkins, you've always been like this."

Hathaway smiled and narrowed her eyes, which Jenkins took as a compliment.

"Let me guess, are you kissing her on the shadow side of the base of the statue, or are you kissing her on a bench in the recess in front of the grass wall deep in the garden?"

she asked boldly again.

"Don't ask questions like that."

Jenkins said with a blush.

"Of course you have to ask, because..."

Hathaway suddenly stood up on tiptoes and kissed Jenkins on the side of his face:

"I can't lose to Britney, I know people prefer blondes."

"Actually, I like them all."

Jenkins said softly, and then was lightly hammered by Hathaway with his fist.

The two of them chatted while walking. They had many topics in common, and naturally the same was true of the Giver. The night before yesterday, when Jenkins was dueling with part of the essence of the "Nightmare of Crime" in his dream, due to the combined effect of lies and dreams, part of the illusion was projected above the city of Beldiran. Of course Hathaway also saw this scene.

She didn't quite understand what it meant, so she wanted to learn the truth from Jenkins, a scribe of the Orthodox Church. Jenkins half-truthfully said that it had something to do with the believers in lies, and then revealed a little bit about the Scent Appreciation Committee.

The red-haired girl lamented that Belduran City was as dangerous as Nolan, and then worriedly asked Jenkins if it had something to do with it.

"Me? Yeah, there's a little connection."

Hathaway immediately became nervous, but she knew that the Holy Son of the Church had many things to do, so she did not ask Jenkins to take the initiative to stay away from those dangerous things. She just asked him to pay attention to safety and not to take risks.

She also asked about the cat meowing that she vaguely heard before the phantom disappeared in the night sky that night. Jenkins did not dare to say that it had something to do with him, and the Keeper and his father, considering that he had not yet become a demigod, did not tell him that it had something to do with the ancient beast of disaster, so Jenkins did not know that he often saw him in his dreams. What exactly did you get?

"The church just said that it is a very dangerous thing, but if I were to make a guess, it might be the [Moon-Swallowing Civet Cat] mentioned in mythology. It is an ancient disaster that swallows up the original material world. Creatures of the Moon.”

Jenkins said casually, Hathaway immediately showed a shocked expression, Chocolate also showed a shocked expression, and then immediately returned to pretending to be stupid.

Jenkins investigated the black cat that appeared in his dreams through various channels, but each time he ended up in vain. Until that night a few days ago, when he had gathered the first drop of his divinity and made the black cat appear, he felt that the cat was not his enemy.

He guessed that the black cat was probably some evil thing sealed in the subspace, and it could establish contact with him in his dream because of a special connection. He now regarded the cat as a mentally retarded cat with great power but not as high an IQ as chocolate. After all, every time he met it in his dream, the cat would fight Jenkins like it was playing with a ball of yarn.


Chocolate decided to let Jenkins know the power of the great cat tonight.

The two walked and talked, and when they reached a secluded corner of the garden, Hathaway asked Jenkins to repeat what he did to Britney. Of course Jenkins would not refuse, but just as he was about to reach out and hug the red-haired girl, the cat on his shoulder suddenly meowed.

Although Jenkins still can't understand Chocolate's meow, he can understand Chocolate's mood from the different intonations of "meow". Hearing its sound, I suddenly felt alert in my heart. I knew it was warning me that there was danger nearby. I opened my arms and took out the cane. I threw the cane behind me with my right hand. I protected Hathaway with my left hand and my eyes were alert. Look around.

It's very quiet here, and you can only vaguely hear the sounds of men and women talking and making out nearby. But from the perspective of the Eye of Truth, a dazzling red light shines like the sun in this dark night.

The lighting in the garden is elegant sitting gas lamps, most of which are made of stone. This light is not very bright, so it highlights the dazzling light of the aura.

At the same time, next to the red aura, there is an imperceptible black aura, which is the power of the strange thing.

"What's wrong Jenkins?"

Hathaway asked nervously.

"There were uninvited 'guests' at the banquet..."

He explained and was silent for a few seconds before continuing:

"You go to Brienne and Miss Windsor, and then find the clergy of the church and stand with them. Recently, the Twelve Orthodox Churches have sent representatives to Belduran for different reasons. They will definitely be invited to such a banquet. Attend."

"No, Jenkins, I won't leave. It's not like I can't give you any help. Besides, how do you want me to explain to them?"

Hathaway asked.

Jenkins thought about it and it made sense, and the red aura didn't mean danger, but the wisp of black next to it made him alert.

"Then let's go take a look together. You walk behind me and be careful."

Chapter 1586 Chapter 1561 The Guardian of the Banquet

In a corner of the Cold Spring Palace garden, Jenkins asked Hathaway about safety issues. Hathaway nodded in agreement, and then saw Jenkins reaching for her neck and twisting her necklace.

"Please wait a moment."

He said, taking off the red-haired lady's necklace, holding it in his hands and placing it on his chest, closing his eyes and softly reciting a prayer in praise of the sage.


He quickly handed the necklace back to Hathaway. When Hathaway took it, she felt that the necklace was a little different. Although it was originally an expensive piece of jewelry, now it has an indescribable texture on the surface, making it even more... sacred.

"I blessed it. Carrying it for a short period of time will make you immune to a certain degree of curse. At the same time, evil forces will subconsciously avoid you. But this effect is estimated to only last half an hour."

Jenkins was able to make consecrated bullets on his own long ago, but now blessing jewelry is a breeze. But in Hathaway's view, adding extraordinary properties to items by just praying without using any materials or rituals is no different from a miracle.

"Is this the Holy Son?"

She thought to herself that for the first time she felt that the man she chose was different from a mortal.

Jenkins stared at the red aura and walked around a flower bed and two grass walls before he saw his target under a statue of a knight on horseback. The statue seemed to be that of a very martial king in the past of the Kingdom of Fidicli. Jenkins didn't know much about it and couldn't tell which ancestor of this body it was.

There are two people under the statue, one standing and the other lying on the ground. Standing was a beautiful woman wearing a long blue dress, with two vertical lines of white lace on her chest extending from the neckline to the waist.

She watched Jenkins emerge from the corner with a smile, and then bowed slightly to show respect:

"Nice to meet you."

The woman is the red aura, and the short servant lying on the ground with a weak breath is the black aura. Jenkins nodded to the woman in response, then took out the white gloves from his pocket and put them on. He squatted down and carefully turned the lying servant over. At a glance, he saw his face that had begun to become distorted:

"The Blood Mosquito Curse!"

Although he was very surprised, he still controlled his tone:

"Why are you here? Oh, Hathaway, don't come close, stay back."

As he spoke, he chased the cat on his shoulder behind him, then rummaged through his pocket to find some charms with [holy], [blessing], and [evil-proof] powers, inserted them into the soil around the servant, and then solemnly prayed to prevent curses. The power pollutes this land.

In fact, the garden itself has a very powerful spirit of life. Its concentration is only that of the evergreen forest. Even the naturally formed primeval forest cannot compare with it. Jenkins guessed that this is because the Middleton family has lived here for a long time. here. Although these spirits of life can ensure that the curse will not spread to a certain extent, Jenkins still chooses to be more cautious.

"Don't be nervous. This is the only cursed person who ran away from the manor on the other side of the city. This is my agent. Nature has been completely controlled."

The woman in a blue dress said, glanced at Hathaway standing in the distance, smiled at the cat at Hathaway's feet, and then said:

"Do you want to trade with me? I know you have a lot of sin coins, and I will definitely be able to provide you with a satisfactory deal. This is my sincerity."

She stretched out her right foot, which was wearing a blue high-heeled shoe studded with sequins, and kicked the cursed man lying on his back. The latter let out a weak scream and turned into a statue bit by bit.

This is not petrification in the ordinary sense. As the flesh turns into stone, the black aura caused by the curse of the blood mosquito also disappears.

"Do you need me to introduce myself?"

The woman asked, and then said to herself without waiting for Jenkins to comment:

"The followers of Zhengshen call me B-11-4-3091 [the female guest at the banquet]. I will only appear in such lively gatherings, and no one will be confused by the appearance of a stranger like me. When I appear at the banquet, there will never be any murders among ordinary people. At the same time, any non-supernatural poison will be ineffective when I appear. This effect will last until the banquet is over or I take the initiative. Leave this scene"

Even though he knew that some of the events in Class B extraordinary things were bizarre or even outrageous, Jenkins was still surprised by the ability of the person in front of him.

"I am the guardian of banquets, and I like such occasions. When I appear at a banquet on a rainy day, the drinks provided at the banquet will have a certain degree of healing effect during the banquet; when I appear at a banquet held at night, The banquet, any reproductive behavior that occurs in this banquet will increase the probability of pregnancy by 20%; when I appear at a banquet that is not attended by creatures over 50 years old, there will be a one-third probability, Let the last person leave the banquet to pick up 14 pounds of gold on the way home; when I attend a banquet where pure-blood elves, dwarves, halflings and succubi appear at the same time, all participants will be at the banquet. Irreversible madness at the end..."

"why is that?"

Hathaway, who was listening in the distance, couldn't help but ask.

"The banquet is for enjoyment, but the attitudes of these four heterogeneous groups towards the banquet are conflicting with each other. I hate the disputes at the banquet."

The woman explained, and then looked at the sculpture of the cursed man on the ground:

"During the banquet, when I face any creature that has a destructive attitude towards the banquet, I am equivalent to a saint descending to the material world. It is just a trivial matter to prevent such things from destroying the banquet."

After saying this, she looked at Jenkins again. Jenkins looked at her curiously, without much nervousness or panic. He organized his words:

"This is really interesting. I have seen many Class B extraordinary beings with autonomous consciousness in human form, and I have also seen special individuals among them in many special events, but you...can probably be among the most... Rationality is the closest thing to a human being.”

If it weren't for the woman's aura that couldn't be faked, Jenkins even suspected that this was a human being, and her aura didn't look like Class B extraordinary at all.

But what the woman in front of me just said was the truth. She repeated many times that she was the "Guardian of the Banquet". Combined with her current posture, Jenkins believed that he had reason to believe that the other party was almost at the end of the second path to becoming a god - collecting sin coins and carrying sins. That's why he showed this posture that has almost lost its sense of abnormality.

Even the insurance salesman I met before was not as rational as the one in front of me. If she really becomes a god, I think she will bring another [God of Banquets and Pleasure] to this world.

"Have you reached the end?"

Thinking of this, he tried to ask.

"Yes, after countless epochs, I am finally reaching the final step. So I need sin coins, I think you understand what I mean."

The woman said, and then solemnly bowed to Jenkins again:

"So, what do you want from me? I will do my best to fulfill your request."

Jenkins frowned, such an encounter was not what he expected tonight. But at least this is not a bad thing. Compared with encountering strange objects, a Class B transcendent who is willing to trade will at least not cause damage.

Thinking of this, he turned to look at Hathaway. The red-haired girl knew what Jenkins meant. She looked curiously at the woman with outstanding appearance and extraordinary temperament, and said cautiously:

"I'll go back to find Britney. She's probably curious about where we went. You...be careful."

She knew that the current scene was a bit strange. The woman who claimed to be a Class B extraordinary event had too much respect for Jenkins. Even though Jenkins is a holy son of the Church of the Sages, this friendliness is very abrupt. But she won't take the initiative to ask. She knows that Jenkins still has his own secrets, and he will take the initiative to tell them one day.

Jenkins turned around and walked to the red-haired girl and kissed her gently on the forehead. Hathaway smiled and pushed him away, then walked around the fence behind him and left. After confirming that Hathaway disappeared around the corner of the fence, Jenkins bent down to pick up his cat, turned around and continued the conversation.

"This human woman is so lucky. I think after you leave the material world, you will let her become your angel or holy spirit? This is a treatment that is difficult for the most devout believers to get."

The woman asked, and Jenkins took out his round coin from his pocket without comment and opened his palm for her to see:

"If you are willing to trade fairly, I don't mind talking to you. I still have 3 soul gold, 2 time gems, 1 blasphemous seed and 1 greedy ring, which is not too much."

"No, this is already very rare for me. Do you think it is easy to get sin coins?"

The woman said, and then asked:

"So what do I need to offer to get this from you?"

Jenkins was actually very curious about the abilities that the women in front of him could provide, but it was clear that there was something more he needed to know:

"Instead of material transactions, let's answer the questions first."

As he spoke, he put all the sin coins back into his pocket and pulled out only one blasphemous seed:

"I know there are some questions you can't answer, but I think you won't refuse those things you can say. First of all, I'm curious, can't you, beings like you, make your own sin coins?"

He has not forgotten the origin of the ability of [Profane Production], and judging from his own experiences, whether it is the girl selling flowers, the salesman selling insurance, the god of death under the tree, or other strange things, they all have their origins. Intelligent beings have the ability to extract sins and condense sin coins.

PS: The title Banquet (Part 2) will be used in a few chapters, so I didn’t forget it.

Chapter 1587 Chapter 1562 Crime and Transaction

"Making sin coins? Of course we can make sin coins."

The woman under the statue stretched out her white thumb and slender index finger to twist away the blasphemous seed in Jenkins' hand, which meant that she could answer this question:

"But making sin coins is not completely free."

Jenkins never felt the cost.

"This is a process of direct contact with sin, a process that is enough to drive any rational being crazy. The process of making sin coins inevitably brings one's body and soul into contact with [sin], which is the most polluting thing. Except for gods with great souls like you, [Sin] has the ability to irreversibly infect and harm all other lives.”

"So most of you will appear crazy? Because you want to collect sin coins, so you have to be in contact with sin?"

Jenkins asked.

"Yes, once we go completely crazy, we will lose the qualification to reach the end of this road. Therefore, if it is not necessary, we will be very cautious about extracting the sins of intelligent life. Even if we do so, we will only do so within the scope of our own ability, which will further bind us to a certain scope of authority.

We must weigh the gradual infection of the soul and the continuous collection of sins. The most effective way is to use a long time to carry out this process, so as not to let ourselves come into contact with too much sin at one time. But not everyone has this patience, and you have probably seen many counterexamples. I know you still want to ask the difference between weird life forms and extraordinary life forms. I can tell you together-before we came to the material world, many individuals had been contaminated while contacting the power of making sin coins given by the great ones. This is a matter of talent."

She replied, and then held the sin coin in her palm:

"To answer your question, one sin coin is enough."

Jenkins nodded and agreed to such a deal. This also answered his long-standing doubts and further supplemented his understanding of the second way to become a god. Compared to the first path of becoming a savior, the second path is more difficult and dangerous. But in fact, the first path is not easy either. There have been only 18 eras from the beginning of creation to now, so the number of mortals who have truly completed this path must be less than 20; and now there are 365 false gods, among which those who have become gods through the second path must be more than 20.

"Besides the savior and your way, are there other ways to reach the end of the road?"

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